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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 400x563, 4chansummercup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2822945 No.2822945 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow many of the boards will be getting together, using the results of a randomly generated football (soccer) game to prove superiority. Big names such as /sp/, /pol/, and /co/ clash with smaller boards such as /n/, /x/, and /m/. And yet one board remains forgotten.

My fellow /lit/eral retards, we are a weak puppet team in the babby leagues, with scum such as /mlp/ and /b/ as our company. We must not let this stand! Come, join me in asserting our dominance across all other boards! Together, we can prove their mental inferiority!

The Babby Cup starts some time in October. I am working on designing tactics that will lead our team to success. I would appreciate help in deciding which /lit/ based memes should be used to update our roster.

If you have any poems or stories relating to sports, they would also be appreciated.

>> No.2822960

what a waste of mental energy

>> No.2822963

>Goalkeeper: Stirner
Because "muh spookz" is the last and best line of defense, always.

Also, can we have the CF be our gold player (copying /sp/'s successful setup)?

>> No.2822978
File: 5 KB, 200x175, maxstirnergrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you never take a break from reading to do lighthearted enjoyable things, right?

Yeah, the current strategy I've been trying out is an unbalanced 4-3-3, with the skill positions being occupied by our offensive players. The way the game is set up, you really need the talent to be on offense, it just gets wasted when its on defensive players. (Current record in test games with the "strongest" teams is 6-1-3, and I still haven't decided exactly how the skill cards will be used.)

Should I name the goalkeeper "muh spooks" or "Stirner" though? I'm partial to "muh spooks", but that might just be because I'm slightly retarded.

>> No.2823064
File: 52 KB, 898x348, thinkaboutit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is pretty much the reception I was expecting. So this will be my only bump. I won't bug you guys about it anymore until October rolls around.

Stay classy /lit/. No need to worry yourself over this little competition, I got it.

>> No.2823070

>tripfag comes to smaller board to whore for attention
Yeah, no, fuck off. I'll skype Germanbro about you later.

>> No.2823080

please erase this thread

>> No.2823085

I'll help out.

Do Spanish Tiki-Taka because /lit/ is a noble and boring team who plays a very mental and drawn out style of game. Set the whole team up for possession.

>> No.2823086
File: 84 KB, 661x716, 1292708514732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Stirner a meme? I've seen people complain about people "turning him into a meme," which probably means yes. I assume you probably already have DFW somewhere.

And Tao Lin, obvs.

>> No.2823093

I've already sent a skype to GermanBro. I'm not whoring for attention, I only put a trip on in this thread for the purpose of this competition...

Who are you then? If /lit/ already has a manager I'd gladly bow down and just try to help them out, but as far as I can tell we don't have any involvement at all.

>> No.2823097

Looking at the old wiki, these main roster players should be replaced with better references:

>Nietzsche (lazy)
>Bookface (shitty)
>Capsguy (retired tripfag)
>No discernible Talent (shitty)
>TwiLite (shitty)
>Albert Camus (lazy)

The following are alright, but could maybe use tweaking. My suggestions:

>James Joyce -> Arse Full of Farts
>Ayn Rand -> Atlas Shrugged
>David Foster Wallace -> DFW's Ghost
>Entry Level -> Exit Level

These can stay:

>Tao Lin

Subs worth keeping:

None, they are all shit.

>> No.2823100

For the record, the old roster:


>> No.2823108

I'm no one. It's just clear that you don't spend much time here, and we'd rather have no manager than that. Still, if you're actually going to put effort into it, I suppose it can't hurt.
No Discernible Talent should stay from that list of six. Everything else should go.

>> No.2823113

We need to nail down what formation we are running with before we can determine the names of the various players.

The only thing we know for certain at this point is that the GK will be Muh Spooks.

>> No.2823150

Here's a hypothetical team, based on revisions to the old one. Just starting players here. I'm also of the opinion that we should completely forego references to the shitty novels that get spammed here. Twilight, Wallflower, Hunger Games, 50 shades and the like.

1. Muh Spooks/Stirnerguy
2. Entry-Level
3. Hemmingway
4. D&E
5. Huge Orson Welles
6. Tao Lin
7. Arse Full of Farts
8. Who are you quoting? (questionable, but it's getting used more and more)
9. David Foster Wallace
10. Sasha Grey (could have been in the last team, but the meme's a little dated now, so that's another questionable)
11. Atlas Shrugged/Ayn Rand

>> No.2823177
File: 294 KB, 394x465, 4-2-3-1 Tiki-Taka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2823184

Maybe everything here just goes over my head. I swear I never actually remember the day-to-day discussions. I suck at spotting memes, and it's doubly hard on /lit/ because people don't spam meme pictures with the same ferocity as they do on other boards. I can't exactly name someone "Plato's theory of forms is what you're talking about and nobody in the know uses those metaphysics anymore." now can I?

We can have a list of names before we know precisely what positions they'll be in.

If we want to win, then we need to be aggressive, but I'll try to see if I can get the game to run a 4-5-1 without the AI going full retard.

So the list as I understand it right now:
>GK: Muh Spooks
>Atlas Shrugged
>DFW's Ghost
>Entry Level (Midfield?)
>Exit Level (CF?)
>No Discernible Talent
>Tao Lin
>Deem&Edgy (What's wrong with this one?)
>(2deep4u is /mu/ which surprises me, but then I never go there so I wouldn't know.)
>Tryhard (if nobody else has this then we should)

And the tactic is some kind of 4-5-1 focused on maintaining possession.

>> No.2823206

Some position suggestions:

Muh Spooks

Entry Level (because that's the playmaker of this forum)
No Discernible Talent (the central tenet of /lit/ and its users)

Exit Level (the ultimate of /lit/--our Patriciancore)

Also, is it too late to nominate Dead Author as a defensive player?

>> No.2823219

I'll try it out, thanks (though to get the AI to not be retarded I might have to tweak it).

But of course. The author is dead. And that is, as always, a brilliant defense to my claims that you are reading the book completely incorrectly. I like this one.

>Muh Spooks
>Dead Author
>Entry Level
>No Discernible Talent
>Exit Level

Not Yet Placed:
>Atlas Shrugged
>DFW (DFW's Ghost)
>Tao Lin

>> No.2823235

Oops, that list isn't complete.

More unplaced names:
>Who are you quoting?
>Arse Full of Farts
>Huge Orson Welles

>> No.2823279

Gets me every time.

>> No.2823439

Anne Frank is technically an author, can we scoop her from /mu/?

>> No.2823451

she's just some anonymous jew who disappeared during ww2. the book was actually written by zionist propagandists.

>> No.2823489

But can we have Zionist propagandists on our team then? It would still fit because /lit/ is a bunch of atheist communa-anarcha-feminist Jews rite?

>> No.2823523

oh, football

ok, I´m in

we should have English Degree, I saw this type of thread every time here......

(bad english, sorry)

>> No.2823528

wow, our team is a complete blank.....

oh, Writer's Block would be a good CB

anthem.....I don´t know...

>> No.2823530

can we have Sunhawk as our manager?

also our team sucks. we need a complete overhaul

>implying fifty shades of grey won't be the best free agent on the market

>> No.2823534


>fifty shades of grey

heh, could work

well, we have a lot of tripfags with free time to help this thing

>> No.2823536

ah, and put Lolita Pedo on team, don´t forget

>> No.2823541


can this be our anthem?

>> No.2823552


how about this:


fucking Barney

>> No.2823558


guys can you imagine this playing when we score a goal? it will be glorious

it's enjoyable for other people too

>> No.2823561

huahahaahahah........more one:


>> No.2823562

I'll be setting up the wiki page this weekend and the team's formation and players will be completely overhauled. I expect us to be in the running to win the Babby Cup. If we don't get promoted in time for the Winter Cup then I will have failed.

The old one is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlKL_EpnSp8
I prefer yours.

Could we change that to Lolita Erotica? Or Erotica Lolita? Or Lolita Is Erotica? It needs to have something to do with classifying Lolita as Erotica.

I've added to our list of names. We need 23, and we have 19 after I add all of your suggestions and "Bookmarks".

>> No.2823565


unless it's posted somewhere else, this is our current team. we have nothing on the new wiki so i'm assuming this is what we have

players i'm interested in keeping:
>ayn rand but change her to atlas shrugged
>Joyce, Lin, Shakespeare, Hemingway
>Baby Shoes Never Worn
>some form of Lolita

dump everyone else imho and recruit new players

>> No.2823571




>> No.2823578

another suggestion for anthem or goal music:


>> No.2823596

I am completely in support of this being our new goal music.

>> No.2823600

Theme song


>> No.2823618

Lolita Wanted It.

And please no Anne Frank.

Dear God, make it stop.

>> No.2823667

somebody knows an english/french/whatever writer who liked football?

good one player, Young Nihilistic

>> No.2823733

DFW should be referred to as DFW. His full name is never used on /lit/.

>> No.2823754

You mean, David Faggot Walrus?

>> No.2823760

Lolita Wants to Fuck?

>> No.2823793


/lit/ theme.

>> No.2823797


no fuck you


>> No.2823802


we could use Game of Thrones then.......

we need something relative to books, not a soundtrack from a movie made because a book was written.....

btw, is an interesting soundtrack

>> No.2823806


Game of Thrones is shit though.

>> No.2823807


it can't just be related to books. it has to be catchy or uplifting. it's a celebratory theme not some downer slow song. only /x/ is allowed to do that

>> No.2823814


yeah can we not have all our players represented by mainstream popcorn stuff? it's bad enough the general public thinks that's the most literature is

that means no
>game of thrones
>harry potter
>dan brown
>hunger games

>> No.2823818



>> No.2823819


That would definitely strike fear upon our opponents.

>> No.2823821

well......interesting, better than /mu/ and that fucking "IIIII LOOOOVEEEEE YOUUUUU JESUUUUUUUSSSS CHRISSSSSST".......come on

fuck this shit, we put a polka for theme

>> No.2823824

So Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey are fine?

>> No.2823827



>> No.2823829


shades of grey is still relatively new so it can be granted meme status for the time being. twilight is shit and no self-respecting board would allow that on their team, even as a joke.

>> No.2823830

>so it can be granted meme status
What kind of /lit/ talk is this?

>> No.2823832

huehuehueheueheh 2:


>> No.2823835

I'm against any of the shitty books that get posted by fuckers from other boards thinking they're funny being memes.

>> No.2823836

I love the fact that people who aren't from /lit/ are trying to make and run the team.
The last thing we need is people seeing 50 shades and making more threads on here

>> No.2823841

All the anthem song suggestions thus far have been awful.

/lit/ is a classy place, so we should use a classy anthem such as Prokofiev's Dance of the Knights:


>> No.2823842

motto team:

12 shades of grey

>> No.2823843

that makes us look like pussies.

>> No.2823845

I thought we did this already?

>> No.2823847


>any board on 4chan being classy

nice try.

>> No.2823848

In reference to WInd Up Bird Chronicle.

>> No.2823850


we were in the spring cup qualifiers but finished last in our group. our team sucks so we're trying to build it for the autumn cup and not be the worst team ever

>> No.2823851


+1 to this.

>> No.2823855


the classiest

>> No.2823857

So tempting...

>> No.2823861



>> No.2823879

I was actually thinking this very thing. Being a goalhorn, it needs to start strong.

This is what comes to my mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdGK3AZvIHE

>> No.2823885

Out of curiosity, how do you go about "adopting" a team? I mean, obviously many decisions are sourced from the board populations, but there must be some guy that interfaces with Germanbro, etc.

Or is it really just, edit wiki, changes get implemented?

>> No.2823905


>> No.2823906

Oh, and have you started working on the wiki page? If not, I'll throw together a skeleton layout so you can easily add in the relevant information.

>> No.2823915

Are people seriously trying to replace READ A MUHFUCKIN BOOK with something else?

>> No.2823922
File: 29 KB, 440x382, hemingway[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defensive midfield
>pic related

>> No.2823923


shit gets old and the whole song isn't even about books or reading

>> No.2823928

Most of it appears to be based on the wiki. The only thing the manager really does by himself is make substitutions and tweak the tactics during game time... as far as I can tell.

I was planning on getting it planned out before I threw it up over the weekend. Thanks though, I would definitely appreciate it.

>> No.2823930

It's about books and literature, you luddite.

>> No.2823931


make sure it's on the new wiki


>> No.2823939
File: 58 KB, 445x628, mel gibson resisting arrest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2823944


why dont we have o captain my captain on the team?

shit's crazy

>> No.2823989

I've got one last comment and then I'm gone for the day. I already know you're all going to hate this:

The summer goalhorn /lit/ deserves:

You all stay classy, now, and remember that there is no reality except in action.

>> No.2823998

that really is fucking horrendous

>> No.2824005

Is he the voice of Adam Sandler?

>> No.2824008

No you fucking nigger.

>> No.2824013



>> No.2824021

>82 post thread
>no one cares
What you're actually saying is "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS STOP TRYNG TO FORCE IT" which is a little silly, don't you think?

>> No.2824026

If /sci/ has Tesla, we should have his buddy Mark Twain.

>> No.2824028

what i mean is "this is stupid, if you care about it you shouldn't, stop trying to do this you dumb idiots"'

hope this helps

>> No.2824033

well, I like the stream

a lot of hype and fun

whatever, let's do this shit

>> No.2824041

That couldn't possibly be a samefag, could it?

>> No.2824048


and........maybe Socrates

ah, a help from monty python:


>> No.2824051

just fuck you with your teenager rage

we are having fun here

if this is a problem for you, just move

>> No.2824052

I think we should stop doing the whole author's name thing, (making Wallace and Lin exceptions because they're fucking everywhere) and maybe go with stupid jokes about the books.

>> No.2824054

It wasn't rage, it was just that you wrote so similarly and yet had completely opposing viewpoints. It didn't make sense.

>> No.2824061

Personally, I think "Paperback Writer" would make a good goal horn.

>> No.2824063


and english is my third language, is one on million

>> No.2824065

Mark Twain is a jokey pen name.

>> No.2824205

we should draft holden

or phonies

>> No.2825500

Roster page:


Still just a skeleton. No idea what sort of setup we are running, so I organized it as a vague 4-3-3. Just change it around as necessary. If you have trouble formatting the roster, just let me know.

Oh, and I'll add player images as they get added to the team. Standardized size, to avoid breaking the tables.

>> No.2825515


>> No.2825643

Yes, this.

>> No.2825848
File: 17 KB, 80x100, lit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be an appropriate roster portrait for "Entry Level"? Kind of a hard concept to portray graphically.

>> No.2825851

Replace Of Mice and Men with anything by Lovecraft and it's perfect.

>> No.2825853

This is going to be the only footbal match I ever watched.

But it's going to be great. I'm on, OP. Go for it.

>> No.2825858

I don't know if there are any instantly recognizable/iconic covers connected with Howard...

>> No.2825864

You should watch it today. So much >autism but it's actually kind of fun.

>> No.2826436

What does /lit/'s kit look like?

Also, could we change the logo to something a little less lazy?

>> No.2826505

/lit/ doesn't have any downloadable uniforms anywhere I can find. They have a few modded faces, but that's it.

I was thinking one of the uniforms could be a tuxedo. The only problem I have with our logo is that it doesn't fit our blue/gray color scheme. Are there any ideas for logos you would want to see? I'm working on that stuff while I'm watching the stream today.

>> No.2826536

The logo is acceptable, but it could be a bit more "sports team-y."

Maybe the same motif, except logo-ified ala /sp/ or /x/. Atlas inside a circle, essentially.

Or a book instead of Atlas. A book titled /lit/. Shit, I don't know.

Tuxedo sounds good. You planning on going all out with player customization? Would be really cool to enter the Babby Cup fully pimped out.

>> No.2826581

Yep, I've downloaded the kit editor and I've been learning the ropes. I'm actually probably half done with the tuxedo uniform. I'm still figuring out how to do faces.

A book with /lit/ as the title and a football on the cover? It's simple, it fits. It might be a little too obvious, but logos shouldn't be too busy. I'll get a basic image up shortly.

>> No.2826617

If /sp/ can have a goat on their logo, why can't we have a spook (ghost)? Fits with blue/grey, too.

>> No.2826634
File: 29 KB, 500x500, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the basic book design.

While I was making it, I thought maybe we could keep our logo, except have Atlas holding a football instead of that out of place logo. Would it look too stupid if I made Atlas blue or grey instead of gold?

Either of these designs could have a spook placed somewhere, though I think that would make it too busy and ruin it as a logo.

>> No.2826643

>have Atlas holding a football instead of that out of place logo
Yes, great idea.

>Would it look too stupid if I made Atlas blue or grey instead of gold?
Only one way to find out!

>> No.2826711

You can't replace our already based logo you monster.

>> No.2826770
File: 64 KB, 500x500, atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up to everyone here, really... but don't you think the colors on our logo kind of clash with our teams colors?

If people here are really opposed to me changing the logo, I'll keep it.

I've got a picture of a grey Atlas holding up a blue football, but I don't think it really came out as good as I would have hoped.

>> No.2826773

It's a fair effort, but we really need some sort of graphic design-minded person to pull a logo of that magnitude off, I think.

>> No.2826873

It looked WAY better with the gold man and the white football.

>> No.2826875

Also you can't replace READ A BOOK NIGGA, fuck you.

>> No.2826878

>so I organized it as a vague 4-3-3
Why 4-3-3 and not the standard 4-4-2?

>> No.2826891

Still, it may work in PES. Also, isn't Germanbro using PES 2013 for the Babbies? There's not much point worrying about formations until that comes out and we get a feel for what the teams in our group are doing.
I think we should keep the old logo and change the jersies. You could pick a style that wouldn't clash.

>> No.2826913

>calling the 4-4-2 formation old fashioned compared to the 4-3-3

>> No.2826936

I never said it was older, I said it was out of date. No top team plays 4-4-2 any more. Any time you do see it, it plays more like a 4-5-1.

>> No.2826960

Probably because 4-2-3-1 seems to be standard now.

>> No.2827537

The concern is how the AI will play the formation, not how it works in real life. That said, if I can get the AI to play a smart possession game and WIN, I'll use it. Otherwise, the AI really seems to favor directly aggressive tactics.

Also, PES strategies from 11 work about as well with 12 and so I assume strategies I work on in this game will work with 13.

I'm torn between the goalhorn being read a book, being something classical, or being the Reading
Rainbow theme. How many people here really want to stick with READ A BOOK?

I'll be back tomorrow to see just what the reaction is. Goodnight everybody.