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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.40 MB, 1432x1542, Essential_poetry_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2838314 No.2838314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan's recommended poetry seems a bit... bare.

Could anyone recommend some more poetry to chew on?

>> No.2838320

What kind of poetry do you normally like?

>> No.2838349

Philip Larkin is one of my favourites. Keats is outstanding for me, too.

>> No.2838371

That pic was made by Behemoth. He has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.2838376


that guide is a joke

>> No.2838379


>Tupac and bob Dylan

really? what was your first clue?

>> No.2838378

Larkin is the quintessential 4chan poet. Go there.

>> No.2838380

david berman

>> No.2838384


gotta have tupac for the street poetry

>> No.2838393

This post is making me laugh like nuts, because, lol, you just gotta have the street poetry in there,

>> No.2838397



>> No.2838401

W.B. Yeats
Dylan Thomas
John Berryman
Frank O'Hara
John Ashbery

>> No.2838426

I love me some Houseman even though he's pretty entry level.

>> No.2838435

Oh fuck, right, I meant to overhaul that. Read Marianne Moore for now.

>> No.2838452

haha, what?
I like hip hop, but 2pac... oh boy.

>no E.E Cummings

>> No.2838455

Five little girls, of Five, Four, Three, Two, One:
Rolling on the hearthrug, full of tricks and fun.

Five rosy girls, in years from Ten to Six:
Sitting down to lessons--no more time for tricks.

Five growing girls, from Fifteen to Eleven:
Music, Drawing, Languages, and food enough for seven!

Five winsome girls, from Twenty to Sixteen:
Each young man that calls, I say "Now tell me which you MEAN!"

Five dashing girls, the youngest Twenty-one:
But, if nobody proposes, what is there to be done?

Five showy girls--but Thirty is an age
When girls may be ENGAGING, but they somehow don't ENGAGE.

Five dressy girls, of Thirty-one or more:
So gracious to the shy young men they snubbed so much before!

-Lewis Caroll

>> No.2838462

Any down to earth mother fuckers with a lot of heart and who are not masturbating over some sunset?

>> No.2838471

Frank O'Hara


>> No.2838472


>> No.2838473

Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink beneath the lake
The shadows lengthen
in Carcosa

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies
But stranger still
Is lost Carcosa

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard
In dim Carcosa

Song of my soul, my voice is dead
Die thou unsung, as tears unshed,
Must die and dry
in Lost Carcosa

>> No.2838474


I love rap. I love 2pac, Biggie, Big L and many good rappers but i have to say that I have 2pac's book "THe Rose that Grew from Concrete" and is shit. He knows about the streets, he knows about rap , what to say to the kids, to the media, but 0 about doing someting with literary merit

>> No.2838520

Wallace Stevens
Jack Spicer
T.E. Hulme
Craig Raine

>> No.2838587

Alright. I've been meaning to fix this up, but I need input from others since my knowledge is lacking. Here is an outline of my proposed new recommendation chart:

--English-language poetry--

Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales

[16th-17th Century]
Edmund Spencer - The Fairy Queen
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, The Tempest, Henry IV
John Donne
John Milton - Paradise Lost
Alexander Pope - The Dunciad

William Blake - Songs of Innocence & Experience, The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
William Wordsworth - Lyrical Ballads, The Prelude
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads, conversation poems
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Prometheus Unbound
John Keats
Lord Byron - Don Juan
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Emily Dickinson
Edgar Allan Poe

Alfred Tennyson
Robert Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Matthew Arnold

William Butler Yeats
TS Eliot - The Waste Land
Ezra Pound - Cantos
Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons
Marianne Moore
DH Lawrence

[Other 20th Century]
Hart Crane
Philip Larkin
Sylvia Plath
Allen Ginsberg - Howl
William S. Burroughs
E.E. Cummings
William Carlos Williams
John Berryman - The Dream Songs
John Ashbery
Robert Frost
Anne Sexton
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Langston Hughes
Frank O'Hara

>> No.2838599

I'm fond of Vachel Lindsay and Ogden Nash.

>> No.2838917

if you can find it, there's an excellent Penguin Classics volume on 18th century English poetry.

>> No.2839440


>> No.2839445

Howl is extremely entry-level. Howl wasn't complex at all.

>> No.2839918


>> No.2839943
File: 9 KB, 210x240, Behemoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my troll image is still being taken seriously
Nobody else had the motivation to do it, so I did a shit job. Nobody else has had the motivation to fix it, so it has remained shit.

>> No.2839955

Drop Plath, Ginsberg and Burroughs. Add Robert Burns to Bromantics. Add Christina Rossetti and Gerard Manley Hopkins to Victorian. Move Crane, Cummings, WCW, Frost and Hughes up to Modernists. Add Wallace Stevens, Dylan Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop to Modernists. Add James Merrill and Derek Walcott to Other 20th Century.

>> No.2839963

You're not fooling anyone, Behemoth. You're no troll.

>> No.2839968

Dammit, I forgot Seamus Heaney. Add him to Other 20th Century as well.

>> No.2839969

Really the only troll parts were Dylan and 2Pac. The rest was just me being lazy. Also people at the time were talking mad shit about Whitman so fuck them.

>> No.2839987

If you feel your list is a bit scarce of women, you can add May Swenson and Anne Carson to Other 20th Century

>> No.2839989
File: 86 KB, 337x332, 1330571861865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Dylan isn't better then Plath

>> No.2839992

than, goddammit

>> No.2840000

Oh, but if you're going to do this, then get rid of Anne Sexton

>> No.2840007

I'm not a fan of Plath, but Dylan isn't much better. He's never going to win that Nobel Prize, Anon.

>> No.2840519

for 21st century stuff, try

>Mary Karr
Her latest stuff is all about catholic redemption or whatever, but it's still pithy, and she is very self-aware about it. known for her memoir The Liar's Club; her earlier stuff is in this vein: drunken rural life in texas with a mother equal parts crazy and literature-inclined, and an even drunker good-ol'-boy-type dad. DFW called her the greatest poet under fifty c.1997.
>Yusef Komunyakaa
A very lyrical poet who deals in recounting his vietnam service and celebrating/deconstructing black/jazz culture, all with equal facility.
Terrance Hayes is another chap like that.
>Franz Wright
A very frank voice; deals with addiction, daddy issues, white people problems, etc., but with a spare elegance that makes jumping in very easy.

>> No.2840548

Seamus Heaney's 'North' is one the perfectly constructed books of poetry I know.

>> No.2840555


>> No.2840571


Heaney is the absolute mack-daddy swinging dick guv'nor of modern poetry.

Ann Carson is worth putting on any list.

Any list without John Berryman is worthless.

WH Auden, Larkin, Hardy are pretty much required reading for anyone interested in British poetry.

Simon Armitage is a really good contemporary poet, some people really like Wendy Cope (but not me).

Raymond Carver's poetry often goes un-noticed because of his fame as a short story writer. A New Path To The Waterfall was I think his last book, and it's really beautiful.

>> No.2840969

I can give you some names of North Indian/Pakistani poets, who as an added bonus often have their poetry set to music and sung. In no particular order:

Punjabi poets:
Shiv Kumar Batalvi,Anwar Masood, Amrita Pritam, Baba Bulleh Shah, Baba Farid, Mian Muhammad Baksh

Urdu poets:
Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Aalama Iqbal, Ghalib,

There should be translations of this stuff available online for sure.

>> No.2840980

Howl in deft?

>> No.2841081

this is a great thread and everyone should feel great

these were saved from a previous thread:

Ray Hsu
Garry Thomas Morse
George Bowering
Keston Sutherland
Heather Christle
Eilyeen Myles
Bob Hicok
Gregory Sherl
Emily Petit
Zachary Schomburg
Nick Sturm
Wendy Xu
Ben Mirov
Sasha Fletcher
Barbara Hamby
Anis Mojgani
Michael Robbins
Ben Lerner
Mary Ruefle
Tomas Transtromer
Simon Armitage
Michael Earl Craig
Carol Ann Duffy
John Beer
"Sixth Finch"
Forklift, Ohio

I haven't looked any of these up, I'm 85% sure they are contemporary, but I pass them onto /lit/ nonetheless.

>> No.2841093

I remember posting a couple of those

>> No.2841103

While we're here, can someone post the /r9k/ recommended reading/recommendations by board?

>> No.2841123


>> No.2841143
File: 380 KB, 691x470, 1267433680549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bit... bare.
>poetry to chew on
This is why the lads at the back of class throw grapes at you OP.

Grow up.

>> No.2841227

Nobels are shit. What are you, a moron?

>> No.2841231

Tybrax is finally back to show us how much of a social butterfly he become

>> No.2841234

Don't mock my fucking ty you cunt.

I don't know why I'm defending him, he hates me. ;_;

>> No.2841235

Are you fucking stupid.
Get back to me when you've read Szymborska.

>> No.2841241

Try talking in english you fucking cancer killing the board

>> No.2841249


butthurt americlap detected.

>> No.2841251

It's the politically correct awards. Nothing to do with literary worth.

>> No.2841258


Yeah, that's what all fattyanks say, because all your writers are too fucking shit to win it.

> "the US is too isolated, too insular. They don't translate enough and don't really participate in the big dialogue of literature."
- The Nobel Committee.

That's why americans dismiss it as irrelevant. Because your writers are shit.

>> No.2841261


Says the Swede before he awards the Nobel to himself or one of his countrymen.

>> No.2841269


No way, know-nothing. It will be an arab this year.

Cap this, because I'm a fucking time traveller.

>> No.2841284

Yeah, exactly, a swede.

>> No.2841285



Americunts are so fucking stupid, it's wearisome to keep pointing it out.

>> No.2841288

If the Nobel prizes weren't a farce, John Updike would have won at some point

>> No.2841290

>getting mad

>> No.2841305




> "the US is too isolated, too insular. They don't translate enough and don't really participate in the big dialogue of literature."

outside of the USA, Updike is virtually unknown, and not widely admired or translated.

>> No.2841308


>thinks weary is the same as mad
>that americlap edumacation, eh?

>> No.2841324

Because no great authors have ever won the nobel prize in literature.


Altough i'm a swede i'm inclined to agree that the price has of lately been biased against PC.

>> No.2841332


Heaney, Mahfouz, Neruda and Beckett were all in the top-level of writers you idiot. And that's just the first few that come to mind. I guess you don't read much, eh, vikingboy?

>> No.2841350

Why you don't read Residence on Earth by Pablo Neruda instead of twenty love poems.

>> No.2841357

What fucking retard made that list? Jesus Christ.

>> No.2841399

glad to see walt getting some respect

>> No.2841505

I'm a Turk. Trust me, Orhan Pamuk is the shittiest writer to win from Turkey - not that we have very good novelists.

>> No.2841929

>ctrl+f "Lieke Marsman"
>0 of 0 results

C'mon /lit/, I would've thought you'd have adopted her as your "waifu" or whatever by now.

>> No.2841950

Does anyone understand what this tripfag is talking about?

>> No.2841955



>> No.2842537

Ok, I redid that one guy's list. How does this look?

--English-language poetry--

Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales

[16th-17th Century]
Edmund Spenser - The Fairy Queen
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, The Tempest, Henry IV, Sonnets
John Donne
John Milton - Paradise Lost
Alexander Pope - The Dunciad

Robert Burns
William Blake - Songs of Innocence & Experience, The Marriage of Heaven & Hell, The Continental Prophecies
William Wordsworth - Lyrical Ballads, The Prelude
Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads, conversation poems
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Prometheus Unbound
John Keats
Lord Byron - Don Juan
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Emily Dickinson
Edgar Allan Poe

Alfred Tennyson
Chrisina Rossetti
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Robert Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Matthew Arnold
Thomas Hardy
A. E. Housman

[Early 20th Century and Modernism]
William Butler Yeats
Dylan Thomas
Robert Frost
TS Eliot - The Waste Land
Ezra Pound - Cantos
Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons
Marianne Moore
DH Lawrence
Hart Crane
E. E. Cummings
William Carlos Williams
Langston Hughes
Wallace Stevens
W. H. Auden
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Elizabeth Bishop

[Late 20th Century] (this part could use some more work/organization)
May Swenson
Philip Larkin
John Berryman - The Dream Songs
John Ashbery
Frank O'Hara
James Merrill
Derek Walcott
Seamus Heaney
Anne Carson