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/lit/ - Literature

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2856121 No.2856121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Lemony Snicket > Eragon > Harry Potter.

Deal with it.

>> No.2856122

Are you 12?

>> No.2856124

I don't care what order you put the other two in, but Eragon is awful.

>> No.2856126

Eragon was just Star Wars with dragons.

>> No.2856130

idk Eragon but I can say that I read the entire Lemony Snicket series (as many were out at the time at least) when I was a kid, but could not finish a single harry potter book.
I was hipster elitist even in elementary school.

>> No.2856132
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>eragon > anything

>> No.2856134

>Everybody poops >Lemony Snicket > Eragon > Harry Potter

fix'd that for ya bud.

>> No.2856135

Lemony Snicket is not a series' name.
Also, I would re-order your list to the following:
A Series of Unfortunate Events > Harry Potter > Eragon.

Also, on a semi-related note, Lemony Snicket is releasing the first book in a new series in October.

>> No.2856138

That reminds me of high school. My english teacher asked the class what their favorite books were, and I answered "Everybody Poops".

It took me seven months to earn his respect.

>> No.2856140
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>ITT: Plebs

>> No.2856162
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>Fascist terminology
Your age is long gone. The people may still be an unruly lot, but your kind will never return to power.

>> No.2856166

eragon is fucking gay. op is a confirmed faggot

>> No.2856185

Get out and stop using nadia to this terrible end
she is a nice girl

>> No.2856186

Why should I care about any of those?

>> No.2856201

i was enjoying Eragon book 1 and 2 were an alright read then the whole thing just went out the window,

>> No.2856247

Harry Potter is more mature than Snicket IMO and is better over the run of the series.

Eragon is objectively complete shit. A lot of Eragon fanfiction is better than Eragon. Try "From White to Black" and save your time.

HP > Snicket > Eragon imo

>> No.2856256
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>> No.2856259


>> No.2856261


>> No.2856263

He really only has that picture. Everything else just doesn't look good.

>> No.2856279

Harry Potter > Lemony Snicket > > > > > > > > > > Eragon

>> No.2856283

I want that porno. Somebody sauce please.

>> No.2856298


>> No.2856306

it's on efukt somewhere

>> No.2856539

Eragon had a decent plot at the beginning, but the protagonist got to be pretty irritating, now very few of the characters are interesting.

>> No.2856549

Why are we having these threads on /lit/? Isn't there a place on tumblr to discuss this?

>> No.2856572
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Abhorsen > Tomorrow, When the War Began > Lemony Snicket > Eragon > Harry Potter

>> No.2856575

Correct on all counts

>> No.2856579

Tomorrow when the war began had a good concept, but then failed to deliver on the fact that the protagonist is a whiny teenage girl.

>> No.2856726


I see that and raise you...

Sword of Truth > Mistborn > Abhorsen...

>> No.2856759
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>Sword of Truth >

>> No.2856791

OP, are you aware this is a literature board for the discussion of literature?

>> No.2856870
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Digimon > Pokemon
Woolf > Joyce
My dad > Your dad

Feels good to finally get it out.

>> No.2856871

Eragon>Harry Potter>ASOIAF>LOTR

>> No.2856879

I'll give you the last one but the rest are dead WRONG.

>> No.2856924

I'm 30 and want to read harry potter but the books at my local library are always checked out. Damn kids.

>> No.2856973
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>Not agreeing Digimon is better. At least cartoon wise, but let's face it, Digimon world trumps pokemon game wise too
>Not agreeing Joyce is a talentless fuck and gets more credit than he deserves while Woolf genuinely deserves her praise.
>Thinking FVII is good, ever.

>> No.2857005

>Digimon gets one good series
To be honest, I'd call Digimon's high point better, but pokémon's average is unquestionably higher, if that makes sense.

He incontrovertibly changed the flow of cultural history in the West more than any other artist in the 20th century. Doesn't prove he's not a hack, but then, it's just my assertion against yours: with the info on the table, whose sounds more plausible?

>implying Woolf wasn't a hack who accidentally wrote infinitely interpretable stories and was saved by the flow of literary theory

FFVI was Nabokov to FFVII's Beckett. Nabokov perfected the old, Beckett warmly embraced the new (I'm not referring to gameplay, although there were subtle innovations in that department). In that sense I'm not sure they're comparable. After playing VIII, XII and XIII I became too disgusted with Final Fantasy to ever want to play another Square game again, unless it's being hailed as a complete masterpiece, so I have no opinion on IX.

>> No.2857072

>Joyce is a talentless fuck
>Woolf genuinely deserves her praise
Is this the Twilight Zone?

>> No.2857115

you're 30 fucking years old - buy them

>> No.2857221


>> No.2859318

i'm pretty selective in what I read, but eragon was one of my favorite books as a middle schooler. is it worth finishing the series for nostalgia value?

>> No.2859327
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>Ursula Vernon's children's books > Anything ever

I'm waiting for her to blow up like a super nova, then I can say I liked her before she was cool.

>> No.2859367

shit > op's selection

>> No.2859492

unrelated, but you are quite attractive, if it doesn't sound creepy. But I don't like lemony but i like lemons. Dragons are cool but only in video games. Harry potter is my all time fav.

>> No.2859598


>> No.2859605

>people hating on harry potter because it's popular


>> No.2859609

Woolf and Joyce are so fucking tied in my book. I don't know which is better

Same with FFVI and VII. Never played IX.

>> No.2859621
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Wow, my mind is fucking blown. All of today I was thinking about re reading the Lemony Snicket books.

Hell, the reason I was on /lit/ was to make a thread about the Series of Unfortunate Events books.

However, I must disagree with you OP. Harry Potter (at least books 1-4) are much better than Eragon.

>> No.2859629

>implying Bartimaeus Trilogy is not better than all of those

>> No.2859637

Woolf: OMG joyce writes like a freshman, I love you TS Eliot!!! UR da best ;) much better than joyce!

Eliot: Joyce is the greatest writer! I wish I could write like him so much! Now to write the Wasteland! Virginia Woolf? Who's that?

Joyce: FFS that groupie Eliot keeps plagiarising me. I swear to god I'm going to sue him.

Proust: Get out of my car Joyce, and stop coming to my parties.

I can't think of anymore highschool level social politics amongst the modernist writers.

>> No.2859643


moar liek 1-3 faget. the series went to shit after that and I also became a teenager and lost interest in it but started reading them again when i was in college and didn't enjoy them too much

>> No.2859653
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Twilight > Lemony Snicket

>> No.2859649

Yeah, Potter becomes a whiny teen. It's really bad. And the ending dear god so obvious, saw it coming from a mile away.

>> No.2859660

Dear god, back in 08' a teacher actually reccomended that I read Twilight because she saw me Reading a Last Vampire by Christopher Pike.

I read the first one and I wanted to shoot myself.

>> No.2859666

>better than anything

Eragon is derivative to the point of plagiarism.

Just look at this list of words Christoper Tortellini lifted from Tolkien's writing.

*Ardwen - Arwen
*Isenstar - Isengard
*Mithrim - Mithrim or mithril
*Angrenost - Angrenost
*Morgothal - Morgoth
*Elessari - Elessar
*Furnost - Fornost
*Hadarac Desert - Harad Desert
*Melian - Melian
*Vanilor - Valinor
*Eridor - Eriador
*Imiladris - Imladris
*Undin - Fundin/Udun
*Gil'ead - Gil'Galad
*Ceranthor - Caranthir
*Isidar - Isiludir
*Eragon - Aragorn

And aside from that, the story and its characters are obviously taken from Star Wars and the magic system is lifted word for fucking word from A Wizard of Earthsea.

>> No.2859720


I hate to defend Paolini, but considering how many words he made up, I'm willing to chalk most of those up to a mixture of coincidence, accident, and drawing from mythology that predates both of them. Also, even if they sound similar, they don't have similar meanings.

He ripped of Star Wars and a bunch of other stuff, but I don't think he ripped off Tolkien any more than any other terrible fantasy writer has.

>> No.2859733

>I hate to defend Paolini, but considering how many words he made up

Just how many words do you think he made up?

Before you tell me that he invented his own language, you should know that he basically just copy/pasted ancient Norse. There's a website that talks about it somewhere, let me look it up.

>I'm willing to chalk most of those up to a mixture of coincidence, accident, and drawing from mythology that predates both of them

Tolkien fucking invented those words. He didn't draw them from mythology, except for some names like Gandalf. Tolkien was a philologist who invented more than 20 languages with their own unique vocabularies.

And chalking up all of those names to coincidence? Really?

>> No.2859732

The Prince of the World has spoken.

If you like Eragon, there's a special place for you in hell.

>> No.2859738

>The Prince of the World

That's a nice thing to say. I'm not sure I understand why you're saying it though.

>> No.2859741

your first point only applies to The Hobbit, when Tolkien was writing for his children literally just taking names from mythology.

>> No.2859751

Right, Gandalf and the names of like half of the Dwarves Bilbo traveled with were taken from real world mythology.

Every other name Tolkien invented was original.

>> No.2859752


>> No.2859756

I'm bootybothered.

>> No.2859772

Eragon is fucking AWFUL

>> No.2859776


>> No.2859785


How does that even begin to enter the realm of relevance?

It's intended for young adults. It's not well written by any standards, but it's enjoyable for what it is.

Flaunting your buttmadness will only fuel their love.

>> No.2859807

It's plagiarism. Tortellini wrote a Star Wars/LotR/Wizard of Earthsea fanfiction staring his Mary Sue self-insert when he was 18 years old, he finished it when he was 19, and instead of languishing on fanfiction.net where it belonged Tortellini's wealthy parents had the book published. They also hyped the book to hell by telling everyone that he was 15 when he wrote it, so everyone started calling Tortellini a "genius" and a "prodigy" for the shit he wrote. And he made fucking millions.

It's no secret. Just read the critic's consensus for the Eragon movie on RT. It calls it "Star Wars by way of The Lord of the Rings" and makes a comment about the producers getting an angry phone call from George Lucas, or something.

>> No.2859824

And let's not forget that Tortellini himself believes that he's a literary genius.

>"In my writing, I strive for a lyrical beauty somewhere between Tolkien at his best and Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf"

>> No.2859853

>The Name of the Wind >Lemony Snicket > Eragon > Harry Potter

>> No.2859887


You seem entirely too angry about this. A bad thing got popular. This isn't surprising, it isn't even particularly upsetting. So why are you taking it so personally?

>> No.2859960

please say this is a joke. I enjoy those books. "don't meet your heros" works in so many ways.

>> No.2860083

>At least cartoon wise
the show wasn't that good

>> No.2860157

I honestly didn't. The last chapter was like some sort of joke. I really thought Harry would die

>> No.2860161

ugh, my little sister wanted me to read the twilight books years ago because I liked "Buffy". I almost did, had put it on hold for a while. Then the films came out and I saw the fanbase.

Thankfully I haven't read it.

>> No.2860164

isn't eragon a talking dragon though

>> No.2860976
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>> No.2860986

I seriously didn't mind reading Eragon
I see the references and I still enjoyed the book

This isn't like Perks of Being a Wallflower where it's a blatant ripoff of Catcher in the Rye. This is actually enjoyable