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/lit/ - Literature

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2819085 No.2819085 [Reply] [Original]

most popular book of the year is about a woman letting herself be abused over and over again simply because the guy is a billionaire

yep, we can pretty much all agree at this point that women are all golddigging whores

>> No.2819091
File: 41 KB, 400x409, 1342140749927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a 2012 popular book to confirm that women are gold digging whores

>> No.2819093 [DELETED] 

>31 million women on behalf of the 6 billion women out there

>> No.2819098

And women can just as easily say that men are only interested in physical beauty. At least it's possible to BECOME rich and powerful, while ugly women will always be ugly.

>> No.2819100

Pretty much, yeah.

>Hang out on the /new/ and /r9k/ joint tinychat for about a year
>Mostly guys, but a few woman
>One of the guys is the son of a multimillionare. His cam has him in mansions with expensive shit
>is a compulsive liar, fucks with woman's minds for the fun of it.
>Sweet talks the woman to send him nudes or explicit sexts. Immediately releases them
>Even that one cute girl who seems perfectly innocent and has the cutest laugh. Ends up going topless with a swastika drawn on her chest.
>mfw no matter how much I sweet talk, I'll never get a cutiepatotie to send me swastika nudes through the internet.

Don't listen to the Disney crap. Money does buy love.

>> No.2819106

This. If anything, we've only managed to prove that western women with money are gold-digging whores.

Now we all know that all the other women are gold-digging whores, so the real question is how can we come up with more proof?

>> No.2819109

Yup. It drives men to acquire $$ and success. That's a good thing, from my perspective. If women just handed out the pussy to failure neckbeard basement dwellers, what incentive do men have to succeed economically?

Here's the trick. Don't buy women things. Don't marry them. Don't have children. Just show your wealth ostentatiously, and then sleep with them. It works for me. Although it feels sort of empty after awhile.

>> No.2819111

I love Earl Grey. It's the only kind of tea I like, actually.

>> No.2819112

But I'm a poorfag.

>> No.2819113

no oolong, no jasmine, no green

step it up nigga

>> No.2819118

Nah man. I like it black and bitter as fuck. I steep it indefinitely. I keep the bag in there the entire time I drink it.
>dat bitter taste
Fuck yes. I'm going to go make some now.

>> No.2819129 [DELETED] 

>Yup. It drives men to acquire $$ and success. That's a good thing, from my perspective. If women just handed out the pussy to failure neckbeard basement dwellers, what incentive do men have to succeed economically?

I'd really like to kill you just because you believe this.

Fucking misandrist

>> No.2819130 [DELETED] 


Son of who? what is his name, where did he live? what did his mansion look like? what were these expensive things.

I need info.

>> No.2819133 [DELETED] 

>It works for me

lol poorfag pretending to be rich

>> No.2819140


I love you.

>> No.2819141
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Here we go. All the poorfag class warfare folk need to get their digs in against the 1%. Go ahead.

>> No.2819148

Anistasia insists that she isn't just into Christian because he's rich. You're forgetting that he is young, handsome, and has a massive penis. She also feels guilty and is reluctant to accept his gifts like $14,000 first editions of some brittish feminist bullshit books or a brand new audi. She is obviously not a gold digging whore and would love Chistian if he was poor or a mexican photographer.

>> No.2819151

>steep indefinitely
Unless you chip away pieces from a Pu-erh brick of the Yunnan province, weigh it on a digital scale, and steep it into a seasoned cast iron teapot get the fuck out

>> No.2819152

poorfags are mad because women seek out economic stability and status to give the best life for themselves and their children

>> No.2819153 [DELETED] 

>pussy drives men to get money and success

>lets all hate on women guise

kill everyone

>> No.2819154

Looks like I'll be taking my leave from the thread, then.
What are you doing out of /mu/, though?

>> No.2819157 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 408x598, dammit mom i didnt ask for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying evo psych is science
>implying what you said is backed up by facts

pic related, here's what i think of children

>> No.2819165
File: 48 KB, 400x600, 1312950625185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its nice to know that with millions of years of brain development we can finally embrace our base instincts instead of rise above them...

>Like breeding is an excuse in a world of 6 billion.

>> No.2819163 [DELETED] 

what the fuck

>> No.2819168

Son of a guy who mines sand (or so he says) to sell to rich yuppies to prevent beach erosion and other shit.

Lives in Florida (apparently)

But the mansion and his shit is legit. I've seen it all.

The guy himself is alright, talked to him quite a bit. Get along well with him (I think)

I never got the grand tour of the mansion, but the other people in the chat did with the webcam. I seen his bedroom, kitchen, lounge room with a large chandelier.

He probably browses this board as well. Be like him to do so. If so, sup Alchazar.

>> No.2819170
File: 22 KB, 328x400, DavidFosterWallace3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants humans to rise above their base instincts

>> No.2819171


>> No.2819175
File: 40 KB, 360x235, 1338960896562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does rise above base instincts
>why don't all these idiot womyn sleep with my enlightened ascetic self? fucking base instinct plebs

>> No.2819176

>thinks there's anything particularly profound about our self-awareness of instinct.
>doesn't find our ability to rise above instinct by way of our consciousness more profound

>> No.2819177

>aware of base instincts
>embraces them and mocks those who rise above them
>why do i want to live in a cave and eat bear shit

>> No.2819182
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>Doesn't change or evolve.

You are an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.2819184

>these threads

>> No.2819185
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>is a cool guy
>doesn't realize that I have no fight with him
>I'm quite happy playing the game of life
>if he is ever in town, I hope he knows that he is always welcome to sleep on my couch in my penthouse suite
>doesn't know that I sincerely hope he has a good morning afternoon and night.

>> No.2819188

I want /b/ to leave already, /pol/ and /mu/ were bad enough

>> No.2819190

lol tall people super long legs while ugly as fuck short torso

>> No.2819192
File: 245 KB, 342x335, 1342158313425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, could you be more manlet

>> No.2819197

enjoy your low centre of gravity
no wonder the tallfreak has to lean, if he didnt the cat would of made him fall and break his weak little tallfreak spine

>> No.2819216

I haven't regularly posted on /mu/ in months. I'm mostly on /fa/ and /lit/ now

>> No.2819230

Can someone post another thread about this book please.

>> No.2819259

>Ana later goes on a date with Grey where he takes her out in his helicopter Charlie Tango to his apartment. Once there, Grey insists that she sign a non-disclosure agreement forbidding her to discuss anything that they do together, which Ana agrees to sign. He also mentions other paperwork, but first takes her to a room full of BDSM toys and gear. There Grey informs her that the second contract will be one of Dominance and submission and that there will be no romantic relationship, only a sexual one. It is as this point that Grey realizes that Ana is a virgin and agrees to take her virginity without making her sign the contract. The two then have sex.
Wait a second, this is worse than I thought.

>> No.2819263

>The following morning Ana and Grey once again have sex, only for his mother to arrive moments after their sexual encounter. His mother is surprised by the meeting, having previously thought Grey was homosexual because she had never seen him with a woman.
Oh shit.

He bdsms her, but he's a virgin himself. A billionaire virgin.

Bitches are into trundere boys, I see.

>> No.2819265

>She and Grey email each other, with Ana teasing him as well as stating that there are several parts to the contract that she will not honor, such as only eating foods from a specific list.
Ha ha ha.

>> No.2819269

>The tension between Ana and Grey eventually comes to a head after Ana asks Grey to punish her in order to show her how extreme a BDSM relationship with him could be. Grey fulfills Ana's request, using a belt on her, only for Ana to realize that the two of them are incompatible as they currently stand. Devastated, Ana leaves Grey and returns to the apartment she shares with Katherine.

>> No.2819271

she's a powerful womyn. Don't try to control her.

>> No.2819273

She's into BDSM, but her fat demands the pie and muffin and it's completely off-limits.