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/lit/ - Literature

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2869195 No.2869195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that you think any lit major should be required to read.

I personally think everyone should have to read Finnegans Wake. I'd also say Watchmen, V for Vendetta, or even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Because there are too many Lit majors who don't consider graphic novels "real literature".

>> No.2869203

Are you ready for LIST TIME?
If you haven't read all of these, you aren't a lit major.
Let's go:
1. The Iliad- Homer

>> No.2869206

I'm not sure if this is a troll thread or not. Somebody, please help me out here?

Also, Don Quixote.

>> No.2869209

I see /lit/ isn't any better at trolling since the last time I checked in.

>> No.2869208

2. The Odyssey- Homer
3. The Republic- Plato

>> No.2869210

4. The Laws- Plato
5. The Symposium- Plato
6. The Crito - Plato

>> No.2869212

This IS a troll thread.

>> No.2869215

7. Prometheus Bound- Aeschylus
8. The Suppliant Maidens- Aeschylus
9. Seven against Thebes- Aeschylus
10. The Persians- Aeschylus

>> No.2869222

ITT: some dude confuses a literature degree for a great books degree

>> No.2869223

No book or graphic novel or anything should be required reading.

>> No.2869225

11. Ajax- Sophocles
12. Antigone- Sophocles
13. Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
14. Electra- Sophocles
15. Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles

>> No.2869243

Did you miss
>I'd also say Watchmen, V for Vendetta, or even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Because there are too many Lit majors who don't consider graphic novels "real literature".

Obvious troll thread.

>> No.2869246

16. Don Quixote- Miguel de Cervantes
17. Novelas Ejemplares - Miguel de Cervantes
18. La Galatea - Miguel de Cervantes
19. Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda - Miguel de Cervantes
20. Los banos de Argel - Miguel de Cervantes

>> No.2869264

21.Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
22. Coriolanus- William Shakespeare
23. Titus Andronicus - William Shakespeare
24. Timon of Athens- William Shakespeare
25. Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare
26. Macbeth- William Shakespeare
27. Hamlet - William Shakespeare
28. Troilus and Cressida - William Shakespeare
29. King Lear - William Shakespeare
30. Othello - William Shakespeare

>> No.2869294

31.La Jalousie du barbouillé - Moliere
32. L'Étourdi ou Les Contretemps- Moliere
33. Le Dépit amoureux- Moliere
34.Le Docteur amoureux- Moliere
35.Sganarelle ou Le Cocu imaginaire- Moliere
36.Dom Garcie de Navarre ou Le Prince jaloux- Moliere
37.L'École des maris- Moliere
38.Les Fâcheux- Moliere
39.La Critique de l'école des femmes- Moliere
40.L'Impromptu de Versailles- Moliere
41. Le Mariage forcé- Moliere
42.Mélicerte- Moliere
43.Le Sicilien ou L'Amour peintre- Moliere
44.Le Malade imaginaire- Moliere
45. Le Médecin volant- Moliere
46. Les Précieuses ridicules- Moliere
47.Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur - Moliere
48. Dom Juan ou Le Festin de pierre- Moliere
49. Le Misanthrope ou L'Atrabilaire amoureux- Moliere
50.L'Avare ou L'École du mensonge- Moliere

>> No.2869308

I read a shit ton of books, very few of which are considered "classics." I still consider myself well read, though. Just because Stephen King and Stephen Erikson are my favorite authors does not mean I am a pleb.

In my opinion, the simple act of reading- whether it be an esteemed member of the canon or a "trashy" fantasy novel- is beneficial in and of itself. My respect for others increases tenfold upon seeing an open book in their hands, especially if I can tell that it was not assigned to them by their English professor.

>> No.2869310

>reading more than one book by any author, rather than picking and choosing the best of their works and moving on to the next author.

>> No.2869324

51. Infinite Jest- David Foster Wallace
52. Oblivion - David Foster Wallace
53. The Pale King- David Foster Wallace
54. The Broom of the System- David Foster Wallace
55. The Girl With the Curious Hair- David Foster Wallace
56. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men- David Foster Wallace
57. A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again - David Foster Wallace
58. Consider the Lobster- David Foster Wallace
59. V- Thomas Pynchon
60. The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
61. Gravity's Rainbow- Thomas Pynchon
62. Vineland- Thomas Pynchon
63. Mason and Dixon- Thomas Pynchon
64, Against the Day- Thomas Pynchon
65. Inherent Vice - Thomas Pynchon
66. Americana - Don DeLillo
67. End Zone - Don DeLillo
68. Running Dog- Don DeLillo
69. Players- Don DeLillo
70. White Noise- Don DeLillo

>> No.2869325

I don't think many people here know what's actually involved in a literature degree. for instance, unless you were focusing on french lit you would never read that much Moliere. even then it would be unlikely in undergrad.

>> No.2869334

I'll consider comics real literature when people stop calling them graphic novels

>> No.2869345

You are a "pleb".
It is impossible to understand literature without having read the classics. It is perfectly acceptable to read mediocre penny dreadfuls like King, but not having read the classics completely invalidates your opinion with regard to literature.
You too are a "pleb".It is impossible to understand a single work by an author without having read their oeuvre.

71.De vulgari eloquentia- Dante
72.De Monarchia- Dante
73. La Vita Nuova- Dante
74. Inferno - Dante
75. Purgatorio- Dante
76. Convivio- Dante
77. Le Rime- Dante
78. Eclogues- Dante
79. The Decameron- Dante
80. On Famous Women- Dante

>> No.2869361

While I doubt that such a concentration on Moliere would be strictly required for a literature degree, it is still expected at that level (undergraduate literature degree)
81. Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
82. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
83. Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
84. Emma - Jane Austen
85. Northanger Abbey- Jane Austen
86. Persuasion- Jane Austen
87. Lady Susan- Jane Austen
88. The Colossus and Other Poems - Sylvia Plath
89. Ariel- Sylvia Plath
90. The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath

>> No.2869363

>Your value system is not my value system, therefore I will judge you by applying standards to which you do not adhere, hurdy durpy durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Can you be a bigger faggot?

8/10 Troll

>> No.2869364


Your pitiful attempt at "trolling" us has failed utterly. Why do you keep trying? You remind me of those Japanese soldiers on Iwo Jima who kept on fighting until they were rooted out of their caves in the mid 1950's.

>> No.2869376

ITT: Alan Moore kicks fuckin ass.

>> No.2869378

91. Brand- Henrik Ibsen
92. Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen
93. An Enemy of the People- Henrik Ibsen
94. Emperor and Galilean- Henrik Ibsen
95. A Doll's House- Henrik Ibsen
96. Hedda Gabler- Henrik Ibsen
97. Ghosts- Henrik Ibsen
98. The Wild Duck- Henrik Ibsen
99. Rosmersholm- Henrik Ibsen
100. The Master Builder- Henrik Ibsen

>> No.2869391


How is it possible to read 100's of books by all these arcane old dead fags in less than 4 years?

Also, why is the guy making a list just posting every work by his 10 favorite authors...I didn't realize it worked like that.

>> No.2869393

101."Indian Camp"- Ernest Hemingway
102. The Sun Also Rises- Ernest Hemingway
103. A Farewell to Arms- Ernest Hemingway
104. For Whom the Bell Tolls- Ernest Hemingway
105. The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
106. A Moveable Feast- Ernest Hemingway
107. True at First Light - Ernest Hemingway
108. Three Lives- Gertrude Stein
109. Four Saints in Three Acts- Gertrude Stein
110. The Mother of Us All- Gertrude Stein

>> No.2869399

bc he wasn't a lit major and has no familiarity with how curricula work

>> No.2869407


Maybe so.

Anyways I once looked into a college in Annapolis, forget the name, but they did a "Classics" or "Great Books" major where all you did was read the classics of greek, roman, enlightment, etc.. and write papers on them, and you learned latin and/or greek as a language.

Seemed really cool, almost wished I had gone there.

>> No.2869418

You're retarded. Why would they surrender when the majority of surrendered Japanese were just shot by Americans after they were bound up and piled?

>> No.2869443

yeah my school had a great books major but you sure as hell didn't read that much of any one author like this dude is suggesting

>> No.2869448

I assumed that OP didn't read slowly. I also assumed the literature majors have read some of these already. Also I'm not selecting my favorites, these are all entry level works that you ought to have read as a "literature major".
111.Odes et poésies diverses- Victor Hugo
112.Nouvelles Odes- Victor Hugo
113. Bug-Jargal- Victor Hugo
114. Les Rayons et les ombres- Victor Hugo
115. Napoléon le Petit - Victor Hugo
116. Les Misérables- Victor Hugo
117. L'Art d'être grand-père- Victor Hugo
118. Le Pape- Victor Hugo
119. Actes et paroles- Victor Hugo
120. William Shakespeare - Victor Hugo

>> No.2869474

121. The Aeneid - Virgil
122. The Georgics- Virgil
123. The Eclogues- Virgil
124. The Theogony- Hesiod
125. The Lives of the Caesars- Suetonius

>> No.2869492

126.The Count of Monte Cristo- Alexandre Dumas
127.The Three Musketeers- Alexandre Dumas
128. Twenty Years After- Alexandre Dumas
129. The Vicomte de Bragelonne - Alexandre Dumas
130.The Two Dianas- Alexandre Dumas

>> No.2869520

wow. Finnegan's Wake?? you would do that to ALL lit. majors? Not even Joyce's accomplished contemporaries considered that book worth their while. No one finishes that book. Ulysses should def. be required reading, but not that self-indulgent mess.

I do like the idea of including graphic novels on the list. Also, more foreign works should be assigned, like Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Heike Monogatari.

>> No.2869522

>these are all entry level works that you ought to have read as a "literature major".

Are you serious?

You're list is approaching a lifetime's worth of classical reading, and it's very narrow in that you selected a lot of work from very few authors...

>> No.2869524

And, just saying, Dumas was pulp fiction of his time. Harry Potter tier, no joke.

>> No.2869529

131. Chamber Music- James Joyce
132. Dubliners- James Joyce
133. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man- James Joyce
134. Exiles- James Joyce
135. Ulysses- James Joyce
136. Finnegans Wake- James Joyce

>> No.2869535

Yeah I agree with you on the last part. Whenever I see someone my age reading because they actually want to or checking out the library or something, respect +10

>> No.2869540

This can all be read within four years easily. And I'm not finished with the list yet, so the amount of authors is not an issue.
137.Baal- Bertolt Brecht
138. Drums in the Night- Bertolt Brecht
139. A Respectable Wedding- Bertolt Brecht
140. Faust- Goethe

>> No.2869544

ITT: Summer

Besides the guy posting the entire Western Canon.

>> No.2869567

144.-Micomachean ethics-Aristotle
145.-The Prince-Machiavell
146.-Critique of Pure Reason-Kant

>> No.2869565

141.Eine Stunde hinter Mitternacht- Herman Hesse
142.Hermann Lauscher- Herman Hesse
143. Gertrud- Herman Hesse
144.Das Glasperlenspiel- Herman Hesse
145.Die Morgenlandfahrt- Herman Hesse
146.Narziß und Goldmund- Herman Hesse
147.Siddhartha- Herman Hesse
148. Knulp- Herman Hesse
149. Der Steppenwolf- Herman Hesse
150.Demian - Herman Hesse

>> No.2869580
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>this guy is now one of my favorite people

>> No.2869581

151.The Book of the Duchess- Geoffrey Chacuer
152. The House of Fame- Geoffrey Chaucer
153. Anelida and Arcite- Geoffrey Chaucer
154. Parlement of Foules- Geoffrey Chaucer
155. The Legend of Good Women- Geoffrey Chaucer
156. Treatise on the Astrolabe- Geoffrey Chaucer
157.The Canterbury Tales- Geoffrey Chaucer

>> No.2869602

>forgot paradiso on dante

you troglodyte.

>> No.2869607

Thanks, these are all good books.
158.Thoughts on the True Estimation of Vital Forces- Immanuel Kant
159. Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven - Immanuel Kant
160. The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures- Immanuel Kant
161.Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime - Immanuel Kant
162."Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics"- Immanuel Kant
163. "Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose"- Immanuel Kant
164. Perpetual Peace- Immanuel Kant
165. Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone - Immanuel Kant
166.Critique of Practical Reason- immanuel Kant
167.Critique of Judgement- Immanuel Kant
168. Poetics- Aristotle
169. Politics- Aristotle
170. Complete works of Sappho- Sappho

>> No.2869612

>mindlessly lets academia shove harold bloom's canon (which isn't even THE canon) down his throat
>implying that kind of practice isn't as harmful as reading worthless things like comics

Look how non-pleb I am, quoting Bloom senselessly and becoming a small clone based on his opinions and the little I understood from his critical texts because why form myself as an apt critical reader if I can simply just say what Harold Bloom already said.

>> No.2869620

>I'd also say Watchmen, V for Vendetta, or even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Because there are too many Lit majors who don't consider graphic novels "real literature".

This. My theory professor used to teach Watchmen since it was such a great basis, but sadly switched to Dracula because too many people were plagiarizing online essays. She lamented to me that many students had no idea how to even read a graphic novel and how they were confused who the narrator was. I took the first class where the switch was made, but I did my final paper on Alan Moore anyway, From Hell is also a worthy edition to your aforementioned GNs.

Anyway, without listing classics, I can pretty much respect any lit major that is not all caught up in 50 Shades/ASOIF/HG/HP/Twilight, which might be a bit more common than one imagines... but I am still in community college, so maybe it will get better once I go to university.

TL;DR, lit majors need to read some comic books and stuff outside of pop fiction.

>> No.2869627

171. Paradiso- Dante
172. Du côté de chez Swann- Proust
173. À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs- Proust
174. Le Côté de Guermantes- Proust
175. Sodome et Gomorrhe- Proust
176. La Prisonnière- Proust
177. La Fugitive Albertine disparue - Proust
178. Le Temps retrouvé- Proust

>> No.2869637

Harold Bloom in my opinion limits himself with regard to hermeneutic methods unnecessarily. He's important, but not on the same level as Hazlitt, Johnson, and other truly great critics.
179. Une Saison en Enfer- Arthur Rimbaud
180. Illuminations- Arthur Rimbaud.

>> No.2869698


For someone to truly understand half of these books, one should study them for most of their life; speed read them so you can finish it on four years is completely rubbish.

>> No.2869812


The Americans rarely, if ever, shot prisoners. The reason why there were so few Japanese prisoners on those heavily fortified pacific islands is that the Japanese refused to surrender, not because the Americans shot all the ones that did.

>> No.2869847

Also, if someone on an active battlefield surrenders, you shoot them, SOP.

>> No.2869857

181. We the Living - Ayn Rand
182. The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
183. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
184. Night of January 16th - Ayn Rand
185. Anthem - Ayn Rand
186. For the new intellectual - Ayn Rand
187. The virtue of selfishness - Ayn Rand
188. The romantntic manifesto - Ayn Rand
189. The New Left: the anti-industrial revolution - Ayn Rand
190. Introduction to objectivist epsitemology - Ayn Rand
191. Philosphy: Who needs it - Ayn Rand

>> No.2869862

>literature major

You must really like working at Starbucks.

>> No.2869870

>Mentions graphic novels
>Does not mention Maus

It's like, you don't even read.

>> No.2869880
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>> No.2869893

>David Foster Wallace
>Sylvia Plath

No thanks.

>> No.2869894

It's plainly obvious OP doesn't know shit about real comics

>> No.2869916

Ooh, getting real edgy in here.

>> No.2869922

edgy detected

>> No.2869923

I like how the constant sarcastic use of this word on 4chan has made it lose all of its meaning

>> No.2869924

But that's not what edgy means!

>> No.2869927

also, troglodyte is overused. you'd think that wouldn't be a super popular word, but this seems to be the insult of choice here at /lit/

>> No.2869928

who cares,
i once heard sb use troglodyt irl

>> No.2869931

When someone decides they've outgrown 'pleb', they'll use 'philistine' or 'troglodyte'.

>> No.2869932


>> No.2869934

Does anyone remember that one guy who thought he was being clever for calling people trisomic

>> No.2869936

My father used that as insult towards people who disliked shit he liked for poor reasons all the time. He was working class.

>> No.2869942

At least he didn't call them proles, plebs or peasants

>> No.2869945

Would have been a nice irony if he did considering what I would have found in the dictionary when I looked it up.

>> No.2869960

they are not rea lit. mainly because onomatopoeia is terrible description

>> No.2870234

comic books are pop fiction, and an entirely separate art form besides.

>> No.2870237

"trog" is what people used to call what we now know as "chavs".

>> No.2870248

The guy who posted this list comes off like a high schooler that has not once made any sort of contact with a literature professor.

>> No.2870254

>Watchmen, V for Vendetta, or even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen