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/lit/ - Literature

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2842617 No.2842617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your 5 favourite novels and then, based on their choices, rate the above person as either a patrician, a plebeian, a philistine, or pretentious.

Slaughterhouse 5
Fahrenheit 451
American Tabloid
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.2842629

Cat's Cradle
Heart of Darkness
For Whom the Bell Tolls
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.2842644

Röda Rummet
Picture of Dorian Grey
Catch 22
One hundred Years of Solitude
Le Fleur du Mal

>> No.2842646

The Old Man and the Sea
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Notré-Dame de Paris
Childhood's End

Just off the top of my head though. It's not like I keep track of this stuff.

>> No.2842653 [DELETED] 

>Fahrenheit 451
>To Kill a Mockingbird
How old are you OP? 12? 13?

>> No.2842655

Stephen King - It
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings
Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood / The Wind-Up
Juhani Aho - Yksin (a novella)
Börges - Of Sundry & Seminal Ejaculations of Jose-Maria

>> No.2842661

The Vampire Lestat
Cirque Du Freak
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Heartsick (by Chelsea Cain)
Lord of the Flies

>> No.2842663

Too Loud a Solitude
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
Martian Time-Slip
Dictionary of the Khazars
Pickwick Papers


>> No.2842665

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Nation Terry Pratchett
The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Neverending Story Michael Ende

>> No.2842668
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>To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.2842672


>> No.2842673

>ITT: Plebs, plebs everywhere

>> No.2842674


>> No.2842684

Under the Volcano
Infinite Jest

>> No.2842685

In no particular order:

Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac
A Time to Love and a Time to Die by Erich Maria Remarque
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

>> No.2842688

only one with good taste

>> No.2842689
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You know, that's just me being me.

>> No.2842695


Slaughterhouse 5 wasn't even Vonnegut's best. It's okay, you'll leave high school and get better tastes in a few years. Rating: Pleb

3/3 mahniggah.jpg Rating: Patrician

2/3 prolly a patrician too

1/1 Pickwick Papers was a decent read and it's cool for bringing about the birth of the episodic "sitcom" style but I don't understand how anyone could call it their favorite. Pretentious as fuark.

Ham On Rye (come at me bro)
Catch - 22
The Man in the High Castle
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.2842714
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Probably a yaoi fangirl
Do not read books outside of high-school.
Points for Ballsack.

>> No.2842728

Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
Manuscript Found in Saragossa - Jan Potocki
Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
On the Road - Jack Kerouac
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche

I read a lot of nonfiction.

>> No.2842732

Madame Bovary
Journey to the end of the night
Master and Margarita
100 Years of Solitude

>> No.2842764


/lit/ goes three years without mentioning the name Jan Potocki once, then after he's added to some silly "Exit-level" chart all of a sudden he's everyone's favourite author?

>> No.2842770

Why exactly does this bother you?

>hurrr stop liking what i like

Kill yourself.

>> No.2842774

The Name of the Rose
The Trial
Darkness at Noon
No Longer Human

>> No.2842781

>Why exactly does this bother you?

because it leads me to suspect that people are listing books for disingenuous reasons.

>> No.2842791

Ohh but they are. Srs bsns being a hipster eh?

>> No.2842799

I'm Polish and I've read it the first time when I was in high school. Same with some Hrabal stuff. Not even mad etc.

Also, even if some people saw it on the exit-level list and read it, and it became their favorite book - isn't that supposed to be a good thing? It's a great novel.

>> No.2842800

Toole, Confederacy of Dunces
Oe, A Personal Matter
Bulgakov, Master and the Margarita
Wallace, Infinite Jest
Undset, Kristin Lavransdatter I: the Wreath (if I had to pick one from the trilogy.)

>> No.2842808

oops, forgot to rate.
+1 for dazai, +1 for kafka. solid.

>> No.2842822

Petersburg - Bely
Life and Fate - Grossman
The Gate - Soseki
Spring Snow - Mishima
It could be Under the Volcano which I am about to finish

so many others though
Demons, sentimental education, germinal, book of disquiet etc

>> No.2842823

What's Petersburg like? Why is it good?

>> No.2842829

in bed right now with girl. if i remember will tell you on GR

best modernist book probs

>> No.2842833
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>> No.2842839


>> No.2842859

The Interrogation, Le Clezio
American Psycho, BEE
20 000 lieues sous les mers, Jules Vernes
Infinite Jest, DFW
Notes from the Underground, FD

Admit it, most of the times, you hate the fanboys, not the books themselves. List in order btw.

>> No.2842861

That moron is Australian? Well that explains a lot.

>> No.2842886

Hopscotch, Julio Cortazar
Freedom from the Known, Jiddu Krishnamurti
Breakers, Martin Walser
The Golden Bough, Sir James Frazer
The Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller

Not in order, Breakers is the most recently read of those, and Hopscotch is probably my favorite.

>> No.2842932

woman born after 1950 detected

>> No.2842960

Strictly speaking about novels:

The Sound and the Fury
The Man in the High Castle
Don Quixote

In terms of overall literary works:

The Sound and the Fury
The Odyssey
Labyrinths (Borges)

>> No.2842970

No Longer Human
Brothers K
Nabokov's Beheading
The Count Of Monte Cristo
Homer's Odyssey

>> No.2842985

Good choice.

>> No.2843000

O Tribe that Loves Boys
Blue of Noon
The Polish Complex
Journey to the End of the Night
Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.2843009

House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
The Odyssey, Homer
Fifteen Hours, Mitchel Scanlon
Dubliners, James Joyce

>> No.2843015


How is Mishima? Been thinking about ordering Spring Snow this weekend.

>> No.2843027


100 years of solitute
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Vidas Secas (yep, I´m the only one who liked......)

I can´t rate someone, is a personal taste, and this thing of pleb/patrician is so........imature, like:

- hey, hey, hey, hey, what ice cream do you like XDD?
- ......vanilla?

.......is what I imagine when someone start a pleb/patrician discussion

>> No.2843029

Infinite Jest
The Brothers Karamazov
The Recognitions
Cat's Cradle

I need to read more novels

>> No.2843030

Complete plebe.

>> No.2843033


>Vidas Secas (yep, I´m the only one who liked......)

This is high school required reading in Brasil; here most people acknowledge it as a masterpiece.

>> No.2843038

I know

and I saw a girl with some Tolkien book, well, we started to talk about books and stuff, I mentionated Vidas Secas and she was like "ewww" (whatever, she is interesting)

come on, is a very thin book, if now the guys are reading giant novels like Game of Thrones they could read something like this......

(bad english, sorry)

>> No.2843045

Green Eggs and Ham
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
The Trumpet of the Swan
Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

>> No.2843050

>only picking novels
>complete plebs
pick both

the flowers of evil - baudelaire
gravity's rainbow - pynchon
collaborators - hodge
ficciones - borges
the electric kool aid acid test - wolfe

honorable mentions
house of leaves - fun read
america: the book - funny read
being & time - fun to read
short stories of kafka, dfw, bradbury - good writing

>> No.2843055

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Laughter in the Dark
Dead Souls
Blood Meridian

>> No.2843056

Is being a plebe better or worse than being a pleb? My entire sense of self-worth is at stake here.

>> No.2843058

>picking anything other than novels when OP expressly states "post your 5 favourite novels"
>gigantic faggot

pick two

>> No.2843060

>like house of leaves
>calls other people plebes


>> No.2843063

plebe is a step below pleb.

>> No.2843065

So should I just kill myself or something? How will I ever get a girlfriend now that I am a plebe? ;__;

>> No.2843071
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>dat plebeian insecurity

>> No.2843074

Fret not, most women are themselves huge plebes.

>> No.2843075


awwwww, you´re adorable kids

now go play outside

>> No.2843079

Get The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea or The Temple of the Golden Pavillion first. He's very cerebral and very good.

>> No.2843082

Patrician. Simply for the inclusion of Blood Meridian.

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Breakfast of Champions
The Silmarillion

>> No.2843085

Wow. Why are you on /lit/? Are you the older brother grad student I never had?

>> No.2843104

No Longer Human
The Box Man
I am a Cat
Infinite Jest

>> No.2843146


you're all plebs,now deal with it.

>> No.2843178

Gravity's Rainbow
Gut Symmetries
Under the Ribs of Death
Cat and Mouse

>> No.2843182


>> No.2843195

Confederacy of Dunces
Notes From Underground
Wuthering Heights
If On A Winter's Night A Traveller
Dorian Gray

>> No.2843197
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Philistine on the path to patrician?

Catch-22- Joseph Heller
Women- Charles Bukowski
A Rumor of War- Philip Caputo
Slaughterhouse Five- Kurt Vonnegut
Wizard's First Rule- Terry Goodkind

>> No.2843202

Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Possession - A.S. Byatt
Spring Snow - Yukio Mishima
The Volcano Lover - Susan Sontag
The Atlas - William Vollman

>> No.2843203

the end of the road by john barth
the floating opera
all quiet on the western front
the trial
the tanners

>> No.2843212

Steinbeck - East of Eden
Fante - Ask the Dust
Lermontov - Hero of Our Time
Mundera - Unbearable Lightness of Being
Bukowski - Ham on Rye

>> No.2843215

You enjoyed Terry Goodkind?
I read the first two books in the series and had to stop.

>> No.2843225


You're a multiple personality pleb and patrician, playing tennis with yourself.

>> No.2843230

Lolita --Nabokov
This Side of Paradise --Fitzgerald
To The Lighthouse --Woolf
The Sun Also Rises --Hemingway
L'Étranger --Camus

>> No.2843236


Pleb recognizing what patrician is, but not quite committed to fully emulating one.

>> No.2843239


philistine patrician.

>> No.2843246

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
Woodcutters - Thomas Bernhard
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Douglas Adams
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K Dick
Molloy - Samuel Beckett

>> No.2843258

Fuck all of you in this thread. Using this shit ironically is our first step towards /mu/ 2.0 status.

>> No.2843261

Yes, I loved the series. It definitely had its slow points and the books were a little formulaic, but I loved the characters and enjoyed the world he created, the plot was pretty good too.

I'll admit that I'm no fantasy buff, though, so there could be lots of better shit out there. I'm pretty much limited to the Sword of Truth series, LOTR, the Wheel of Time, the Belgariad, and the Dark Tower series.

>> No.2843266


Straight up patrician, except for the Adams apple on top of your son, William Tell, and you split his scalp.

>> No.2843269

I don't see any irony in this thread. Just people posting their favorite books

>> No.2843274

>I don't read

>> No.2843288

Blood Meridian
The Long Ships
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Name of the Rose

>Just realized all my favorite books are nonfiction

>> No.2843291

Dick Pretentious

>> No.2843307


>> No.2843327

did you find the name of the rose difficult to read? i felt like i was missing out on so much such as semiotics and historical references to the clergy and so on

>> No.2843350

No I loved it, but im kinda a history buff and knew alot about the heresies already.

Foucalts Pendulum was a mindfuck

>> No.2843360

it was a long time sine i read it: was foucalts pendulum that enigmatic library? jeez i think im making a catastrophic error in my reading of it lol

>> No.2843371
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Um, it was about a couple of guys in a scam publishing company who wrote a fake history of secret societies that come to the attention of real (fake) secret societies. It was really good, but the amount of esoteric knowledge at Eco's command is immense. He has a personal library of like 30,000 books.

>> No.2843374

Jurassic Park
The Gunslinger
Interview with the Vampire

>> No.2843378

thats what i find annoying, sure use the knowledge you have but make your work accessible, is that not intelligent communication? some works serve well with that as a literary device (joyce) but why do it if its incidental to form you fat bastard eco!

>> No.2843404

>O Tribe that Loves Boys
>1 new from $694.77 3 used from $85.00
>A gentle fawn passed around the cup
>Delicate of waist and slim of flank,
>“Will you be on your way, come morn?” he >chirped.
>“How can we bear to leave?” came the reply.
>He glided among us and made us drunk,
>And we slept, but as the cock was about to >crow
>I made for him, my garments trailing, my ram >ready for butting.
>When I plunged my spear into him
>He awoke as a wounded man awakes from his >wounds.
>“You were an easy kill,” said I, “so let’s have no >reproaches.”
>“You win, so take what you will, but give me fair >reward.”
>So after I had placed my saddle bag upon him >he burst into song,
>“Are you not the most generous rider ever, of all >Allah’s creatures?”

the patrician reference to end all patrician references

>> No.2843416
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The Citadel
Islands in the Stream
Lucky Jim

The Black Obelisk/A Time to Live and a Time to Die/The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/A Farewell to Arms/King Rat/Тютюн-Tobacco(to be a bit patriotic)

Come at me.

I haven't read Catch-22 and The Good Soldier Svejk which I'm sure I'll love.

>> No.2843422 [SPOILER] 
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the metamorphosis
heart of darkness
slaughterhouse 5
ender's game (and subsequent books)
the things they carried

the illustrated man is my favorite short story collection out of the 2 i've read

>> No.2843440

Pale Fire
Gravity's Rainbow
House of Leaves


>> No.2843478

The Prince
(This slot is for honorable mentions for two non-novels: The Art of War and The Book of Five Rings)

>> No.2843484
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Mrs. Dalloway
Julius Caesar

>> No.2843485

>House of Leaves

>being over the age of 14 and finding that book amazing

>> No.2843493

Crime and Punishment
Notes From Underground
A Passage To India
Infinite Jest
Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.2843496

Pretentious. Probably not older than 20.

I know my own kind best.

>> No.2843502

None of these are in order just whatever that comes to mind

The Trial
The Sun Also Rises
Blood Meridian
Song of Solomon
V, (even though I feel like I missed a lot from my first reading)

>> No.2843500

Blood Meridian
On the Road
Cannery Row
Homage to Catalonia (pretty sure this doesn't count, so I'll say Stoner)

pretentious solely because of Infinite Jest

>> No.2843508

Here's my top five:
Tales from Watership Down, by Richard Adams
Dune, by Frank Herbert
The Stand, by Stephen King
Foundation, by Isaac Asimov
Billy Budd and Other Stories, by Herman Melville

>> No.2843511
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>calls this guy pretentious for liking IJ
>has On the Road right there in his favorites


>> No.2843522

vidas secas is pretty good man

>> No.2843534

Short Stories- Hemmingway
War And Peace- Tolstoy
Faust- Goethe (I hated Werther)
The Dual- Chekov
Franny And Zooey- Salinger

Non fiction I would mention Plutarchs Lives.

>> No.2843696
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Kurt Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle
Charles Bukowski - Ham on Rye
Herman Hesse - Sidharrta
Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Die Physiker
Aldeus Huxley - Brave New World

fuck the haters. honorable mentions:stanislaw lem - solaris, john irving - the world according to garp, knut hamsun - hunger, boris vian - l'ecume du jour

>> No.2843708

The Glass Menagerie (A play, I know)
Ham On Rye
The Sun Also Rises
Light in August

>> No.2843722

Scratch Queer and place In Cold Blood

>> No.2843723

American as fuck.

>> No.2843739

Sea of Poppies
The Glass Bees
Creatures of Light and Darkness

I've read too many books to have favourites, but these are the most recent good ones.

>> No.2843740

Russian literature is overrated. I almost put Roberto Bolano on the list, but I couldn't do it.

>> No.2843754

In /lit/, 12 year olds pretend to be FBI agents. Disgustingly pleb.

>> No.2843763 [DELETED] 

A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
Myra Breckinridge - Gore Vidal
Ravelstein - Saul Bellow
Portnoy's Complaint - Phillip Roth
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote

>> No.2844595

50 Shades of grey
The Da Vinci Code
Wizard's First Rule
Dargonlance series

Get on my level faggots.

>> No.2844602

Hardcore patrician all day err'day

Sons and Lovers - DH Lawrence
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger (pleb)
After the Fireworks - Aldous Huxley
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
For Whom the bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.2844611

Metafaggot. How is your mum?

Invisible cities - Calvino
The lost salt gift of blood - alistair Macleod
Fever - jgm le Clezio
How tone topp - Ronald searle
The infernal desire machines of dr Hoffman - Angela carter

>> No.2844696

hard boiled wonderland at the end of the world

less than zero

alice in wonderland

the road


>> No.2844702

>tfw no favourite novels
>tfw no favourite films either
>no favourite music

Feels sort of good, I guess. There is a lot that I enjoy, but I just seem unable to crown one thing as the Best Ever for a long period of time.

>> No.2844714
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>people posting but not rating

>> No.2844722

A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu, Proust
The Ski Bum, Gary
Belle Du Seigneur, Cohen
Gormenghast Trilogy, Peake.
First 6 Dune, Herbert

>> No.2845103

Id rather a work be made impenetrable by sheer knowledge then by impenetrable prose.

>> No.2845113

Gravity's Rainbow
The Third Policeman
By-Line: Ernest Hemingway
The Varieties of Scientific Experience

>> No.2845123

The Brothers Karamazov
The Bridge on the Drina
The Idiot
I would add 1984,Quiet Don,The Stranger,War and Peace,Johnny Got His Gun,Notes from Underground,Master and Margarita but faggot OP said 5.

>> No.2845617
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And Then There Were None
Cat's Cradle
Slaughterhouse 5
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

>> No.2845623

On the Road
The Old Man and the Sea
Breakfast of Champions (I would choose Slaughterhouse-Five, but I enjoy the craziness of BoC).
The First Law Trilogy (fuck you all, it's some of the best fantasy around)

>> No.2845625


Sorry bro, but that unavoidably qualifies you as a pleb.

>> No.2845647
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>> No.2846130

I was about to argue about this but then i realized i'm on the internet