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/lit/ - Literature

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2856170 No.2856170 [Reply] [Original]

So I think we can all agree that blacks are objectively inferior, right?

>> No.2856176


>> No.2856183

No, some of them won't agree, especially if you aren't providing a metric that can be used to "objectively" compare the races. At the moment, you're only proving differences that may or may not add to the perceived value of each race.

And unless the topic comes up in (and is related to) a philosophy or book thread, you should take this shit back to /pol/.

>> No.2856204

"The emergence of this ideology of the individual, personal liberty and freedom coincided with the intensification of slavery at the end of the seventeenth century. The ruling class increasingly defined slaves as property, rather than as people, and placed the property rights of the planter above the individual rights of the slave. There was an obvious and intractable contradiction between the idea of inalienable individual rights and the actuality of mass enslavement. If humans have the right to liberty in their persons, then enslavement removes humanity. Or, conversely, only nonhumans can be enslaved. The ideology of race served to justify the denial of rights to slaves: defenders of slavery categorized blacks as a “subhuman” group consequently undeserving of bourgeois rights. " - Helen Scott

>> No.2856206


>> No.2856231

Where the idea originated from shouldn't be used to detract from any current evidence. There is evidence to show blacks are different in a variety of ways from whites, though whether that makes one race "better" or not depends on your subjective idea about what makes a race good.

I used to think the world was purely subjective, that no true objective reality could exist, and then I saw your post. You have convinced me that there is at least one objective truth in the universe, and it is that you are a piece of shit. Thank you for shattering my worldviews and giving me the opportunity to further ponder the nature of reality.

>> No.2856244

>saging thread
>talks about objectivity

Unreasoning black incapable of logic detected.

>> No.2856248

Social group, economic means and early childhood upbringing>race any day

>> No.2856266


>hasn't read adopted child studies where white parents making shitloads of money raise black kids and they are still dumb
>white kids whose families make <$10k do better on standardized tests than black kids whose families make >$100k

>basing your arguments off of anything other than scientific literature

>> No.2856304

>doesn't take into account social influences
>doesn't realise you can't come to any conclusion of superiority or inferiority based on those stats

>> No.2856309

They have more children, it seems to me that they are "objectively superior" to all others. Nigeria is the happiest country in the world or so I heard.

>> No.2856683

Inferior in the general sense? No. At least not until you define shit more clearly.

Better at some things, worse at some other things? Yes.

>> No.2857249

I had a theory similar to this a while ago, but I didnt think it was supported by science. Atleast there werent any prominent research being done on this part. Probabably and mainly because it might cause controversies/racism

>> No.2857269

sage for not literature.

>> No.2857273

I find your attached bibliography lacking.

>> No.2857377

What the fuck is an 'Aboriginal'?

>> No.2857387

>but I didnt think it was supported by science
Protip: It isn't.

>> No.2857394

They have bigger cocks.

>> No.2857399


>> No.2857458

What isn't?

Inferiority in general _cannot_ be, until we agree on what exactly we're talking about.

But many differences are supported by science.
Race—or whatever is the more appropriate term, I forgot—is not just a social construct.

That being said, if you want my "wise ass" opinion: even if we proved that negroes have a lower IQ or something like that, making this common knowledge would probably do more bad than good. At least right now.

>> No.2857463
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> objectively

you don't know what that means

>> No.2857468

how does it feel to know that there are black millionaire athletes while you are a basement dweller, OP? Also with girlfriends and social lives

>> No.2857472

If this is all a matter of white racism and imperialism, why is that blacks are poor, sick, and achieve nothing no matter where you go, and no matter when?

>> No.2857482

what about axum and nubia?

>> No.2857487

That's a nice lie you just told right there.

>> No.2857492


Neil DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.2857491

sage, because this is /pol/'s territory
Wait, "territory" actually makes it sound serious. It's just the area of racist circlejerks.

>> No.2857495

That's not true; blacks in Western countries aren't particularly sick.

>> No.2857505

A scientist of no particular accomplishment chosen as a celebrity because he was black? What an achievement.

>> No.2857508

(First off, I'm white and I don't feel guilty about it)
It's because they started off as poor (speaking only of the United States) after they were freed. They were oppressed up until fifty years ago were forced into a position of perpetual poverty.
>achieve nothing no matter where you go, and no matter when
And not everyone fails. That's just a childish delusion of yours. They're more likely to fail because they can't change their position in the system of humanity.

>> No.2857510


You miss the point. It's not his celebrity I am invoking, it is the fact he is well read, literate and intelligent.

>> No.2857512

Africans were poor, illiterate nothings before the Europeans were able to do anything to them. Always have been.

>> No.2857523

He won a Sexiest Astrophysicist Award, man. Clearly one of the leading lights in physics.

>> No.2857524

Are you guys still quoting that Darwin shit? He didn't have knowledge of the Zimbabwean Empire or the Zulus.
It makes a lot of sense that dumb fucks follow the out-of-date ideologies.

>> No.2857529

Being able to form something resembling a civilization isn't that much of an achievement. The Chinese did it five thousand years ago! They were even writing and contributing to humanity's store of knowledge and art by then. Five thousand years later, are Africans even at that level yet? We both know they aren't, you just think time-travelling white people are somehow responsible.

>> No.2857551

>evolutionary psychology

nope, no hard science to be found here...

>> No.2857553

>you just time-travelling white people are somehow responsible.
>implying that whites didn't have any contact with blacks

Since this is a literature board, I'll tell you to go back and read the Odyssey.

>Five thousand years later, are Africans even at that level yet?

There are a fuckload of writing systems in Africa. Seriously, you'd have to be trolling at this point. I'm not even going to touch the art.

>> No.2857560

Yes, clearly ancient Greek imperialism is behind Africans' self-evident inferiority. Do you people hear yourselves?

>> No.2857562

>clearly ancient Greek imperialism is behind Africans' self-evident inferiority

I'm not saying Greek imperialism is behind Africa's inferiority; I haven't even said if Africa was inferior or not.

>> No.2857564

why does /lit/ even have these threads still?

>> No.2857578


I've always found it odd what mods chose to keep and what they chose to delete.

>> No.2857604

I would love to see those statics

>> No.2857609


The flaw in your thinking is the idea that /lit/ has mods.

>> No.2857614


What is your problem? You find it perfectly alright to take out your hatred on a specific group of people? It's not our fault we turned out to be black. Fuck off. Grow up. Stop attacking us just because you don't like the way we look. Don't like us? Then shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself. Stereotypes? Only morons like you guys actually believe in them. It's fucking 2012 and people still do this. Such a shame. Black people are the joked about race and it's stupid. Oh let me guess? Watched the news about an African American committing murder? Well don't do other races do it too? Does that make them any better? Well it doesn't. We are not murderers, thieves, rapists, and those other negative things you guys always portray about us. Low IQ's? Fuck you. That is not true. That's just bullshit that you people make up to make us look bad as well. Welfare? Well don't do people of other races go on it as well when they need it too? Stop talking shit about us and fuck off. You know what? You guys are all fucking weak. I bet you can't say all this shit to our faces, so you come on some image board so you can talk shit all you want. Whites are NOT the master race. There is no such thing. Stop believing in that. Same goes for anyone else of any other race. Are you stupid? Are you dense? Does it not occur to you that it's an asshole thing to deliberately joke about the features of people of different races? I guess today's people only care about themselves, but this is going too far. You guys always make stupid threads like these.... when will you actually make an intelligent thread for once?

>> No.2857619

Looks like you upset Bongo, OP.

Put the spear down and relax, dude.

>> No.2857624
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>> No.2857626
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Damn I hope this guy doesn't have a knife or a gun or something.

>> No.2857629


>implying black people read books
>implying blacks go on 4chan

>> No.2857633

>implying i don't fit both of those categories
>implying i'm not in a higher income bracket than you

this will be my only post in this thread

>> No.2857635


I see.

So you come here because you believe it's "safe" to down talk blacks here? Better think twice, motherfucker.

>> No.2857636

>Low IQ's? Fuck you. That is not true.
"The IQ distributions of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States are less well-studied. The Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ of African Americans was 85, Latino 89, White 103, Asian 106, and Jews 113."

>> No.2857641


I feel uncomfortable, honey, let's get in the car...

>> No.2857642


>implying I don't earn 45,000/year as a computer administrator

This will be my only post in this thread.

Fucking black people I swear to god, they love to make assumptions about whitey and get all uppity online.

>> No.2857644
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>Still subscribing to racial explanations of genetic diversity

I can't be inferior to scum like you, OP

>> No.2857645

So I think we can all agree that 4chan posters are objectively inferior, right?

proof: this thread

>> No.2857654

45,000 USD? I am pretty sure that's below the UN's poverty line. Just saying, dude.

>> No.2857657


>As is IQ tests have any sort of objectivity.
>As if, even if said objectivity did exist, that it wouldn't be a farce because 'intelligence' and 'rationality' are defined by people in power who are, typically, white.

>> No.2857661

Blacks go on 4chan.

>> No.2857662
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>complaining about chantards on 4chan

never change /lit/, never change.

>> No.2857668

Any problems with the established metric you'd like to point on, or do you just not like the (obvious) conclusion that blacks and Latinos are less intelligent than whites and Asians?

>> No.2857670


It's not, no. Nice try though. It might be poverty-level if I was living in Jew York or something but I don't and I'm solidly in the middle class.

>> No.2857676

You weren't arguing the validity of IQ tests, you were arguing that blacks didn't have statistically lower IQs then whites (and _every_ other race), which is wrong.

>> No.2857689


>implying the average IQ of a nation isn't DIRECTLY correlated with GDP
>implying people with an IQ of 120 don't earn more than people with an IQ of 80, though the benefits fizzle out at 120
>implying nigggers are not the omega race

I bet you only have your job because you're a black. I bet you only got into the school you go into because you're a black. And I bet this post is making you rull mad. Because you're a black.

>> No.2857691

I just checked and you're right. It's still very low, though. In my country, that is roughly half of what a janitor makes in a year.

>> No.2857693

Don't forget

>> No.2857697

>Somebody cited "The Bell Curve."

>> No.2857695


Second greentext. All claims of intelligence are based in power formulations; asking me to point out specific problems etc. misses the point entirely.


That wasn't me.

>> No.2857702
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Negroes do have trouble controlling their emotions, I see it every day.

I remember reading a study where they found out that blacks tend to have higher levels of dopamine in their brain leading to more impulsive behavior. It would explain why even when you account for differences in earnings black people commit way more violent crimes than whites.

>> No.2857705

It's just a test. One test out of many. It doesn't prove a superiority/inferiority in general.

Why can we accept that blacks run faster, but can't accept that some 'races' could be better at IQ tests?


>> No.2857709

It doesn't matter what point I missed, the argument that blacks don't have lower IQs is wrong.

>> No.2857713


They're not "just tests", they're tests of your ability to think creatively and quickly. I should know, I took one and my IQ is 143. And I can't stand black people.

>> No.2857722


That doesn't change the fact that IQ is an antiquated indicator of intelligence to begin.

>> No.2857717


Incorrect; the claim that currently blacks do not test lower in IQ tests is wrong.

>> No.2857725



I should believe that this test produces knowledge because you are the knowledgeable, right?

You ever read any Nietzsche?

Oh, right, racists don't read.

>> No.2857726


>lying about your IQ on 4chan

>> No.2857729

I know you think that you're just trolling but you are also actually a bad person

>> No.2857730

my sides

>> No.2857737


I wasn't lying.

>some nigger can't stand that a white person is more intelligent than his pea-brain can conceive

Even "the smart blacks" have an IQ of like 115-120. That's why niggers in public administration are constantly using words like "utilize".

>> No.2857741

That is what I said.
He didn't say that IQ tests weren't valid, he said blacks didn't test lower on them.

>> No.2857745

Don't you think the slavery days, and all the forced breeding for good, strong slaves using the best, pre selected stock they had available, can contribute to the black athletes of today dominating in such areas like basketball? Basketball was a white sport originally, but it is now a black man's game. And they are fucking HUGE

>> No.2857746



Yes, huge and inarticulate.

>> No.2857747
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>comparing civilizations to small clans living in a baron desert

Racism is a dumb out of date ideology. Anyone with any education knows this.

P.S. Native Africans are more "evolved" than Europeans. There's nothing but socioeconomic factors, cultural factors, & biased "facts" for you to cower behind.



>> No.2857751 [DELETED] 


>baron desert

And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.2857753 [DELETED] 
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>baron desert

And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.2857754

>Native Africans are more "evolved" than Europeans.


>> No.2857758
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>> No.2857763


>using ad hominem

you're all cancer go back to /mu/

>> No.2857769

Blacks are 'objectively inferior' in the sense that they, according to the statistical mean, have lower socioeconomic status, test scores, and educational levels than white individuals. None of the listed are contended. On a more controversal note, studies suggest that blacks also bear genetic disposition for lower intelligence. Even in the event when the precedeing sentence has a certain invalidity, we all know blacks are disadvantaged in academic environments. And does this disadvantage override a black individuals right to education, stubbornly good teachers, etc.? No, it does not. But, their education-style must be adapted to, which is to say we must face the reality that blacks have intellectual disadvantages and accomodate them. Though, I am not saying we ought to splurge our educational funds on this accomodation, just saying we ought to develop cheap and easy methods that somehow engage.

>> No.2857771


>Native Africans are more "evolved" than Europeans.

I live twenty miles from an Indian reservation. I go there to buy my cigarettes.

If indians are "more evolved" why are they all horrible alcoholics? Why can't they learn to read? Why can't they pave their roads or do anything right besides sell taxless cigarettes?

>> No.2857774


>anyone who doesn't think like me is from /mu/

You clearly don't understand 4chan. I've been lurking since 2005 and on /lit/ from day one. Unbunch your panties please. And stop sageing it's not like it does anything.

>> No.2857777


>But, their education-style must be adapted to,

What are we supposed to do let them smoke blunts in class? Have you ever met a real black person before or did you grow up in the suburbs?

>> No.2857787

confirmed for not /lit/
also confirmed for pathetic, 2005 lol

>> No.2857788

all the native Alpha Males were genocided.

>> No.2857794

OP's picture is some nonsense dreamed up by Stormfront "thinkers" after it emerged that Neanderthal DNA was in white people. All the "objective" evidence is that Neanderthals were intellectually inferior to modern Homo sapiens.
I go to a lot of Computer Science conferences and I very, very rarely see African-Americans at them. I do, however, see a good number of Africans who immigrated to Europe, and Afro-Caribbeans. Seems to say a lot more about American society than it does about African genes.

>> No.2857796
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>native Africans
>post about native Americans

>> No.2857805

Racism is the new anti-racism guys. Attitudes bend back as new generations try to outsmart the previous. Get with the times.

>> No.2857816

No, not smoke blunts in class, what gave you that asinine notion? And, no I grew up in an intercity household, and despite their animalism and anti-intellectual ethos I refuse to abrogate their rights to education in favor of, say, immediate or semi-major long-term financial repercussions, to deny them this would be punishing persons that are victims of their environments, circumstance, that are not incorrigible, as in not serial killers overall, and potential assets to humanity. All I advocate is adapting to whatever works. Maybe having more individualization -- teaching in accordance with Gardner's theory or something, more technology -- interactive learning environments such as computer ones, etc., or something else that would improve their home environments. I think it lachrymose that many of you here would deny a person of what, I think, as a fundamental, unalienable, and necessary right; though that is only vibe I feel reading over many of these comments, so I may be wrong here.

>> No.2857832
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>intercity household

>> No.2857846



You do not know how to use that word. Enjoy your thesaurus.

>> No.2857855

this is what happens when /mu/ shits up the board.

thanks for shitting up the board /mu/

>> No.2857900

>potential assets to humanity

>> No.2857904

First off, how does posting a picture of a stereotypical intercity group of friends, acquaintances?, contribute anything to the conversation? Second, 'lachrymose' is defined, adhereing to Merriam-Webster's online edition, as: '1: given to tears or weeping : tearful ... 2: tending to cause tears : mournful'. I used the second definition of the word, because I thought it sad, duh. Just because someone uses pompous, stilted, grandiloquent, or whatever words does not mean they are using a thesaurus and does not deter from their point at all. Before you post, think and verify your theory, or theories, to be veracious. Also, quit being so petty.

>> No.2857920

Am I being an idiot for trying to have intelligent discussions on /lit/? Ugh. One who is educated and applies their education to life, e.g. applying their ethical insights for the betterment of humanity, developing new technology, etc. (please don't play the semantic or skeptic card on the examples, I know how they can be misconstrued and I know you know what I mean), is an asset to humanity, anyone with this capability is a potential asset to humanity. I would appreciate it if someone had the courtesy of providing actual arguments and not baseless, as in sans argumentative bolster, bigotry toward blacks.

>> No.2857925

No, you're being an idiot for being trolled by a shitty thread that you keep bumping

>> No.2857926


>Before you post, think and verify your theory, or theories, to be veracious.

Do you read? At all? Because your sentences are very awkward.

Are you not a native speaker? Or are you trying too hard to sound smart?

>> No.2857927


>using e.g.
>should have used i.e.

Your pleb is spilling out of your pockets, go eat some spaghetti or something.

>> No.2857941

I'm not a native speaker, so sorry for the awkwardness. ^.^ Moving on. According to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, e.g. means exemplis gratia which means 'for example' and i.e. means id est which means 'that is'. I did not mean to use i.e., because I was not sure I listed everything worthy of mention. 'That is' implies that I know every facet of what I am saying whereas 'for example' does not and is only suggestion. I may be wrong about the implied content of 'e.g.' and 'i.e.' so please excuse and correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.2857945


i.e. explains and narrows the meaning of the clause it succeeds.

e.g. introduces an example.

Now go eat some spaghetti like a good pleb and leave the e/lit/ists alone.

>> No.2857950

Almost forgot, and how are my sentence awkward? I want to improve my English so I would be grateful for any feedback.

>> No.2857956

>this fucking thread

>> No.2857957

>this fucking post

>> No.2857964
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>you will never write The Invisible Man
>you will never write Native Son
>you will never write "We Real Cool"
>you will never write

>> No.2857974

this is not only a great poem but the book by bell hooks is also a good read

>> No.2857980

but those were all written by jews

>> No.2858137

This thread is bad and you should all feel bad for posting in it