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2824817 No.2824817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have a trilogy of books, but one of them is from a different publisher than the others, and it looks weird on your shelf.

>> No.2824822
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>tfw OP probably thinks he has mild OCD or some shit

>> No.2824827

Like fucking McCarthy's Border Trilogy.
I can only find All the Pretty Horses in this ugly ass black and white cover, but Cities of the Plain and the Crossing come with these beautiful covers that go really well together.

>> No.2824947

>tfw books you're not proud of are stuffed behind the ones you are.

>> No.2824966
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>Not owning the Everyman's Library Border trilogy hardcover

>> No.2824991
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That would never happen with e-books.

>> No.2824997

>owning Everyman's Library reprints

I refuse to believe a person would think this is an accomplishment

>> No.2824998
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>> No.2825016

> People often say that a set of books looks ugly if all volumes are not in the same format, but I was impressed to hear the Abbot Koyu say, "It is typical of the unintelligent man to insist on assembling complete sets of everything. Imperfect sets are better."

-- Yoshida Kenkō (1283 – 1350)

That quote is from that monk's "Essays in Idleness"; I read that and thought "Fuck he's right! I'm never going out of my way to match volumes again."

>> No.2825040

>implying my library isn't entirely digital now
I get the appeal of physical books, I honestly do. But I just prefer eBooks. And I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to my possessions, and I hated having all of those books laying about, taking up space.

For me, books should be about enjoyment rather than decoration. And for ease of use, digital is just too good. And yes, I keep a backup of my collection just in case

>> No.2825042
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>Used to match volumes
>Reads quote saying such things are only done by unintelligent men
>Stops matching volumes
>Thinks this reflects his intelligence level

You still did it in the first place. What does that say about you? Just sayin'.

>> No.2825046

As a fine anon once posted in a similar thread,

Chaos < Order < Ordered Chaos

>> No.2825060

>yfw you used to buy books by the boatload without really thinking about it
>yfw you really want a nice hard-cover collection now that'll last for generations
>yfw can't afford to replace hundreds of books

Some day...

>> No.2825080

> You still did it in the first place. What does that say about you? Just sayin'.

Means I did some "book learning".