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/lit/ - Literature

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2862861 No.2862861 [Reply] [Original]

Coincidence? Good people of /lit/, TAR 17


"Shaken but still stirring, TAR releases Issue 17. Our batch this month is quite diverse, and should
tingle at least a few different taste-buds. Dive right into some speculative cyberpunk to discover what the hell
Gobblefunk is. Then, take in the nostalgia of a greasy roller-rink arcade with Hustle. After the simstim and incest,
finish off your prose binge with a downer, courtesy of The Other Boat. For people who love traveling but hate the
world, August's poetry section is an express ticket from Contessa Feline's Italy to the Chicago of Jesse's Homeless
Face, with lodgings at the broken down and boarded up haunts at Simon and post-Garfunkal. All credit for the
lovely artwork we've butchered belongs to the talented Rallé, who has gracefully made portions of his artwork
open to the public."

If anyone should desire to submit content or assist us in the release of our next issue, they need only email us at theaprilreader@gmali.com

Our thanks

>> No.2862893

FYI, as a hard, unbreakable rule I never read anything that opens with dialogue.

It is disgusting and irredeemable.

>> No.2862906

i'll read it later, once there's a good enough shitstorm in this thread

>> No.2862910


Give it time gents.

I for one, am going to bed

>> No.2862919
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>that cover

>> No.2862953
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>is wonderful

>> No.2862998
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Gobblefunk 6/10, ending was bad. Rest was okay. Doesn't know what subtlety means.

>> No.2863008

that cover is fucking awesome

>> No.2863045
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Hustle 4/10. Hammy. No purpose, nothing interesting. Overwriting. Terrible dialogue.

>> No.2863050
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It Sucks wincestcaption/10

>> No.2863051

hey, I got in. Wrote "Simon and post-Garfunkel".

That was one of the first things I tried to write, and have since submitting I've rewritten it a little. As tryhard as it is, feel free the bash.

>> No.2863057

I never know how much of this thread is Prole samefagging and how much is actual reaction. I've tried reading it myself and it always seems like the same bullshit over and over.

>> No.2863084
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The Other Boat 8/10. Decent voice. Was almost interested in the sub-narrative. 2deep4me but at least it wasn't beating me over the head.

>> No.2863090

I'm not sure if I'd call them all the same bullshit, there's a general tone sure. Although I can only seem to read one prose and a poem or two each time around. It Sucks was a nice twist on the typical incest story ;_; Cotessa Feline was pretty clever with all of the wordplay, Don't Know was pretty emotive.

>> No.2863098


We're thinking of adding in awesome or otherwise amusing posts into subsequent issues of TAR. I like yours.

"As a rule... [TAR is] disgusting and irredeemable."

I hear you. I used to live in Russia (the Turkish parts), and sometimes we had to power our meat freezers with shitstorms.

I like you. I wish these threads had more of this type of speed-critiquing. It's honest and clearly points out faults.

Back when we had Sweedish Guy around, every thread ever was just prole and him bouncing through different proxies and posting whatever their random-phrase generators spat out. They got the idea from MGS2. But that's all in the past, I assure you.

>> No.2863106

>Back when we had Sweedish Guy around, every thread ever was just prole and him bouncing through different proxies and posting whatever their random-phrase generators spat out.
>hey got the idea from MGS2.

oh god I can't stop laughing

>> No.2863115

The Other Day 7/10 Was good until I was being lectured by some faggot who was raped by a little girl. Message kind of falls when he didn't even do anything, was disconnected as well. But not bad.

Art is 10/10 so far. Really pretty shit.

>> No.2863119
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Forgot my pic. Important aspect.

>> No.2863126

kshitter detected

>> No.2863135
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I like you too.

Contessa Feline 7/10 Knew where you were going with it and it's not edgy or contrived.

Don't Know 3/10 Mom's a bitch and this isn't really poetry. Nice try, though.

I don't even know what that is but thank you.

>> No.2863136


Daiym, nigga! You read fast as hell!

>> No.2863137

you actually memorize filenames?

>> No.2863138

The samefag is strong in this one.

>> No.2863159
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Gnosis I'll read it when I fucking feel like it/10
Infinite Drive 6/10 Cliché, teenagey. Should have run with the light idea and skipped out on the explaining it.
Jesse's Homeless Face 6/10 still not really poetry. Not completely terrible though.
Post-Incorrectly-Spelled-Garfunkel just learned about ee/10. Edgy as fuck. Poetry is not for ranting. Could write good poems if you got over yourself and focused on things other than wurstgenerationevur.

>> No.2863170

Gnosis seemed like a very ambitious work, and the author managed to pull it off; a very beautiful method of conveying the concepts, great imagery, appropriate vagueness. I'd say it's the one of the best poems I've read in a while, not just in TAR. If the author is here, I'd like to ask: how long did it take to write this? What was your inspiration?

>> No.2863178
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Sometime 7/10 Not greatful but decent. Would read again. Write more.
Sons daddyissues/10. What free verse should be like, though shouldn't be afraid to go more abstract than silly things like 'my brother will wake up from his coma'.

>> No.2863189


nope, mixture of Burroughs and Whitman, to be honest. Still have yet to get around to the notorious Tao. I just wanted to make something vivid and rolled into that, but I still enjoy the rant. (though those bits could be written better)


>> No.2863213


Hello I am the author of Gnosis, thank you for the words of encouragement! Means a lot.

I wrote it over the course of April, during the write-a-poem-a-day thing. From there I took what I had made from that and used it as the basis of a longer poem (though I don't think much of the original poetry made it through intact, if any at all). I think from there I had basically finished it by June. I'm not even sure what my inspiration was. In a way it's sort of just pastiche T.S. Eliot. Gnosticism plays a big role in it too I guess. Aside from that, anxiety and relationships with women.

>> No.2863224
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Typewriter Poem I 9/10 Good imagery and voice. No complaints.
The Young Idealist's Seduction 8/10 Again, good voice, use of language. Why did you guys squish these two in at the end?

>> No.2863264

I'd urge you to see if you can get published in places more, ah, renowned than TAR.

>> No.2863304


I will try! I'm still pretty young though, with a lot of room to grow, so I don't exactly want my work all over the place.

>> No.2863306

...I don't understand poetry. Why were these good?

>> No.2863324

Take ratings for poetry with a grain of salt, it's a pretty personal thing. Both were unique, had their own voice, are interesting and more than just trying to obscure a description of something with words or confessional prose split into lines.

>> No.2863461

Read the poetry. Don't really get it.

Read Some Pervert's story. Not bad not bad.
Read the first story. It was okay. I'll reread the poetry aloud and see what I like and what sucks.

>> No.2863486

What the fuck is a blatant /a/ incest story doing in this? God this is funny.

>> No.2863490

Okay reread the poetry. Did not Care for much of it. The last two were okay. The long one near the end was just long. The first two were plain shit. The long ass one was okay. Had some nice lines. Everything else is forgettable.

>> No.2863974



>> No.2863981

TAR lowered its standards.

>> No.2863991


They broadened them.

>> No.2863997

You can get lower than they already had?
>tfw tar has never published a single thing you've sent ever.
God, I'm giving up writing.

>> No.2864031


Change the type of thing you write.

To pr0n.

>> No.2864249


This guy has some good advice to give to you:
(excluding the Pr0n bit.)

TAR gets alot of experimental stuff - not only with poetry, but with prose as well. Each month, several pieces of prose are rejected simply because they aren't enjoyable to read. In most of these works, you can tell there was a substantial amount of talent in the author, and that effort went into creating the prose; unfortunately, the writer plunged too far into the cesspool of post-structuralism.

TAR has made the mistake of publishing such pieces before, and the only substantial criticism of the work was usually something like "pretentious bullshit, 2/10."

If your rejected pieces were Poetry, you may be in luck. For the past several issues, we have had a single person in charge of poetry. Some said his tastes were selective - I have no opinion on the matter - and I do feel having just one person looking at all the poetry was a mistake. Right now, both myself and Prole look over the poetry submissions, and our respective tastes are quite broad. In fact, we had a hard time fitting in most of the poetry submissions we approved of, and had to file away quite a bit for future releases.

Basically, just keep trying.

>> No.2864256

>cesspool of post-structuralism
Is TAR meant to represent /lit/ or not?

>> No.2864298 [DELETED] 

i sent the first story i ever wrote to TAR and it got published. then i sent it to a better magazine and it got published there, too.

yall jelly?

>> No.2864413

What happened with the design, it looks like a sleezy fanzine?

>> No.2864443

This crap is honestly not worth reading.

>> No.2864618

I actually liked the poetry this time. About as good as last issue's.

>> No.2864644

I wrote Don't Know. I'm more upset that you think it's about mom issues than you hating it. If you understood the message a little better and still didn't like it, I wouldn't mind.

>> No.2864680

It seems /lit/'s monthly mess has arrived in all its gory glory.

go away tar

>> No.2864810

bump because The Other Boat genuinely deserves it with a flow that goes back and forth like the pull and tide of the sea.

>> No.2864823
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Go to bed Tar

>> No.2864831

Every TAR thread is just the faggot editors bumping with and without trips.

Nobody cares, TAR.

>> No.2864837

Im not an editor anymore. Get your facts straight.

>> No.2864851

I'm >>2863135
Cool, it's about jumping into real life after college and floundering. Still not poetry.

>> No.2864859

I know, you got kicked off. How pathetic do you have to be to get rejected from TAR?

It doesn't matter. Go away.

>> No.2864871
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Why do you hate TAR? It's not the pinnacle of literature but it's a part of the board and there are certainly worse threads than one actually discussing work. I was the only one to rate shit so far, but that doesn't mean people aren't still reading it.

Filter it if you're too butthurt to actually read something.

>> No.2864877

>Why do you hate TAR? It's not the pinnacle of literature but it's a part of the board and there are certainly worse threads than one actually discussing work. I was the only one to rate shit so far, but that doesn't mean people aren't still reading it.


>> No.2864878

Wait, do you guys not accept pr0n?

What if I send it to you, just for you editors to jack off to, without expecting you guys to put it in TAR?

>> No.2864954


Then I would jack off onto it, scan your jizz-soaked contribution, and publish it in various art books. When you confront me about the theft of your work, I will say that I was displaying my semen, not your work.

Anyway, we do accept explicit material, so long as its substantial and enjoyable.

Got any good stuff with sexy chubbies?

>> No.2864990

I'm the author. Thank you. I'm glad you got the sense of space I was trying to convey.

>> No.2864992

I have a story about a fat guy who couldn't find his penis. He searches the folds of his fat for days of not weeks. When he has navigated most of his body (that he can reach) without avail he goes to a prostitute and asks her to find his dick. However she is so skinny the fat man has a hard time seeing her. He gives up eventually and then kills himself.

It's about the bloated economy and how we as a society waste resources trying to get off instead of trimming the fat. Might be the deepest thing you'll publish.

>> No.2865011

Why would anyone wish to have their creative work associated with a webzine that is involved with this guy >>2864954

Comments like this are the very proof that TAR is garbage. When the curators are this sophomoric how could the publication aspire to be anything more than juvenile?

>> No.2865016


>> No.2865021

If you're not going to bother and read/think about my work than please dont bother telling us what is and is not poetry because you obviously dont know what you're talking about

>> No.2865032
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You don't have to get butthurt because I stated my opinion. There is nothing poetic about your work and it's a good example of thinking an idea is enough to coast through without having anything substantial, any wordplay, any imagery. or anything remotely interesting. I didn't attack you for being a pretentious fuck who thinks splitting up a SOC sentence into lines is poetry, I stated my opinion on your shit. If you're going to publish you need to learn to take criticism.

>> No.2865058

Forgetting we are on 4chan.
I think you need to chill mr freeze.

>> No.2865077

Hardly. I think you kiddies need to get over your infatuation with this shit.

>> No.2865082


Why do you use such archaic words?

Is it because you think people will take what you say with greater interest?

>> No.2865086

ESL detected.

>> No.2865090

TAR has pretty much always been like this, though. A lot of people badmouth the stories and poems, but TAR's true embarrassment lies in how its editors post/talk on 4chan.

Like you said, I'm sure it drives away good writers. Why anyone would submit here when there are thousands of other magazines listed on duotrope.com is beyond me.

>> No.2865104

I always considered TAR as a fun little fuck-about publication. One that doesn't take itself very seriously and is more of a time-sink, for lack of a better term.

>> No.2865135

"Operating under the belief that the rise of the internet has allowed the written word to regain parity with mass-media and television, The April Reader hopes to serve as a launching point for the future writers of this generation."

Not exactly a lighthearted mission statement.

>> No.2865177


Yes, Prole is quite an idealist. I - personally - enjoy working for TAR because it gives the editors quite a bit of variety in work experience (layout, graphic design, proofreading, etc.), as well as exposing me to a vast range of different voices and styles.

TAR certainly is a fun publication to work on. But we do like to believe we help out our contributing authors by exposing them to the feedback of the anonymous masses.

I also like to believe we give anons a set of good reads.

>> No.2865469

don't see why people are even complaining that TAR's editors don't act professional or whatever, this is 4chan you know

>> No.2865477

>hi gais ive come for sumer and im just going to keep repeating "this is 4chan" over and over
That you don't understand the culture of the board is a sign to lurk moar.

>> No.2865544


I've been here since 2010. Pretty sure I understand the culture of this board. Way far from professional.

>> No.2865575

Shut the fuck up you newfaggot. You obviously weren't around for ZWG. TAR is an awful lot more professional and polished.

>> No.2865576

>claiming to have been here since 2010
>not knowing we take ourselves very seriously here

>> No.2865657

You should revise your definition of qualities.

One turd is soft textured and light colored, the other is firm and darkly hued. Those qualities do not make one better than another since they're both still shit.

Also, yes I agree that TAR is awful. Oh I'm sorry did I take that out of context?

>> No.2865664

Point is that you're a fucking faggot who thinks a community zine on 4chan should try and be pretentious instead of fun and serving the community. TAR/ZWG is definitely part of the culture of the board, as is the penis was and blueberry girls. You're trying to call people summerfags while insisting the board you've spent all of a week on is supersrs.

>> No.2865685

>mentioning blueberry girls specifically as a thing
Is that you blueberry guy? You're a lot more angry outside of those blueberry threads than I expected.

>> No.2865695

>TAR/ZWG is definitely part of the culture of the board, as is the penis was and blueberry girls.
get out

>> No.2865705

Sounds more like Prole to me. He's pretty much the only one on /lit/ who wants TAR to fuck around in the muck and grime of 4chan.

>> No.2865709

Prole is blueberry guy

>> No.2865712
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>> No.2865726
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>fiction section
>fully half of its length is the incest story

>> No.2865819
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You are clearly under the delusion that there is only one person holds all of the anti-TAR sentiments. Get your shit straight before you begin making blind accusations and assumptions.

This Guy
is not the same one you were addressing before.

I can assure you that it makes little difference to me if someone began coming to /lit/ a week ago or a year ago. My point, which you seem determined to overlook, is that TAR's publishers (and apparently the majority of it's reader base) seems to hold this horrendous web-publication in unqualified high regard.
Honestly, why so angry? TAR has attempted in many ways to present itself as some "pretentious" collection. I'll refer to >>2865135 for the prime example of this effort.

>> No.2865838

i don't know guys can we just talk about the writing

>> No.2865868

Why the fuck would you do that?

Besides, the writing is all shit

>> No.2865905

Ignore mode. Grow up.

>> No.2865915

Ah, the smell of a newly released TAR thread in the morning (or should I say late afternoon?). It never gets old.

Apologies for being away for so long gents, I usually try to stay away from discussion until later in the release. But I can see that in this case it was a mistake

So far as I can see, the main points of contention are as follows
-Sexual content
-Emphasis of TAR policy
-Me allegedly posting every response in this thread

As far as I am concerned, the prime goal for TAR editors is to act as servants of the community. TAR might ultimately just be a online magazine that releases new issues monthly, but it can only ever be successful if it works in the interests of the majority of readers and authors involved. To this end, our policies are never completely set in stone.

If /lit/ truly wants a different format for TAR, we will change it. You need only indicate what should be altered and give us a model to emulate. The same can be said for the cover and our inclusion of sexual content. If you should feel that our cover designs are bad, either tell us what you think should be changed or offer to send in a new one. We will do our best to represent the interests of the community

It is true that last month I suggested TAR should focus primarily on /lit/ and developing authors. This idea was never set in stone, and seeing that it caused concern we have since done our best to revise it. My foremost goal for TAR is to have it democratic and open to change

>> No.2865924

>our inclusion of sexual content

Keep it, it's fun.

>> No.2865926

As for the allegation that I have posted "every single response in this thread", this is simply false. My approach to thread moderation has always been to let conversation direct itself unless it requires editor response. TAR does not argue about policy anonymously, for the simple reason that it accomplishes nothing and minimizes the relevance of criticism.

Anyways, if anything needs changing or there are any questions about the conduct of TAR, just ask.

although actually, Wildweasel was the source of that particular statement.

>> No.2865977

Yeah, I kind of figured that was the case. We only ever started removing erotic content from TAR after a handful of people kicked up a fuss.

But they don't even seem to read TAR at this point

>> No.2865980

>But they don't even seem to read TAR at this point

Neither do the rest of us.

>> No.2865981

~100 downloads so far

so somebody must

>> No.2866025

Lol, nice rebuttal, faggot

>> No.2866027

Ive been downloading and deleting each download so you go into the negative.

I'll write some porn for you. I mean like straight up gay shit. It'll be about the chick-fil-a guy masturbating on an alter boy. Please publish it.

>> No.2866033

>So far as I can see, the main points of contention are as follows

Just wanted to point out that you omitted the presence of TAR on /lit/ as an area of contention.

>> No.2866168

>Gobblefunk - 3/4
Most interesting piece of the whole lot. Writing is smooth and the ending is hilarious

>Hustle - 2.5/4
The tone and idea are nice, the opening is rough as all hell. Some of the dialogue in between is also lacking

>It sucks that you can't - 3/4
Well-written, not much to complain about

>The Other boat - 2/4
Plodding existential mush. The tone of the narrator gets irritating very fast

>The Other day I was just sitting there, and then - 2.5/4
Too short to be totally compelling, but still a pretty decent read nonetheless

I'll get to the poetry sometime later.

>> No.2867797


>> No.2867803

Download it and read it and share your opinions, you scoundrels

>> No.2867844


>> No.2868516

Well I liked it. Interesting cover. Nice stories. Not great stories but enjoyable ones.

>> No.2869270

Well TAR is officially dead. Even the ratings guy won't come back. The poetry must be god awful. Been a good run guys.

>> No.2869280
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>> No.2869290

Says the moron responder. I just got back from masturbating to the x-files. What have you done with your life today?

>> No.2869291 [DELETED] 

>implying it can't be revived if you make that tumblr

>> No.2869318


dead lifted three times my weight for 5 hours

>> No.2869337


>> No.2869608

I doubt you could lift 900 pound dick lick.

>> No.2869646

Oh dear :( Well it did have to happen sometime I guess, he was pretty old. It's true what Hitchens said about him too--became somewhat of a crackpot and a shell of his former self later in life. But that's probably true of a lot of people! RIP

>> No.2869766

About how long would a submission need to be in order to be featured?
Or does it not really matter?

>> No.2869784

It isn't really a big deal, although we try to decide on what to include before the 23rd. We release on the 1st of each month, basically anything submitted up until that time will be considered. Mind you, sooner rather than later is preferable

our email is theaprilreader@gmail.com

>> No.2869789

Alright, thanks. I should have it finished within the next few days.

>> No.2869896


>> No.2870680

Has TAR ever featured a poem that rhymed?

>> No.2870703

You must be new here.

>> No.2871254
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>> No.2873031

tar is dead

>> No.2873040
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>> No.2873159


You killed it

>> No.2873834

Does TAR print any Of these out?
Does TAR have a news letter or email?

>> No.2873847

it's an ezine and their email is theaprilreader at gmail

>> No.2873888

There have been plenty of outlandish schemes to try and print issues of TAR out feasibly, but as of yet it simply isn't possible. Printers and the internet have basically rendered the practical value of printing off issues fairly irrelevant. Perhaps we'll get around to making extremely low-cost mimeograph issues where practically all materials are homemade, but we can't for now

Out email, as >>2873847 suggested is theaprilreader@gmail.com. We've been thinking of making a newsletter for a while now, but have yet to properly conceive of presentation and content.