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2848833 No.2848833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering, does /lit/ watch anime?

>> No.2848837

Unfortunately I do.

>> No.2848840

I used to. It's hard to find something I like to sink my teeth into nowadays.

>> No.2848841

Anime is very plot driven. It bores the shit out of me, really. It's always about getting some magic potion or some shit in a far off land.

>> No.2848843

Sometimes I still watch One Piece, it's like taking xtc

>> No.2848849

Where have you been? Anime hasn't had plots in years.

>> No.2848856

I'm not into anime or Japanese culture very much at all , but I like Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Miyazaki, Cowboy Bebop, Paranoia Agent, shit like that. Pretty entry-level stuff, but I can't stand most of the rest of what I've seen.

Also, Cromartie High School is god-tier

>> No.2848857

One Piece is amazing.
The super-massive creative force Oda owns is so utterly awesome, there are no actual words.

>> No.2848858
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>> No.2848859

Naruto > Bleach > One Piece

>> No.2848865
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Based on /lit/'s collective shit taste and inability to think for themselves, I'm sure you all watched Anime actively at some point.

But now you've moved on, and you must spend your days reading about old poor men in Russia 300 years ago. Serious Business.

>> No.2848876

I used to watch it a lot when I was a teenager. I watch maybe a series per year now.

My favorites would probably be Mononoke, The Tatami Galaxy, Mushishi and Kino's Journey.

>> No.2848878

What anime is that, OP?

>> No.2848881

>Shit tons. Similar to /lit/, it is my secret addiction.

>> No.2848883

It's great that a mangaka with such an independent style and an actually nuanced opinion on good and bad is so popular.

>> No.2848886
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>Not rewatching YuYuHakusho.

>> No.2848889

Fate/Stay Ataraxia

>> No.2848902

Pico to Chico, prequel to the legendary Boku no Pico.

>> No.2848918
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>> No.2848920

The thing about anime is that most are not well-written. A lot of the popular stuff in USA is more or less the pinnacle of anime writing, since the shows that are big in Japan now are based upon how much fap material it can produce as well as commercialization. On the flipside, some more recent shows actually have been utilizing original screenplays, such as Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which is probably the best anime in recent memory.

Blade of the Immortal is a great manga as well, Watchmen-tier as far as graphic novels go.

>> No.2848931
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Yes, but I was talking about his ability to write such a sheer amount and keep it going, I mean all of his characters are interesting, all the backstories are gripping, each character fits perfectly into an important role within the story. I mean, take Ysopp for instance. In any other show, he'd be just slapstick, but here, they manage to make him an invaluable part of the crew. And I mean, they're all unique. I mean, shit. Wow. And that he can pump this out consistently over what 800 episodes/chapters now? Or is it nearing 1000? I mean, think about it.

I'm sorry. I just get overwhelmed.

>> No.2848937
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> A lot of the popular stuff in USA is more or less the pinnacle of anime writing

>> No.2848948

Minus Naruto and other moe crap. I should have stated that. I was referring to Akira, Bebop, and the like.

>> No.2848952

Know that feel. There literally nothing bad you can say about it. I always love those moments where you are reminded of the reasons why the crew is so loyal to Luffy.

>actual, fascinating, likable people with real motivations
>in a manga
>The Love

>> No.2848955
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It's Fate/Zero, one of the greatest anime of all time.

>> No.2848969

I used to. Like, a lot of it. But I haven't touched in in years.

I get the urge to revisit shows like Ghost in the Shell and Serial Experiments Lain once in awhile, but I feel like it would just ruin my good memories of them.

I tried watch a popular one recently (Stein's Gate I think?) and I couldn't make it past one episode. Same goes for most of the others I've went back to. My anime days are over, I think.

>> No.2848987
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I used to watch Detective Conan a lot, but lost track years ago. Pic related, best character ever.

>> No.2848993

I know, right? Ugh. I mean, even if you don't like it, you can't deny that it takes one talented motherfucker to do what Oda's done. I mean seriously. It's just not debatable.

And I mean, remember Chopper's backstory? I cried like a bitch. In fact, I'm pretty sure I cried by all of them. And the Flying Lamb? Also, like a bitch. And I'll admit it. One Piece makes me cry like a bitch. That takes talent.

I'm sorry. I'm done. I'm done.

Shit. Look at me. It's like it's 2007 again.

>> No.2848995

Haven't watched anime in years, but I'm picking up Natsuyuki Rendezvous- And yeah, kind of plot-y, but there are some cool ideas going around

>> No.2849000


>> No.2849004

>Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which is probably the best anime in recent memory.

There is a lot wrong with this post but this might be the most wrong of it all.

>> No.2849011

Naoki Urasawa fucking owns. That's all I have to say itt.

>> No.2849012

Pleb detected.

>> No.2849018


>> No.2849021
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>> No.2849022

Seriously. But it was how devestated Ysopp was and him fighting the whole crew to save her. I mean, I think it was that moment that he became my favorite character.

It wasn't. It was when they stopped at the island and Ysopp fixed their giant firework.

>> No.2849034

My top 10:

Kino's Journey
Natsume's Book of Friends
Legend Of the Galactic Heroes
Sora no Woto
True Tears

>> No.2849037

Someone didn't watch Bake. You mirin' its aesthetics?

>> No.2849058


Pick one. "Urobutcher" can't write for shit.

>> No.2849068
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Why is Mio such a fucking slut?

>> No.2849069

I like Nisio. I wish more of his books would get translated.

>> No.2849075

I have not. Do I mean the aesthetics of Madoka? I suppose, the writing directly affects them. A lot of things contrived upon the first watch, but even then, and it did tie up all the loose ends by the time it finished. I’ll stop you before the inevitable claim that you predicted the plot twist, because that’s a complete lie.

>> No.2849077

But none of the work is Nisio. His novels are pretty mediocre, compared to what Shaft does with them. You could learn enough Japanese to read them in a year if you're interested.

>> No.2849083
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Golden Boy.
All that is needed.

>> No.2849084

Nah, Bake's aesthetics. I love Madoka, I just think Bake outdoes it in every way.

>> No.2849091
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>> No.2849093

Hmmm, I will have to check it out then.

>> No.2849094

I wasn't only talking about Bake, but also things like Zaregoto and Medaka.

>You could learn enough Japanese to read them in a year if you're interested.

It would make a lot more sense for me to learn German or French. Or should I say, continue learning German. I'm not going to try to learn a language for the sake of one writer.

>> No.2849097
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>> No.2849112
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>> No.2849130

I was saying that his own stuff is a lot duller than one expects.

>> No.2849135

Then we have different opinions.

>> No.2849139
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Used to, back when I posted on /a/ and /jp/. Eventually it just became too much of an investment to keep up with so many shows from a season and once I started to miss far too many shows I just let it all go.'

Favorites are Gunbuster and Bake/Nise.

>> No.2849143

Just watched the first episode of Madoka. Jesus, I've been missing something.
>Dat gorgeous visual minimalism

>> No.2849146

only movies, like spirited away and stuff. i get annoyed at anime because they usually spend an inordinate amount of time on unnecessary scenes. like, 'hey, let's waste 3 minutes watching this bitch eat some bread while we play some really ostentatious music for some reason'

>> No.2849147

You'll love episode 3.

>> No.2849150

Quality taste.

>> No.2849152


No need to drag loved ones into this.

>> No.2849157
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I stopped watching anime in part because I put an insane amount of worth in the animation style. I seriously can not watch an anime that's drawn in a style I don't like. And because the style I absolutely hate is so popular right now, I'm fucked.

>> No.2849165

>I’ll stop you before the inevitable claim that you predicted the plot twist, because that’s a complete lie.
If you're talking about the time loop twist then that one was definitely predictable, since it was heavily foreshadowed and is a commonly used idea in otaku-related media.

>> No.2849207
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>Only one mention of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, the pinnacle of anime

>> No.2849212

I'm not into space operas, sorry.
But I do agree that this thread is lacking.

>> No.2849305

LoGH is my favorite anime, but I didn't feel like advertising my favorites since that wasn't what the OP asked about.

>> No.2849435

LoGH isn't that good either man.

>> No.2849478

It’s just long.

>> No.2849501

my nigga

has anyone read the novel it was based on?

>> No.2849528

The only real hint was the in media res opening. The plot was layered in such a way that withholding the motive was extremely effective.

>> No.2849530


>> No.2849532

>/lit/ discussing entry level/shounen anime
way too funny

>> No.2849537

I did when I was 13, not that I'm saying that it's only for kids. I know there are animes that are more mature and all but I really don't like (I hate with all my guts) the japanese narration style.

>> No.2849540

The one-piece part of the thread was funny, admittedly, but that's just not a criticism.

>> No.2849546

I've stopped watching after realizing how cliched and lame most anime are. Even the one in your pic, which I guess is FSN crap is a yawn fest.

>Hurr uber powers and luck solve all of your problems
>tfw there's no logic to the plots in anime

Every battle is the same too, and it isn't that deep at all. It's more like a high school history textbook done anime style.

>> No.2849553

I think Nichijou is a very important piece of 21st century art. But no one really realizes why because anime fans don't really care.

I say this every time I see an anime thread and still no one really cares

>> No.2849563

>rating a rip off of Golden era Russian novels (esp the Idiot and War & Peace) with clumsy references to terrorism and Western hegemony over self-aware deconstructions of the shonen genre that engage with the post-modern condition as it is in society today

>> No.2849567


I certainly don't care

>> No.2849582

Is there any animé like how Tao Lin writes? I imagine most of it would be reading gmail chat.

>> No.2849597
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It's all about presentation for me. It could have complete shit plot but if it has great writing/art style/characters/etc. etc. I'll love the shit out of it. That being said things with good plots and ok presentation are good too. Names fail me though since it's been awhile.

>> No.2849602

How does Tao Lin write? Give a brief summary and I can tell you if there are any anime in that style

>> No.2849603


>How does Tao Lin write?


>> No.2849609

so mostly pointless clarity? hmm maybe full metal alchemist?

>> No.2849627

Lucky Star

>> No.2849654

>Hurr uber powers and luck solve all of your problems

And all books are about vampires and teenage wizards.

>> No.2849656


What'd you think of Panty and Stocking?

As for me, I go through spurts. I didn't watch a new show for at least 2 years until a week ago. Then I watched the Magical Girl Puella show and loved it.

I also downloaded a group of Studio Ghibli films and have been enjoying them as I fall asleep.

It was finally nice to see My Neighbor Totorro

>> No.2849657

He's the voice of a generation.
Sounds about right.

>> No.2849703

I liked the bits of P&S I saw. I haven't watched the entire thing since I have this really bad problems with shows where I watch them once and never watch them again. So if I stop I'm probably never going back. I'm much better with films and as such most of the things I liked the most were films. After Madoka I sorta got back into the gist of things and watched some with my friend who is a huge /a/ /jp/ sorta guy. But I stopped and here I am.

Read VNs a bit but dropped it after 3 months. It wasn't because "Oh REAL Literature is much better why bother?" it was "How come they don't use more visuals? Why write out descriptions when you can put a picture? How come there is so little interactivity?".

>> No.2849706
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I think I'm gonna start watching Madoka now because I liked Fate/Zero a lot, and this is from the same writer, plus a lot of people are praising this show so much, so why not.

>> No.2849713

"How come they don't use more visuals? Why write out descriptions when you can put a picture? How come there is so little interactivity?".
This, so much.

Only VN I read was Fate/stay night which was too long, and it's utter garbage. I should've dropped it when I started, but I'm too autistic/OCD and have to finish everything I start.

>> No.2849716


It's awesome. I finished it in two days.

It's a great take on the magic girl genre, down to the talking cat thing.

Also, you'll prob shed a tear, or three or four

>> No.2849737

When I heard about VNs I sorta expected the whole WRPG "Choices and Consequences" thing going on. Alpha Protocol was great at this even better so since there was pretty much no wrong decision just reactions that you found favorable or not. And with VNs I thought they could skip all the expensive stuff like 3-D and programming and focus all on the story without having to pay any mind to gameplay (Which AP in that sense was a complete failure). And I never found anything like that. Cool stories here and there though.

>> No.2849738
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Personally I'm not a fan of Haruki Murakami's writing, but if you enjoyed the novel "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" you should check out the excellent anime "Haibane Renmei" which was inspired by it.

>> No.2849747

>you should check out the excellent anime "Haibane Renmei" which was inspired by it.

Was it really? I've read Murakami, but not that particular book. Pretty neat that it influenced Haibane Renmei. I'll have to read it now.

>> No.2849752

>Sora No Woto


>> No.2849759

anime is shallow as fuck

>> No.2849761
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Toradora! was the only one i've ever watched, would love suggestions on any other ones i might like

>> No.2849773

where can i download the LOTGH novels

>> No.2849774

>How come they don't use more visuals? Why write out descriptions when you can put a picture?
VNs are a niche within a niche so they're created on a shoestring budget. There are some with larger budgets that have more CGs and effects than others. Also more recent stuff is usually much better in the visual department (in terms of CGs, effects, resolution) but if you're limited to translations keep in mind that you're reading stuff that is already years behind the curve.

>How come there is so little interactivity?
It would take monumental effort to write a story with a large number of branches and variations that was still a good story (note how CYOA books are generally shoddily written). VNs focus on having a handful of routes with effort put into each one, and often a varying number of shorter bad ends. Once again though some VNs have more choices and ends than others, but generally the meat of the story will still fall under ~3-5 main routes.

If you liked Toradora you should check out Honey and Clover.

>> No.2849775

Watch Kanon and Clannad now.

>> No.2849792

why are we discussing anime on /lit/?

>> No.2849806

Lucky Star is very Tao Lin, yeah. I'm surprised I'd never noticed that before.

>> No.2849812

Summer, I guess. The extra few bumps have probably suspended its death for a while. We do seem to talk about it occasionally though. Never saw a car crash like the one piece stuff at the start of the thread before though.

>> No.2849813

One piece, Code Geass and Tengen Toppa are great.

>> No.2849847

to make this /lit/ related, did anyone see the "anime" (more like animation created by japanese) of Kafka's A Country Doctor

>> No.2849854

It's just a short it seems. I'll have seen it in about half an hour.

>> No.2849864

No no no.

Bleach, Akagi, Tegen Toppa are great.

>> No.2849881

Bleach was already pretty bad... now its total garbage.
Gonna take a look at this akagi, never saw it...
Ah, NHK is some dense shit as well!

>> No.2849977

Yes, quite a bit. Actually, some /lit/-esque things: Read or Die (series and OVA), and Book of Bantorra currently. Though random other things; Highschool of the Dead, Panty and Stocking, Nichijou, and Elfen Lied are some of my favorites.

>> No.2850015
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That's one way to put it

>> No.2851862

Madoka is a masterpiece, only faggots disagree.

>> No.2851865

>thinks Bleach is total garbage
>probably thinks Ulysses or Finnegans Wake are of no value either

>> No.2851872
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>> No.2851873

i tried to get into it but only found a few that i've liked a lot:
haibane renmei
nausicaa. the mango is so much better but i do love the flying scenes in the animu
last exile
yamato 1 & 2

>> No.2851907

Madoka is fantastic.

Apparently it's based off the Faust

>> No.2851963
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>haibane renmei

This was the first anime that I ever really enjoyed. Since then I have found a couple more:

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (also known as Alpha's Cafe or Yokohama Shopping Trip)--there are only two OVAs, but there is a manga that is much longer that you can read in English online (there is no official translation that I know of, only fan translations). It reminds me alot of Haibane Renmei.

Mushi-Shi--I just began watching this recently because it's on Netflix and Youtube. Like the two animus already mentioned it has an unclear/mysterious plot, is slow-paced, quiet, and sort of dreamlike.

>> No.2851986


If you're into "laid back" anime like the ones you mention, check out Kino's Journey. It's really great.


>> No.2852023


>> No.2852025

In order:

Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex (and 2nd GIG)
Great Teacher Onizuka
One Piece
Serial Experiments Lain
Paranoia Agent
Space Runaway Ideon
One Outs
Dennou Coil

>> No.2852035
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>> No.2852043

I knew it.
I knew /lit/ was actually just /a/ pretending to have read lolita.

>> No.2852044

Read or Die
Cowboy Bebop
Wolf's Rain
Dragon Ball Z
Outlaw Star
Studio Ghibli Movies
In no particular order

I haven't watched a new one in a while, but I hear good things about Baccano

(You're now aware that you have the Real Folk Blues theme song stuck in your head.)

>> No.2852046

Rozen Maiden. That's it. Got into it because of the desu thing years ago. I actually enjoyed it. Long time ago though, as I said.

>> No.2852053

You're right, I remember that happening when I picked up the remote, A voice thundered, "You can either watch anime or read books, for it is impossible to have more than one interest."

>> No.2852055
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>> No.2852220

>thinks these entry level shit is what /a/ watches

>> No.2852385

>implying they don't

>> No.2852401

it was spammed so much for so long I doubt I'll ever forget it. sad but true.

>> No.2852419

>implying implications

>> No.2852966


See, none of these shows are entry-level. Death Note, Code Geass and shit like that is, however.

>> No.2852984

To this date, I've seen a few animes that get dubbed over in the West. And of those, I only found a few that didn't make me want to shake the t.v./computer screen in "filler-episode" induced rage. I like plot, but only if the plot is consistent and tells an interesting story. The moment the show takes a random turn for 2 or 3 episodes, I really start to get annoyed. So when it comes to shows like Ghost in the Shell, Code Geass, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc. I can generally enjoy them. But when shows like Naruto or Bleach do anything remotely filler, I get turned off.
Also, the fact that shows like Bleach have people suffering wounds that should be deadly and yet no one ever dies (or at least rarely does.) pisses me off also.

>> No.2852992

There is a difference between mainstream and entry-level. Those are all entry-level.

>> No.2852997
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Holy shit! you too?!!? It was really scary the first time I heard that voice.

>> No.2853000

also, it was really scary because it sounded like Gilbert Gottfried.

>> No.2853155

No, they're all mainstream.

>> No.2853651

are you fucking retarded? those are all entry level by /a/'s standard.

>> No.2853654

>hurrr off topic thread's been dead for 3h, time to bump for relevance

Kill yourself.

>> No.2853664
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99% of what you /a/ shitstains watch is god awful
but that 1% is really, really, really, really good. I just wish there was more

>> No.2853667

that what separates normal people and anime fans. normalfags dont know anything about anime

>> No.2853671

you mean the inability to spell a fucking sentence correctly due to attention deficit disorder coupled with severe social anxiety and mild autism?

Yeah, that Really does separate the dregs of society from most normal and well-adjusted people

>> No.2853674

ad hominen. normalfags are quick to make this fallacy.

>> No.2853683

Which fallacy would that be? The fact that you're too fucking autistic to keep all the shit from overflowing your own board so you have to come here? Or the fact that the vast majority of anime fans can not string two fucking words together into a coherent fucking sentence?

>criticizing people based on their preferences
Grow the fuck up.

>> No.2853686

I'd like to find anime that's more interesting than the usual crap. Something like Lain or Planetes.

>> No.2853706

>pretentious shit

>> No.2853708

If you want anime that breaks its stereotype of being juvenile and silly( I'm looking at Inuyasha, and yes Full Metal Alchemist and Bleach, these are pre-teen/teen shows)

Look at- Princess Mononoke(excuse the silly sounding title, it's a beautiful movie with a strong environmental message)

Monster(on netflix, amazing story about a doctor who saves a child who becomes a serial killer...lots of talk about the nature of evil and many references to the lsting effects fascism has had on europe).

Samurai Champloo- more anime-like but some episodes can be really heartfelt. The art is amazing and the soundtrack is one of the best ever if you liked hip-hop.

Gungrave- If you enjoy mob movies or movies like terminator or robocop check this out....Watch 3 episodes and then decide if you like it...the first few are backstory.

>> No.2853727

If you want anime that breaks its stereotype of being juvenile you can easily just watch stuff that isn't targeted at kids (i.e. every late-night anime ever made).

>> No.2853915

Late night anime are targeted at pedophiles and manchildren. Get it right.

>> No.2853918

I think he means adult swim

>> No.2853948

The last good anime that I watched was Shigurui. When I was a teenager I watched stuff like school rumble, nhk, gits:sac and a couple of others. Aside from stuff like Berzerk and Cowboy Bebop, nowadays I simply can't sit down and watch any of that shit because it's too childish, or it's too mundane, and I don't have the time to waste on it.

>> No.2853982

no i didn't read this nigger thread
but i don't watch anime because i live in tokyo and live in fear of being one of you (and/or being mistaken for you asptards)
sorry brahs, trufax

>> No.2853984

Stein's;Gate was brilliant. I'm stealing the paradigm they've used for time travel for a postmodern choose your own adventure type story. It's also helped with a Moby Dick in space mostly hard scifi thing I've been working on.

>> No.2854000

Neon Genesis Evangelion.

>> No.2854003
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>tfw you have almost the exact same history with anime as D&E

>> No.2854237
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Make way, superior taste coming through.

>> No.2854254

Yay. I'm just supposed to guess the titles based on theze images now.

>> No.2854265

The only ones I have had interest in were Monster and Mushishi, which were both great.

I also enjoy Dragon Ball Z because it's fun like fuck and nostalgia.

>> No.2854269

It's a standard hipster 3x3. The faggot probably posts on /mu/.

>> No.2854275

Which reminds me, 3x3 Eyes

>> No.2854345

Except for that one episode that tears out your still-beating heart and shows it to you.

The books are pretty decent too. I'm not usually one for anecdotal prose, but it just sort of works---like a violent slice of life.

>> No.2854353

Some anime are good and have at least some literary merit. Haibane Renmei, Kino's Journey (though it's not exactly subtle with its allergories), maybe Mushishi. You just have to look beyond the mainstream crap.

>> No.2854365

/lit/ only reads you stupid fat motherfuckers

If you want to talk about anime go to an anime board.