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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 400x400, FEELIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2811632 No.2811632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw you'll never have an cute, quirky, bookish, artist girlfriend who wears black rimmed glasses, and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes with her in your grungy East Village apartment while discussing art, history, philosophy, then making love with her for hours, well past midnight, and after you've both climaxed several times, lying in your messy bed together lighting up another smoke, knowing that everything is okay, even if only for the moment

>> No.2811636
File: 17 KB, 263x271, Honor.+Look+at+that+sexy+hair_50b11b_3899771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool fantasy bro

>> No.2811637

Thank god. I'd rather read a book.

>> No.2811639

made me cry, OP.

At least we can dream about such a girl, right?

>> No.2811643

Already did this, and hung around the arty east of part of London. It was shit, and I'm embarressed I was ever one of those people.

>> No.2811645

>tfw when you report OP for making threads that belong in /r9k/ and /soc/

>> No.2811646

>OP in charge of health
Do you even lift?

>> No.2811648


>tfw there are sad bibliophiles and authors who smoke compulsively and you are not one of them

>> No.2811650

She also has to have 'unkempt' or 'slightly tousled' hair

>> No.2811651

Why would you want that? Sounds vapid as hell, just a pointless hipster fantasy.
Also, smoking and sweaty sex sounds like it would smell nasty.

>> No.2811655

>have a girlfriend
>take her out for food and walks
>have sex for hours
>talking for more hours
>miss out on precious reading time

fuck that

>> No.2811656

>wears black rimmed glasses, and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes with her in your grungy East Village apartment

>> No.2811660

>tfw I have a cute, quirky, bookish, writer friend who is a girl, who might be a possible future gf, who wears parade jackets and doesn't pollute her body, and when we meet up, we discuss theatre, writing and sex. And when I'm with her, even getting lost is perfect.

>> No.2811665

>who might be a possible future gf
>we discuss theatre, writing and sex
I hate to break this to you... you're just friends

>> No.2811669

Men are for intellectual discourses, women are for sex.

>> No.2811672

>take her out for food and walks
You're thinking of a dog, man.

>> No.2811673

>people who've never spoken to a woman for over a minute

>> No.2811674
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>> No.2811683

OP is high school.

>> No.2811687
File: 136 KB, 700x467, Julie, my hipster ex-gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2811691
File: 46 KB, 489x397, Isabel, another one of my hipster ex-gf's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic also related

>> No.2811693

But prettier and less slutty.

>> No.2811695

>tfw you fufill all of the requirements, but you're overweight, so men with irrational standards don't even look at you.
Yeah. Keep talking.

>> No.2811696

Smokers fucking stink

>> No.2811700

If that's really the only problem, you probs need to lose some weight.

>> No.2811703
File: 90 KB, 640x560, 399772_1560069676832_193850226_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this for 6 months until a few days ago if you substitute Bushwick for the East Village (this isnt the fucking 80s pal)

>> No.2811708

stay impotent /mu/

>> No.2811711

>implying you don't have to be celibate to be seriously discussing philosophy
>implying a girl wearing black rimmed glasses and drinking coffee will know anything valuable about art

>> No.2811712


>> No.2811719

>tfw when I'd rather have a cute, quirky, bookish artist girlfriend who wears black lipstick, drinks tea with me in my off-Main Street victorian manor while discussing art, history, philosophy, then snuggling with me on the pillows in my raja-styled parlor.

>> No.2811726

Why do I have to loose weight? I'm not trying to be bitchy here, but why don't those of you trying find girlfriends to stop calling everything that weights more than 50 kilo a landwhale? I'm nice, smart and funny. I'm not ugly, I'm easy going, I can cook, I have good taste in music and films, honestly, I have to look like Emma Watson too?

>> No.2811728

you're probably living in some shithole town if you live off of main st.

>> No.2811732


>black lipstick

I'm 13. I'm mall-goth. It's the 90's.

>> No.2811733

Personally I'd prefer a stupid but good looking gf than an intelligent but uhly one.

>> No.2811734

how much do you weigh, femanon? I had a chubby gf for years, loved her, didnt care about her weight. Not everybody's looking for a skinny-ass bitch.

>> No.2811736

So you weigh how many kilos?

>> No.2811739

>I have good taste in music and films
I bet you have a good taste in food as well fatty

>> No.2811740


>being a nigger
>dating a race traitor

Just gross shit all around, you probably engage in homosexual behaviour as well.

>> No.2811742

Moving on...

nothing. This thread belongs on /r9k/

>> No.2811743
File: 37 KB, 1024x768, Jane-in-Control-daria-68908_1024_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2811744

A Spell for Chameleon deals with just that.

>> No.2811746

You bet your ass I do

>> No.2811747
File: 314 KB, 1280x960, 471729_10150629273826087_502881086_9717097_1800448729_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or an idyllic New England hamlet.

>> No.2811749

You're just asking for abuse, be it intentional or unintentionally degrading.

Physical appearance is not a definitive matter. Conscious perception greatly alters how people appear. I've met more than one woman who I found to be of mediocre or subpar attractiveness, but as time went on I found more and more attractive due to her charm/charisma/intelligence and personality in general. Anonymous forums do not allow for this kind of relationship, so it's pretty much impossible for people to judge others off of anything except for their immediate impressions.

>> No.2811751


Main street, in my town, is the center for the historic district, where aging - but cultured - yuppies clash with artsy faux-ne'er-do-wells, all surrounded by urban architecture from the late 19th century. It's actually pretty boss. Since no one is willing to put in the upkeep work on most of the surrounding manor houses, they're going for cheap. Most expensive one is only 400k and that's onyl because everything in it has already been refurbished.

>> No.2811753

>New England
There's a reason it's named after a shithole with terrible weather

>> No.2811757

>you will never be a pretentious pseudo-intellectual who has an ugly unemployed girlfriend

feels good man

>> No.2811766

Why are you trying to get with morons that waste time on 4chan? Unless you weigh 200 pounds, go out and be confident in your body. Curves are delicious.

>> No.2811778

You physically disgust me. The amount of work required to stay slim (for a female) is extremely low. Believe it or not, looking like a plump little Nurgling speaks volumes of one's personality—laziness and lack of ambition are not attractive qualities.

Stop encouraging this poor woman to slide into a fetid spiral-plunge of obesity.

>> No.2811788

Does anyone have the /fit/ picture that goes from fit to skinny fat, builtfat, and then obese?

She may benefit from this jpg

>> No.2811793

what do you mean by 'arty'? drug junkie hipster bisexual pseudo-anarchist?

>> No.2811795

He means Camden.

>> No.2811797

girls like that are a dime a dozen

>> No.2811799

>irrational standards
how is asking you to lose weight irrational??

>> No.2811808

Guys, I really want to get laid for not being special or working hard at anything! Fuck this gay earth


>> No.2811812

>tfw you reference to a book on /lit/ and no one seems to get it

Its cool guy, I had the hots for chameleon too

>> No.2811814

>drug junkie
>drug junkie
>drug junkie

Sheltered child detected

>> No.2811825

If I asked you to make your penis bigger, because I think it's too small, is that rational?
You're asking someone to change something about them because it doesn't suit you personally.

>> No.2811830

What about depression or medication?

>> No.2811831
File: 13 KB, 264x306, 1289215865354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd settle for any girlfriend, really.

>> No.2811832


Camden Town isn't even close to East Ldn, Brick Lane maybe. I was there the other day, fucking "boutiques" that find a tshirt in a charity shop, buy it for a penny and resell it "retro vintage" for a hundred pounds. Sums up the vapidness that is hipsterdom.

>> No.2811837


Do you live in CT?

>> No.2811838

comparing dick enlargement to weight loss is what irrational is, love.
anyway, if you aren't full blown landwhale(and unlike what you think the limit for most guys isn't 50kg) you have most likely encountered many guys that have been attracted to you.

>> No.2811851
File: 31 KB, 463x454, american-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you, i'm beautiful. There's nothing wrong with us big girls, you misogynists just want us to look like the anorexic girls in your boys magazines.

>> No.2811853


I like in the south, NC way.

>> No.2811855

Penis size is genetics, weight is not. (dont give me any thyroids bullshit)
Stay mad female, men dont like excuse makers. Weight is easily controllable, stop acting like its as intrinsic to your nature as race or eye color.

>> No.2811868
File: 115 KB, 1000x800, 1329691334168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2811871

>tfw when you don't fall for that cutesy hipster girl bullshit

>tfw you're smart

>tfw when you have taste in women too

>> No.2811872 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 480x480, Min bild 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't have to be interested in books or anything you mentioned, OP.
Looking like this would do it for me, I'm not greedy.

>> No.2811876

Personally, I find physical activity to be extremely attractive. Much more than 'good taste' and 'niceness'.
The fact is, most people with 'good taste' just browsed /mu/ or /lit/ for a week and got a few suggestions, it doesn't say anything about them as a person.
Being healthy shows that you're determined, intelligent (at least, enough to care about your health), healthy, take good care of yourself, and have lots of energy. If you really want to be attractive, you need to work towards it. Things like taste are a nice perk, but the things like intelligence, honesty, and having a good body are what matters in a relationship, and all of those take hard work.

>> No.2811879

I've had two of these OP. Go kill yourself.

>> No.2811881
File: 106 KB, 633x758, 1319941356545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 808s & Heartbreak

>> No.2811882

In love it all but quirky. I prefer my artsy girls to be down-to-earth

>> No.2811891

>girl is trying to talk to me at a party
>tell her "excuse me" and talk about Borges with some dude with a jew fro

>> No.2811894
File: 8 KB, 203x152, logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 808s & Heartbreak
Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?

>> No.2811896

my nigga.

>> No.2811900

>Why do I have to loose weight? I'm not trying to be bitchy here, but why don't those of you trying find girlfriends to stop calling everything that weights more than 50 kilo a landwhale?

I know I haven't been part of this discussion, but I'm not fat. So I'm not going to date someone below my value as a human being. I happen to be intelligent and genuine as well, but I also care about my body. A woman who is so lazy that it ruins her appearance simply does not deserve the glory of my 4.5 inch penis.

>> No.2811902

>girl is trying to talk to me at a party
>she's fat
>ignore her and continue doing pushups while reading Infinite Jest on my Droid.

>> No.2811917
File: 98 KB, 732x671, monday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being healthy shows that you're determined, intelligent (at least, enough to care about your health), healthy, take good care of yourself, and have lots of energy. If you really want to be attractive, you need to work towards it.

mfw I look fucking great. I don't work out, my diet consists of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, but I am quite toned because I spend hours in warehouses and clubs, pounding the dancefloors while on various combinations of stimulants.

>> No.2811923

Glad to see you agree.
In my experience taste means very little compared to actually being healthy. Also, when you hit middle age/marriage you're going to balloon up if you don't live a healthy life style, I would not want to be in a long term relationship with an unhealthy intellectual.

>> No.2811932

>I am quite toned because I spend hours in warehouses and clubs, pounding the dancefloors while on various combinations of stimulants

>I am quite toned because I am 5'10" and 120lbs


>> No.2811933

Do most people not realize this?

>> No.2811940

>but I am quite toned because I spend hours in warehouses and clubs, pounding the dancefloors while on various combinations of stimulants.

That's still working out, although prolonged use of stimulants can't be too healthy. You should probably cut back on the cigarettes too.

>> No.2811943

What's the point of living longer if you're not living?

>> No.2811949

>defines living as poisoning his body


>> No.2811958

Death is inevitable, many actions bring it closer. One may become so obssessed with living for the sake of a longer existance that one dare not cross the road or leave the house.

>> No.2811959

Defines living as having the most amount of fun today instead of worrying about tomorrow.

>> No.2811960

Judging from all the "tfw no patrician gf" threads on /mu/ and that hambeast we had earlier, apparently not.

I'm not telling you to stop dancing, I'm not even telling you to stop using drugs, you should just cut back on the more poisonous ones.

>> No.2811962


Fuck you. It's because of your shitty mentality that my parents never got health insurance for me, or put any money away for my education.

>> No.2811963

Yeah that doesn't give you a valid excuse to be a shithead though.

>> No.2811966

>It's because of your shitty mentality that my parents never got health insurance for me, or put any money away for my education.

>You are a disappointment and a failure

>Eat shit, kid

>> No.2811968


Where do you live? We should meet up and make sweet tender love down by the fire.

>> No.2811969


What? Just because you're on 4chan doesn't mean you have to greentext everything, shit. Try complete sentences, please.

>> No.2811974

No. For one she's smiling. A pseudo-intelectual whore would have this arrogant look on her face, as she were above all.

>> No.2811975

2/10 would not bang

>> No.2811977


get over here bro

>> No.2811980

>Just because you're on 4chan doesn't mean you have to greentext everything, shit.

>Just because you cam out of Mommy's vagina doesn't mean she has to shell out thousands of dollars so that you can smoke weed and read postmodern shit for 4 years.

>> No.2811983

She just has to be a 7/10+ and I'm okay.

>> No.2811987
File: 70 KB, 625x625, 1299606482987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live OP's fantasy

>> No.2811988
File: 28 KB, 549x366, DSC00023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She just has to be a 7/10+ and I'm okay.

What about the girl 2nd from left?

>> No.2811992

Bad photo quality so I can't make an accurate judgment, but she seems average to me. 5/10. Strictly Average Joe material.

>> No.2812004
File: 70 KB, 1859x737, why is lit so gullible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck is wrong with you /lit/

>> No.2812013

>not what the theoretical fuck

>> No.2812030

>New England

Foriegner detected. You probably think people actually call Boston "Beantown"

>> No.2812031


they exist, just not around guys like you

>> No.2812046

>have a girlfriend
>we do all this
>every day

By the way, I'm a girl.

>> No.2812064

Fat lesbo bitch hog!

>> No.2812081


Bookish girls are anorexic, not fat.

>> No.2812087

Finally someone understands

>> No.2812110
File: 19 KB, 462x406, 1327925162118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to take up smoking and drinking so i can be an artistic patrician

>> No.2812112


If you're not yet smoking and drinking you shouldn't be on /lit/.


>> No.2812115

Christ OP, I actually laughed out loud. The picture was the real capstone to your comic achievement.

>> No.2812119

You can't be serious. Low and behold, the scum of the literature community.

>> No.2812127


>> No.2812128


Get a load of this puritan, everyone.

>> No.2812130

Please delete this thread.

>> No.2812169

If she got in better shape I would definitely date her.

>> No.2812178

You mean the one on the far right?

>> No.2812260

no, i don't honestly give a fuck unless you are full landwhale or have a face like the hunchback of notre dame - in fact i would bang naughties with someone like you anyday. let's get to it.

>> No.2812269

sounds like you just want a man with a vagina

>> No.2812369

111 posts and 18 image replies of non-/lit/ omitted.

>> No.2812385

>his face is my face

>> No.2812503

Holy shit, where in NC?

>> No.2813705
