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File: 47 KB, 310x517, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2818291 No.2818291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have to read this for my school's summer reading. Not terrible so far. Discuss 1984.

>> No.2818293

never heard of it

>> No.2818295

No clue.

>> No.2818304

Nineteen Eighty--who?

>> No.2818308
File: 65 KB, 570x400, hipster-glasses21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2818310

Alright what the hell is going on.

>> No.2818323

Who the fuck is Orwell?

>> No.2818327

inb4 you get to the book within a book and quit

>> No.2818329

What is said matter you speak of?

>> No.2818345

is this that book where everyone goes back in time and they go so far back they never with what they started out with because space time continuem flux compacator want with they never did before?I liked that one

>> No.2818348

The manifesto that the main character reads through

>> No.2818350

I'm only on page 74. How far in is it?

>> No.2818354

I think it starts in the middle? reading off a kindle gives you less of a feel for where you are sorry

>> No.2818360

more like no Fucking idea.1984 is around 2000 ...slides

>> No.2818361

reading off a smartphone?

>> No.2818367

The book is 245 pages.

>> No.2818378

OP, what grade are you going into in high school?

>> No.2818381

Junior. 11th grade.

>> No.2818403

It's one of the greatest books ever written.

/lit/ doesn't know dick about books, why are you presenting 1984 to their pedantic, cock-in-the-mouth collective opinion?

>> No.2818408

>It's one of the greatest books ever written.

Sure, maybe if you're 13 and/or totalitarian governments still exist and are still a threat.

>> No.2818413

It's entry-level as fuck

The message is permanently relevant if not currently in use in your society

>> No.2818414

Based on what I've read so far, it does seem like a classic. But with classics comes age, and this book we be a much better read if I were reading it in the fifties. Nonetheless, still a fantastic read.

>> No.2818416

>implying we arent living through the plot of 1984 right now.
>implying there are no thought police

>> No.2818417
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you are the dark lord of your parent's basement.

hindsight is 20/20, retard. it's a work of fiction. a great one, at that.

why are you on /lit/? why is anyone on /lit/ who wouldn't whole-heartedly recommend Orwell? you demean the entire board. kill yourself.

>> No.2818419

that shit's always a threat

>> No.2818421
File: 102 KB, 551x579, 3444-conspiracy-keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it ain't so

>> No.2818425

It's not nearly as relevant as other dystopian novels/stories.

>> No.2818426


While 1984 is an excellent book that I'd recommend to everyone, we are clearly living in the prequel to Brave New World.

>> No.2818427
File: 15 KB, 250x225, how to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2818431

Orwell is a shit writer.

>> No.2818436

This exact day yes, things seem to go more along the 451 way where people stopped giving a shit themselves instead of being wrestled into submission. Still relevant in places, though, and will always be worth reading

>> No.2818442


You are a shit poster.

>> No.2818446


>> No.2818939

I'd say that Brave New World is much more accurate, at least in the U.S.

1984 is less relevant but the insights into human language and doublethink are, I'd say.

>> No.2818974

>hurr durr I read the 'amusing ourselves to death' webcomic

Kill yourself.

>> No.2819018

What's the amusing ourselves to death webcomic?
I honestly haven't heard of it or read it, link please.

That was just my own personal interpretation after reading WE, 1984, and Brave New World. . .
As far as 1984 and BNW are concerned, both books were kind of poorly written and had leaden characters IMO, but 1984 was cartoonish while there was a sense of unease in reading Brave New World because of how many things proved accurate. Certainly a much more frightening vision of the future than Orwell's.

Is something wrong with what I took away from these books or are you just a butthurt Orwellfaggot?

>> No.2819060


I totally agree with >>2818939 and I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2819063

Brave New world, 1984 and Harrison Bergeron all together is the state of the world today, just tone them all down a notch and you've got it.

>> No.2819070

Totalitarian regimes still exist. Heck, the most perfected version of the society presented in 1984, North Korea, still very much exists and could be a possible threat. And that's not to mention the universal themes: the potential manipulation of language to obstruct ideas, and of the suspension of civil liberties by means of an ever-continuing war. It's still a very relevant books, faggot.

>> No.2819078

Spoken like someone who's never lived under a totalitarian regime. Let's take it from someone who has, Czeslaw Milosz: "A few have become acquainted with Orwell's 1984; because it is both difficult to obtain and dangerous to posses, it is known to certain members of the Inner Party. Orwell fascinates them through his insights into details they know well; and through his use of Swiftian satire. Such a form of writing is forbidden by the New Faith because allegory, by nature manifold in meaning, would trespass beyond the prescriptions of socialist realism and the demands of the censor. Even those who know Orwell only by hearsay are amazed that a writer who never lived in Russia should have so keen a perception into its life."

>> No.2819103

god, the 80s? Nothing good came from that era

>> No.2819201

College reading lists have just come out. That's why is the same books, and same recycled threads filled with regurgitated thinking.

>> No.2819229


Just shut up with your shitpoasting.

>> No.2819231


Orwell was a far better non-fiction writer than fiction writer, the same is true for Huxley.

>> No.2819232

Mario Bros?

>> No.2819234

Brave New World is much more relevant to today's times than 1984.

Unless you're part of the ACLU or something

>> No.2819236
