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2859796 No.2859796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf critique thread?

>> No.2859803

Not enough books.

>> No.2859811

>ernst junger

>> No.2859814


I don't want to order any more until I finish all of these.

>> No.2859825


All Quiet on the Western Front balances things out.

>> No.2859837

>buys books
>doesn't just go to the library, read them, and then not have to bother with books taking up space, having to pack them up when moving house, etc.

>> No.2859843

doesn't like decorations

>> No.2859848

>feels the need to keep books on display as a form of self-branding

>> No.2859854


But without those books of what use would those bookends be?

>> No.2859857

ashamed of what he's read

>> No.2859858

Not enough books, as already mentioned. This isn't even a whole shelf.

>> No.2859869


>as a form of self-branding

I suppose you walk around each day in a nondescript jumpsuit and come home to an unpainted house to cook yourself a tasteless bowl of gruel, all the while congratulating yourself for your virtue.

>> No.2859876

Bookshelf critique thread,
Critiquing the bookshelf and not the books.
"Looks Sturdy" "Needs better LIghting"
can't stop Rofl.

>> No.2859880


>doesn't just go to the library, read them, and then not have to bother with books taking up space, having to pack them up when moving house, etc.

I would have to leave my house every time I wanted to read or reread a book. I ordered them online, and they were delivered to my front door, now I have them to read whenever the urge tickles my fancy. You fucking JEW!!!

>> No.2859894

I always have a book (or two) to read whenever it tickles my fancy as well. I take out a book or two from the library and when the fancy tickles me, I pick up one of them and read it. When I'm done, I walk to the library and get another book or two to have around for when I am tickled by the reading fancy.

I don't really see the point of spending all that money on books. Even when I love a book and know I'll want to re-read it, I won't want to re-read for several months at least so why have it sitting around when it can be making the library rounds, being enjoyed by countless others until I want to read it again?

Jew? I'm more of a socialist..

>> No.2859906

>tfw I have to pay $50 an hour to have my fancy tickled by a professional.

>> No.2859905


>so why have it sitting around when it can be making the library rounds, being enjoyed by countless others until I want to read it again

Well, I am making doubly sure that this hypothetical book will be available to the next library goer by not renting it in the first place. Publishers operate on profit which I am providing them.

>> No.2859922


>a whole shelf.

Shelves vary in length. Suppose those books are gigantic, and that shelf so monumental in size as to make those books appear unremarkable.

>> No.2859934

Is Becker any good? I thought of reading some of his stuff once but I got the impression it was just more pseudo-scientific, quasi-psychoanalytic, unsubstantiated anthropology.

>> No.2859953


It's an interesting book. I don't take it as gospel. The premise of the book isn't really falsifiable.

>> No.2859958
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>> No.2859975

>the gamer bookshelf

>> No.2859978

"This is my virgin shelf."

>> No.2859991


Well, that insult came out of left field.

>> No.2859998

Considering what's on the shelf, it's not surprising.

>> No.2860022
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>> No.2860044
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jesus that is atrocious..

>> No.2860051

Christ, I remember that shelf. You've been here a long time, man.

>> No.2860053


Why did you save that. I don't get it, like...the whole joke is that he's stupid and black?

>> No.2860056
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>> No.2860062

>series. series everywhere
Is it just me or does anybody have an aversion to books that are in series? I somehow feel as if I'm being cheated if an author stretches the premise for so many books.

Strangely, I feel differently about books split into volumes.

>> No.2860064

I guess the joke is that he is outside of cultural expectations. He's not terribly stupid. The author might be.

>> No.2860068


I'd hate to jump to conclusions over the fact that you own Lolita, but that anime shelf above it...

>> No.2860072

The joke is that the girl doesn't know how to respond to the zany black man who asks for something with magic and wizards ("wizzads"), since it's a popular assumption that zany black men aren't interested in magic and wizards ("wizzads").

>> No.2860075


I don't have the attention span for series. I never made it past the second LOTR.

>> No.2860078


That's not a very funny joke.

>> No.2860091
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>the whole joke is that he's stupid and black?
do you even humour?

>> No.2860097

Nope. see >>2860064

>> No.2860103

they're saying the same thing

please learn to comprehend texts

>> No.2860104
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>> No.2860107
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>> No.2860124

they clearly aren't.

>> No.2860127


You are a homosexual and a communist sympathizer.

>> No.2860478

>>2860104 you tidied up! yay!

>> No.2860494

please stop posting your shitty images, you hipster piece of shit

jeg håper du blir overkjørt av en trailer, din dritt

>> No.2860509

Heh, I have 3 large book cases full of books, most of which I've read.

>> No.2860517

>a competition

pick one

>> No.2860525

My nigga.

Between my e-reader and the library there's rarely a book that requires a purchase. I've also been replacing physical books by e-books, so I have less than 70 physical books left. Feels good to be less weighted down by my possessions.

>> No.2860528

Feels bad that bookstores are suffering

>> No.2860531


Your smug demeanor is disgusting.

>> No.2860535

>look at a small selection of my stock of books; aren't they lovely? see how they're all produced by different publishers? yeah - that's because i go out of my way to get a huge array of books from publishers that remain outside of the mainstream. but, seriously, guy, look at my books. see that one on the left? farmer's market, that one. aren't they all so pretty though? oh, books... (lol. you jelly? just kidding :D) anyway, anons, they're just gorgeous books so i thought i'd share them with you all x

>> No.2860536

Fewer than 70.

>> No.2860541

It doesn't. Bookstores are mostly shitty places full of pulp who never have what I want anyway and ask more for books than online stores while having a staff that doesn't know it's shit.

Most people just like the idea of bookstores, which I understand, but in reality they are quite useless.

>> No.2860546

Thanks my native speaking friend.

>> No.2860550

I suppose that's true. I buy most of my books online anyway since there's much more choice and its cheaper.

I don't know why Bookstores don't just drop their prices to compete with Kindles and Amazon. Who wants to pay £8 for a book that you could get through in a matter of days or even hours?

>> No.2860588

Only it's not a series, the publisher was responsible for it being split

>> No.2860619
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Shelves are for pussies

>> No.2860636
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My entry level bookshelf

>> No.2860693

The money you save by not buying shelves should be put to getting a better camera, nigga.

>> No.2860710

Hell yea tad Williams. I have every one of his books.

>> No.2860726 [DELETED] 

Tad WIlliams is a fag brah.

>> No.2860731

I have the exact same editions of The Count of Monte Cristo and 1984.

>> No.2860732



confirmed for shit taste in art

>> No.2860735

I keep books and clothes and shit all in my cupboards, Zizek style.

>> No.2860744

am i the only lazy fuck that has his books laying around all over the room wherever they seem to fit?

>> No.2860792


He's going to come around any day now to give you a high five, you unbelievable faggot.

>> No.2860797

I used my phone. I have no need for a camera at all.


>> No.2860801
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Just started reading again last semester but I'm happy with my collection so far.


>> No.2860808
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I was lucky enough to find a copy of 100 years of solitude in its original language. I'm a Spanish speaker but I'm mostly accustomed to books in English so trying to read it is a little awkward.

>> No.2860818

>I don't know why Bookstores don't just drop their prices

>> No.2860826

I just moved house and gave away all my books, including:


Many more, approximatly 200 in total. I left them at an op shop bin, in cardboard boxes, on a night when the rain pissed down. Fuck it felt good. Still don't miss any of them.

>> No.2860829

Why? You rid yourself of all your past knowledge, hopes and dreams that came and left.

Now it feels good?

>> No.2860835
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>gave away all my books
>Fuck it felt good.

>> No.2860845
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The Dedlaus sections are utterly unintelligible without that hefty tome of annotations. To me, that doesn't seem like good writing on Joyce's part. Makes his most prized work inaccessible but to the intellectual elite.

>> No.2860840

You guys have a very long way to go.

>> No.2860848

And you're a hipster piece of shit.

>> No.2860853

All the references he makes are obscure to us but would be quite familiar to readers of the time.

>> No.2860857

Leave them in a place like goodwill or something so people like me can find them. I trawl stores like that for exactly the kind of books you had.

>> No.2860858

wow that was very immature of you dude. i have feelings too you know

>> No.2860865

There were so many reasons why it felt good.

destruction, even an arbritrary one like on copy of crime and punishment, as pointless as it is was fun.

Lightening my carry around shit. I didn't want to be collecting shit. I didn't want to be forced to settle because accumulated ballast.

I smoked too much weed for too many years and my memory is fucked so if I wait long enough I can read all those great books again and think it is the first time.

>> No.2860866

im sry :( x

Really though, why did you dump them all like that?

>> No.2860876

Op shop is Australian goodwill.

Some of them may have survived. It was devine will that determined the fate of the books.

>> No.2860877

I can assure you, even in his time the reader had to be ridiculously smart. To get that shit. They might have gotten a stray allusion or two, but overall it was as impenetrable then as now

>> No.2860899

Wow, /lit/ has feelings.

>> No.2860911
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>> No.2860912


Here is my bookshelf

>> No.2860916

you people don't seriously critique book shelves do you?

shit, I just place them on by size and genre, I have too many books to worry about aesthetics.

>> No.2860946

I thought this was a good idea until my Kindle broke because the screens are so shit. at least if you drop a book the worst that can happen is that you lose one book

>> No.2860949


>Ernst Jünger

10/10 bookshelf OP you deserve a blowjob every time you bat an eyelash. Thanks for not being like the rest of these pansy cunts.

>> No.2860982

oh, we have another IRfag
don't like your ferris books tho, that guy seems like a total cunt

>> No.2861006
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And my "to read" shelf.

>> No.2861008

wow did you buy all your books from the same place in the same year?

>> No.2861011

I bought most of those on Amazon the other day, for summer. I realised I haven't read many of the classics.

>> No.2861014

>scoffing at having many Penguins

>> No.2861019

Defense of the Realm, mah nigga.

>> No.2861037
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Critique yourselves silly, folks...

>> No.2861068


Agatha Christie? ... dude... srsly...

your taste in movies seems to be high-tier though, so I'll let that slip

>> No.2861069

Will Tao Lin get a penguin classics edition?

>> No.2861071


yo dawg, we head you like fantasy, so we put a fantasy book in your fantasy bookshelf, so you can read fantasy while you read fantasy.

>> No.2861075
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>> No.2861077

i prefer an eclectic bookshelf, makes it look like i have been collecting for years and not like i just went out and bought in bulk to decorate my apartment

>> No.2861079

Where are you from in Britain?

>> No.2861080

French and German books are bad for my neck. Good collection though.

>> No.2861084

If you read them, you shouldn't worry about that.
Also I've always thought Penguins to be highly decorative.

>> No.2861091


It's awful actually, he's right, but now it's so obvious that it sounds like an edgy teenager.

>> No.2861087

How's that La Societie de Spectacle?

I've wanted to read that in English for some time.

>> No.2861088


The three big books under Faulkner are Sophie's Choice, Underworld and Ulysses.

It was really funny to discover /lit/ for me, seeing that I already loved Joyce and DFW and felt a bit alone in France.

>> No.2861097

Sup Welshfag.

>> No.2861112

>War, war war, guns, politics, guns, guns, war
I wouldn't want to meet you. Diversify

>> No.2861114

he for sure is studying that in school
at least i really hope so

>> No.2861118

You should see the movie shelves.

>> No.2861122

Belper, Derbyshire. There are many of us now with the ability to read.

>> No.2861132
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>> No.2861142
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. Most of them I got from multiple trips to goodwill stores.

>> No.2861163

Going to a book sale Saturday, It's going to be cheap, and a wide variety.

I'm essentially going to rape them is what I'm saying.
I'm so excited. I almost made an individual thread but this is related enough,
Going to pillage these guys.
Gonna Plunder.

>> No.2861192


>> No.2861287

This is my collection at my student digs, rest of my books are home.

Although that bookshelf doesn't include the resources for my dissertation, i.e. about 30 books on T. E. Lawrence.

>> No.2861300

I'm bisexual and a democratic socialist, actually.
Hell yeah, I did! I just put most of the stuff in my newly acquired drawers, though.
I only post them when they're relevant to the thread, though. Og personlig håper jeg du ikke skades på noen måte!

>> No.2861369

most of those look unread and untouched, how can you read an 800+ page book without even a slight crease in the spine?

>> No.2861377

Those are the ones I haven't read yet.
The only large books I read on that shelf is 2666, Savage Detectives and majority of Moby Dick (not the one pictured, my other copy was filled with notes and ripped)

>> No.2861416
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My antiquarian collection. I have another wall of non-antiquarian books but it doesn't look quite as nice.

>> No.2861461

What is that, oak? I prefer my bookshelves to be made of spruce.

>> No.2861477

That is a nice collection, but you need better shelving, and possibly humidity-related protetive stuff.
Also, books that old are supposed to be stored on their sides, not standing up. Standing up is not good for them, it puts strain in all the wrong places. Please lay them flat, you can stack them quite safely.

>> No.2861537
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>You will never have a cache of books and artifacts in a future where such things are banned and burned by a tyrannical government which keeps the population drugged and stupid

>> No.2861543

and i get to operate a clandestine lending service, right?

>> No.2861550

of course, but only amongst the circle you can trust.

>> No.2861554
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>i hope do

>> No.2861641


Particle board, actually.

>> No.2861644


A friend of the family works at the Bodleian in Oxford. He says there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. Books prefer to be stored standing up on a shelf, so long as they have friends as he puts it. A book left alone standing up will stress and fox, but a set is fine. And wooden shelves are apparently the best things to keep them on as well as out of direct sunlight. Humidity isn't a problem, they've weathered 200+ years in this country's crappy climate and seem to be holding fine in the modern extension in which I live.

>> No.2861653

>Humidity isn't a problem, they've weathered 200+ years in this country's crappy climate and seem to be holding fine in the modern extension in which I live.

Well, that may be true, but it would only benefit you to learn a little about book preservation. Not saying I know more, just been following the thread. Even if you don't even /lit/, it's a good idea in case you ever need to go to Pawn Stars and sell them for gambling monies.

>> No.2861654


To add to that. He says that books that are truly old, like manuscripts and the such don't handle being placed on shelves well. But I own nothing of real historical significance. Just dust them from time to time and try to keep them in usage!

>> No.2861655

I live in Oxford!

I went inside the library when there was that god awful protest. Never went in again, no student card.

>> No.2861663


>implying a pawn broker would have any clue what he was buying.

But yeah, book preservation is key. Hence why I weather the winter without strong heating and the summer without the windows opened to try and maintain a vaguely constant temperature and stop insect damage. It's a bitch, but no damage has been done to them as of yet!

>> No.2861668


How much would it be worth? And where does one begin in acquiring rare books?

>> No.2861670
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>implying a pawn broker would have any clue what he was buying.

Granted. Be sure to stay the fuck away from Hardcore Pawn though! I wouldn't trust any of those guys to hold a door open for me!

>> No.2861732

Bumping for interest in acquiring rare books.

>> No.2861748


I couldn't comment as to how much it was worth. Based on what I spent on it, somewhere in the region of £700-800. Some would balloon this figure considerably, because I bought from sellers who didn't know what they were selling, or there is a niche market for them. That figure above could balloon to waaay more than that on a good day. Plus americans are willing to spend mega money on books that are pre-1700 and I have a few in very good condition. It depends on who you are selling to and on what day.

Acquiring rare books can be as easy as searching through ebay, but it's really satisfying to go to book stores. I'm talking your typical back street book store who shifts paperbacks for a quid or so, but has a huuuge selection of leather bound books. The kinda store that smells like a bookshop and with shelves where the books are integral parts of the structural integrity. Plus get to know book sellers, they can give you so much advice and become very valuable acquaintances!

>> No.2861784
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>The kinda store that smells like a bookshop and with shelves where the books are integral parts of the structural integrity.

How artful and true.

>Dude 1:"Hey, that looks like a First Edition right there!"
>Dude 2: "Where?"
>Dude 1: "Right there at the bottom of that pile. Imma get it."
>Clerk: "No, wait!"
>Clerk: "I'm sorry, I can't go back to jail again."
>Dude 2: "No, wait!"

>> No.2861795

So what's the consensus on using old whisky bottles as book ends?

>> No.2861804
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>> No.2861813

This slim shelf can only hold little under half of my books; don't ask me how where the rest are. I need to get another one.

Pictured: Russian lit, classics, philosophy etc.

>> No.2861818
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Whoops damn Captcha

>> No.2861827
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General Anglo literature, and a misplaced Meditations

The bottle is Ballantine's

>> No.2861833
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Shitty picture. Anthologies and stuff that don't fit anywhere else for now. The two on the left are Norton's anthologies, and on the right you'll see Tao Te Ching and Narnia. On the foreground, an empty Highland Park.

>> No.2861835


It's rare you see anyone on /lit/ with decent books AND a taste for whiskey.

Good shit.

>> No.2861845
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Stuff on my desk. The poster I got from 221b Baker Street. This is the stuff I should be reading, but instead I'm just buying more books than I can read at a decent rate.

Behind the Don Quixote you can see Leaves of Grass (Death-Bed Edition) and Le Morte d'Arthur, both from the Modern Library.

To the far, far left there are a couple of dictionaries and Fitzgerald's Short Stories. On the far, far right there's some miscelleanous reading (Les Miserables, which I have been reading on and off for three years (still a great book)), including textbooks.

This is all a huge clusterfuck, so I'll spare your eyes.

>> No.2861855

Oh, and the 'desk' here is part of a re-appropriated work-place desk; it's meant for the computer monitor, but I use a laptop.

The rest of my books are on the top of a drawer, and is very much miscellaneous. I'll spare all you bibliophiles from having to see the actual mess.

The biggest threat so far has been humidity (unusual in my climate zone).

Question is, where do I put the Johnnie Walker Double Black when I'm done with it.

>> No.2861857

>Robert Fagles
You're a scholar and a gentleman.

>> No.2861865
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Yes, but don't expect me to actually finish anything.

BONUS: my brother's bookshelf. He has, in his own words, 'the greatest taste'.

>> No.2861883
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Yeah, this is great historical fiction.

>Sunshine Sketch
moe shit, but I love it myself

>Honey and Clover
I think there are soap operas on Teen Nick that do this same thing

No complaints

I hear it's pretty good.

>rest of that shit is cool too i guess


>> No.2861889

What manga would be included in "best taste" then?

>> No.2861902

try-hard tier

>> No.2861903

I think that's for /a/ to decide, but who the hell cares about those fuckers?

I'd guess Monster.

>> No.2861906


Or one that happened to me.

>I wonder how old that one is.
>picks up book
>*cover crumbles*
>Places book gently back on shelf.
>Walks away nonchalantly.

>> No.2861914

Fuck yes. Naoki Urasawa is really, really good. Absolutely one of my favorite writers, and I usually don't really like manga that much.

>> No.2861926


If you have to ask then you can't pull it off.

>> No.2862004

>20,000 leagues is pretty alright so far. I do not have a book mark, and so I will dog ear this page.
>corner snaps off
>I already bought it, so it's my cornerless page now

>> No.2862159


This is why I have bookmarks! Or bits of paper ripped out from my broken printer.

>> No.2862196

Wow Mason & Dixon is that much bigger than gravitys rainbow? And I thought Infinite jest amd GR were about the same size. I bet these books could lose about 30-40% with no problems

>> No.2862214

>dog ear

Guaranteed replies

>> No.2862277
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>> No.2862321

Lupin III. I can dig it.

>> No.2862965


How do you have Dance with Dragons in paperback?

>> No.2863000
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>> No.2863009
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>> No.2863010
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How can you people stand having all these different colours and publishers on your shelf? It looks like a fucking mess.

See, here's a shelf that actually has some unity.

>> No.2863019

Given how homogenous it is, that makes the non-black books stand out more as blemishes. Normally stocked shelves celebrate literary and intellectual diversity, brah.

>> No.2863039


When I'm buying translations from a variety of languages, for a variety of authors, there is little chance of getting them all by one publisher. I'm not going to buy a translation from Penguin just to keep my library homogeneous, if there are superior translations available.

>> No.2863241


That's like only buying certain clothes or something. Who cares what the fuck they look like, unless you're autistic or something?

>> No.2863315

That's really stupid.

It is a very impressive and nice collection so admire and appreciate it indeed, but you really should ease up on that collecting philosophy.

>> No.2863321


That 'unity' bothers me, I'd rather have a chaotic shelf than an orderly one

>> No.2863348

no one is going to mention how his library is almost entirely penguin

>> No.2863971


See, I can't help but to think that if I were gonna do unity, I'd just buy Everyman's library. At least they're a damn sight prettier than those awful paper spines.

>> No.2864310

> I bet these books could lose about 30-40% with no problems

No. Just no.

>> No.2864322

>buying books
>not just going to the library or downloading a free pdf like everyone else

sure is elitist materialistic faggots up in here.

>> No.2864518

I think he's joking, guys.

Then again, this is /lit/.

>> No.2864562

How shortsighted. Also, your study room must look gloomy as fuck.

>> No.2864637

Ah, a French who reads in english. You're the 1% bro.

>> No.2864677
File: 536 KB, 1024x768, my bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bookshelf :3

>> No.2864690


good idea, but too obvious