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/lit/ - Literature

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2863995 No.2863995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature degrees exist so that people too stupid to do STEM, philosophy, or even the social sciences can still feel smarter than the working class.

>> No.2864005
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>mfw doing a social science major and there are people who are actually dropping out.

>> No.2864002
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Literature is sexy. Science isn't.

Pic related.

>> No.2864007

I think you mean "social 'science'".

>> No.2864012

fuk u son, i did an essay in first about how the social sciences can be science we use shit like experiments and everything u a busta if u don't think we be scientists.

>> No.2864015

>implying it's strange to get the fuck out of there once you realise what you signed up for

>> No.2864016

1. Anthropology
2. Law
3. Economics
4. Linguistics

90001. The rest

>> No.2864024

Eh I kind of agree with you OP. Even Nabokov admits this at the start of Lolita. The only real intelligent literature students are at Oxford, Cambridge or something else on that level.

That being said these discussions are getting old and it's mostly just kids trying to justify themselves and the insane amount of debt they're going to be in.

>> No.2864027

>Teach criminology at community college
>every drops out because it's not CSI shit
Every fucking year.

>> No.2864028

What kind of design are these rankings geared to? Law and economics are the only ones that you could find a job in.

>> No.2864033

There's a high level of drop out in general at community colleges, no?

All the people I knew who went to community college would bounce around from class to class like it was a buffet and they didn't have a specific taste for anything there.

Do you compare your rates with other teachers/courses?

>> No.2864048
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that feel when second year MSc engineering student

oh god why am i so much better than everyone else

>> No.2864056

Generally yes community college has higher drop out rates. At my college people can choose to do a social science course equivalent to first year university or they can choose subjects to study on their own. I teach those that choose to specialise in criminology only.
I think if I got the option to interview we would get more serious students, but we don't. It's a shame because we're one of the higher chosen courses. Sadly the people in charge would rather we just fill the room with anyone. As long as they stay the first month we get funding from the government. No one here actually cares about teaching.

>> No.2864061

yes because crackpot theories about ancient man are far more important than the complexities of the resource distributing mechanisms that effect contemporary man on a daily basis.

there is a reason there is a nobel prize for economics and none for anthropology. nor law. nor linguistics.

economics is the only social science worthy of the name.

>> No.2864067

Economics is just for middle class white people to basically back up their policies of 'fucking the poor man'.

>> No.2864094


economics is the only social science that regularly incorporates empirical data and mathematical analysis. the economic scientist does not manipulate or suggest policy, he simply observes the what, when and where, then tries to figure out why.

politicians create policy. I would think the very nature of the word would lend itself to that insight.

>> No.2864137


Oh really? Who won University Challenge last year thanks to their captain, who was doing an English degree? Manchester. Who did they beat? Cambridge. Suck your shit faggot.

>> No.2864156

This attitude is ridiculous. You see it everywhere. There's a parallel in language learning threads. When someone suggests a method that another person thinks isn't as good as another method they may or may not have used, they'll make out the first method to be literally useless. Going to an Oxbridge class school gives one an edge, but it's certainly not a guarantee that one will be more informed, or more capable at doing what one studied. Hard work is far more important. Arguably, it's perception that dictates after college success, rather than any sort of talent.

>> No.2864178

> arbitrary heir achy of importance
>thinks society is valuable
>probably think the scientific method isn't fundamentally retarded


>> No.2864227

Literate is a made-up field from the same conditions that created Women's Studies.

Institutional academia always leads to misguided categorization and subcategorization of education, as people lose sight of the fact that it's supposed to be a gathering place for varied intellectuals, and start to think it's "post-secondary education". First the aristocrats and oligarchs want their retarded sons to get a makework sinecure degree, so a field like "Literature" is created for the dummies who didn't keep up in the classics. Then the middle class wants access to the airs of high society too, and so on, until it's just High School 2: Electric Boogaloo. Even real fields like historiography get degraded into generic liberal arts summer camps and finishing schools for future office managers who want to feel like they're sophisticated Frasier Crane knockoffs.

>B-but I'm gonna be a writer..

>> No.2864334

>>society isn't valuable
>>scientific method fundamentally retarded.

hello buttdevastated, edgy, liberal arts sophomore. how is pretending you 'have original ideas and are destined for great things' going for you?

>> No.2864361

>Implying smart people do STEM
Smart people do not do STEM. Boring, unimaginative, stupid people with good logical skills do STEM

>> No.2865448

Honestly, I think the average /pol/ poster is probably smarter than you.

>> No.2865508

Well, hopefully it will get me to were I want to go-The Publishing Industry. In before, ' Why didn't you choose Journalism?' FUCK JOURNALISM

>> No.2865529

Literary criticism is at best a linguistic game and at worst an academic sham, and the legitimacy of any field is in doubt whenever almost all of its participants belong to the same discredited school of political thought.

>> No.2865569

Literature degrees exist so people who can't write can put off failure for four years.

>> No.2865574

Hahaha. Love this post.

Business degrees must exist for the same reason, then. Something like half of all businesses fail.

>> No.2865628

The great thing about these threads is that the vast majority of people contributing anything of significance to STEM, philosophy and social science fields would be willing to recognize the importance of literature and the arts, whereas these threads are just continually being made by uneducated science fanboys

>> No.2865633
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>> No.2865637

Literature is valuable. Literature degrees don't exist so that there can be more or better literature, but rather so that pseudo-intellectuals can get paid for being ideologues.

>> No.2865641

>implying you get a business degree to start a business

and it's a much higher percent of failure than that

>> No.2865644

And the little pay that they get upsets you because?

>> No.2865655

You might have a point if the vast majority of people with math or science degrees actually contributed anything of value to their fields, or to society in general, but, well..

>> No.2865674

So where do the people who can write go?

>> No.2865701

This thread is really bad.

>> No.2865714

Straight out of high school they become expatriates and the estrangement from home soil and their family gives them the fuel to write magnificent literary masterpieces.

>> No.2865778
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Anthropology is great for developing an open minded world view and helping perceive the perceptual biases that exist through-out every culture.

I loved my classes and the information I've obtained.

That said, It's not helped me obtain any kind of "career" job.

I'm happy. Fuck the rest

>> No.2865826

>or to society in general
Doctors, engineers, and technicians don't contribute something to society?

>> No.2865872
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ITT: Cyclejerking

pic realted

>> No.2865901

STEM majors are pathetic. All scientists of any era have ever done is improve the standard of living of the plebs. Without the humanities, we'd just have REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY efficient aqueducts, ridiculous overpopulation, and efficiently automated panem at circenses at the local orgiporgium.

Philosophers invented natural science as an afterthought.

>> No.2865908

why have you stupid fucking piece of shit mods deleted this thread yet

>> No.2865910
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>STEM majors can't be philosophers as well
>philosophy doesn't need logic

pic semirelated

>> No.2865917

yeah delete the funny hitler thread but not this retarded shit that keeps getting reposted over and over. kill your selves

>> No.2865952

STEM majors only constitute the money-grubbing, steel-pounding proletariat that get relegated to your typical lower-middle to middle class home where they wallow in a cesspool of their own monotony. Majors like that aren't comprehensive enough to afford you anything more than a predetermined life of daily grind, because the career options are so damn specific. If you want to displace your dreams into mechanics, education, or some shitty networking job, then be my guest.

>> No.2865967

>do PPE
>get a job in asset management
>don't really like it
>apply to do graduate medicine
>starting this year

Really, as long as you aren't a complete idiot you can make a career or get an education in anything.

>> No.2865979

Boy oh boy is it negative and insecure in here. It's not about "crappy" majors, it's about college students who shouldn't be college students becoming college students.

1. Don't go to a school that is too expensive for you.
2. Major in something that interests you and will allow you to strengthen your skills
3. Work hard
4. Have a good attitude.

It's worked for me, and I'm an English major.

>> No.2865982
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>> No.2865988


As someone getting both a science degree and a humanities, I find it hilarious how butthurt you all are.

>> No.2865990


Anthropology is great at justifying ass backwards thinking and other nonsense that at best is laughable and at worst is as close to evil as humans can get. Multiculturalism is a bane to the betterment mankind.

>> No.2866095

>God tier

>Mid tier

Alright faggot

>> No.2866129

I took an anthro class in my senior year; it was great. But the way my college let us do it, I was able to take this region-focused course (SE Asia) without needing pre-req's from the anthropology department. So I learned all this neat stuff about southeast Asian cultures, without having to sit any intro course which would probably have been more along the lines of what you're talking about: some grad student-led course where they basically berate students with bromides about how everybody's equal, and no culture is better than another, or whatever (didn't take the course, so I'm not sure). All I got was learning about exotic cultures.

That said, I am not certain if you're just saying that the study of other cultures shouldn't be undertaken just for its own sake, in which case I'd suggest that you're fixated in an edgy-teen stage.

>> No.2866250

Trolling exists so incompetent losers can feel a false sense of power and superiority for once in their miserable lives.

>> No.2866254

Buttfrustraion exists so you can cope with being told so hard by lashing out at the messenger.

>> No.2866276

>ridiculous overpopulation
wrong faggot, as the standard of living increases for a person the less children they will have. This was seen in the Roman Empire as their population steadly declined throught the centuries until the absolute fall. Once they were all poor as shit they started having more kids and we saw the population of Western Europe (former western half of roman empire) double. Just compare japan's brithrate to Zambia.

>> No.2866330

So are lit students the filthy pretentious hippies you described me /lit/?
Of course I expect some twisted bitter view points from 4chan but I'm really scared /lit/.. I'll be leaving my 3 year NEETness this Monday and I'll be interacting with them a lot (I'm not studding lit).