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/lit/ - Literature

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2856502 No.2856502 [Reply] [Original]

Is it me...or has there been a slight influx of quality posting as of late?

On a side note, is toa lin back or something?

>> No.2856511

Can we please just stop talking about Tao Lin?

>> No.2856509

The board is creeping back up to its old levels. I've been trying to post more interesting thread topics recently, and it seems like others are doing the same. I doubt Tao's back. DL links to two of his books were posted about a week ago, so people have probably read them and want to talk about them.

>> No.2856678
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no, bc this emerged

>> No.2856687

Hahahaha someone actually saved my picture. Greath

>> No.2856714

We need to talk about Tao Lin

>> No.2856717

Throw the Tao Lin

>> No.2856723

I only really started posting recently.

There's your explanation.

>> No.2856734
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Can anyone post the reason why they like Tao Lin or hate him?

All the time there is a Tao Lin thread they post the same pictures of him constantly and just deride him while posting excerpts from his work that could probably be taken easily out of context.

I find him an enjoyable writer, that has this weird serious-joking ratio in his work I enjoy. His prose "style" also seems to part of the joke, with its dryness he seems to amplify strange and usually surreal dialog between characters ( I have only read Richard Yates).

He also offers an unique voice that is rarely heard in literature.

>> No.2856744

>I have only read Richard Yates

Come back when you have a better idea of what you're talking about.

In fact, that goes to everyone on /lit/. Learn all about your subject, then post.

>> No.2856746
File: 190 KB, 590x767, lovecraft fucking sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just you.

>> No.2857050

So I can't have an opinion at all because I have not read everything he has written?

You completely ignored my question, why do you like and dislike Tao Lin?

>> No.2857081


>> No.2857095

>And I [Noah Cicero] didn’t like Eggers, DFW (David Foster Wallace) and Franzen, I found them all bourgeois. I was reading like Sartre and Nietzsche at that time.

>He [Tao Lin] didn’t care about DFW, Eggers and Franzen either. I read once that DFW is considered the Jesus of alt, but in reality, no one even considered him worth talking about.

I cut out the best parts for you guys.

>> No.2857098
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>> No.2857100

Everytime that link has been posted someone has quoted that section.
The only sane response is >noah cicero

>> No.2857103

Who exactly is this "Towlie" I've heard so much about lately?

>> No.2857105

Everytime meaning... twice? Because they were both me.

>> No.2857111

I've seen it more than twice.

>> No.2857119
File: 81 KB, 254x513, taolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know who Tao Lin was until I started posting here. I didn't think much of him until later on when I visited a wiki of him. His subjects are himself. What the fuck? Now I know why people hate him so much.

>> No.2857120

tao lin is so bad he literally makes me want to kill myself.
every time I remember tao lin exists I feel worse about being alive and I feel worse about being a "human being".
I wish that the printing press was never invented and that the lower classes were never taught to read so that tao lin would never have put pen to page and showed us how soul crushingly ugly he is.

>> No.2857124

DFW and Franzen are irrelevant though, Tao Lin is terrible but at least his terribleness is relevant to the times.

>> No.2857126

There's less shit on the board. I chided the shitposters so hard that they became insecure and are too analblasted to post anymore

This is how I keep order

>> No.2857127


>> No.2857130
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>> No.2857138

tao lin is so bad I wish I were in Nazi Germany just so that my ears would be rescued from pathetic tao lin's hamster voice by continued "sieg heil"s.

>> No.2857142

I'm still here lol

>> No.2857145

Why do people here hate Tao Lin so much. Are they jealous or something? He seems like such a nice guy.

>> No.2857146

Tao Lin is generally accepted to be the greatest writer of our generation. /lit/ is just jealous.

>> No.2857148

That doesn't make sense. Just because he writes about himself doesn't make him a bad writer. That is like saying everything written by Kafka is garbage because it had a biographical basis. Read a full length novel by him first before saying anything.

Lin and DFW are the most polarized writers on /lit/ and by just choosing a side just to be with the "hivemind" is just childish.

>> No.2857149

because he's nihilism and world-weariness personified and he makes us feel more exhausted for being alive.

there is no greatest writer of our generation. greatness is absent.
it would have to be like this: "greatest" writer of our generation.

>> No.2857152

>Lin and DFW are the most polarized writers on /lit/ and by just choosing a side just to be with the "hivemind" is just childish.

no one actually does this here and you're really stupid and naive if you think they do..

>> No.2857156

>thinking Lin and Wallace exist as a dichotomy on /lit/
That's pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.2857158


This is totally Tao Lin trolling.

>> No.2857159

Tao's books make me laugh out loud. If they depress you you must be some sad bastards. Quit hating on the voice of our generation

>> No.2857169

If someone is basing the ability of a writer off of a wikipedia article I would think that they are choosing to side with the dominant idea that Lin is an awful writer without ever even reading his writing.

Do you actually think that is a way to critic an author? That is an wholly ignorant belief that people don't do it.

I think you are misunderstanding me. I am saying that both Lin and DFW brings a divide in /lit/. I am not saying Lin is the antithesis of DFW.

>> No.2857171

>Just because he writes about himself doesn't make him a bad writer.

Actually it does, the more impersonal an artist is the better is their work. It is a true fact.
See Homer and Virgil, they write about Arms, Country and Heroes. Shakespeare, Racine - write human dramas. Tolstoy best novellist writes about real affairs. And then the shitty romantics come in and start spewing their "feelings", and now you can immediately smell the author's own prejudices and thoughts beneath the writing.
Kafka is actually pretty impersonal, but impersonal in a "bureaucracy alienating humanity, depersonalization" kind of impersonality, but that's about the best that could be achieved in the 20th century (Kafka is easily the best 20th century writer).

>> No.2857176

Your references are shit. I hate you.

>> No.2857178

If they make you laugh you must be even more sad than the sad bastards.

>> No.2857177

"The human mind is generally far more eager to praise and dispraise than to describe and define. It wants to make every distiction a distiction of value ... as if they were candidates for a prize."
-The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis

>> No.2857180

Kafka always wrote about himself. Well, sometimes his father but mostly just himself.

>> No.2857182

what? I did describe and define. I defined impersonality as a measure for artistic worth and I described impersonality through examples like Virgil and Tolstoy.

>> No.2857189
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Tao Lin is now /lit/'s troll of the month.
For some reason people randomly started talking about him again.
Also he's really depressed and his books stank of hipster depression

>> No.2857190

just realized, tao is op and trolled us all

>> No.2857192


>voice of a generation



>> No.2857207

Books full of non-sequiturs and inanely funny shit. You'd have to be sad and stupid to not appreciate it

>> No.2857215

>implying you can't find it funny and sad simultaneously
You autistic, son?

>> No.2857222

I actually feel less lonely and sad reading his work than with any other author.

>> No.2857248

>less lonely and sad reading
alt lit catchphrases detected
trolling detected

>> No.2857258

everyone in this thread is tao

>> No.2857277

tao's google alert is going crazy