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/lit/ - Literature

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2858142 No.2858142 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate black people all of the sudden?

>> No.2858154

>2012 A. D.
>thinking that a group of trolls / retarded, assbackwards subjects are representative for a whole board
>taking racist people serious
>on the internet

>> No.2858147

do you know where we are?

>> No.2858151

white people are shit

>> No.2858153

when there aren't enough black people threads on /pol/, they migrate over here.

>> No.2858165

>How would you respond if you walked in on your sister/daughter making love to a black man?

Goddammit /pol/, you were better when you were /n/

>> No.2858166


Well the teaching thread was just ridiculous, it could have been an interesting discussion about problems in the American public school system but it became "lol niggers" within five posts.

I am starting to suspect that most people who post on /lit/ just aren't very intelligent or well-read.

>> No.2858169


>starting to suspect

It's been like that from the start pleb.

>> No.2858170

>>How would you respond if you walked in on your sister/daughter making love to a black man?

Start fapping and pray to god they need a third

>> No.2858172

I think it's one of the true glimpses into the fact that anyone may post here, even people who aren't interested in literature at all, and even people who don't understand what little literature they've read.

There does seem to be an upsurge of racism on /lit/, but that is just the nature of anonymity disclosing itself. Some people are saying things they believe, which they couldn't possibly say in person. Some people are saying that which they don't believe, simply because it's edgy and a thrill to do so.

It's just the nature of the medium. Should /lit/ know better and be above that garbage? Yes. But then again, I think a lot of people who come here don't even like literature all that much.

>> No.2858174


This "pleb" business has gotten really old.

>> No.2858182

I HATE niggers and I HATE spics and refuse to post in the same thread of any of those things.

>> No.2858190


Kill yourself.

Remember when we used to, like, talk about literature and junk?

>> No.2858199

Yeah, but that was BEFORE the niggers and spics started posting here.

If it weren't for them, I am sure we would be a sprawling Socratic utopia of a board.

>> No.2858205

the last few days i noticed a serious decline in post quality and derailing of the whole board, ranging from "gaise gaise! look at me!" to "whats ur favourite band lol pleb" and posting a million songs by fucking lana del rey because her lyrucs r 2deep4u or "do u gaise watch anime?" and "fallout fag here, any books like fallout? bonus points if moddable".

i guess the silver lining is: look for threads which interest you or make you own non cancerous thread. or read a goddamn book! instead of spending hours on the internet talking about them.

>> No.2858210

white people are shit

>> No.2858214

I wonder if racism, like atheism, will gradually hit a peak on the internet and then become unfashionable as a means of demonstrating how edgy/intellectually superior one is.

>> No.2858219

Things have always been getting worse.

That you've only just noticed is an indication that you probably haven't been lurking here for very long.

>> No.2858220

>Why does /lit/ hate black people

/lit/ is full of normal people.

>all of the sudden?


>> No.2858225


At least our skin doesn't have the same color as shit. You guys look like walking monkeys made of turds.

>> No.2858229

I am a theist and also a multiculturalist, before it was cool.

Debate me.

>> No.2858232

it's already kinda like that on 4chan

>> No.2858240

i hope not, atheism, can be grounded in intelligence (note: can, and should be, but need not)
racism on the other hand is based on utter stupidity, idiocy, fear, cowardice and a serious lack of self-esteem and respect.

>> No.2858242

enjoy your teensy-weensy bodies and musculature, whitey

>> No.2858245

>implying im black

i can't wait to give my seed to an african mama

>> No.2858247
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>> No.2858248

you may have a point, because i can definitely remember when anti-theism was all the rage until people became totally inured to it

>> No.2858259

>all of the sudden
Confirmed for troll.

>> No.2858283


Maybe OP is just a faggot who can't into grammer.

>> No.2858326

I think /lit/ hates black people because /lit/ is constantly told to love black people. White children in the US are virtually indoctrinated with anti-racist propaganda. They're told that everybody is the same. Of course, everybody is not the same. Black people aren't genetically inferior but they do come from a different cultural background. Unfortunately, thanks to slavery among other things, this cultural background does not respect reading or writing or learning. There ARE exceptions, but the average black person in the average big city is difficult to be around.

Now /lit/ gets exposed to black people in some way. Maybe /lit/ leaves the suburbs for college. Maybe /lit/ grew up in a city. Whatever the cause, they come to realize that people aren't really equal. Black people are often different from whites just like people in trailer parks are different from people in high-rises.

Instead of looking at this reasonably they respond by becoming closet racists, letting out their frustration on 4chan, rather than engage with the reality of the situation in an intellectually honest way.

>> No.2858331


That's actually pretty accurate...

>> No.2858340


Why don't you just fucking judge people as individuals instead of thinking in black and white?

You're only a little better than the "hurrr nigger" brigade.

>> No.2858342


>> No.2858343

Culture matters. Broadly speaking, is "white" culture the same as "black" culture? "Asian" culture? "Nigger" culture?

>> No.2858346


I don't have time to judge everybody as individuals. If I'm walking home late at night and I see some black dude with a backwards baseball cap and saggy jeans, or some old black dude who's begging for crack money, I cross the street because I've been jumped before.

I would not cross the street over a white person, not even a trashy one, because I've never heard of a group of white people jumping a white person for no reason.

Now maybe the black guy in the saggy jeans is a crypto-Einstein. Maybe the old crackhead is a Diogenes. But I'm not going to take the chance. That's not racist at all. I have friends who are "racist" against people who drive SUVs, that's a much more arbitrary fear than the one I have.

In conclusion die in a fire I'm not a racist I just have to generalize at times.

>> No.2858349

Can someone screencap this?

>> No.2858350

no, it isn't.

>> No.2858354

The only people that take internet racism seriously are retarded niggers and white guilted homosexuals.

All of you leave.

>> No.2858359

Because the morons over at /pol/ have decided that they're going to try their hands at being intellectuals, and have flocked to /lit/ in droves, bringing with them all of their ridiculous, ignorant, falsifiable beliefs and prejudices.

>> No.2858360

racism is boring.
It's wrong, but it's only one of a thousand wrong opinions that other people have.
I'm supposed to educate them? Fuck that. Their stupidity is boring.

>> No.2858364

Why must you paint all of the "hurrr nigger" brigade with the same brush? Why don't you judge them as individuals?

>> No.2858372

>don't reply to this here's my opinion I don't have to answer criticism cos I'm right I don't care what you think but everyone needs to here what I think lol I WIN

>> No.2858374
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>moral absolutism

>> No.2858376

Because people want to complain and bitch about something. And in order to remain secure, they must find a lesser being to remind themselves of their alleged intellect.

>> No.2858377

Who said anything about morals? Racism is empirically incorrect.

>> No.2858381

Define what you understand "racism" as, then prove that it's empirically incorrect.

>> No.2858388


You can't "prove something incorrect" dumbass. Why don't you define why black people are bad and then empirically prove it.

You can't, and inb4 that bell curve book, no real scientist takes it seriously

>> No.2858397

>16 year old thinks he won an argument with logical fallacies

Well done twerp.

>> No.2858400

/lit/ doesn't hate black people.

the idiotic impressionable children who flock here from /b/ and stormfaggots do and they outpost the regulars here by 10 to 1.

so it looks like this board is a pile of shit but it's really a MUCH smaller pile of shit than it seems.

>> No.2858401

Because one of them stole my bike.

>> No.2858435

>using a bike as a means of transportation

poorfag detected

>> No.2858451

if you life in a flat urban setting then it's not so much poorfag as smartfag

>> No.2858452

It's a dirt pile with a thin layer of shit on top.

>> No.2858460

>urban area
>living around inner city minorities

you're not helping yourself.

>> No.2858461

So when 90% of lit is in fact, racially aware whites, then you could perhaps say that lit "hates" blacks?

Why don't you find one actual metric, relevant to civilized society, in which the negro is equal to or betters the white?

>hurr the lord balances the scales before you are born to make sure that everyone is "equal"

>> No.2858464


please don't use this word in this context, it doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.2858481

Why does /lit/ complain about racism all of the sudden?

Is this some new trolling or do we have some teenage/newfag darkies here?

>> No.2858483

/lit/ has always been into reality-denying liberal nonsense. Marx is a respected figure here, you know.

>> No.2858489

but 90% of /lit/ isn't racially aware whites. i said you had a few children and stormfaggots who OUTPOST the regulars 10 to 1.

don't you know how to read? see? you don't belong here yet here you are outposting most itt. PROVING ME RIGHT BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA FAAGGOT

>> No.2858491
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>> No.2858493


/lit/ is probably one of the more 'liberal leaning' boards on this site so I don't necessarily agree with the presumption of this question.

Basically, you have a bunch of bored kids who want attention. They post racist things, people feel compelled to say something, and it's on the front page all day. Really this is more a symptom that the people here generally aren't racist.

It is like how a few weeks ago, people kept posting about how science is better than literature. They stirred people's passions while making a few logical fallacies along the way like any troll thread. Until people stopped responding, they will keep showing up.

In case you weren't trolling

>> No.2858494


>> No.2858495

>Until people stopped responding
That never happened.

>> No.2858497

The problem is, if you say something like "black populated areas are mostly shitholes" or, "blacks on average have lower IQ" etc. you're labeled a racist.

The same people ("anti-racists") who claim to be so progressive overlook the obvious fallacies and double standards.

I'll repost this:

>> No.2858498

no actually. those are both two comparable districts. the difference of course being socialism in the right hand side

>> No.2858499

>I am starting to suspect that most people who post on /lit/ just aren't very intelligent or well-read.

What's your excuse for only starting to suspect that?

>> No.2858563

Genuine question here.

Does Africa have solid literature culture like the ones of Asia/Europe?

>> No.2858571



>> No.2858573

if you were subjugated by horrific weather, then Islam, then the Portuguese, then the Dutch, then the Belgians, then the British, how much literature do you think you'd have time to produce. In between the intertribal warfare and malaria, and whatnot.

>> No.2858577



literally. since that day they were raided it's been terrible here. fuck those faggots.

>> No.2858580

>this apologist
my sides!

>> No.2858581

Which explains why the blacks in temperate South Africa produced so much more than the whites in frozen Iceland, and why the Jews, Poles, Indians, etc. contributed nothing while under control of foreign powers.

>> No.2858583

Not even close.

>> No.2858584



Your pleb is showing.

>> No.2858590

I think the poor fool actually meant it.

>> No.2858601

Oh wait, that didn't happen did it?

>> No.2858604


it works in that context, faggot. as in, it wasn't a gradual decline that happened to coincide with them coming here, they're literally the only reason this board is terrible.

>> No.2858606

I think we got that...

>> No.2858612

/lit/ believes blacks are just as intelligent as other races, after all. It needed to be said.

>> No.2858616

everyone in the left picture lives on welfare or works for the government.
How is that not socialism?

>> No.2858624

Most of Africa fucking sucks for large scale farming and especially for crop and animal crossover. All the crops and domesticated animals of Eurasia were readily swapped because you can raise chickens and pigs and barley and wheat in Ireland, Italy, Anatolia and China all just as easily, so very quickly after prehistoric Armenians figure out pork tastes good, everyone else gets it too. Writing is a direct result of the bureaucratic needs of advanced agriculture, large urban populations, and especially wide-ranging international trade, and probably the vast bulk of Eurasian scripts had something to do with Mesopotamian inspiration. Eurasian society is very incestuous.

Africa sucks for supporting a lot of this and was cut off from the entire Eurasian system of development. The god tier Scandinavian supermen were in close trade contact with civilized, urbanized Eurasian societies for thousands of years before they developed urban society and large scale settled agriculture. The most they got out of their constant exposure to writing was a retarded runic derivation of the Roman alphabet that they didn't understand how to use, and they only urbanized after bordering a civilized urban empire for hundreds of years. Ancient Egypt's urban development lagged behind Sumer by 500-1000 years, and its crops and animals were imported wholly from Asia. They also probably got the idea (at least) of writing from Sumerian merchants.

Various "Nubian" civilizations existed contemporary with Ancient Egypt, extending quite far south of it into "black Africa". Coastal Africa and the Niger river valley had many advanced urban civilizations in the Eurasian medieval period. Mostly Muslim, but not all.

Africa sucks. It doesn't foster civilization like Eurasia does.

I hate niggers.

>> No.2858626

because the welfare checks don't stretch far enough, employees across the board are treated like shit, no health care or government regulation

>> No.2858648

>because the welfare checks don't stretch far enough
which is why every single one of them is fat?

Everyone welfare gets free health care

>employees across the board are treated like shit
government employees? i don't think so.

>> No.2858688
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Wow, /lit/ sounds pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.2858692

Not sure where you're going with this. A simple No would suffice. Almost every other culture in the entire world have suffered wars throughout its history. All of india/china/europe were warring nations. Thats being constantly invaded by other nations. Islam/Europeans invaded not just Africa, but also Asia. So your argument is invalid. Also the fact that Europeans/Islam were only dominant after the first century or so. Before that there were plenty of time for culture.

>> No.2858698
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/lit/ confirmed for liberal jews

>> No.2858708

>Implying in conspiracy-theory-speak that wouldn't make us secret masters of all
>Implying I wouldn't be okay with that

>> No.2858716

Can you source that? Maybe give a year?

>> No.2858721

i believe the autists from /pol/ have found their way onto our cultured board. enthralled by the sense of knowledge we inspire in them, they come here with a desire to learn. unfortunately, they're from /pol/, so they will be plebs forever.

this is what happens when /mu/ shits up the board

>> No.2858728
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>our cultured board.


>> No.2858744

I don't even get all the drama about racism, from either side.

If it's all in the genes, then why take it personally?
Some humans have more of this, some have more of that..

Do you get all mad because cats aren't as smart as you?
Probably not.

So why hate certain humans for the same thing?
If you can do something about it, do it. If not, move on.

Also, you were probably lucky to be born with decent brains. You could have just as easily been born as a retard.
Either way, it's nothing personal.

Or actually it is personal, but this person is a fleeting thing.

>> No.2858748
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For the people that believe intelligence != genetic. (Im not racist, but rather curious)

Africa has no high culture similar to that of Europe/Asia. Africa doesnt have major inventions in its history(if any). Africa doesnt foster scientific field or philosophical field because those are part of high culture. With no scientific field or philosophical field, there can be very little sophisticated ideas. No sophisticated ideas => no sophisticated people. No sophisticated people => No high culture.

So how can you say Africans are as smart as Asians/Europeans?

>> No.2858756
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>cultured board
the same 5 faggot hipsters post here

>> No.2858796


Can someone make a comment on this?

Are any of these things true? Take this as a chance to convince someone that all races are equal. I don't like being labeled a bigot, so I welcome the opportunity to be told I'm wrong.

So should this be entirely thrown out?

Let me be clear: I do not, by any means, think that, should the image be entirely true, that it "warrants" having some legal distinction between blacks and whites and asians, that they should in any way be treated differently BY THE LAW.

What I AM saying is that, in an interpersonal/business, philosophical, scientific setting, it might be appropriate to *generally* not give a fuck what black people think, as (unless it's marketing TO black people) they probably have less of a grasp of the critical concepts.

This is similar to my views on women. Have all the rights you want, it makes sense that, on the government level, they all be treated equally. That's fine. But I'm not going to fill a small business of mine with them because they mostly don't understand shit.

>> No.2858807
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>muh culture and inspiration

>> No.2858824

This is an interesting read, BTW:

>it might be appropriate to *generally* not give a fuck what black people think
I know you emphasized generally, but still, there are huge variations.. I don't think you should even concern yourself with that stuff. Just treat all people equally is what I propose.

>> No.2858832

No, if you treat all people equal there will be tons of problems. We treat each people individually on personal basis and treat groups of people by group basis.

>> No.2858861

Well, I think we actually agree there.
Maybe I should have said evaluate all people in an equal way.

>> No.2858889
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Why do people act as if genetics and environment are dichotomies, when environment is what shapes the adaptation of genes over time? Humans share a common ancestor, obviously, but if group x spent thousands of years in an environment that selected for intelligence and thus led to "high culture" (written language, science, technology) and group y spent thousands of years in an environment that selected for being able to run fast, why the fuck would you think that when both groups come into contact with each they will both be exactly as smart as they were when diverged? I don't see anybody denying that blacks run faster than whites, so why is the idea that other races may be smarter than blacks so anathema?

Just because blacks may on average be less intelligent than whites doesn't mean that suddenly everyone will advocate for eugenics or that Jim Crow laws will come back or that all the blacks will be deported to Africa, so why the fuck do people bend over backwards and violate Occam's razor like it's going out of fashion to insist that not only is this not true, but that anyone who even says it might be is a bigot?

>> No.2858900
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As a black person who is smarter than many of my white classmates and knows plenty of other black people who are smarter and on the same intellectual level as myself, all of this /pol/ bullshit just seems so surreal.

I attended a "workshop" one summer for black undergrads who intend to enter a specific career field. We excel academically, we're well-read, and it isn't uncommon for people who attend that workshop to get into top-notch grad schools and, subsequently, top-notch careers.

When likely lonely and working-to-middle-class stormfags claim that I'm inferior, I'm always reminded that I'm going to be a more successful person than they are, black skin and all. And then I chuckle a bit.

I just wanted to get that off my chest. Black guy who browses /lit/ daily, out.

>> No.2858903
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Holy shit this article. I'm somewhat at a loss at what to think. For 1, its a very rational take on it, 2, it makes me pity blacks instead of hate them

>> No.2858906

>small group of black people trying to say all black people are smart

>> No.2858913

I never said all black people are smart. I AM saying that stormfriends are narrow-minded.

>> No.2858919

We are all /lit/fags. /Pol/ can go fuck themselves.

>> No.2858925

No stormfriend/racists/etc would say there arent any smart black people. They just say that the culture/genes foster ignorance(atleast in western/asian). Whether its true or not is not up for debate. Tests have shown that blacks generally have lower intelligence than whites/asians. What can be debated is the method which employ these tests. If you find any flaws in these tests, you're welcome to make objections to these tests and purpose your own tests that can determine a race-blind test.

>> No.2858933
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There are no black geniuses.

>> No.2858932

We don't care. Leave.

>> No.2858939

I'm trying to stick up for black people. Whats wrong with that?

>> No.2858950
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first of all, take this to /pol/
second of all, this shit is not that hard. where you live and your background ultimately determines your temperament. there's nothing inherently defined about race. if a black child is raise in an upper-middle class environment, he'll most likely have the characteristics of such a person. on the other hand, if a white child is raised in a poverty-line environment, then he too will behave like someone from there.

also, white civilization was only more advanced because of the agricultural and socio-political advantages that europe had over other continents. being located so closely together gave them an easier chance to corroborate ideas, inventions, and overall thought better than peoples on other continents. posting /pol/ images on crime statistics in america from a few years ago does not equate proper ethnic discourse

>> No.2858962

>where you live and your background ultimately determines your temperament. there's nothing inherently defined about race. if a black child is raise in an upper-middle class environment, he'll most likely have the characteristics of such a person. on the other hand, if a white child is raised in a poverty-line environment, then he too will behave like someone from there.
Many studies have been done on this. Black children raised by wealthy, bourgeois families turn out just as violent and dumb as inner-city niggers.

>> No.2858965

>black person
stopped reading right there.

>> No.2858969
File: 31 KB, 427x567, IQ from adopted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heritability of intelligence is now well established from numerous adoption, twin, and family studies. Particularly noteworthy are the genetic contributions of around 80% found in adult twins reared apart. And most transracial adoption studies provide evidence for the heritability of racial differences in IQ. For instance, Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into white American and white Belgian homes were examined in studies by E.A. Clark and J. Hanisee, by M. Frydman and R. Lynn, and by M. Winick et al. Many had been hospitalized for malnutrition. But they went on to develop IQs ten or more points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, the famous Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study marked black/white differences emerged by age 17 even though the black children had been reared in white middle-class families (Weinberg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992).

>> No.2858970
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solid evidence there


>> No.2858973


this post was almost definitely made just to spur on the shitposting even more

ok guys we all get it genetics exists no shit this is a literature board though

>> No.2858975

The study is wrong because I don't like the conclusion.


>> No.2858995

>But they went on to develop IQs ten or more points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, the famous Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study marked black/white differences emerged by age 17 even though the black children had been reared in white middle-class families (Weinberg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992)

>in google

>fucking lol

>> No.2858996

I don't get it.

>> No.2858997

There's been a huge resurgence* in racists and racist trolls since the London Olympic opening ceremony because of all the ethnic stuff that was in it, that racists found offensive

*huge online so it might just last a week or two

>> No.2859014


>However, because white children tend to have increased monetary advantages when compared with children of color (James et al), they are more likely both to enter a college of their choice and pursue a career of their choice (Dickson). This conclusion is backed by Harwood, Etlin, Riederer, et al. Hence, wealth is decidedly intertwined with educational outcomes, in an turn, future prospects as defined by society.

research isn't research when it's made up

>> No.2859019

You know if this thread wasn't retarded to begin with and I had some trust in 4Chan, I would try to start a real discussion about differences in white and black culture, problems, and understanding, but this is /lit/, where ever here every devolved into calling others nigger, so fuck it.

>> No.2859031

Why is it even assumed prejudice against blacks is such a major problem that it would retard their average IQ by an entire standard deviation? Clearly the political and academic establishment is desperate to find and publicize black talent.

>> No.2859093

the minnesota twin thing is an anecdote. calling it a "study" doesn't it make it one.

1. in vivo studies/trials are the most problematic of any kind of human research study one can conduct
2. the conclusion does not suggest race bounds intelligence, it simply suggests home environment may not be a factor
3. the conclusion cannot be correct if the premises are faulty, both race and IQ are faulty premises upon which one cannot draw conclusions. explained:
a) race is not a biologically meaningful term
b) iq is not an objective measure (neither is g)

to justify b), i will explain that IQ and G come from psychology, which is
i. not a hard science.
ii. IQ and G were theories developed in the 1800s, along with phrenology. for a sample as to the "scientific rigor" of phrenology, see the attached pic or take for example the conclusion phrenologists came to that skull size predicts intelligence.
iii. IQ is neither the only measure nor the latest. it is in fact among the oldest and most outdated of social scientific tools of research, if you believe in social science at all. see the wiki article, there are many kinds of "intelligence" out there, including, but not limited to, spatial reasoning, musical intelligence, writing, etc.

4. i myself am immediate curious about the comparative data. how about other students attending schools in their area? what are their iqs? or was data only logged for the adoptees? they could have easily went to a shitty school. it is minnesota after all

>> No.2859189

tldr: it's impossible to know anything in the social sciences with 100% certainty, therefore environment determines everything.

>> No.2859226
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Superior non-american black here. Keep your niggers where they belong with the rest of you Americans.

>> No.2859240

that's inaccurate, i'd say the more significant point would be to say that race is not a meaningful term

using that to describe particular parts of humanity is like using phlogiston to analyze thermodynamics

i've drawn this analogy several times in the past here on /lit/, apologies if i sound like a broken record

>> No.2859247

>that's inaccurate, i'd say the more significant point would be to say that race is not a meaningful term
Race is just a euphemism for sub-species.

>> No.2859270

When people mean 'race', they don't ever actually consider the taxonomical aspect of it, and I don't think a taxonomist would consider what we laymen consider 'race' to be an actual sub-species.

Also because it's relevant to the conversation, there's a subspecies of homo sapiens called homo sapiens idaltu.

>> No.2859280

>See this thread when it was first made, no replies
>promptly ignore it
>think a majority of /lit/ will also do this
>I made a huge mistake

>> No.2859298

and sub-species is also biologically meaningless, you think you have a point here, but you don't.

the smallest non-arbitrary line that divides biological life is species

proposing anything smaller is going to be redundant, useless, unnecessary, or problematic

i realize that such-and-such publication accepts the categories of infraspecies or subspecies, but they are historical leavings and people like to classify flowers that are different colors. you will have to review to definition of both species and arbitrary if you still don't get what i'm saying.

>> No.2859358

>and sub-species is also biologically meaningless, you think you have a point here, but you don't.
So there is absolutely no measurable difference between a caucasian mountain dog and a dachshund? I think you're the one convinced of his own point while standing on air.

>the smallest non-arbitrary line that divides biological life is species
Even different species can produce fertile offspring.

>> No.2859362

We don't. It's summer, /pol/ and /mu/ are bored.

>> No.2859365

>not knowing 4chan is one of the most conservative websites on the internet

>> No.2859375

4chan is one of the only places on the Internet where right wing views are more welcome than left wing or centrist views.

>> No.2859382
File: 6 KB, 339x179, cranialcapacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discoveries using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which creates a three-dimensional image of the living brain, have shown a strong positive correlation (.44) between brain size and IQ (see Rushton & Ankney, 1996, for a review). And there is more. The National Collaborative Perinatal Project on 53,000 children by Sarah Broman and her colleagues, showed that head perimeter at birth significantly predicts head perimeter at 7 years — and head perimeter at seven years predicts IQ. It also shows that Asian children average a larger head perimeter at birth than do White children who average a larger head perimeter than do Black children.

Racial differences in brain size have been established using a variety of modern methods. Using endocranial volume, for example, Beals et al. (1984, p. 307, Table 5) analyzed about 20,000 skulls from around the world. East Asians averaged 1,415 cm3 , Europeans averaged 1,362 cm3, and Africans averaged 1,268 cm3 . Using external head measures to calculate cranial capacities, Rushton (1992) analyzed a stratified random sample of 6,325 U.S. Army personnel measured in 1988 for fitting helmets and found that Asian Americans averaged 1,416 cm3, European Americans 1,380 cm3, and African Americans 1,359 cm3. Finally, a recent MRI study found that people of African and Caribbean background averaged a smaller brain volume than did those of European background (again see Rushton & Ankney, 1996, for review).

>> No.2859381

And people say "but summer doesn't change anything except you have people shouting summer all the time!"

>> No.2859384

Apparently being against the status-quo makes you a conservative now. Or are anarchists conservative too since governments haven't always existed?

>> No.2859390


don't you have a Tea Party rally to be at?

>> No.2859402


that's nice

>> No.2859405

What, is that supposed to be witty or something?

Christ, nothing is more annoying that the kinds of leftists so braindead that the only way they know how to argue their points is to assume everyone who disagrees with them is a Christian, tea partier, and republican.

>> No.2859409
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Social Consequences of Group Differences in Cognitive Ability
>IQ/g usually predicts major life outcomes better than does any other single predictor in broad samples of individuals. For example, whether IQ predicts strongly (educational performance) or weakly (law-abidingness), it predicts better than does social class background.

Survey of opinions on the primacy of g and social consequences of ability testing: A comparison of expert and non-expert views
>Our results indicate that there is consensus among experts in the science of mental abilities that g is an important, non-trivial determinant (or at least predictor) of important real world outcomes for which there is no substitute, and that tests of g are valid and generally free from racial bias.

>> No.2859412

>say something stupid and ignorant
>someone calls you stupid and ignorant
>"Is that the best you've got?"

>> No.2859415


....you say while assuming I'm a "braindead leftist"

>> No.2859417

That's biologically inaccurate. Races are groups within a species that are not sufficiently distinct to be considered proper subspecies. It's telling that analyses of human mitochondrial DNA have been unable to determine any consistent differences between the races while we have been able to do so regarding the subspecies of, say, honey bees.

>> No.2859419

Black "people" is an oxymoron. They are not human.

>> No.2859423

>this thread
>133 replies

>> No.2859427

There can be intelligent blacks. They are just less common than intelligent whites because blacks are on average quite stupid.

>> No.2859430

Because people like you don't fucking sage.

>> No.2859431
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>> No.2859437

nice cherrypick. What the thesis ACTUALLY says:

>Results indicate expert consensus that g is an important, non-trivial determinant (or at least predictor) of important real world outcomes for which there is no substitute, and that tests of g are valid and generally free from racial bias. Experts did not reach consensus on issues such as the degree to which specific abilities or combinations of non-cognitive traits can yield predictive validities comparable to that of g alone, the predictive validity of g for non-technical work outcomes (e.g., contextual performance), and the nature and implications of race differences in intelligence. Second, a comparison of responses from experts and a group of applied psychologists reveals several discrepant beliefs between these groups, primarily dealing with the primacy of g, susceptibility of ability tests to racial bias, and the potential value of ability testing.

>> No.2859438

>Nigger thread
Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.2859440
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>> No.2859441

>he doesn't know noko+sage

>> No.2859443

Well there's always writers like Soyinka or Achebe who took it upon themselves to write about the political upheaval at the time, other than that literary circles tend to stick to themselves around the universities though I have to say it is very strong in Nigeria.

>> No.2859447

here, have this one.

>> No.2859448

black and i agree
/thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread

>> No.2859449
File: 45 KB, 601x542, iqgenetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially the same g emerges from collections of tests which are superficially quite different. Unlike all other factors, g is not tied to any particular type of item content or acquired cognitive skill. (This is the basis for Spearman's principal of "the indifference of the indicator" of g.)

It has proved impossible to construct a test to measure any of Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities (or any other first- order cognitive factors) that does not also measure g. That is to say, scores on "factor pure" tests (i.e., tests designed to measure some factor other than g) always measure g in addition to whatever primary ability factor they were specially devised to measure. The g variance in tests of primary mental abilities is, moreover, generally greater than the variance attributable to the primaries. It has proved possible, however, to devise tests that measure g and little or nothing else.

The g factor (and g factor scores) are substantially correlated with measures of the speed of information processing in simple laboratory tasks, such as simple and choice reaction times, which bear no resemblance to the usual psychometric tests from with the g factor is extracted (Jensen, 1980c).


>> No.2859451

who would noko this shit?
granted you're from /pol/.

>> No.2859452

>I'm black
>I sold my fellow tribesmen to European slave traders
>Hey I guess slavery is OK after all!

>> No.2859454

This x1000

>> No.2859457
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Liberalism is a mental disease.

>> No.2859458

"Conservative" really doesn't even mean anything anymore. It's just the new "fascist" - a dirty word to call people who disagree with you.

Please, explain the relationship to me between where one stands on economic issues and whether one thinks that intelligence is the product of biology or environment.

>> No.2859461
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The topology of human trees (Figs. 4, 5) is remarkably consistent regardless of which class of loci are considered, and principal component analysis of genetic data also produces predictable clustering (Fig. 6). Either method gives a good visual overview of the general relatedness of the world’s populations.

By analysis of classical markers, Nei & Roychoudhury (1993) identified five major human clades: sub-Saharan Africans, Caucasians, Greater Asians, Australopapuans and Amerindians. Evolutionary trees constructed with autosomal RFLPs,[105] microsatellites[106] and Alu insertions[107] show similar topology. Frequently, Amerindians are grouped together with Asians, indicating four major clades, and it has been suggested that this should be a minimum.[108] Obviously, additional structure exists within each of these groups, but as we’ve seen, it’s generally weak compared to the differentiation among the ones listed here. For this reason alone, the term ‘race’ applies well to these major groupings.


>> No.2859468

"In politics, the Right, right-wing, and rightist have been defined as acceptance or support of social hierarchy.[1][2][3] Inequality is viewed by the Right as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1] whether it arises through traditional social differences[4] or from competition in market economies."


Basically, as a conservative you get off on inequality.

>> No.2859471

>use the word conservative
>"'conservative'" really doesn't mean anything anymore

You really are a two-faced cunt.

>> No.2859476

It's incredibly naive to believe that all people are truly equal.

>> No.2859477

Without knowing how the participants had identified themselves, Risch and his team ran the results through a computer program that grouped individuals according to patterns of the 326 signposts. This analysis could have resulted in any number of different clusters, but only four clear groups turned up. And in each case the individuals within those clusters all fell within the same self-identified racial group.

"This shows that people's self-identified race/ethnicity is a nearly perfect indicator of their genetic background," Risch said.


>> No.2859479
File: 35 KB, 911x623, incomesats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain the fact that Black students from families with incomes of $80,000 to $100,000 score considerably lower on the SAT than White students from families with $20,000 to $30,000 incomes? How do you explain why social class factors, all taken together, only cut the Black-White achievement gap by a third? Culture-only theory cannot predict these facts; often its predictions are opposite to the empirical results.

>> No.2859485

it's incredibly naive to believe that people should suffer for no reason while the wealthy take advantage of their labor and purchasing power

>> No.2859488

At least you acknowledge you're against equality, though you confuse "is" and "ought."

>> No.2859493

The ones that suffer are the family members who have lost loved ones at the hands of a subhuman. Remember, blacks commit over 50% of the murders but make up only 12% of the population.

>> No.2859496

>"In politics, the Right, right-wing, and rightist have been defined as acceptance or support of social hierarchy.[1][2][3]
Which is what I said earlier, and got told I was wrong.

Sorry, I was operating on the assumption that it did until you oh so lucidly informed me otherwise. Thanks.

>> No.2859517

Tell that to the Africans who died on slave ships, or the Indians in Goa, or the Congolese, or the Egyptians, or the Moors, or the Berbers, or the Native Americans, or the Incas.

>> No.2859536

I'm not responsible for my ancestors, but modern blacks are responsible for their actions.

>> No.2860188
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Personally, I do not hate niggers at all, I just correctly understand that they are not human and treat them accordingly. They are nothing more than wild niggers running around loose and one must act accordingly around them. A hundred and fifty years or so ago, people in this country treated niggers accordingly and kept them contained and controlled. We made them useful by managing their numbers, containing them, and forcing them to work and be somewhat productive. But the natural empathy of the White man caused him to unrestrain a species of animal (niggers) largely due to the fact they they mimick humans in their behavior and dress. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, he can't be put back in and we're stuck with living around 30 million wild niggers.

I am never surprised when I hear stories of TNB; stories of niggers raping, torturing, murdering and beating White people. Stories from Africa of them raping babies, toddlers, and goats; drinking lizard pee and smoking their own shit to get high. The rampant disease and famine there and watching their nigglets die off by the millions while their mammies get gang-banged in the bush to pump out another litter. Nothing about niggers surprises me at all because I do not compare their behavior with that of humans.

But it does fill me with a sense of bewilderment as to why we allow the nigger herd to run around completely unchecked and unmanaged. The destruction and drain on society they cause is appalling.

>> No.2860274
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I am European and my country isn't like USA where are different ethnics, religions and as it is immigrant country.

It's simply that I hate Antifa and Cultural Marxist people that try to make that I can't even be proud of my own people, language and country's achievements because "You didn't do it why be proud, we all are humans these third world niggers have same right to live here, racism and nazism and how white people were so bad do them many many years ago " So fuck it.

>> No.2860278

agreed with your anti-colonial sentiment but it wasn't just goa that was colonised lol

>> No.2860282

Goa is just a really memorable name

>> No.2860281

>wants to be proud of past cultural achievements
>doesn't want to take responsibility for atrocities of colonialism

hypocrite detected.

>> No.2860292
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>selectively applying technocratic norms
>thinking IQ is a relevant measure of intelligence
>Having no knowledge of the impact of colonialism and neocolonialism
>marginal data to support cause backed by overwhelming bigotry
>you are really this stupid

back to your shithole

>> No.2860294
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My country have nothing to do with colonialism and yes colonialism did destroy the economics and create power-vacoom and ethnical problem in African countries but I don't see that they can blame every fucking problem they have for colonialism/white people as so many time have passed.

>> No.2860309
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>People forgot that the Arabs did fucking slave-trade/own slaves and even more than whites and so did African Blacks themselfs so it's not a fucking big deal it's just that blame the fucking whites for the colonialism&slavery

>> No.2860310

slavery wasn't even an issue until the 18th century, but whites basically robbed non-whites of all their capital before they could form the organizations necessary to protect themselves.

A white Portuguese in India or east African in 1500 could basically extort the local, not-gun-having populace and get beneficial trade deals. If the locals wouldn't give deals, the Portuguese would ally with an opposing town and get to the slaughtering, then take the gold and run.

>> No.2860318
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>176 posts and 27 image replies omitted.

/lit/ will always be trolled forever

>> No.2860338

well, good on you that you understand that then. where're you from, out of curiosity? i hope it's not UK/france/spain/portugal/belgium/netherlands.

>> No.2860350
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>> No.2860361

your ancestors benefited from the exchange of Crimean and Mongolian/Turkic slaves in the trading hub of Novgorod during the Middle Ages/Renaissance. Also, serfdom since the 1800s. You're not immune.

>> No.2860373

my bad, no serfdom in Finland. Still, it's basically the Poland of Scandinavia, never standing up for itself between Sweden and Russia.

>> No.2860375
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Just no.

>> No.2860387
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Finland was never treated as shit as Finnish people were equal to Swedish people also there were have been times were Finnish people have made uprising as Cudgel War. For Russias part, Russia treated Finland good as Finland had autonomy and for standing for itself I can say Winter and Continution war as Finland didn't loose it's independence as Poland did.

>> No.2860390

>he doesn't know about slavery in Russia

Imagine one day, you're minding your own business on your lord's farm, just growing some spinach, when suddenly, Cossacks! A hundred of them! They ride in by horse, rape you, and steal your sisters. Those sisters will later be sold in Muscovy and Novgorod for a neat little profit.

They will be penetrated endlessly. They will also be legally required to do their owner's laundry.

>> No.2860396

>Stockholm Syndrome

That's a little ironic. They should've called it Helsinki Syndrome

>> No.2860398


my sides

>> No.2860430

/lit/ should hate black people, they can't write for shit.

>> No.2860793

It's quite disappointing that, in 2012, talking about differences between races is still taboo.

I can somewhat understand that. Saying that we're all the same can have some benefits. But at least let's be conscious about it.

>> No.2860822

Bigotry=/= cultural enrichment.

>> No.2860828


That's a really good movie

>> No.2860831


>It's quite disappointing that, in 2012, talking about differences between races is still taboo.

What? It's only been taboo for like, 20 years? 30, maybe?

>> No.2860841


it's != you friggen swede!

>> No.2860850

oh god this thread is so long
i was gonna be like
"i read a bunch and kind of dislike black american culture, but have nothing against negroids" but that would mean i would have to read the thread to make sure i'm not duplicating another's thoughts... and do i want to read this shit hell no