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/lit/ - Literature

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2850935 No.2850935 [Reply] [Original]

What edition of Bible should I get?

>> No.2850945

King James.

>> No.2850947

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures by Jehovah's Witnesses

>> No.2850948

The one written in gibberish on Scrolls.

>> No.2850950

The Winston Niles Rumfoord Authorized Revised Bible, you fucking pleb.

>> No.2850954

muh dik

>> No.2850962

NRSV has more academic cred. the ESV is also a modern translation which takes into account earlier source documents, but there are some issues in Old Testament passages where it exploits ambiguities to point toward New Testament symbols.

King James is poetic and carries dat literary cred; it's also important. it depends on what you're going for, i guess: more accurate translation, or the version that's had a greater impact on English literature.

did you mistype /fit/, or is it just summer?

>> No.2850964

/fit/ doesn't even lift

>> No.2850965

I'm telling you, the one written in gibberish on scrolls is superior to any other "edition" (by which it is now clear you mean translation), you anglocentric lesser-ape.

>> No.2850970

King Edward edition.

>> No.2850994
File: 134 KB, 500x614, back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything other than Greek & Hebrew is just casual nonsense.

gb2 reddit

>> No.2851010

look for a non fiction one
protip: you wont find one

>> No.2851012

So edgy xD

>> No.2851013
File: 76 KB, 402x352, Spuds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these /r/atheism kids on /lit/?

>> No.2851015

Summer is hitting hard.

>> No.2851019


High school kids and college losers love to surf 4chan over the summer.

High school kids and college losers tend to be shit-tier atheists.

>> No.2851021

Posting this "back to reddit" meme shit is even worse than blatant shitposting. Same thing, really.

>> No.2851023

King James Authorized.... Try the oxford classics version, it has plenty of notes and includes Apocrypha.

>> No.2851025

I would have given a decent compromise to "Read the source material", but OP sounds like a dick

>> No.2851032
File: 17 KB, 250x385, 0192835254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the one he means, but it has great endnotes & introduction.

>> No.2851075

I think you're butthurt because some faggot 15 year old fucked your asshole in a religion debate. Honestly don't even see why anyone is bringing up religion here. OP obviously wants it for the lit, and not because he thinks one version is more accurate or more credible.

>> No.2851083

I have this. It's glorious.

>> No.2851086

an orthodox bible you fucking heretics

>> No.2851093

King James for Literary Merit.
New International Version for clarity.
So many of the versions are available online.
The direct translations are the best from there on.
I'm an atheist /lit, when I read it through I used the KJV and it's the only one I've kept.

It's not really shit, it's just not true. Plenty of other stories that we've read would have horrible implications if we tried to take them seriously.

>> No.2851112

Do any of you have an ebook link for it? I haven't been able to find one.

>> No.2851115

Read the sticky

>> No.2851117

I've already searched there.

>> No.2851292

Clearly you haven't, or you'd already have it. Just fucking google it for chrissakes.

>> No.2851626
File: 47 KB, 600x800, The Student Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with the coloring book pages