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2870792 No.2870792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, how do I write a good rape scene?

I've got a novel underway, but whenever I think about how I'll write the rape scene, I start to think it'll turn out funny instead of horrifying. Like, I'll lapse into silly turns of phrase, and I'll make light of the graphic nature of the act. Any good examples of it you can recommend, or a sharing of stories if you yourself have experienced unwanted penetration?

>> No.2870794

I can guarantee one thing: you are not good enough of a writer to pull off a non-cringeworthy rape scene. For the sake of your chances of publication, do not include a graphic rape scene in your work.

>> No.2870799

it won't be graphic, it'll just be a paragraph or two. Quit being mad, you're setting a bad tone for this thread.

>> No.2870801


But wouldn't he... want it to be cringeworthy?

>> No.2870806

I think you need to check your privilege, op, and understand that only women can write about women getting raped.

That's just the way it is.

>> No.2870809
File: 4 KB, 150x158, 1338181572071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a rape scene funny
>not getting all the feminazis butthurt for free publicity

>> No.2870811

it worked for 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.2870817

don't write a rape scene

>> No.2870824

rape happens every day anon, you might as well say nobody can write about poverty just because they haven't been poor

>> No.2870825

no yeah that's a cool point and all, i hear you, but don't write a rape scene

>> No.2870826

let it happen naturally. rape is part of natural human behavior

>> No.2870827

what if I told you I was a woman?

>> No.2870833

do u want to cyber

>> No.2870839


post your feet please

>> No.2870845

it's not because you're not a woman or writing rape scenes is wrong unless you've been raped. i mean, i'm open to those points of view and that's a good conversation to have, but i'm not even talking on that level. i'm just saying it's probably not a good idea to write a rape scene unless you really, really, really know what you're doing. just don't write a rape scene. just don't. it's just not a good idea. it's not likely to make your work better or be well executed or be pulled off well. just don't do it. it's just wiser not to write a rape scene, as opposed to writing one.

>> No.2870855

it's not because you're a slut or writing date scenes is wrong unless you've dated before. i mean, i'm open to those points of view and that's a good conversation to have, but i'm not even talking on that level. i'm just saying it's probably not a good idea to write a date scene unless you really, really, really know what you're doing. just don't write a date scene. just don't. it's just not a good idea. it's not likely to make your work better or be well executed or be pulled off well. just don't do it. it's just wiser not to write a date scene, as opposed to writing one.

>> No.2870857

hm good point anon, really thoughtful + well written, i will think about your words and what you are sayign

>> No.2870861

this thread, honestly op, would be better suited to /adv/.

Or even /r9k/ so you know what not to write.

>> No.2870877

Yeah! go post this to r9k and I'll come watch.

>> No.2870879

OP please write an intentionally funny rape scene and post it here.

>> No.2870887
File: 373 KB, 125x125, 134376700591s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-A shimmer of pain flashed through Corey's eyes as the almost tempered kiss of the man turned into a venom sufficent bite, leaving a love mark upon the alabaster like-skin, exept this wasn't love, this was rape. Hard, unforgiving rape from A mask man the duo did not know. Corey turned his head to the side, his lips quivered in a long, sorrowful-like cry as he saw his friend chorophormed and chained to the grey masonry of the wall, his eyes into slits as a small, thin, trail of saliva escaped from the bottom of his lips, his raven colored hair in a tangled, greasy mess,and his bruised and battered body looking as if his very soul was broken. "D-David....?" He gave out a pained,worried wimper as his drugged friend gave no response, his eyes returning to the black masked man, a flurry of hate and fear danced flagitiously in his eyes as he spat haistily in his face, soon regreting his decision and hiding to the very back of his consious as he felt a metal rod hit the side of his cheek, teeth loosening in their place.

>> No.2870890

The masked man gave a low, wicked grin underneath the ski mask, his yellowing, rugged teeth revealing further as he let out a large, booming roar-like laugh, it echoing in the windowless, stone room. The man grabbed the fearfilled, grundgy, overweight teen by his shirt, Corey's face mere inches from the bile looking man's. A nervous gulp found its way down his throat as he could smell the foul breath of his captor, the tantilizing smell of beer and sex wreathed around the two. "Ya see that little bitch over there? You wanna end up like him?....Huh? I said do you want to end up like him?!" The man lifted up the heavy steel bar up, threatening, almost torcherously as he continue to grip the front of the tattering shirt. "C-corey...Ju' listen to him...Please.." David's drugged, lethargic voice trailed as he fell slightly under the hand of sleep and unforgiving torcher brought upon him."Shut up you little slut!" The man turned violently to him, throwing the pipe at the beaten boy's face.

>> No.2870893

A agonizing yelp escaped past David's lips as the bar hit his already beaten face, a fresh, blackish bruise soon forming on the pale, unhealthy skin. "S-stop...No more..Please..." David shot his weakening eyes up sheepishly as the masked man made his way towards him, violently dropping the tubby teen, throwing his head down with a loud thud right after. "How 'bout we put that pretty mouth of yours to good use, eh?" The once booming, voice reduced to a small, yet chaotic murmmer as he aproched the now crying, drugged boy, saliva still hanging on his bottom lip as he turned his head to the side, as if trying to escape the inevitable. The man ignored the pethetic escape, and jaggedly unzipped his shredded cargo shorts, his zipper getting somewhat stuck as the buldge underneath grew seemingly larger, as if just David being there got him turned on, which scared the teen the most. "Nu...No..Ple-please, no more"...

>> No.2870897
File: 277 KB, 320x181, a348a167aa2c54ac197087a4ce224d5d1239896190_full.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my best attempt at a rape scene, hoped it helped OP. I wrote that a while back, but I thought it could help you.

>> No.2870898

>except this wasn't love, this was rape

Lost it.

>> No.2870902

lol actually your picture sets a bad tone for this thread XD
but anyways. Writing a good rape scene is about writing one that fits in with the tone of the rest of your story. If you are trying to be dead serious and you're writing from 3rd person view, less is more...I would describe it in a disconnected, sensual way without being erotic. Or trying hard not to be, at least. Don't use literal or graphic descriptions, and try focusing on describing what the victim (and maybe the perpetrator) feels like emotionally/psychologically.

>> No.2870903

>The masked man gave a low, wicked grin underneath the ski mask, his yellowing, rugged teeth revealing further as he let out a large, booming roar-like laugh, it echoing in the windowless, stone room

Way too many adjectives, completely detracts from any immersion or horror. Economy of language.

>> No.2870907


>> No.2870910

I disagree with you completely. Nothing should be taboo for a writer to at least experiment with on his own. It's not like he has to pass this around to all of his friends or go publish it; it can just be a learning exercise so he can figure out how to do it really really really well.

Don't limit yourself OP; write that rape scene! :)

>> No.2870913
File: 56 KB, 125x123, 134378811520s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It obviously ain't my best writing, I wrote this a while back, but thanks anyways for the critiques.

>> No.2870918

rofl yeah this was a poor choice of words if you are going for serious. the rest of it was not bad though.

>> No.2871058
File: 117 KB, 414x437, 1302592650240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a /b/ answer, but if you want into shit-was-so-cash rapist master race writer.

1.- Rape and be raped, a lot.(to get the whole picture)
2.- Don't care about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, physical and emotional damage and legal repercussion.
3.- Write a lot about it, especially "under the influence".
4.- ?????????
5.- PROFIT (in the form of literary recognition)

>> No.2871096
File: 21 KB, 480x360, rick-astley-never-gonna-give-you-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the rules, and so do I...

>> No.2871136

The Man Without Qualities has a near-rape scene that is actually funny.

Bastard out of Carolina has an awful rape scene. Very harrowing.

And from the less is more perspective, there's Tess of the D'ubervilles.

>> No.2871158

Talk to somebody who has been raped.

>> No.2871163

Be conscious of your tone and where the piece fits in with the rest of your work. Be conscious of the psychology and the power structures that are the subtext to your scene. Write accordingly.

>> No.2871212

She felt his pennus inside her vagana
She did not want his pennus inside her vagana
He moves his pennus around inside her vagana
She say "No"
He go "Uh" and shoot his pennus inside her vagana
Then he go and she is sad

>> No.2871234

my impression of you is that you won't be able to do a respectable job of it. if you are really unsure about this you may end up doing it badly and bringing the tone of your book down too. think of alternatives to out and out writing the scene. of course I have little to base that on I'd love to be proved wrong..

as humans, we learn by repetition (practice). though I wouldn't recommend going out, getting raped several times and recording your serious thoughts, you need to have experience that you can write from. you need to read and reread books with the sort of rape scenes you want to emulate. amis' money has a pretty startling rape scene you might want to check out. perhaps talk to a rape victim. theres also a rape reddit (i think) that will be full of stories.

as you read more and more you will become more objective about it and learn the "language" of rape until you hopefully become confident you can word one of your own

i would remind you to think hard how the scene comes across to victims of rape if you have any intentions of letting others read it

>> No.2871250

This thread makes me remember that old "like zorro" meme and the bad sex in fiction award.

>"And he came hard in her mouth and his dick jumped around and rattled on her teeth and he blacked out and she took his dick out of her mouth and lifted herself from his face and whipped the pillow away and he gasped and glugged at the air, and he came again so hard that his dick wrenched out of her hand and a shot of it hit him straight in the eye and stung like nothing he’d ever had in there, and he yelled with the pain, but the yell could have been anything, and as she grabbed at his dick, which was leaping around like a shower dropped in an empty bath, she scratched his back deeply with the nails of both hands and he shot three more times, in thick stripes on her chest. Like Zorro."


>> No.2871253

"So, I heard you got raped once. What was THAT like?"

>> No.2871270

Well, I imagine that you'd need to make the atmosphere tense, Dark* and debauched. I mean, to fit a good atmosphere will set the scene for rape.

*I capitalised "Dark" as I wanted to personify it a little.

>> No.2871271

Let's write about women rapists, that will shut you up.

>> No.2871272

Never underestimate the impact of off-stage action.

>> No.2871276


Taken from another thread.

>> No.2871287

Rape is a really cheap way to be shocking or up the ante or inject seriousness into your work and if you just thought "well obviously I need to include a rape" you should seriously rethink your approach.

If there's no alternatives and it's what the story has been driving towards then do it economically. Imply more than you say, let the reader infer the horror of what's happening instead of you telling them about how horrorful it is.

The example posted above is the exact way you don't do a rape scene. Strung out, adjective filled, with all the air of a writer trying WAY too hard.

The less you say the more impactful it'll be.

>> No.2871304

I agree, the more details you DON'T disclose the more driving force you will give to the reader since you impacted him in a mysterious way, giving an illusion of a mystical fragmented moment that breaks the story's drama and focuses on a certain character, unless you're trying to reproduce the scene, don't write too much details, although it's better if you enlighten little by little if the focus of the chapter IS the scene.

>> No.2871358

He threw her to the floor and dropped his pants in the meantime. His unmentionable organ revealed itself swiftly. While she didn't especially want to be violated at this moment, she was unable to say anything except "No!" and that wasn't much help at all.
He pushed his member around her rear area as she shook and struggled and did a wobbly kind of reverse-limbo move in an effort to keep him from putting his dirty thing in her dirty thing, because this was dirty, awfully dirty, and inappropriate too. But she was unable to stop him: her lips parted, and not the lips of her mouth, I mean, not the lips on her face, and for the record she didn't have a face in her groin.
He was in, up in there. It hurt, a lot. It hurt a loooooot. Ouch, she was definitely bleeding, and she hated it, she hated it so much, but she couldn't tell him that because she was afraid he might hate her, and if he hated her that would make this rape, and if she was raped she would be soiled, so no, this wasn't rape, this was definitely love. Definitely love. It was great, except it wasn't. When he spurted, he spurted inside her, because that's what lovers do. Fortunately she had an abortion later, because that's also what lovers do.

OP here. How'd I do?

it really is OP, but not something I'd try to publish. Unless there's a publisher interested in this kind of thing, of course.

>> No.2871366

It honestly reads like a bad doujin. Keep practicing.

>> No.2871371

Wait, it wasn't a parody? Please read some real literature. Or better yet, kill yourself.

>> No.2871384

Him and me (op) are two different people, and although I prefer mine, I nonetheless respect his style of writing.