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/lit/ - Literature

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2814368 No.2814368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats wrong with Tolkien?

>> No.2814373

Not literature.

>> No.2814374

>Not literature
I don't even

>> No.2814382

OP I feel you were just in /v/.

>> No.2814386

Tolkien is literarute, it's just not art, like videogames.

>> No.2814390

How is it not art? He created something like 3 different languages for the setting, not to mention the massive back story. You can't seriously tell me that a series that had that much creativity and work put into it isn't art.

>> No.2814391

he's trolling
don't let him get to you

>> No.2814392

Knowing this place, I sometimes have my doubts.

>> No.2814410

Do my eyes play tricks on me? Certainly, I am not witnessing a shitty thread on my preferable board of literature, am I? My word, it is so. Dear "Anonymous", as a result of your idiotic posts and misinformed opinions, /lit/- Literature has forever lost some of its quality and netiquette that characterized and set it apart from the rest of 4chan's boards. Sadly, in order to restore its image and make it a proper place for us fine gentlemen to properly discuss literature once again, I shall declare you a homosexual by using a known derogatory term, namely put, "fag". If you happen to be the thread starter, I'm gonna have to implore you to end your own life, after providing fellatio to a sizeable group of black men. Furthermore, I will call upon the powers of a "sage", so I won't happen to aid you in your board-degenerating threads any longer. As a member and representative of our small, little community, I respectfully condemn your postings and wish upon you an ill fate. Good day.

>> No.2814473

Yeah I was just wondering if it was true. The Hobbit is the only book I've ever read. I think it might have put me off books forever if it happens that Tolkien is a poopy author.

>> No.2814485

His crazy fanbase who ascribes everything to the man.
There's no real objective issues with his work.

>> No.2814492

I'm sure it took you a long time to write out that turd.

>> No.2814495



OP is always a faggot, but sometimes he is more of a faggot than the other OPs. This is the case here.

>> No.2814498


>my existence is so pointless that I say insulting things to anonymous people for entertainment

You should read Sartre. And I'm not the person you're responding to.

>> No.2814507

Oh so you guys just don't like the detail he puts into his works?

>> No.2814652
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It's fantasy in general that is not highly regarded, it's a fossilized genre that is as shallow as it is popular (or viceversa).
Tolkien is not an epigone but a founder of the genre, however, so his works are not as obnoxious as those of his followers. He has shown what is possible with the form, and in that sense he is indeed a literary figure (not that he'd care, he was an academic in the first place).
Have you noticed what goal the detail in fantasy serves? It's often purely world-building stuff, and a meager story is placed over it. this makes for good escapist entertainment, but not for literature.