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/lit/ - Literature

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2847484 No.2847484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?

>“Save the Pearls” is a vanity published YA novel trying to bill itself as the next “The Hunger Games.” The publisher says that “‘Save the Pearls turns the tables on racism.’”

>It uses blackface as a plot device.

>In author Victoria Foyt’s futuristic world, no one wants to mate with white people—or “pearls”—considered to be the ugliest humans oppressed by people of color. In order to survive, they must put on blackface make up to be attractive to the ruling class of “coals.” Hoyt explains: “their stunningly dark skin that carries the greatest amount of melanin…makes them the strongest, most powerful race alive.” The protagonist is a white girl who must smear her face with “midnight luster” make up in order to protect herself from radiation and in order to look beautiful to the oppressive “coals” in hopes that they will mate with her.

>The rule in Eden’s post-apocalyptic world is: the darker the skin, the higher the mate-rate. Other factors calculated into one’s mate-rate include wealth or employment status. For example, Ronson Bramford, a handsome Coal titan of industry, is at the top of the heap with a mate rate of 98%. At age twenty-two, he only has two years left in which to mate—or else he’d probably have a 100% mate-rate. Tiger’s-Eyes, or Latinos, usually rate above Ambers, or Asians, in the future race wars. White-skinned Pearls offer little resistance to The Heat, and therefore, are at the bottom. Only a Cotton, or Albino, would be lower.”


>> No.2847490

Please don't viral market your novel on /lit/.

>> No.2847489


>> No.2847492
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>> No.2847493

this. also i'm pretty sure this would be a big hit for people on /pol/, they would hail the author as the modern day Orwell.
Sage because garbage

>> No.2847495

Shitty gimmick. Shock-jocking isn't funny or interesting. Wouldn't read.

>> No.2847504

It's not my novel, I'm not a writer.

>> No.2847527
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Asimov would have rocked this plot, but OP's Post just made it seem pathetic and contrived.

>> No.2847541


>> No.2847548


>> No.2847696

Dumb commies like this should be literally executed.

>hurr another race won't sleep with me i'm being oppressed.......

fucking disgusting

>> No.2847716

Sounds like the dreamworld of self-hating cuckold fags.

>> No.2847722

i'm just going to sage and hide this thread

>> No.2847736


>> No.2847740
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>post-apocalyptic world
Oh wow are you serious?

>> No.2847746

Please, no.

I can take high school musical, twilight, beiber, hunger games and all that shit
but this has to stop. id take racism over that book.

>> No.2847747

you just know that the person that wrote this is white and has no idea what being subjected to racism is like.

at best she knew what she was doing by writing something controversial enough to advertise itself. at worst she genuinely likes to write this shit. either way i hope she suffers.

>> No.2847760

there are two avenues, as I see it, for getting mad at this, and I don't think OP intended either of them:

1.) another self-published piece of trash that isn't very good getting some attention because of some stupid hook that isn't especially clever

or 2.) that a white woman would write a rather simplistic polemic on race without actually understanding from a personal perspective or even intellectually (through research) the experience of the "other"

I believe OP wanted to incite the hard-right, racist, sexist part of 4chan to get all pissy about the notion of REVERSE RACISM or some nonsense about tumblr, but fortunately that element is asleep and we can all respond to this post with a resounding *YAWN*

and please just remember that she won't be praised critically for this, and the only financially successful self-published works like this are basically pornography. she's not going to become a millionaire selling a "BIG IDEAS" book that isn't well-written and focuses on an issue that would no doubt make her target audience very uncomfortable.

>> No.2847769

no. nobody cares that it is about racism. people care that some white girl has written some shitty book that's going to gain immense popularity and become the new twilight through little effort or talent - just a stupid gimmick; race.

its an awful story to be bombarded with day after day, when they create a 10-part-3d-movie-adaption

>> No.2847773

And I thought /V/ had problems with viral marketers.

>> No.2847802

shes not going to be successful though. let me repeat this point: the only financially successful vanity published books are functionally pornography. amanda hocking, e l james, these are people who produce works that appeal to the basest urges in their target market, which is teenaged to (barely literate) adult women. they're good at doing that ONE THING, which is providing an exciting sexual escape for their readers. They're good at it because they are a PART of that target market and they're basically writing for themselves to begin with. I mean the grandmammy of them all was twilight and that was basically a self-insert vampire porno written by a sexually frustrated mormon.

that is not what this is. this is a "big idea" book that was too shitty to get published. "big idea" books are only successful when they're written well enough and with enough intelligence to actually be thought provoking. if its not critically acclaimed then nobody buys them. she's framing it right now as if the "establishment" of the publishing industry didn't want to touch her "controversial" book and I'm sure she genuinely believes that, but its obvious to anyone outside of her head that the real reason she didnt get published is because it's not well-written.

she's getting some attention now because she has some videos of herself and other actors in blackface on her website. but once her fifteen minutes are up, she'll be forgotten, and none the richer for her efforts.