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/lit/ - Literature

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2838042 No.2838042 [Reply] [Original]

What authors from today are going to be remembered 200 years from now? What modern novels will be taught in schools?

>> No.2838055

who cares

>> No.2838059

None of them.

Every book will be translated into electronic format and paper books will be forgotten and recycled.

Then there'll be a solar flare or something which knocks out all power for long enough to erase every piece of literature stored electronically.

So we'll need to start from scratch.

>> No.2838061

These threads are pointless, everyone's jsut gonna say whatever's popular right now, even though at least 99% of the most popular things are going to be forgotten

>> No.2838060

I will.

Pfft. Just playing.

Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.2838065

Too easy. Pynchon has already firmly established his position in literary history. Try to be more daring with your guesses.

>> No.2838066

Hitchens and Dawkins, prominent atheists considering we're moving away from ideological world views (thank God)

Probably a few physicists.

>> No.2838075

All of the best Fantasy and SciFi

>> No.2838077
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>prominent atheists
>moving away from ideological world views

This is what atheists actually believe.


>> No.2838083

So like, one or two things.

>> No.2838085
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Unless you're in Africa religion is being eradicated by logic.

>> No.2838086
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Second! And nice dubs!

>> No.2838087

Michel Houellebecq maybe?
I dunno I just ordered a couple of his books, they sound interesting.

>> No.2838088
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>tfw atheists actually believe this

>> No.2838091


r/atheism derail incoming.

>> No.2838092
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>mfw atheists treat logic and the scientific methods like a religion

>> No.2838094

Don't forget the State.

>> No.2838097

Welp, this thread has been ruined by autism.

>> No.2838099
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I did forget the State and that's equal to the others! Let me add to my laughter from before!

>> No.2838102

>implying there's such thing as pure logic
>implying scientists and intellectuals don't cling onto their respective knowledge as undeniable truths
>implying these same groups of people aren't prone to the same faults as theists

>> No.2838107
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>> No.2838113

Atheists: 0
Agnostic non-nigger loving, logic using scientific method based gods: 1

>> No.2838115

Religion makes humanity look bad. It's the 21st fucking century and you morons are still involved in this retarded ass shit. All of you are fucking imbeciles and literally need to kill yourselves. Then you can be with Daddy Gawd.

>> No.2838117


>> No.2838119

Why would you do this to a perfectly good thread?

>> No.2838120


>> No.2838125
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u mad, bro.

>> No.2838127

You're also getting reported.

>> No.2838129



>> No.2838132

Reported for reporting reports.

>> No.2838135


Reporting for reporting reports that were reporting.

>> No.2838136

Alright. Tom Bissell.

>> No.2838138

>Tom Bissell
>video game advocate

Hah, no.

>> No.2838139

Reported for obnoxious recursion.

>> No.2838144

>Bissell extols several recent games in his book, particularly Braid, Grand Theft Auto IV, Mass Effect and Fallout 3 for their exemplification of the artistic advances made in the effort to gain social relevancy

Hahahahahahah, no.

>> No.2838145

Reported for reporting reports reporting reporting reports.

>> No.2838148

Ken Follett

>> No.2838149
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Reporting for false report of a report reporting reports that were reporting.

>> No.2838150

Why not? He's more than just a video game advocate and video games aren't vanishing as a medium anytime soon anyway.

He writes and thinks well. I think he's gonna write some excellent stuff in the future.

>> No.2838152

In the future everyone will have admitted that video games are the highest form of art; all writers will be forgotten.

>> No.2838154


Go back to /vp/ niggerfaggot

>> No.2838156

>getting trolled that easily

>> No.2838158

Implying statistics can't be fabricated like a motherfucker.

>> No.2838161
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>> No.2838162
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Haruki Murakami

>> No.2838163


>> No.2838170

This. Video games are the next logical progression after literature.

>> No.2838179

Why does God and religion have to be intertwined anyway??

>> No.2838182

>21st fucking century
>using this to justify any viewpoint whatsoever

>> No.2838188

Hopefully not any of those LANGUAGE poets, they're just gimmicky and annoying

>> No.2838198
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Why don't atheists realize that blind disbelief in god is the same line of thinking (faith-based and conformist) as a belief in a god.

Both are organized religions.

Both require "support groups" and shit.

Both are only done to fit in and to get laid and not be an outcast.

Freethinkers use ACTUAL logic and reason...if you knew what it was you wouldn't blindly believe there was no god (or that there was) and you would recognize organized faith (which atheism is) as the biological community-cohesiveness strategy that it is which has nothing to do with truth or reality but with organizing into groups that share beliefs (which are bullshit and arbitrary, allah vs no god vs jesus vs jewgoldgod) so people have a team to fight for.

Get on the agnostic level, faggot. Ascend beyond your weak minded biological impulse to conform and survive. Be better.

>> No.2838200

No one cares

>> No.2838202

>capitalising words for emphasis
I shiggy

>> No.2838205

Shut the fuck up

>> No.2838210
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Everything about that was retarded. I really want to nitpick at your retardedly vague assumptions but I don't feel like typing. But I just thought you should know you should kill yourself and your cognitive function is weaker than a 4 year olds.

if troll 8/10

>> No.2838211

>hasn't heard of the LANGUAGE poets

Uninformed idiot. Get out of /lit/.

>> No.2838213


Y'all have resorted to ad hominem and ad nazigrammarem.

I'll mark this one down as a victory.

Me: 1
Atheists/Jews: 0

>> No.2838214

No one cares

>> No.2838217

Logic is a ridiculous ideal to center one's Lebensplan around.

I Yabba Dabba Doo

>> No.2838219

No one cares

>> No.2838220

No one cares

>> No.2838222
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>> No.2838224

If public atheism were not popular on Reddit, /lit/ would be edgy atheist circlejerk all day every day. You know it to be true.

>> No.2838226

No one cares

>> No.2838228

No, they'd stay in /r9k/ or wherever

>> No.2838227

>implying I even read what you said
Capitalising words for emphasis is just embarrassing. Arguments do not exist to be won by the way; what are you, a child?

>> No.2838230

You don't even know who the LANGUAGE poets are. Why should we listen to you?

>> No.2838231

>implying I came from Reddit

But if there were no ignoramus Christians here you'd be right, and it'd be great

>> No.2838234

Ma nigga.
We gotta put these godless heathens in their place.

I was a child, once.
If I didn't win, you wouldn't be so mad.
When I see stupidity I laugh I am right now LOL and when I am overcome by another I cry and get butthurt, just like you are now.

UmadIdestroyu atheist?

>> No.2838236


Well the /mu/ and /lit/ boards are composed mainly of fart sniffing hipsters whose lives are clinging onto false axiom

ergo a board contingent upon philosophical quagmires and a large gathering of faggots

>> No.2838237

Shut up.

>> No.2838239

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838241

/lit/ isn't remotely similar to /mu/. Lrn2read.

>> No.2838244

You're not trolling anyone.

>> No.2838245

/lit/ has much better taste in music than /mu/.

>> No.2838246

That's true; /mu/ actually knows a lot about music and discusses it regularly.

>> No.2838247


It's composed of the same edgy pseudo-intellectual faggots. Deal with it.

>> No.2838248
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The thing that amazes me is that when you argue with atheists they get so mad.

If atheism was right (who cares?) then life would be meaningless and there would then be no reason to get mad. What is the point of fury to an enemy? There is no point.

Further proof atheists have no justification for any of their beliefs. Theism is red team and Atheism is blue team. We are animals, and like animals we fight for made up reasons in order to justify killing other people and raping their women and stealing their resources.

Atheists and Religionfags (same thing as Atheists) confirmed for no better than chimps.

>> No.2838251

/mu/ knows next to nothing about music. Their music knowledge is equivalent to /lit/'s knowledge of literature

>> No.2838252

>I'm wrong but if I say "deal with it" it'll make him look like he's in denial!

>> No.2838253

Shut up.

>> No.2838254

/lit/ has the highest ratio of all the boards in regards to posters not knowing a thing they're posting about.

>> No.2838255

Your post is a good example.

>> No.2838257

it takes a special kind of moron to automatically believe in whatever bullshit was spouted from the mouths of primitive, two thousand year old nomadic jews running around in the desert making whatever shit up they could to create purpose. there's not a single difference between it and greek mythology, or me creating an imaginary friend and claiming he created the world

how come you ridiculously dumb christians cant into the simplest rational thought? critical thought should, in the 21st century especially, overrule such reckless buffoonery, but for some reason your primitive brains are too warped to understand basic concepts. it's like you have the brain of an ant. sad that you cling to your dogmas and don't even try to use a modicum of truth to defend it. fucking morons. seriously, end your lives as they're completely useless and counterintuitive to humanity.

>> No.2838260

Deism cannot be proven false, therefore Jesus died for your sins. Deal with it.

>> No.2838261

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838263

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838264


You are in blatant denial. The people here use stupid reasoning to deny logic


>logic might not even exist
>bible is truth because bible
>more edgy philosophical standings
>make some vague assumptions about all atheists

Ad hominem nigger keep trying

>> No.2838265

Hhahaha shut the goddamnf uck up.

>> No.2838266

i never said deism could be proven false. learn 2 reading comprehension.

religion on the other hand is the most retarded thing in existence, and frankly it makes you look fucking stupid

>> No.2838267

>implying science can't be/ isn't dogmatic
>21st Century

>> No.2838268

SHut up

>> No.2838270

I know, I know, but I see that argument made in complete seriousness on /lit/ all the time.

>> No.2838271

Shut up

>> No.2838272


No one here is arguing for deism.

We're just saying that atheism/deism are two sides of the same coin.

You can't prove either, both camps require faith based irrational thought processes, and the only logic based rational belief is agnosticism.

Why do you always see atheists and deists chimping out?

Chimping out is the argument from authority. If we can not use logic and reason we will use force.

It's legitimate to argue with violence, but it doesn't mean you are right, only strong.

>> No.2838275
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>> No.2838276

Shut the fuck up

>> No.2838273

>few bad posts

>> No.2838274

Shut up.

>> No.2838278

Half of this thread is gonna be me telling you guys to shut up if you don't shut up

>> No.2838279


>> No.2838281

Shut up nigger

>> No.2838282

Why don't you shut up?

>> No.2838283


I wasn't arguing against deism. I was arguing against the ant-atheist hipsters. I'm agnostic atheist and I know no one knows and I disagree with deism but don't denounce it and shit on it like it's an inferior point of view.

No one knows anything about anything.

>> No.2838284

I'll shut up when you shut up

>> No.2838285

Why aren't you shutting up?

>> No.2838287


>create 20 posts telling people to shut up
>create more posts saying you don't care
>keep replying
>not even saging

o niggidy shiggidy

>> No.2838288

This board needs a gore spammer.

>> No.2838289

sage is for dumbasses, lol

>> No.2838292
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Hahaa look at these faggot atheists starting to back up.

Now they are "agnostic-atheists" and just wanted deism to get shit on as much as atheism.






>> No.2838293

Shut up

>> No.2838295

You don't ever see that, you only see people who are so deluded by post-modernist dribble they barely understand that they think the actual beliefs held by actually existing world religions are just as valid as ones based on observation.

>> No.2838296

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838297
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embarrassingly summer in here. come on /lit/, get it together.

>> No.2838298

Hey, philosophical intellectuals of /lit/ who are totally beyond childish notions of truth: deism and theism are not synonyms, you shouldn't use them as though they are.

>> No.2838299


>starting to back up

You make it sound like it's an argument instead of you waving your dick around in my face and screaming.

You're probably 13 and most all atheists I know are agnostic atheists because NO ONE KNOWS

>> No.2838302


Well fuck me for thinking otherwise based on what I hear anti-theists chanting in unison!

>> No.2838303

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838304

>not ignoring this thread and posting somewhere else

>> No.2838305

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838306 [SPOILER] 
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Good point I take it all back.

>> No.2838307

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2838310

Well of course no one REALLY KNOWS anything, but a belief in the god(s) described by any actually existing world religion is about as well-founded as a belief in goblins, and no one takes the belief that goblins exist seriously.

>> No.2838311

That doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic.

>> No.2838318

That doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic.

>> No.2838316

Do atheists realize they sound ridiculous when they say things like goblins, unicorns, and sky monsters?

>> No.2838317


Giving more weight to a lack of goblins and jesus and thor just makes you seem silly.

It isn't reasonable to conclude there are none simply because you haven't seen them, simply because you can not explain your justification for atheism either. Where did the world come from? I don't know? Well then, you just became an agnostic.

>> No.2838321

That doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic.

>> No.2838322

>implying the OP can create a hegemonic discourse

>> No.2838323

Modern authors who are going to be granted access to the canon in the future:
1. David Foster Wallace

>> No.2838325

But he can't think, he can't write. There's no discernible talent.

>> No.2838332

She is a bad writer.

>> No.2838334

No actual reasons provided, just >you sound silly lol. Truly theists, dualists, and caricatures of post-modernists are the only ones who really understand philosophy and everyone needs to go back to /sci/.

>> No.2838329

I'll do what I can.

>> No.2838330

J. K. Rowling

Prove me wrong.

>> No.2838336

That doesn't have anything to do with the thread topic.

>> No.2838339

2. Thomas Pynchon
3. William Gaddis

>> No.2838340

Once atheism is proven by Science, Dawkins will be remembered as a visionary. There, thread topic answered.

>> No.2838341


And Gaddis has been dead for more than a decade.

>> No.2838344

I think she'll last a good while. I don't think see her lasting 200 years, however. Who reads Narnia or Redwall anymore?
polite sage for a meh thread

>> No.2838345

I kind of doubt his work outside of evolutionary biology will last. It isn't all that interesting or original.

>> No.2838352

>capitalizing Science
>talking about Dawkins like he's a prophet

No, Atheism is not a religion.

>> No.2838356

4. Phillip Roth
5. Don DeLillo
6. John Updike

>> No.2838358


I dunno what do we mean by today. Like right now? I dont fucking know. Stop asking so many questions. I've got somewhere to be.

>> No.2838360

Tao Lin

>> No.2838361

So humorless, /lit/.

>> No.2838362

Everyone already knows those guys. They're no secret. Of course they'll be remembered.

>> No.2838364
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>this is what happens whenever /mu/ shits up the board

>> No.2838367

7. Milan Kundera
8. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
9. Mario Vargas Llosa
10. Toni Morrison

>> No.2838373

>mfw newage atheists actually believe this

>> No.2838377

When you concatenate the two words like that I pronounce it like new-ij and it sounds funny

>> No.2838386

Thread salvaged by the fact that I got to use the word 'concatenate'

>> No.2838387

Hey guise remember that time we discussed literature?


Me fucking neither because these threads never fucking stop.

>> No.2838395

11. Michel Houellebecq
12. Maurice Dauntec
13. Christine Angot
14. Emmanuel Carrere
15. Sorj Chalandon

>> No.2838396

I think I discussed literature once, a couple years ago

>> No.2838399

We interpreted one paragraph of Proust last week.

>> No.2838400


>mfw recently there was a thread on Bolano and 2666, and people actually talked about the book
>no trolls, no feminism, no religious debate, just the book

It was beautiful ;_;

>> No.2838406

W.G. Sebald

>> No.2838412

man this is the best thread ever, so much was said in regards to OP's question. I'm glad I could add this post as well because it is also relevant.

>> No.2838417

In the future low birth-rates in Europe and Asia and the relatively high birth-rates among Negroids will lead to a population that is not intelligent enough to understand literature. Tyler Perry will be their Shakespeare.

>> No.2838425
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wtf happened to this thread?

>> No.2838429
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>mfw Christians actually believe the frog went to space