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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 471x480, shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2857450 No.2857450 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with all the new generation of readers?
All I see are people around reading shit like Assassin's Creed, Nicholas Sparks, Stephenie Meyer, Paulo Coelho, R.R. Martin, etc.

Not to mention the sterotypical teen books.

Where are the classics? Where's good literature? Did the Cultural Industry really do that all?

>> No.2857451

>Implying this hasn't been said since the beginning of human culture.

>> No.2857453

This thread again. Every single day.
Bread and circuses + literacy = readable bread and circuses.
Please delete your thread.

>> No.2857456


>> No.2857459

It's been covered to death, people still do read classics but they often don't talk about them because they don't want to seem like know-it-alls.

>> No.2857485

As opposed to teenagers in the 50's who exclusively read Dostoevsky and Homer

>> No.2857486

>whines about a lack of interest in high art
>posts a reaction shot from Scrubs

You guys seriously crack me up.

>> No.2857490


This. Lowest common denominator is universal. Good literature has always been essentially elitist, and it always will be.

Don't hate the popular reader, though. We need them monetarily. Let them be.

>> No.2857552

I think we need a new recommendation jpeg in the wiki, one for entry level stuff.
Too many of the people here equate entry level with shit tier.
I've been thinking of a list, but haven't gotten too far with it yet.

>> No.2857558

Yeah, that's what /lit/ needs. More pointless laundry lists of shit to read without any commentary or analysis of the works.

>> No.2857573



>> No.2857577

>Posts Scrubs image
I don't see the problem. A lot of people read for fun, not to intentionally turn themselves into a special little snowflake.

>> No.2857590

We have had penny blood since the 19th century. I'm fairly sure there were horrible books before, too.

>> No.2857621


>> No.2859537
File: 264 KB, 270x401, elric-covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. Reporting in with collections of the classics (see pic).

>> No.2859553

Alot of the old time classics are difficult to read for one just getting into literature. They prefer the listless approach void of strenuous neural activity simply to seem cultured.

>> No.2859557

>new generation of readers

I'd say at least 1 in 10 people on /lit/ right now are 16

>> No.2859574

The stigmatization of intellectualism is nothing new.

>> No.2859572

It is really bad that i think that R.R. Martin doesn't suck?

>> No.2859576

B-but I really like Game of Thrones ;_;

>> No.2859583

This. I am honestly afraid of talking about books with most of my friends for fear of coming off like a try-hard. Call in insecurity, but that's just hey way it is. And I know I'm not alone in this.

>> No.2859589

You're not alone. My friends are the same way, except one or two of them.

>> No.2859590
File: 602 KB, 320x213, 382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern literature is a product of Jewish hegemony.

>> No.2859606

Reading literature will not make you smarter in any measureable way, it's for entertainment. Maybe some of those teenagers will read /lit/ approved books when they get older, maybe they won't. What does it even matter? If you're worried about there being no "good" writers then why not become one? I'll tell you why, because you're a talentless killjoy who tries to gain intelligence by association with geniuses.

>> No.2859630

No really you guys:

>> No.2859755

citation needed,

>> No.2859764

It's signifier over the signified. People would rather be seen reading a book than develop the mental capacity required to comprehend the kind of literature that doesn't read like a television show.

>> No.2860385

Do spoilers work on this board?

>> No.2860406

What's worse? People reading lowest common denominator trash, or not reading at all?

>> No.2860411


It depends. Do they vote?

>> No.2860479

> It is really bad that i think that R.R. Martin doesn't suck?

If you're over 18 years old -- yes, it is. Martin is lowest-common-denominator crap.

>> No.2860491

god forbid people enjoy themselves by reading books they want to read.

>> No.2860505

ITT: my opinions > your opinions

>> No.2860580

dad-literature is for faggots

>> No.2860591


This doesn't work out of /mu/ without you sounding like a massive faggot.

>> No.2860600

to be fair, you don't read his books for the prose. You read it for the tweests.

>> No.2860623

Fucking this. I hate when people ask me what kind of books I read. At best I can talk about ASOIAF 9because I liked that series, deal with it).

It can sometimes be fun sounding like a pompous douche though.

>> No.2860641

I'm 23 and currently reading R. R. Martin books. I love it and can't put the books down and when you just can't put a book down you all know that's one of the best feelings.

Just because I'm reading R R Martin doesn't mean I don't like Hemingway, Dostoyevsky, Joseph Heller or (since I'm portuguese) José Saramago, António Lobo Antunes, Vergílio Ferreira, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Fernando Pessoa... and so on.

Don't be pretentious 'cause it will only make you look like an ass.

>> No.2860643


It actually doesn't even work on /mu/ without sounding like a massive faggot

>> No.2860717


Scrubs is god tier comedy. Get some taste.

>> No.2860720

The concept of tiering art is ridiculous, but even it weren't, that's ridiculous.

>> No.2860725

Dad-lit , hahaha nice one!

>> No.2860741

The classics and light fiction are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.2860743


>when you just can't put a book down you all know that's one of the best feelings.

No, that's called addiction, and it's not a positive feeling.

>> No.2860749


No, it's obsession. And it can be a positive or a negative feeling, depending on the circumstances and the person.

>> No.2860756

>Scrubs is god tier comedy. Get some taste.

So many teenagers on this board.

>> No.2860759


Why don't you like Scrubs? Is it the sappy music at the end of every episode?

>> No.2860767

The characters are archetypes and the episodes try to sprinkle poignancy into plotpoints that simply aren't poignant.

Beyond that, the jokes are repetitive and easy. Oh, look, Dr. Cox called J.D. by a female name again. Oh look, J.D. alluded to the eerily close relationship he has with Turk. Oh look, women are emotional and crazy! This is some good writing!

>> No.2860771

>Won't you take me to

>> No.2860777


>The characters are archetypes

Don't see the problem with that.

>and the episodes try to sprinkle poignancy into plotpoints that simply aren't poignant.

True but I watch it for the comedy so this is irrelevant to me.

>Beyond that, the jokes are repetitive and easy. Oh, look, Dr. Cox called J.D. by a female name again. Oh look, J.D. alluded to the eerily close relationship he has with Turk. Oh look, women are emotional and crazy! This is some good writing!

Yeah that sounds like good criticism until you realize you can apply that 'criticism' to every single TV comedy show. Oh look, G.O.B. is being needy and delusional. Oh look, Larry David (or David Brent) is being awkward again. Oh look, Costanza is down on his luck. Oh look, Kramer is talking about some crazy stuff again.

>> No.2860787

>you realize you can apply that 'criticism' to every single TV comedy show.

Most TV is garbage. Now you know.

>> No.2860791


I know most TV is garbage. None of the shows I alluded to are garbage though.

>> No.2860823


You imply that this is a new thing. People have always done this. The classics are always the books that have merit, but aren't necessarily read and read by the masses. Deal with it and read what you want.

>> No.2860825

>no argument
>shout edgy

>> No.2860832

man i thought i would get away from this shit when i finished college

/lit/ sucks

>> No.2860851


If course it doesn't make me smarter.

That is if I read it like I read 4chan.

>> No.2860852

>thread is near universally condemned
>/lit/ sucks

>> No.2860861

Previously on /lit/

>No literature

Sage this cancerous if you mean to post on here again you immature bunch of cock hunters.

>> No.2860871

Well, have you ever read the star wars expanded universe?

ie: the hand of thrawn and the like, it's more of the same, but for girls