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2867661 No.2867661 [Reply] [Original]

Overrated classics thread

> pic related

>> No.2867663

Somebody is in denial...

>> No.2867664

No siree. I genuinely did not enjoy that book.

>> No.2867671

no book will please everyone just like music, a painting or any other form of art. surprise surprise

>> No.2867679
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Do I really need to prefix every such question with "In your opinion"?

>> No.2867685

How come? Richeleu was a fucking badass, trying to fuck with the three musketeers and D'artagnan, but afterwards when he realized their worth, he wants them to work for him. Awesome.

Also: That chick that was continously fucking with D'artagnan and even cock-blocked him, was forgiven for countless times, and in the end they finished it all in a very gentlemanly manner. Awesome.

But that's just my opinion indeed.

>> No.2867690


Sadly enough, I don't remember my specific complaints - I read over 7 years ago...Perhaps I should revisit it!

>> No.2867691


not on my /lit/. you must be new here.

>> No.2867697

The Sun Also Rises

A Farewell to Arms and For Whom The Bell Tolls are both superior

>> No.2867724

>I agree

>> No.2867775

War and Peace.

>> No.2867778

Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.2867783

I'll second that

>> No.2867812


>> No.2867836

The Lady of the Camellias

>> No.2867849

The odyssey is just another fantasy book.

>> No.2867856

i enjoyed war and peace, but i thought the story really lost steam by the last 200 pages or so. However, I'm reading Anna Karenina right now and I think it the plot is superior/ more tightly knitted

>> No.2867858


>> No.2867904

anything by Jane Austen

>> No.2867912

This times a million.

>> No.2867931

>I did't enjoy it therefore it's overrated
How DUMB are you exactly?

>> No.2868171

Anything by a greek author, ever.

I'm looking at you, Plato, with your "fucking kids is so cool omg" Symposium shit.

>> No.2868174


How would like you my answer? On a scale from 0 to 10? Dumb-ness is awfully hard to quantify!


By Jove, you are right! Don't know how ol' Janey slipped my mind...

>> No.2868186

As I Lay Dying

>> No.2868209

Wuthering Heights: Twilight for old-timey bitches who wore bustles.

>> No.2868212

You're thinking of Light in August.

>> No.2868218

Probably my least favorite of faulkner's works

>> No.2868257

>Pride and Prejudice
>Pride and Prejudice
>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.2868260
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>> No.2868295

For Whom the Bell Tolls is best Hemingway.

>> No.2868325

OP, but that is fucking obvious. You are seeing it through the wrong eyes.

Alexandre Dumas was not a writer like other writers, he had a team working with him, they built these stories to be popular and sell. They are good stories and definitely classic ones, but don't confuse them for an authoral personal piece.

Dumas was one of the precursors of the writing industry we have today, with marketing research and editors speaking louder than writers.

I hate this whole idea, but hey...

>> No.2868334

Light in August isn't necessarily highly regarded, is it?

And I think As I Lay Dying is adequately rated. It's pretty much considered entry-level Faulkner (like Sanctuary) that still feels like "high" Faulkner (like The Sound and The Fury).

>> No.2868382


Perhaps you are right, but it must be more than his writing style/process, etc. I didn't love The Count of Monte-Cristo but I would definitely put it on the "classic" pedestal long before Moosketeers.

Anyway, I have changed my vote from Moosketeers to any Jane Austen!

>> No.2869903

And how is that a bad thing?

>> No.2869908

everything by that Bronte hoes

>> No.2869910

>Light in August isn't necessarily highly regarded, is it?

it's generally considered one of his 4 best novels



>> No.2869980


>> No.2869985

Alice in Wonderland

I thought it was good at first, then weaboos got their hands on it and now I fucking hate it.

>> No.2869986

Yeah, everyone knows his short stories are the best

>> No.2869988

>doesn't know what a weeaboo is

>> No.2870017
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I'll just leave this here.

>> No.2870031

Every pretentious Dostoyevsky "novel" ever

>> No.2870033

All of them are overrated, except for the good ones that no one cares about

>> No.2870049

>had a team working with him
Really? I knew he had a ghostwriter for The Count of Monte Cristo, but a team?

>> No.2870068

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.2870081

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.2870155

I thought his only real associate was Maquet, whom just helped think up the plot for Dumas' novels, with Dumas still doing most of the work and all of the writing.

>> No.2870235 [DELETED] 

>Ctrl+F Finnegan's Wake
>0 of 0 results

>> No.2870244

great expectations

>> No.2870250

Catcher in the rye

Catch 22

>> No.2870356

Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.

>> No.2870365
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