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/lit/ - Literature

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2828407 No.2828407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quentin has been dox'd.
Deep&Edgy has been cracked and all his minions have left.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam hasn't posted for years.
Tao Lin doesn't post anymore.
The list goes on.

It's been a long time since /lit/ hasn't known a true mastertroll. The subtle and noble art of trolling is now plain shitposting; it used to be an intellectual joust, a clash of flaming masterminds vying to be as subtly fallacious and dishonest as possible. Yes, in days of yore, trolling was something. Now all we have is a few remains of their trolltastic genius and a pathetic bunch of idiots trying to imitate them, but failing miserably. Even Brownbear was better than that piece of crap Richard Feynmann that still pollutes this board from time to time.

Please, all of you, forget your childish debates about trifles you'll forget the next time you'll open your browser; in the name of these forgotten people who have taught us so much, observe a minute of silence.

>> No.2828408
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>> No.2828412
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>> No.2828415
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>> No.2828413
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>> No.2828418
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>> No.2828420
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The night D&E's tripcode was cracked. Never forget.

>> No.2828421

How awesome that tripfag circlejerks persist even while anonymous.

>> No.2828422
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>> No.2828425
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>> No.2828428

This is the one board where the 'trolling tripusers' improved it.

>> No.2828438

I remember that, it sure made me pretty mad that DnE doesn't know how graphs work.

>> No.2828443

shut up d&e
the threads have become too vapid to troll well
shut up

>> No.2828445

Can someone post some Quentin pics? Or more D&E pics?

>> No.2828450

are we supposed to disagree with these posts

>> No.2828465

>are we supposed to agree with acknowledged master trolls

>> No.2828469

Tripfags made me leave /lit/, I only come here once and a while now.

Basically I decided one day what the hell I'll post my book collection on here, it's about twenty years in the making and I happen to like the classics. Most anons were receptive but the tripfags ganged up and called me hipster for owning books...on a board about books.

I then realised they owned around 20 books between them, and all of them were taken right off the /lit/ recommended list. They owned all the tell tale sign books like Infinite Jest, Finnegan's Wake etc but nothing else.

It struck me as weird that they had so much to say based on so little, they couldn't even troll properly because they just had not read anything. Quentin had potential as one of those suit wearing kids you see but again he just had not read enough.

>> No.2828476

This only proves how skilled they were.
Link to thread please.

>> No.2828512
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, Quentin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2828516

I remember I removed his 'suggested reading' image from the wiki and he made a thread the next day raging about it.

Everyone else on /lit/ took credit for it though ;_;

>> No.2828530

You're talking about the retardo tripfags who fucked up this board in the first place. Don't start venerating them! Imagine just how suicidally bad this board would currently be if we had to put up with both summerfags and tripfags (not that we're clean of them now) at the same time!

>> No.2828551

The only question that mtters is:

>> No.2828587

Anyone who was here during D&E's reign would remember how hard he tried to keep lit on topic, and appreciate him. Unless, of course, you were trolled hard by him in one of those vidya vs art, or asoiaf threads.

I pray every night for another hero like him.

>> No.2828591

>Anyone who was here during D&E's reign would remember how hard he tried to keep lit on topic, and appreciate him
>appreciate him
I'm aware you're trying to troll here, but just let me say that not a single person who remembers D&E [apart from you] appreciated him.

>> No.2828598

While I don't appreciate him, I certainly acknowledge his genius. He was a true master troll.

>> No.2828603
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This is an anonymous channel.
The concept of a tripcode resolves around self-entitlement and anonymity.
Any person that is self-detached and humble enough, would simply go by the name of OP to create an interesting thread.
If you are seeking power and glory, it is certainly not in here, under one of your multiple maniac pseudonyms/personalities that you will achieve it.
Move on.

>> No.2829211

>This is an anonymous channel.
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. 4chan's collaborative-community format is copied from one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel.
Emphasis on community.

>The concept of a tripcode resolves around self-entitlement and anonymity.
Incorrectimundo. The concept of a tripcode simply reflects the necessity to adopt an identity for a number of reasons etc etc

>If you are seeking power and glory, it is certainly not in here, under one of your multiple maniac pseudonyms/personalities that you will achieve it.
Posting with a recognisable identity on 4chan is hardly ever related to multiple personality glorification. Most of the time it is either people who want to be helpful or entertaining, etc etc. Having a verifiable identity is conducive to both of these things.

There is not a single positive reason for posting anonymously on 4chan. The vast majority of reasons anyone would have to post anonymously are negative, ranging from venting steam by passively aggresively attacking people to proffering controversial opinions that you would keep to yourself if you were capable of being identified to save yourself from having your teeth kicked in.

Posting with a verifiable identity will automatically make your posts better, unless you are the sort of complete fucking loser who benefits more from not being recognised, in which case your posts are going to be pretty much worthless anyway.

>> No.2829219


This. One of my fondest moments on /lit/ was debating the reductive nature of strict Freudian psychoanalysis in literature. We then both had a laugh over Harold Bloom.

>> No.2829221

>Tao Lin doesn't post anymore.

he posted TWICE. the idea that he was as obsessed with this /lit/ as much as /lit/ was obsessed with him is fucking *delusional*

I'm glad we don't get those troll threads as frequently anymore, it made me embarrassed to frequent /lit/

sorry, what was your point OP? I wasn't paying attention

>> No.2829223

If it's not anonymity, then what is it that makes 4chan unique among internet communities in terms of generating interesting and/or useful discussion? Lower barrier to participation?

And a tripcode is only moderately more identifiable than anonymity/using a name. If someone decides to take your name, for instance, maintaining this identity hinges on how invested other people are in verifying your name.

>> No.2829229
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>The concept of a tripcode resolves around self-entitlement and anonymity.
>Incorrectimundo. The concept of a tripcode simply reflects the necessity to adopt an identity for a number of reasons etc etc
You're both wrong. It resolves around and reflects being a fag.

>There is not a single positive reason for posting anonymously on 4chan
Ah, the sweet lies a tripfag tells himself. How about because it discourages you from being an egotistical prick?

>mfw I'm replying to a tripfag
>this is exactly what I'm not supposed be doing but god damn it I hate you fags so much

>> No.2829242
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A friendly remainder.

>> No.2829246

quinten > brad pitt

>> No.2829257

oh my god thank you

i deleted all my pictures and it included my picture of niggerman, i'm glad you posted that.

>> No.2829261

>If it's not anonymity, then what is it that makes 4chan unique among internet communities in terms of generating interesting and/or useful discussion?
I'm not sure what you mean. I know a ton of anonymous imageboards, so 4chan isn't unique in that sense. I know a ton of memes, all of which come not only from 4chan, so it's not unique in that sense either. As far as the useful or interesting discussion, I've seen that all over the internet too. I think at best what you mean is some of the 4chan-specific content. As I already said, there are plenty of places you can post anonymously, so maybe 4chan is only significant in that it is a prominent and large community where anyone can post. That's it. And even then, anonymity itself has little to do with it. Real flesh and blood people out there came up with the stuff that everyone gets a laugh out of on 4chan, not some general concept of anonymity. It's not like we can praise those actual people out there for what they do because the content they come up with is often controversial, but it makes equally little sense to praise a general concept for the things real people do, and it's not an appropriate substitute.

Not interested, you're just another person I know absolutely fuck all about who is passively aggressively raging online with nothing interesting or new to say, or no interesting way to convey it, so I have no reason whatsoever to pay attention to your post here on /lit/.
You're a perfect example of how using a tripcode would automatically make your posts better. If you used a tripcode I'd have more evidence to confirm that you as a person have nothing interesting to contribute to our little community so I'd be less likely to recognise or take notice of anything you have to say, and thus not waste as much of my own time.

>> No.2829270

it's not about the fucking memes dude

tell us why you post here, instead of any other place you can discuss literature?

>> No.2829278

huh, good question.

guess I'll leave.

>> No.2829283

Richard Feynmann is a far better poster than your favourite trolls. Your nostalgia is unfounded and willfully ignorant.

>> No.2829284

And thus today can be considered a great success.

>> No.2829289

>tell us why you post here, instead of any other place you can discuss literature?
Mostly because of easy standards. There are other places on the internet and IRL I talk about literature with people who are equally on my level, but that comes with its own set of regulations. The imageboard structure, unlike messageboards, is also helpful because it allows me to post images non-disruptively along with my posts, so I can express myself better or more entertainingly in some ways. So I post here because it's not as demanding as other boards or contexts, it's also an environment that I can drop in and drop out of freely, while I can still have productive discussions with a variety of different people from different backgrounds. I could, and have, also done this on a number of other similar sites, such as 420chan (back when it had a dedicated philosophy board), but the reason I prefer 4chan right now is because board speed is quicker.

>> No.2829294

What happened to OnionRing and IsabelleHuppert?

>> No.2829358

Going to go tripfag henceforth so I can be all dandy and such.

>> No.2829447
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>quentin trolling will never be the same again because you can't hate someone you know is so pathetic