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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 500x500, prompt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2856272 No.2856272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the one last may was a success I think, so let's try it again

anything goes

>> No.2856275

In 500 words or less, I want you to write a horror vignette, where a man is separated from his sandwich-making wife by a river of blood.

>> No.2856281

A piece of loli erotic fiction. Bonus points if I ejaculate in less than a single read.

>> No.2856284

The scene in which an unnamed schizophrenic man discovers that he was the one who murdered his family and not an intruder as he previously thought.

>> No.2856288

A man attends a hot dog eating contest and learns a valuable lesson about life.

>> No.2856303

A woman gets a dildo from her husband who is revealing his pegging fetish for the first time...at first the wife is disgusted, but becomes obsessed with pegging and goes around town raping men, women, and children with her wearable dildo.

>> No.2856307

Whilst the wife was busy in the deli, an unconsummated sausage burst, from which came an outpouring of blood which sundered the matrimonial union in twain. Consequences would never be the same.

>> No.2856319

A bit long, but here. Make this horrid fanfiction idea good.

A little boy and a little girl become best friends as children, but the boy gets into an accident, has his soul/consciousness/nervous system/whatever transplanted into an android body with a new face and partially wiped memories.

Years later, the girl finds the boy again and has no idea who he is, but they become friends and he always talks about these obscure memories he has about the girl when he was younger and not a cyborg.

>> No.2856332


>> No.2856340

A little girl meets a fairy, but far from being tinkerbell, most fairies are actually fat, lazy drunkards with sharp teeth that like to terrorize little children.

>> No.2856343

Can you do another one about Bob Dylan getting a dental operation? This time he's getting a filling, and he keeps trying to sing Visions of Johanna while the dentist is operating.

>> No.2856349
File: 37 KB, 598x565, prompt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


done. i probably rewrote the description of the sandwich about six times, just couldn't be satisfied with it unfortunately. hope you like.


working on this one now.

>> No.2856352 [DELETED] 

Does it take OP this long to write 500 words? I assumed he would write drivel, but is he actually trying to put effort into this?

>> No.2856354
File: 9 KB, 83x174, 1338861782869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An esteemed hat maker with an obsession for button collecting gets accidentally involved with a conspiracy revolving around terrorists and his mother.

>> No.2856358

You should keep a compilation of all the completed requests and post them in each thread. I would be interested in reading the ones prior to this topic.

>> No.2856363

I like your take on my prompt. Not what I intended at all, but certainly interesting.

>> No.2856364


>> No.2856402
File: 60 KB, 598x897, prompt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Surprisingly hard to write, guess I know for sure I'm not into that now. Good luck getting me that bonus.

up next

>> No.2856413

absurdist comedy about a funeral as told from the perspective of the coffin.

>> No.2856435

That's a relatively common archetype in the genre. Are you sure you haven't read any before?

>> No.2856452
File: 56 KB, 598x791, prompt3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


afraid that the ending of this might be seen as a little too similar to the one i just did

i like this one, let's see where it goes

unfortunately i lost all of the writing i've done since last winter in a hard drive crash about a month ago. this is actually the first time i've written since. :/

>> No.2856455


it should be pretty obvious where i got the idea from if you've ever read Oryx and Crake

>> No.2856461

Oh shit, I read that years ago. The allusions seem so obvious now.

>> No.2856528
File: 62 KB, 598x869, prompt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


couldn't quite stick the ending to this one, unfortunately

>>2856303 is next

>> No.2856534

Thank you. Short fiction about hot dog eating contests is a big interest of mine, and it's always fascinating to see where different writers take it.

>> No.2856560
File: 35 KB, 598x544, prompt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't have the heart to go on

skipping this for now unless you can translate into more sensible english (and unconsumated sausage, what?)

saving this for tomorrow, going to sleep for now (i wake up in four more hours) and i'll resume again then. cya tomorrow lit!

>> No.2856564


In thirty pages, no less and probably more, describe DFW oxygen deprived penis.



>> No.2856581

Get your thesaurus out, it's time to Wallacize! Create a stream of consciousness piece, like Ulysses (not like The Mezzanine), detailing the sheer cliff-fall of an individual losing their distinction between reality and hyperreality into psychosis and whatever unpleasent mental affliction you care to append, in the style of, duh!, David Foster Wallace, that means emotional commitment must coexist with maximalist prose, in a hybrid fusion of Infinite Jest and Interviews with Hideous Men and a scintilla of Zampanó's style from House of Leaves. In short, pertaining to prose style, maximalist with emotional commitment, morbid-elegant undertones, and an literary-academic vibe. Be interesting, but plausible, but a little implausibility, make sure it is not that noticeable, is not sin as the goal is emotional impact.

>> No.2856592



So first you have to stick that can up your ass, no lube. (Dont cheat ;))

Next put on the either some rancid, or the book 'Ulysses' on tape as narrated by morgan freeman. I know you have both.

Then finally look at porn on /y/ as you give yourself the most sexually frustrating and sugary enema your colon would ever wish for.

>> No.2856598

I don't even

>> No.2856605


Nonononono the burning of all that sugar is like a high end colonic, you see!```

>> No.2856633

Actually, no I don't 'have both'. Sorry to disappoint. I am just trying to challenge this writer to something high-artsy and different from the trolling-esque and amateur requests posted by posing a significant challenge. What are you attacking me for, in all seriousness? I'm no hipster, assuming this is the crux of you derision, nor do I say that to be hipster, but that is what a hipster would say in the first place, so we can never know a hipster from a non-hipster, and since you cannot trust anyone on 4chan not to be a hopeless hipster, something a true hipster would say, so I guess I am talking to a fucking lightyear-thick near-blackhole density wall, but I am not. If anything, wouldn't you agree that making the presumption of innocence is more suitable for /lit/ and the opposite moreso for /b/? Fresh start? I presume the best of you as you do me?

>> No.2856676

Are you saying her husband turned gay and got AIDS?

>> No.2857099

A gay astronaut has been told he cannot use his media attention to make a political statement, but what does this mean for his boyfriend, who wants to meet him on re-entry?

>> No.2857118

Frank Zappa wrestles a bear inside a volcano while a black cat plays him the funeral waltz on a banjo. Thousands of exploding alligators fly across the sky above them.

>> No.2857137

Write a story about an average day as an operator for the CIA. Not the flashy scenes you see portrayed by Hollywood, but what goes on in the mean time.

>> No.2857155

A famous youtuber prepares to stick a banana up his asshole for a new video.

>> No.2857678
File: 498 KB, 245x155, tumblr_luxkoipMal1qiqcvgo6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2857682

Are you still doing this, OP?

>> No.2857801

Write a compelling narrative about writing these writing prompts.

>> No.2857877

write about a space mission where the take off goes catastrophically wrong

>> No.2858188
File: 44 KB, 598x785, prompt6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A little boy and a little girl become best friends as children, but the boy gets into an accident, has his soul/consciousness/nervous system/whatever transplanted into an android body with a new face and partially wiped memories.
>Years later, the girl finds the boy again and has no idea who he is, but they become friends and he always talks about these obscure memories he has about the girl when he was younger and not a cyborg.

one of the more fun ones so far, and hey no dildos! which is always a plus.

>> No.2858195
File: 4 KB, 598x785, prompt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




cheating to do both of these at once? i write you decide. fair and balanced.

>> No.2858316


>> No.2858337

Aw, this is adorable!

>> No.2858371

Write a story about a detective who is a bear, and an astronaut who is a werewolf. They meet in space (I'll let you explain why the detective is in space, maybe NASA hired him to investigate drug smuggling on the ISS or something) and begin a series of zanny, wacky adventures that radically alter the fashion industry.

>> No.2858456

A young transwoman contemplates suicide while sitting in a park chatting with her best friend and her ex girlfriend.

Internal monologue with dialogue between the three characters.
The ideations are the monologue.

>> No.2858972


>> No.2859023

They say if you observe someone falling into a black hole from outside they will seem to move slower and slower, never actually reaching the event horizon. Write a story about a man condemned to hang, have him work through his guilt in his mind before he is hanged, throw in some meditation on where he thinks he will go after. The twist of the story is that death is like the situation I described above, as you die time seems to slow down from his perspective until the condemned man is frozen with his broken neck in the noose for all eternity.

>> No.2859062
File: 30 KB, 598x523, prompt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A little girl meets a fairy, but far from being tinkerbell, most fairies are actually fat, lazy drunkards with sharp teeth that like to terrorize little children.

>> No.2859111

Damn it, OP. Where you at?

>> No.2859119
File: 36 KB, 598x653, prompt9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you do another one about Bob Dylan getting a dental operation? This time he's getting a filling, and he keeps trying to sing Visions of Johanna while the dentist is operating.

you have a good memory. i'd like to think of these stories as my personal revenge on mr. dylan for writing the most beautiful lyrics and singing them with the stupidest fucking voice.

>> No.2859168

Write about taters.

>> No.2859187

A man refuses to leave the bathroom. It causes a shitstorm in his family and eventually the whole town.

>> No.2859196
File: 1007 KB, 2400x3300, 1342752664066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write a short screen play, and I will make it happen.

>> No.2859199

OP, i challenge you to take two or more prompts ITT and make a single story using elements of each.

>if you don't do it u're a wimp

>> No.2859203


Why do so many women where those whore-ish shorts? Why can't western women learn any modesty?

>> No.2859231


>> No.2859669


>> No.2859701


Isn't that approximately the Metamorphosis?

>> No.2859703

A man comes has a profound epiphany about his marriage while fucking his mistress.

>> No.2859759

A man who makes a science out of hitting other people's cars in parking lots and getting away with it. The description is of one such incident.

>> No.2859767
File: 62 KB, 416x600, Emma Roberts 242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, son. Check it.

>> No.2859974

for fucks sake write mine already

>> No.2860080

fuck you op i hope you die in pain

>> No.2860219

me too
but after he finishes mine

>> No.2860279


on it now

>> No.2860330
File: 44 KB, 598x773, prompt10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops here's the text

>> No.2860328

>An esteemed hat maker with an obsession for button collecting gets accidentally involved with a conspiracy revolving around terrorists and his mother.

couldn't figure out a way to introduce tension or ambiguity well, but hey that's why i'm doing this!

>> No.2860412

Had a great laugh, thanks for this

>> No.2860573

I look forward to issuing you another Dylan story next time.

>> No.2860603

a man with no arms finds love in the glove section of debenhams.

>> No.2861399

Come back and keep going, OP. I still love you.

>> No.2861433

John gives up his NEET status to become a transvestite taxi driver and ends up seeing the face of god in his passengers clavicle.

>> No.2861446

A lower middle-class man with horrible tourette's has, following a bad fight between them over something, one more chance at winning over the girl of his dreams, but the rich douche-bag that lives in the nicer apartment across the street has been trying for years to take her from him, and it seems he's swooping in for the kill, but things don't go as expected...!

>> No.2861447

Sounds an awful lot like the movie Serendipity...

>> No.2861481
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>> No.2861482

Nice work, OP.

>> No.2862107
File: 171 KB, 780x1200, gruel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, OP, I want some more.

>> No.2862274


Seconded. I desire more of your shorts, OP! Especially if they're the denim kind.

>> No.2862445
File: 53 KB, 598x742, prompt11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absurdist comedy about a funeral as told from the perspective of the coffin.

easy voice for this one, feel good about it

>> No.2862448


sorry i'm being so slow, as long as the thread doesn't drop off pg 15 i've got it bookmarked and will keep churning them out when i get free time

>> No.2862455
File: 4 KB, 598x83, prompt12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In thirty pages, no less and probably more, describe DFW oxygen deprived penis.

imagine each word as a separate page. i know you can do it, good luck

>> No.2863117


Then you may kindly take this bump. I would be greatly offended if you refused.

>> No.2863496

And mine, as well. I'm going to sleep and expect some jolly riveting stories come morn'.

>> No.2863519 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 2580x844, prompt13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get your thesaurus out, it's time to Wallacize! Create a stream of consciousness piece, like Ulysses (not like The Mezzanine), detailing the sheer cliff-fall of an individual losing their distinction between reality and hyperreality into psychosis and whatever unpleasent mental affliction you care to append, in the style of, duh!, David Foster Wallace, that means emotional commitment must coexist with maximalist prose, in a hybrid fusion of Infinite Jest and Interviews with Hideous Men and a scintilla of Zampanó's style from House of Leaves. In short, pertaining to prose style, maximalist with emotional commitment, morbid-elegant undertones, and an literary-academic vibe. Be interesting, but plausible, but a little implausibility, make sure it is not that noticeable, is not sin as the goal is emotional impact.

I just couldn't do it in 500 words, sorry. Thanks for the challenging prompt though! Definitely feels better to fail at something like this than dash off 150 words about flying dildos from mars or whatever.

>> No.2863522
File: 188 KB, 2580x844, prompt13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get your thesaurus out, it's time to Wallacize! Create a stream of consciousness piece, like Ulysses (not like The Mezzanine), detailing the sheer cliff-fall of an individual losing their distinction between reality and hyperreality into psychosis and whatever unpleasent mental affliction you care to append, in the style of, duh!, David Foster Wallace, that means emotional commitment must coexist with maximalist prose, in a hybrid fusion of Infinite Jest and Interviews with Hideous Men and a scintilla of Zampanó's style from House of Leaves. In short, pertaining to prose style, maximalist with emotional commitment, morbid-elegant undertones, and an literary-academic vibe. Be interesting, but plausible, but a little implausibility, make sure it is not that noticeable, is not sin as the goal is emotional impact.

I just couldn't do it in 500 words, sorry. Thanks for the challenging prompt though! Definitely feels better to fail at something like this than dash off 150 words about flying dildos from mars or whatever.

>> No.2863542

a man's journal entries as he regresses through his life, finally ending in the fucked up reason why he has his disorder

>> No.2864570
File: 69 KB, 300x271, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> flying dildos from Mars
> not far from the truth
> mfw

>> No.2864704

A man has multiple surgeries to make him immortal, comes to regret this when all his loved ones have died of old age.

>> No.2864815

I've been waiting Op, can you please write mine? I've found that transitioning between internal monologue and dialogue is challenging. (at least for me)

>> No.2864822


Right, because no one else has been waiting.

How puerile. Have some patience for Christ' sake.

>> No.2864901

Why would he not give them the surgeries too?

>> No.2864929

I'd guess they're really expensive? Maybe OP can think of something better.

>> No.2865257

Bumping for OP.

>> No.2865268

Morgan freeman dramatically narrating his morning dump and piss.

>> No.2865622


>> No.2866006


>> No.2866138

sorry guys i woke up this morning pretty ill, I'll continue tomorrow if I'm feeling better

(just an update since it's been a while)

>> No.2866671


>> No.2867740

Well let's make sure it doesn't fall off the board in the meanwhile.

>> No.2868507

He could take out a loan for the surgeries. I mean he's now got an infinitely long amount of time to pay them back and his family could help him.

>> No.2868514

In a dark, gloomy cove, a polar bear lies on a full-size bed. Next to it, my nude body trembles in the night - I look over to the bear, and wonder.....

>> No.2868542

you are hardcore for going through with that XD very nice write btw!

>> No.2868642

He could be just selfish.

Awesome captcha: kamehameha faggn

>> No.2868771
File: 173 KB, 780x713, story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I know where I was going with this, I just kept typing.

>> No.2868787

I adore this!

>> No.2868800

J.D. Salinger > OP

>> No.2868952

I love the part about the couch being light one way but dark the other.. I have a slight obsession with this and drawing figures into it.. hahha

>> No.2869507


>> No.2869754

Vampire/human romance. The woman is the vampire. Her boyfriend is reassuring her he does want to be turned into a vampire.

Slight BDSM but nothing "50 Shades" level.

See if OP can make this worth reading.

>> No.2869861
File: 49 KB, 473x317, unfinished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's unfinished.. but I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.. so just in case the thread dies.. here

>> No.2869883

‘We can evade “reality” but we cannot avoid the consequences of doing so.’


>> No.2870285

We will never die.

>> No.2870299

This was perfect, thanks.

>> No.2870679

I'm glad someone likes it. It takes a lot for me to write something and show people, but what better people than anon.

>> No.2870721

There was a desert that was thought to be where the world ends because no one had ever been able to cross it. Then one day an odd looking man shows up in a town on the outskirts of the desert. He claims that he came from the other side.

>> No.2871492

A young woman working in a pawn shop is throwing out an unruly elderly man shouting obscenities when she realises it's Christopher Lloyd. He's screaming dialogue from the BTTF films and throwing knick knacks into his oversized white lab coat: the only clothing he has on save a pair of flip flops.

>> No.2871880
File: 51 KB, 690x710, prompt14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thanks for your patience guys! and the lovely bumps, for which I'm very grateful.

>A gay astronaut has been told he cannot use his media attention to make a political statement, but what does this mean for his boyfriend, who wants to meet him on re-entry?

warming up with this one, could have been a little better think. but this was an interesting prompt and out of my comfort zone since I usually still well-clear of political stuff

>> No.2871885
File: 5 KB, 690x83, prompt15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frank Zappa wrestles a bear inside a volcano while a black cat plays him the funeral waltz on a banjo. Thousands of exploding alligators fly across the sky above them.

nailed it?

>> No.2871888

write a kafkaesque parable, the only proviso being that it must (understatedly) include pencil shavings

>> No.2871924
File: 49 KB, 598x706, prompt16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write a story about an average day as an operator for the CIA. Not the flashy scenes you see portrayed by Hollywood, but what goes on in the mean time.

>> No.2871976 [DELETED] 

>A famous youtuber prepares to stick a banana up his asshole for a new video.

i just hope none of my friends ever find this folder

>> No.2871981
File: 54 KB, 598x667, prompt17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A famous youtuber prepares to stick a banana up his asshole for a new video.

i just hope none of my friends ever find this folder

>> No.2871990

What do you do for a living, OP?

>> No.2872036
File: 46 KB, 598x659, prompt18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write a compelling narrative about writing these writing prompts.

i'm tempted to direct you here >>2871924 but my ego forbids me from missing an opportunity like this

>> No.2872039 [DELETED] 

legislative aide, law school in two years hopefully

>> No.2872053



>> No.2872082

Belonging, positive.

>> No.2872091


One of my favourites so far. Keep it up, faggot.

>> No.2872104

A Romeo & Juliet "sequel". Juliet and Romeo have kinky femdom sex in the afterlife, then snuggle to sleep.

>> No.2872150

A woman harried persistently by reoccurring thoughts of her self-perceived purposelessness. She does nothing to prove herself wrong, but attains a higher sense of self-efficacy while making no efforts.

>> No.2872401


>> No.2872510

A robot is finally getting his shit together and going for the love of his live, a spider, who lives far away or something

>> No.2872515

An old man pisses himself in a queue, a dog licks the resultant puddle, they become friends.

>> No.2872591

sir, you win a golden star.

>> No.2872660

I'm going to give you a serious one as opposed to "flying potato has buttsecks with nihilist donkey" stuff everyone else is throwing :).

The funeral of a beautiful young woman (mid-twenties), there are many respectable gentlemen in black suits and rich women in quality black dresses, however they seem to show little to no signs of grief. Standing outside of the fence of the graveyard is a man, dressed shabbily, poor, maybe even without shoes, but crying his bloody arse off. It's up to you to decide why he's crying (love of his life? stalker victim? sister, but he's been banned from the family?), and what (if anything) he does; does he sneak into the funeral to pay his respect, does he chicken out, does he kill himself, does he do nothing and just sit on the ground and cry untill night falls? it's up to you :p

>> No.2872673
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>> No.2872744

A man is walking through the middle of the desert with nothing but the clothes on his back, finds a dead man in a suit atop a dune with a briefcase full of emeralds under his arm, vultures overhead.

>> No.2872754
File: 67 KB, 635x345, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a wet fucking blanket.

>> No.2872811

Wonderful thread OP

>> No.2873023

That was awful. Would you seriously read this?

I vote for flying potato having buttsecks with nihilist donkey.

>> No.2873028

He's crying cuz bitches fuck mourning emotional niggers.

>> No.2873034
File: 30 KB, 600x450, eeppinen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the best thread.

>> No.2873068

Sherlock Holmes describes what it feels like to be pounded doggy-style by his fuckbuddy Watson from his kinda autistic-logician point of view.

>> No.2873071

Story has a dialogue involving a person answering at some point "Dicks, naturally."

>> No.2873073

The smartest melon in the world is about to be eaten by a hobo who just realizes it.

>> No.2873085

A socially awkward nerd is at a gigantic party when suddenly nine people out of ten are magically and instantly stripped of their clothes. He isn't one of them.

>> No.2875053


>> No.2876956
File: 16 KB, 691x597, 1344086895228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has OP abandoned us?

>> No.2877208

I hope not.

>> No.2878455
File: 5 KB, 344x341, 1340741627988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last bump

>> No.2878469


Holmes turned from his phial of cocaine, a look of malevolent triumph in his eyes. As his friend and constant companion I was rather worried. "Holmes, I've told you that cocaine does nothing for your physiognomy. As a man of medicine and your friend I urge you to give it up". But Holmes would have none of this and he dropped his trousers suddenly. "H-holmes" I ejaculated, "I'm a married man. What would my wife say about this". He sleazy look inhabited my friend's face "This is one adventure you can write up old boy. It's called the Mystery of the Giant Throbbing Gristle and the gaping Black Hole". He suddenly leapt upon me, tearing off my trousers and violated me horribly, his semen flying everywhere and covering out land-lady, Mrs. Hudson.

>> No.2878653
File: 27 KB, 598x402, prompt19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write about a space mission where the take off goes catastrophically wrong

i don't know what happened here, i think i kept getting distracted and trying to write in five different directions at once and anyways it's a lot shittier than usual

>> No.2878656

Write a 2nd person account of Cheerwine and Coca-Cola procreating.

>> No.2878674

Write a story entirely in the passive pluperfect of any story you like.

>> No.2878682
File: 23 KB, 598x332, promptnumberimjustphoningitinnowdotpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write a story about a detective who is a bear, and an astronaut who is a werewolf. They meet in space (I'll let you explain why the detective is in space, maybe NASA hired him to investigate drug smuggling on the ISS or something) and begin a series of zanny, wacky adventures that radically alter the fashion industry.

>> No.2878689

I made another thread a few weeks ago to see if /lit/ could write the most detailed erotic piece. And I mean detailed. Don't be leavin' nuthin' to imagination.

>> No.2878688

next two will have to wait until tomorrow because they seem promising and i want to put some serious time into them. cya then /lit/

>> No.2878690

I forgot to mention that I would like to see you write your own piece.

>> No.2880707
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>> No.2881656

A convicted criminal is executed and comes back to life as a cute little girl in a prestigious all girls academy

>> No.2882010

just an update that I'm stilling working over here, thanks for all the bumps and new prompts <3

>> No.2882191

The guy who came up with the idea for Coke Zero narrates a typical day in his life.

>> No.2882723


>> No.2882729

Merida (from the movie Brave) dominates and sexually humiliates some boy while making him wear her dress.

>> No.2882787

Funniest fucking thing I've read in months. Thank you for that on, OP.