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/lit/ - Literature

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2866183 No.2866183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you're in an English class and you're forced to write from a politically correct/feminist viewpoint

>That feel when you feel like the instructor should be fired for trying to push her own biases and ideals on students

>That feel when the system is rigged so the only way to pass is by sucking up to feminism and other bullshit politically correct ideals

>Pic related, appropriate symbolism for that feel

>> No.2866186

back to /b/ you conservative peice of shit

>> No.2866192

Why did you take the class then? It's like taking a Chinese History class and complaining that that you aren't allowed to write your final about Europe, because you don't like China.

>> No.2866194


Because it's a required English credit. It's not a Woman's Studies class or any shit like that.

Sadly I've had this experience in every single English class I've taken. I feel like a Jew that works for Nazis.

>> No.2866200

0/10. The trick is either subtly or a grandiose post. Yours is neither.

>> No.2866203


I'm not trolling. I'm venting a complaint in a place where I hope to be heard out.

>> No.2866204

yeah i fucking hate writing from other perspectives too. i'd rather just insert myself into a bunch of masturbatory situations through my (obviously) superior mastery of language and narrative.

>> No.2866207


There's writing from other perspectives and then there's finding yourself blackmailed into writing ideas you know in your heart are wrong.

>> No.2866212


Still 0/10.

>> No.2866216

dude i go to a christian university. every now and again i have to write about god and spirituality and gay shit like that to get full marks.

it's gay, but not that hard. deal with it

>> No.2866232

let me guess
>feminists don't want equality they want superiority!

>> No.2866236

>It's not a Woman's Studies class or any shit like that.
So? Maybe if you actually TRIED it you'd fucking learn something. Whether you agree with with the ideology of feminism or not does not change the fact that feminism is a school of thought, actual knowledge of what it entails is relevant information, and if you want to pass a class, you have to demonstrate knowledge of the class's curriculum. You go to school to learn new things, not to demonstrate to other people how much you think you already know.

>> No.2866239

Wow. You must feel like a Jew that works for Nazis.

>> No.2866242

What is the title of the class? Focus of the literature? In what ways have you been forced to sublimate your views for the sake of a class? Did the professor give you a poor grade based on the content of a paper? Are you sure the grade wasn't a reflection of your own lackluster effort (I'm not saying this is the case, but if you presented your ideas poorly, then she had perfectly reasonable cause).

Maybe you're just a whiner who can't handle being an environment where you aren't the norm.

>> No.2866252
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What's that you say? Your school is forcing you to consider viewpoints other than your own?

You poor thing.

>> No.2866256

if the nazis opened a piss-poor university in canada

where they were accepting of other attitudes so long as their own beliefs were respected

and it was essentially a place for nazis who have issues with nazi ideology to freely express their doubts concerning the beliefs of most nazis

and it's so un-nazi like that sometimes you forget you're at a nazi university until you notice pictures of hitler everywhere or nazi-ism shows up in the curriculum or the whole school starts chanting weird shit during dinner that you've never heard before

then that's sort of what my university is like, yeah

>> No.2866260

You should write a story about everything you just wrote, taken to its literal extremes

>> No.2866265

wow /lit/ is leftist as fuck, the problem is not that OP has to "consider other viewpoints" or "not be the norm" it is that he has to agree with a political movement in order to get high marks.

>> No.2866266


This. End of thread.

Too bad it'll keep until it auto-sages.

>> No.2866272

He doesn't have to agree with it, he has to demonstrate knowledge of it as part of his class.

Would you defend someone who says that he should be able to pass a math class without doing the work because he doesn't believe that 2+2=4, or someone who should pass his biology class even though he refuses to explain natural selection because he doesn't believe in evolution?

School is not about demonstrating to people how much you know, it's about demonstrating how much you've learned.

>> No.2866274

I wonder if you guys would be defending this so fervently if he were being forced to write a fascist analysis, or a racist analysis.

>> No.2866279

At which university can I take classes like that?

>> No.2866281

If it bothers him that much then he should talk to his professor.

>> No.2866282


He doesn't have to "agree" with it.

God you people are stupid.

>> No.2866284
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>That feel when in class we're discussing the Beat Generation. The teacher asks for examples of counter-culture. Some girl says, "Uhmmmmm....pop music?"

>> No.2866296

that's how normal people feel when they see book nerds being socially retarded near them.

>> No.2866297


i actually thought about writing a story or two about my liberal as fuck christian university. do you think describing the same sort of themes (ideological tolerance and such) would work with "christian" replaced with "nazi"?


>> No.2866304

your point being?

>> No.2866309

I think it would come off much funnier and more risque if it were nazis; writing the same thing about christians would just seem like edgy atheist bullshit.

But for the love of god don't tell anybody that you're comparing christians to nazis. That's just just to piss off everybody.

>> No.2866316

/lit/ isn't overly leftist. One idiot is just spamming this thread. You shouldn't have to conform to a viewpoint to get a decent mark. Still, I think the OP is just using that as an excuse to act like a baby. If a book contains feminist themes, and you're too callous to acknowledge them, you deserve to fail.

>> No.2866331


... you know what? my school has this thing with sustainable living, global awareness, and international aid (and all that business). so like our meals are prepared by students in a revolving schedule, our food is all bought locally (for the most part), and we offer vegetarian meals.

i was just thinking that could be one hell of a statement with nazi-ism thrown in

the only reason i haven't written anything about my university is (as you said) is comes off as edgy athiest nonsense, and christians aren't all that interesting to write about. but this could be something. fuck yeah anon

>> No.2866353



Doesn't compute.

>> No.2866356

>we offer vegetarian meals
You know who was a famous vegetarian?

Just saying.

>> No.2866362

Godwin's law; your argument is invalid

>> No.2866372
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gentlemen i have struck gold

>> No.2866374

Nazis were mentioned long before that post.

>> No.2866397

I took a Canadian Lit class and over half of what we read centered around the woman question. 2/5 of our essay questions on the final concerned women in Canada, and the other three were actually about the various literary movements spanning the nation's history.

I'm aware that Canada has a rather number of female authors, but all of the ones we read, other than Oryx and Crake (Margaret Atwood), focused primarily on women.

>> No.2866450
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The humanities are run by far, far leftists who genuinely want to recruit their students into being part of a violent socialist revolution. Suck it up and finish your required courses so you can focus on something where facts trump ideology.

>> No.2866477
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>that feel when school was conservative shill all day erry day and conservatives cry that it isn't conservative enough

>>>/pol/ not lit

>> No.2866482

I'm a liberal,
I went to my economics courses,
and my history courses,
I wrote about the benefits of capitalism and the economical advantages arising from slavery.
I studied the other points of view, and I never once had to come on the internet to cry eagle tears that my institution was rigged and brainwashing people.
Cause you know what? It doesn't work that way. People believe what they want to believe, usually Despite of what they are taught in class, not because of it.

>> No.2866514

There are so many different feminist perspectives. The typical text book for these undergrad classes is even called FEMINISMS. You're acting as if the theoretical bent of thousands of women writing over the course of a few generations is monolithic. Fuck, you even wrote "feminist viewpoint" seriously. It's like you've completely forgotten everything you were supposed to read by Joan W. Scott. I honestly hope you'll feel as if your finished with school after your bachelor's degree is complete, because you're seriously too stupid for anything higher.

>> No.2866529

I find that the liberal type people you're describing assign the best books. I had a rather plain woman as a professor once; she assigned books like the "Awakening" and excerpts from "Madwoman in the Attic." "The Awakening" was the only text that I really disliked... On the other hand, I've had this gay, hipster dude who assigns lots of modernist stuff which is actually pretty cool for the most part. He also introduced me to Kenneth Patchen, whom I probably would have never read otherwise. Granted, the guy also assigns lots of stuff by gay writers, but it's really all pretty good. I like literature from dejected, marginalized souls.

>> No.2866542

Yeah guess what, plantation owners wanted slavery because it was actually economically advantageous for them, and capitalism genuinely has improved human quality of life by displacing feudalism. Socialism, on the other hand, is just an ideology.

>> No.2866551

Hah. I'm reading The Awakening for a gender and sexuality class. It's...about what I'd expect for the time period.

>> No.2866555

Do you mean forced as in it actually says to do so on the paper, or forced as in you will get a crappy mark if you don't pander to your prof? In the first case, you should be able to expand your brain enough to get in the shoes of someone else if you have to. It's your fault, suck it up. In the second case you are correct in pointing out that it is bullshit, but you stand up for yourself and write how you want. If you can't put your name behind what your write, don't put it down on the page. If she doesn't like it, she's going to have to fucking deal with it. You aren't in college to fellate your prof, you are there to fine tune your skills. If that means you get a shitty grade, who cares.

>> No.2866557

Not true. Luce Irigaray and Jacques Lacan went on to get advanced degrees. When you specialize in something where it doesn't matter whether or not what you say is true or even coherent, you can go as far as you want regardless of talent.

>> No.2866558

Guess what? Of course plantation owners benefited from slavery, it's all the benefits of human labor, except you don't have to consider their humanity. That doesn't make it less terrible.

And "capitalism" didn't improve the world, humanity did, not as part of a monolithic economic ideology, but by trying to live better lives and help others do likewise.

>> No.2866563

Yeah, I know that, I learned that when I was studying the economic advantages of slavery.
You know I did that, Because that's in the post you're responding to.

>> No.2866567

If you can't understand how something can be bad in one way while being good in another way, then all this garbage about learning 'despite' one's education can be safely dismissed.

>> No.2866568

You could try killing your professor

>> No.2866574

I've been there :/ it was in a polysci class though, so it was even worse when the teacher tried shoving her political opinions down all of our throats.

>> No.2866575

It's not like the entirety of feminist writings are wrong. I dare our uppity OP to find something so wrong in writings by Sedgwick, Butler, Gilbert and Gubar, Scott. etc. that the entire thrust of feminism is completely worthless. It's like he had to read Betty Friedan for the first week of class and is no throwing a temper tantrum instead of realizing Friedan is just kind of a dick.

>> No.2866583

Slavery was only good in that it was cheap. No one denies the cost-effectiveness of treating people like shit and making them do stuff. I didn't argue against the economic advantages of it.

But it was a shitty system, all the same.

>> No.2866584

feminism IS bad tho because it seeks to pit women against men in a fight or competition that they can't possibly win.

>> No.2866590

Am I justified in saying that Medea is a cunt?
I mean, she killed her fucking kids but because Jason has married this other chick, we're supposed to smpathise with this bigoted, selfish murderer.
>tfw when just had to write about why euipides is a prototpical feminist
>tfw getting what you paid for

>> No.2866598

Yeah, I think you might be able to make an argument for some second wave feminists doing exactly that. Unfortunately, I also think there are plenty of third wave feminists that aren't doing anything of the sort. However, my general point this thread as been that feminism is so fucking broad, we can't exactly draw easy conclusions from its body of work. Feminists are doing all kinds of work.

>> No.2866618

I can see the basis for your greentexted argument. Granted, we'd have to first understand the power structures with regard to sexuality at work within ancient Greek culture. My knowledge of Greek culture is largely from Mottier, but as I recall only Greek men were citizens and the institution of marriage was chiefly in place to secure lineage for citizens. Given this, I could see why a play wherein a Greek free woman (though not a citizen) challenges the masculinity of her ex-husband by taking away his lineage could be considered a moment of proto-feminism. None of this is to say infanticide isn't fucking horrible, because from our contemporary cultural perspective it absolutely is.

>> No.2866623

>I like literature from dejected, marginalized souls
I may have a recommendation for you :p

>> No.2866648

Wait, I thought first- and second-wave were the reasonable ones, and the third wave is the one that wants to give all men penectomies and milk them.

>> No.2866661

>/lit/ in charge of criticizing theories it doesn't know anything about

>> No.2866664

>tfw you realize /lit/ is more mindlessly liberal than you thought

>> No.2866679
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Reminder that blacks aren't really people and are significantly less intelligent.

>> No.2866681
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>> No.2866690

Nope. In the second wave you tend to find people like Andrea Dworkin, who among others spoke out against all pornography and prostitution, said the male sexuality is intrinsically violent, and claimed all heterosexual sex in our patriarchal society is rape; and the collective Women Against Sex who wrote, "There is no way out of the practice of sexuality except out...we know of no exception to male supremacist sex...we name orgasm as the epistemological mark of the sexual, and we therefore criticise it too, as oppressive to women." Of course, even second wave feminism wasn't monolithic. For all the writers who were anti-male, anti-sexuality, etc. there were writers like Gayle Rubin, Susie Bright, and Carol Vance who were decidedly sex-positive. Even within the third wave, you're going to see similar radical views, but they've largely tapered off since the transition into third wave. This is not to say they're gone entirely, they're just fewer of them and their opinions are very much in the minority.

>> No.2866692

Every board is somewhat ignorant of their professed subject. Except /tg/. That place may as well not be 4chan.

>> No.2866694

No, I'm pretty sure I'm right, because first wave wanted the right to vote and second wanted equal job opportunities, both goals concrete and attainable, but the third just kind of flounders around blaming men for nebulous grievances.

>> No.2866695

That sentence isn't really helping your case in light of the fact there's another anon in this thread quoting actual fucking feminists.

>> No.2866696

/tg/ is terrible at trading card games. Their MtG advice is shit and they won't even discuss YO (though I honestly don't blame them).

>> No.2866697

>the third just kind of flounders around blaming men for nebulous grievances
What the fuck are you on about? If anything, third-wave feminism is perhaps the least ideologically concerned with men.

Wait a minute, maybe this is one of those "trolls" I've heard so much about...

>> No.2866704

Oh, interesting. I haven't been there in awhile, but it always appeared as though the regulars had their shit together with regard to games. Still, that seems a fair bit better than /v/ who doesn't play videogames, /co/ that doesn't know shit about comics, /fa/ that doesn't know shit about fashion, and /lit/ that hasn't read all that much.

>> No.2866722

Unlike /v/, fun is not a buzzword on /tg/, so being "good" at a game often just entails having a good time playing it. When it comes to mechanical issues surrounding their games, you'll often find on the board a subtle (or not so subtle) hostility towards system mastery and being able to be the "best" at something. As that other poster points out, Magic is one of the worst, where not a day goes by without seeing someone, if not outright not understanding the rules, at the least believing that their really weak an ineffectual deck ideas are actually competitive. Not that I'm complaining, because I, too, enjoy having fun, but to suggest that /tg/ are all experts at their chosen amusement is often far from mark

>> No.2866735

Yeah. I hear ya. I guess the boards with hobbies that require proficiency as well as knowledge tend to function a bit differently than the boards that just require knowledge. For example, on /fa/ you don't need to show both knowledge of fashion and a proficiency at dressing yourself, but the board still doesn't even fulfill the knowledge requirement. I feel all the boards that profess knowledge on some topic are largely similar in this respect.

>> No.2866761
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>not having a sense of integrity and dropping out of college because you disapprove of the intellectual climate
>not living in voluntary poverty as a sociopolitical statement
>not being unemployed and consuming as little as possible thereby putting more pressure on the system creating more incentive for a revolution

>> No.2867116

>that feel when shitty trolls actually bait other retards on /lit/