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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 148 KB, 670x1191, jorge_luis_borges_by_il_pigro_massimo-d3bryad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2829272 No.2829272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your #1 author.

>> No.2829274

Can you sussinctly explain why you love Borges? Make me "get it" without having to read it. Be sure to use examples.

Your failure to do so will tell me that you are a great pretender.

>> No.2829277

well, even if he is, at least he's great at it

>> No.2829282
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>> No.2829295
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Mervyn Peake.

Dude's imagery is top notch.

>> No.2829298

>his dry wit
>his subject matter (mythology and books)
>the way he presents fictional stories and scenarios as if he were giving an account of real things
>the way he presents big, open-ended philosophical questions in an inventive, entertaining and understandable fashion

>> No.2829299
File: 84 KB, 428x560, Borges_by_Klaradandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why Borges?

He's a unique thinker who has bathed in the fountain of wisdom and his writing clearly shows this, its a swarm of beautiful philosophy and surreal fantasy.

>> No.2829302


Agreed. His descriptions and imagery are ridiculous.

>> No.2829307

White students who want to treat "philosophy" as a consumption item to brag about without really "getting into it" spotted.

>> No.2829315


What a silly assumption to make.

>> No.2829317

I found it pretty funny none-the-less.

>> No.2829318

oh fuck off you nigger

>> No.2829321

french intellectuals made him famous. they used his stories to decorate their texts with poetic metaphors and epigraphs cause using the same old stuff (artaud, baudelaire etc.) was not postmodern enough.

i dont think he'd be so famous if he had been ignored in europe.

not saying he is bad or good, but this is a fact.

>> No.2829324


And German professors and Goethe made Shakespeare famous.

Borges is a great writer who has composed only little essays or short narratives. Yet they suffice for us to call him great because of their wonderful intelligence, their wealth of invention, and their tight, almost mathematical, style. Argentine by birth and temperament, but nurtured on universal literature, Borges has no spiritual homeland. He creates, outside time and space, imaginary and symbolic worlds. It is a sign of his importance that, in placing him, only strange and perfect works can be called to mind. He is akin to Kafka, Poe, sometimes to Henry James and Wells, always to Valéry by the abrupt projection of his paradoxes in what has been called "his private metaphysics."

>> No.2829325

You proved his assumption

>> No.2829330

Fine I'll read a Borges book just so I can rub elbows with Borges people who won't shut up about him.

I'll either read Ficciones or Labyrinths. Probably Ficciones.

>> No.2829343

so... if people didn't pay attention to him, read him, like him, and talk about him, he wouldn't be as famous as he is now?

that's the kind of cutting-edge, in-depth analysis that you can only find on /lit/

>> No.2829342

don't forget his pervasive influence on all subsequent literary criticism

>> No.2829346

ya sure.

i can accept that if you are conscious that those things you describe are an interpretation of his writings, and not necessarily in the writings themselves.

said by Borges himself: http://www.ina.fr/art-et-culture/litterature/video/CPF86658848/jorge-luis-borges.fr.html

"they read me here in a very intelligent way, maybe too intelligent sometimes, there's people who wanted to find a deep symbol in my writings... i just wrote for my pleasure but yes, maybe the symbol was there, in my unconscious [as i wrote the text]"

>> No.2829353

see >>2829346

well, your unfounded critic is not really something new here.

>> No.2829354


he's just being humble and modest

>> No.2829359

I'm just tired of this notion that white people--or more specifically middle-class white males--are somehow inherently "inauthentic".

>> No.2829360

i think you're being unnecessarily narrow-minded about, you know, "did he have these things in mind when he was writing". of course he didn't, but that doesn't mean that they're not there or that it's not legitimate to find that meaning in his stories. and it doesn't mean that the meaning is not a consequence of the genius with which he wrote those stories. its because of their magnitude, and the skill and imagination with which he made the stories made the operation of finding meaning in them possible.

"The artist creates life through forms, and that alone is enough to connect him with the fundamental elements of life, that is, with a potency more actual and more enduring than markets or machines. The artist whom the sense of beauty inspires to create always creates more than 'mere beauty'."

>> No.2829365

even though he's probably just being modest, it doesn't matter because the author is dead. partly thanks to borges himself.

>> No.2829366

well i wonder why latin america has only well known authors but not well known philosophers or theorists. maybe they are just "humble and modest".

>> No.2829375

i think a lot of time it becomes reflexive, becomes an automatic assumption, a cliche cut it off from the experiences and observations which gave rise to it. but i think that there is a lot of truth to it insofar as it is a product of a critique of upper-middle-class culture. i mean, there are a lot of things about that culture that are shitty and that give rise to inauthenticity, and it's valid to critique it. and, shit, sometimes upper-middle-class culture DOES treat philosophy or erudition as a fashion accessory, and that's a phenomenon of precisely the kind of that gave rise to the idea that white, upper-middle-class culture is inauthentic.

so you know this is a pretty reasonable position to take, i think. there certainly CAN be "authentic" culture experiences among white people, certainly among upper-middle-class people, and there certainly can be criticisms of authenticity/inauthenticity. but the basic grounds of the notion of inauthenticity have some real validity to them.

>> No.2829385

So you're basically advocating profiling. Right.

>> No.2829387

>that they're not there or that it's not legitimate to find that meaning in his stories

i never said that it aint "legitimate". im not talking about his writings, just about the reading we make of them and how it was built. i might like his stuff, but im not talking about opinions.

what you say is true, but what i say lies in another field. from the inside everything looks perfect but maybe a wider (as in not-narrow) view would give us a different perspective.

>> No.2829405

I swear to god your name is Carles

>> No.2829419

Because they think Borges is philosophy. Which is why you end up with Mario Bellatin or Alberto Chimal and not with Agamben or Butler.

>> No.2829421


>> No.2829438

Sudaca indios are actually starting to promote the idea that Borges is just a tool of a hegemonic white academia that wants to perpetrate itself though it. Because these indios can't write complex literature and only confessional trash about how tough their lives are in a "white patriarchy".

>> No.2829437


>> No.2830432
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uh flaco, vo' si que sabes de lo que estas hablando, nos cagaste a nosotros los "indios sudacas"

>> No.2830438

>White students who want to treat "philosophy" as a consumption item to brag about without really "getting into it" spotted.
>White students
As opposed to the elite of Black and Hispanic students? Race doesn't mean shit here you dolt

>> No.2830439
File: 112 KB, 432x300, Faulkner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No American author has been able to craft language, character, theme and structure the way this man has - the most painfully bleak and beautifully ephemeral writing to ever grace the states. I can't think of anyone from this country or around the world who has even come close.

>> No.2830450

>black and hispanic philosophers


>> No.2830871

it does tho, as "intellectual" referential works written by white males are not only considered "the best" but the only valid form of literary work, while any other form gets marginalized to niche were students feel that they're being forced to take, shifting the guilt from the academia that makes invisible those forms to those "stubborn niggers and feminists" that want to force their mediocre works on the Good Old Academia.

>> No.2830883
File: 107 KB, 184x375, Gene Wolfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2830892
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>fantastic sci-fi novels based on time apocalypses
>mind blowing books on suburban behaviour in a contemporary anticipation context.
>English writer, so classy as fuck

>> No.2830896

Jonathan Lethem

Cormac McCarthy

Don't make me choose

>> No.2830900

J.K. Rowling

>> No.2830906

John Steinbeck easily for me.

>> No.2830907
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niggaaaaaaaaaaaa please

>> No.2830918
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>> No.2830933

I love how most threads get derailed from their intended purpose because of people bickering rather than discussing.

On that note i have nothing to contribute except its nearly imossible to pick a favorite, as is the same with other mediums, due to the massive variety available.

>> No.2830941


Op wasn't asking.

He was telling.

Your #1 author is Borges.

No question mark.

>> No.2830948


This doesnt apply to me mate. i was telling my thoughts on favorite author. I should have clarified. Just because i cant choose doesnt mean others cant.

Thanks for the concern without being a dick. (not sarcasm)

>> No.2830960

>this. all day this.

the manner in which "suffice" is employed betrays everything.

who's to say indio marxistsdont get things right now and then?

>> No.2830987

J.G.M le Clezio
David malouf

Refuse to choose, as is my right as a middle-class, under-achieving white marshmellow

>> No.2831019

My favourite book is The Interrogation.
Holy fuck that's the first time you illiterate fucks mention Le Clezio.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.2831022
File: 21 KB, 295x404, tolstoy-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get on my level.

>> No.2831026
File: 76 KB, 523x390, GD9143637@-FILE--French-writer--7604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made threads about JMG leC before.

But no one posted in them.

>> No.2831029


Tolstoy is shit-tier now.

Go read Orwell's essay on him. Tolstoy thought Shakespeare was evil because he loved life, and he thought he was a poor artist because Tolstoy felt mocked by his writings (king lear)

Tolstoy is gutter trash. I'm glad to have never read his shit.

>> No.2831038


>resurrecting the author god


>> No.2831050

My first was fever. Everything after then just didn't step up. I think it is exactly like jumping in the ocean: it is only the first time that you notice your balls retreat to your intestines.

Besides you have it wrong it is not illiterate it is aliterate.

You are a fagot. How does your bathroom look? Or does your mum still wash it for you. Don't defend /lit/

>> No.2831052

I was misled to believe that Le Clézio only wrote adventure novels.

>> No.2831054
File: 88 KB, 433x294, disnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking nigger

>> No.2831055

Authors are known for their words, not their faces


>> No.2831059

What? Are you autistic?

>> No.2831063

Everyone knows that. It makes him all the more fascinating.

Orwell's essay is pretty good.

Tolstoy like Falstaff.

>> No.2831079
File: 11 KB, 240x289, arthur-koestler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much underrated.

>> No.2831091

Not the guy you're responding to but he's right. It's stupid when people post author pics and expect people to recognise their faces. Especially if they don't have a particularly famous face.