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/lit/ - Literature

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2868564 No.2868564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Ok, /lit/, time to see how creative you are.
> In the comments post a fully-fledged idea of yours for a science fiction short story
> I'll take my favorite comment and write it up into a full-length story.
> Only requirement is that the commenter is being somewhat serious, not obscene (no dicks in space) and post science fiction. I want to write a story for 4chan but its gotta be sci-fi. Also, short story, not a novel. Sorry but I only have so much time.
> I promise to deliver the full story by August 6th.
> P.S. If anyone wants to draw a cover art sheet for the top comment I'd be more than happy to put out an e-book/.pdf with your cover and my story
> And, 4chan, I as OP will deliver.

>> No.2868573


>> No.2868572

Dicks in space.

>> No.2868583
File: 69 KB, 400x309, akagi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI vs a Mahjong legend.

Winner take all. AI is Hal-9000. Mahjon legend is Akagi Shigeru

>> No.2868592

>centuries in the future
>human race funds exploratory space ship
>mission is to explore the universe and find other life
>crew mates fall in love
>every planet they visit is devoid of life
>the further they go, the darker space gets
>eventually come to stars they thought would still be there
>nothing left, no traces
>universe devoid of life out side of human race
>they continue to search
>find a planet in the blackness
>signs of organic life
>get on planet
>everything is dead
>no corpses just ruined and forgotten buildings
>continue to search universe
>few more planets like this
>never find life
>they go back to earth
>Earth is empty and devoid of life like the planets they found earlier

>> No.2868595 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 406x352, 1270133431900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP takes a serious shot at farming 4chan for talent

Hey buddy slow this down. If you want to rip me off, you better be prepared to broker a deal.

>> No.2868604

I'll bite, OP.

A story that chronicles the ventures of an alien species comprised of only the most rich and powerful individuals who were able to escape a dying planet. Ideally, it would be centuries after the fact during which they had let greed and elitism consume them. Play around with themes of aristocracy, decadence over substance, moral relativism, oppression of other lower species, and the creation of the malevolent species' general philosophy.

>> No.2868613

Hm a short story..

How about this? You take a more or less fucked up high technology society. The people in the upper levels of big cities have amazing lifes, no sicknesses, prolonged life etc. Basically up there it is an utopia.
The story takes part at the ground levels. Here you have a young boy who is searching for food and maybe spare parts and gets along an AI that was build in the upper part of the city. Maybe a sentient machine (not a cyborg or something). The boy of course, young, born in the shithole that the ground levels are has no idea that this an artificial being. In the short story you should explore the relationship between the two. First of all, the artificial being knows about the upper levels, the boy doesn't, the next thing is, that being is not human. I think it would make for rather interesting dialogues etc.
No real idea about the end though. But don't make it some kind of happy go lucky ending, where the boy goes to the upper levels!

>> No.2868615

An interview with a highly developed robot that functions as a milkmaker and sex machine for a widowed man and his infant daughter. Studies show that babies who bond with their mothers in infancy grow up to be more well-adjusted, so the husband rented a "wife-bot". It also happens to be a sex-bot, because the husband didn't want to go with the basic model.

>> No.2868626
File: 122 KB, 1280x1397, We are coming for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn this copypasta into a fleshed out short story. It's worth it, if you have the sensibility to tune up the voice and such (all that stupid stuff about "There were 4^4 shits and 6^6 pisses" doesn't make it sound more alien or futuristic, it just sounds like trying too hard).

>> No.2868629

All patricians/aristocrats/upper classes throughout history are actually time travellers from the future who've come to enjoy life at the top of society.

>> No.2868636

Op here. I like were this is going. Keep the ideas coming.

>> No.2868637

Nobody smart in this thread, either.

>> No.2868638

A premise:
Sentient machines with a prime directive to perfectly imitate humans populate a civilization devoid of organic human life or consciousness. None of them can acknowledge that their fellows are not the human beings they are compelled to imitate, because their imitation directive includes a prohibition of the exposition of inhumanity. They must struggle with the duality of their perfect knowledge of their imperfect existence.

Perhaps the machines were created to build colonies ahead of humans coming in Generation Ships, perhaps they were intended to fill in social gaps after a catastrophic event, it's up to you.

>> No.2868639

Proof sci-fi has stagnated.

saviours of the genre

>> No.2868650


>> No.2868652

Why should we trust you?

>> No.2868655

It's impossible for people to be rich and powerful when everyone is rich and powerful.

>> No.2868656

You shouldn't. He already abandoned /a/


>> No.2868659

A guy gets diahrrea in his tight space suit while space walking.

Call it "Attack of the Zero-Gravity Poop Particles"

>> No.2868663

The physical universe is expanding at an increasing rate. That is to say, space itself is growing (not just the distance between massive objects). This is real scientific "fact" (known with as much certainty as any other). Within a few tens of billions of years, space will be expanding at such a fast rate that every location is surrounded by a relatively small "event horizon" beyond which no matter, energy, or information can travel. (This horizon is the distance beyond which space is "moving away" from a given origin point at a rate faster than the speed of light.) In this eventuality, every pocket of space will be confined to a rapidly shrinking sphere which cannot be escaped. At this time, all the large stars in all the galaxies will have long been extinguished, and only tiny, cold red dwarf stars will continue burning (the smallest and coldest of which will continue to burn for hundreds of billions or even trillions of years). Though small and cold, the modest warmth of these stars could perhaps sustain some form of intelligence (organic, mechanical, electrical, whatever) even as space itself became a prison (as it is destined to do).

Write a story that chronicles the lonely death of space itself, as the universe prepares for the day when every infinitesimally small point is moving away from every other at the speed of light, and information ceases to have meaning. Someday this could be a true story.

>> No.2868664

Aw shit. I knew it would be something like this

>> No.2868666

Hey, that's my idea from /a/.

>> No.2868668

Doesn't really matter. "Come up with a sci-fi premise and post it" is still a decent thread compared to the rest of summer /lit/.

>> No.2868672

True enough, /lit/ is terribly stagnant. I feel tempted to make a contesting thread in a similar vein

>> No.2868673

Write a story where the Mormons were right. Jesus was an alien from a planet orbiting a star called Kollob and when people die, they and their wives are transported to other planets which they populate through endless celestial sex as immortal gods. The Earth was simply a breeding ground part of a galaxy-wide colonization process being carried out by these gods, the true masters of the realm.

>> No.2868680


It needs to be two phases.

One thread where we come up with the idea.

Then a bunch of people write a story using the same prompt.

>> No.2868696

ah hell man that would be the biggest shitfest imaginable

...we outta find a dozen more people and sign them up

>> No.2868695

Write the "true story" of the "Torre-Bert lost cosmonaut hoax."
Three cosmonauts aboard a cramped capsule, including the REAL first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova took the credit because she was the first to return alive), expected to make their return to the Soviet Union after their mission was over. At the hour they believe they will begin to return home, they discover that their capsule was not really equipped for return at all: the have been sacrificed by their superiors and erased from history, left to die in space. Their capsule's meager rockets fire, remotely controlled by the motherland, propelling them to drift in deep space forever. As they fall out of Earth's pull, they desperately broadcast a final message on all frequencies, "Conditions growing worse why don't you answer? . . . we are going slower . . . the world will never know about us. . . .", ignored by their masters but picked up by an independent listening station in Italy.

>> No.2868703

Becuase I want to do this.

>> No.2868707

Fuck, there's the thread. I lost it the page and I couldn't find it. Thanks mn.

>> No.2868713

Nobody smart has ever posted in this thread.

>> No.2868717

Op here, I like this idea too


I lost my place on /a/ and I couldn't find the page again but thanks for finding it for me.

>> No.2868723 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 469x428, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost my place on /a/ and I couldn't find the page again but thanks for finding it for me.

I should have known the only people on 4chan with the urge to be productive are the people who have been around for the least

>> No.2868727

There is nothing but morons on this site. It's why TAR has failed: nothing but morons.

I, myself, very well may be a moron.

>> No.2868730 [DELETED] 

you know your enemy well

>> No.2868732

Yep. Can't defend myself from that.

>> No.2868735

Why can't we just have a nice thread? Why did shitposting faggots have to shit in it?

>> No.2868747

OP here. A sample of some writing of mine.

>Proxy Love

Your love has now become your life’s
greatest devastation
and all the worse for the damage is in words,
existing only in the mind,
and so my scanners detect no error
yet you are crying, worse
weeping tears for stillborn love
and as I stiffly embrace you
you look up at my monitor,
stare deep into my pixels,
and for a moment you stop
and smile
for though my joints are oiled
and my heart is of lithium
I can still hold you tight
and display your mother,
her voice cool and loving,
even across the wireless feed.

>> No.2868774

I see you are new here, so I'll give you some nice advice: stop posting with your email address (I suspect that isn't really yours anyway). It's not like a wordpress blog or something where you have to fill the field to be able to post. If you are actually requesting emails ("Can someone with access to jstore send me the article entitled..." etc. in a sharethread, for example), that's another story, but you don't seem to be, so just blank it out next time you post somewhere. It can be confusing because it makes people think you are saging if they are too lazy to check.

>> No.2868778

Thanks Man

>> No.2868782


You should sage if your post doesn't contribute to the thread.

>> No.2868786

Don't go telling the newbie falsehoods. Although that's what you're 'supposed' to do, saging your posts is viewed and wanting the thread to die.

>> No.2868820
File: 5 KB, 26x26, icon_vomit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stole my idea
now i might have to add menstrual blood & vomit

>> No.2868822

A man created a time machine completely by accident, and decides to use it for the good of his country by going back in time to try and stop a war from happening. However as he can only make short trips, he begins to lose his goals and becomes obsessed with the killing of his wife 5 years ago, and with selfish goals.

>> No.2868849
File: 1.25 MB, 1243x941, Image (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are serious about this, then I'm more than willing to draw all of you a cover.

>> No.2868867

My interest is suddenly piqued

Shoddy sci-fi writer, reporting. Given a choices, I'd probably go for >>2868604

>> No.2868916

OP here. Thanks for the offer. I'd love someone to draw for me. Message me with your contact info at Funny Junk. My ID is xkcdxkcd

>> No.2869000
File: 122 KB, 640x980, 1304903895297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Far future
>Earth a young member of jaded old space faring civilizations
>Protagonist a warrior with good MilTech cyborg equipment etc
>Rebels ofc
>Rebellion spreads since all aliens use slave-humans as elite shocktroopers
>Victorious armada of humans fight their way back to the mythological homeworld of "Urth"
>Seems Earth is prosperous, having sold the genome of humanity as the perfect weapon. They are quite embarassed by these spartacoi but speculate cynicaly that this incident will give them reason to up the price for their product
The armada plans on furious attacks to seizes power over earth and these decadent monsters that sold them into slavery. The protagonist see signs of deceit in his second in command. He plots for a possible preemtive strike.

>> No.2869065

>future worldwide sport event
>sprinters are all the rage
>they wear nanosuit exoskeletons
>main manufacturers are weapon manufacturers
>athletes must be physical and mentally superb. must have neurons that interact quickly with the suit
>main protagonist is a living demigod. handsome. rich. fucks babes etc.
>in a match he must try out a new suit
>before the sprint starts somebody tries to assassinate him (a rival company)
> he survives and flees in the suit
> everybody aftee the billion dollar suit trying to kill him but he is faster and more agile than god himself

in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king

>> No.2869076

Humanity isn't the dominant species on earth. Parasites capable of emitting ultrasound that can influence cognition have been manipulating human beings for centuries. They subsist off of human remains during burial

>> No.2869282

Did Op ever decide on something?

>> No.2869380

As in if only the rich and powerful escape, there are no rich and powerful? That's an interesting perspective with which to look at it. My original intention was to suggest ideas of mental and, eventually, physical monstrosity on the basis of greed. I suppose we could even throw in ideas of regret for the the loss of the planet, but that would have faded away with the generations. Not to mention, the people escaping would most likely be responsible for the death of the planet. If we take our cues from Earth, the species can be best compared to oil billionaires, car manufacturer founders, dictators, mining company owners, weapons manufacturers, warlords, drug lords (pharmaceutical companies included), etc.


You can have it if you like. This was one of four I've been playing with recently and I don't have time to finish all of them. I keep coming up with them faster than I can create them.

>> No.2869385

(citation needed)
i hate when /lit/ talks about anything other than books.

>> No.2869441

Uhhh... I think you missed something. That was someone's idea of a premise for a sci-fi story that OP could write, as per the topic of the thread. You should probably just delete your post... you look like a reddit-sucking idiot.