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2811183 No.2811183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The education of women will always correspond to men's opinion about them. Don't we know how men regard women: Wein, Weib und Gesang, and what the poets say in their verses? Take all poetry, all pictures and sculpture, beginning with love poems and the nude Venuses and Phrynes, and you will see that woman is an instrument of enjoyment; she is so on the Truba and the Grachevka, and also at the Court balls. And note the devil's cunning: if they are here for enjoyment and pleasure, let it be known that it is pleasure and that woman is a sweet morsel. But no, first the knights-errant declare that they worship women (worship her, and yet regard her as an instrument of enjoyment), and now people assure us that they respect women. Some give up their places to her, pick up her handkerchief; others acknowledge her right to occupy all positions and to take part in the government, and so on.

>> No.2811189

They emancipate women in universities and in law courts, but continue to regard her as an object of enjoyment. Teach her, as she is taught among us, to regard herself as such, and she will always remain an inferior being. Either with the help of those scoundrels the doctors she will prevent the conception of offspring -- that is, will be a complete prostitute, lowering herself not to the level of an animal but to the level of a thing -- or she will be what the majority of women are, mentally diseased, hysterical, unhappy, and lacking capacity for spiritual development. High schools and universities cannot alter that. It can only be changed by a change in men's outlook on women and women's way of regarding themselves.

>> No.2811186

They do all that, but their outlook on her remains the same. She is a means of enjoyment. Her body is a means of enjoyment. And she knows this. It is just as it is with slavery. Slavery, you know, is nothing else than the exploitation by some of the unwilling labor of many. Therefore to get rid of slavery it is necessary that people should not wish to profit by the forced labor of others and should consider it a sin and a shame. But they go and abolish the external form of slavery and arrange so that one can no longer buy and sell slaves, and they imagine and assure themselves that slavery no longer exists, and do not see or wish to see that it does, because people still want and consider it good and right to exploit the labor of others, and as long as they consider that good, there will always be people stronger or more cunning than others who will succeed in doing it. So it is with the emancipation of woman: the enslavement of woman lies simply in the fact that people desire and think it good, to avail themselves of her as a tool of enjoyment. Well, and they liberate woman, give her all sorts of rights equal to man, but continue to regard her as an instrument of enjoyment, and so educate her in childhood and afterwards by public opinion. and there she is, still the same humiliated and depraved slave, and the man still a depraved slave- owner.

>> No.2811218

>It can only be changed by a change in men's outlook on women and women's way of regarding themselves.
Seeing as these behaviors are biologically hardwired, it is never going to happen.

>> No.2811222

Not true, fuck off sociopath.

I bet you use biology as an excuse to not change a shitty part of your personality.

>> No.2811231

No, I use it as motivation to keep improving my mind and my body.

>> No.2811241

>it is never going to happen.

your logic

>> No.2811245

What? I embrace the status quo, I am perfectly happy with adapting to fit into it.

>> No.2811254
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>Seeing as these behaviors are biologically hardwired, it is never going to happen.

Actually, studies are showing socialization of infants as one of the biggest factors, with innate differences in core cognition being next to non-existant. Do your research next time, k?

>> No.2811255
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>> No.2811256

>I can adapt
>Seeing as these behaviors are biologically hardwired, it is never going to happen.

Can't have it both ways, peniscrotch.

>> No.2811268

The main problem is that women are unintentionally mysoginists themselves.
Either they reject it or they pride themselves on it, they still define interests and jobs as "manly" and "feminine" and either try to mirror men or adhere to feminine stereotypes. There's hardly any enjoyment or life path for the sake/enjoyment of it.

Nope, we range from silly women who look for strong men, are always on a diet and list romance, shopping and gossip among their interests to 'strong independent' women who are basically grown up tomboys and love to rub in your face they like to do sports or gaming and would never be caught in a skirt.

Also, the competition among females is something horrifying. Men are able to be bros and all, women keep drawing comparisons and friendships are less strong.

>> No.2811269 [DELETED] 

this thread proves how much biology ags are stupid and wrong.

>> No.2811280

The problem is saying such a thing is masculine or feminine and saying that the activity is inherit to one gender.
Then you got men running around saying how much they are better than women and this creates insecurity.
You could also say that in primitive times men were complete sociopaths and if women did not bend to their will then they would of killed them and so they wouldn't of passed on their genes.


>> No.2811290


>> No.2811305

> The problem is saying such a thing is masculine or feminine and saying that the activity is inherit to one gender.
Exactly. But it's not to blame on men rather than society and media.
Little girls grow up with the myth of physical hotness and low assertiveness and are discouraged on learning (especially in the scientific field)
Little boys grow up thinking they must be strong, buff, rich and charismatic and that women are nothing but pretty lays.

Luckily I've had amazing parents who never forced me in any way and showed me I could enjoy both building things, reading and cooking without stereotyping myself. But most parents aren't that cool, just browsing online questions you'll find preteens wondering if being loving action games would turn them lesbian or which hair dye boys find more 'hawt'

My aunt bought her toddler a bracelet saying 'sexy' I kinda find it revolting

>> No.2811331

>they wouldn't of
>wouldn't of


>> No.2811448

It is not the men's fault. Or the women's fault.
It is the stupid people's fault for generalizing from their own limited view of history and culture and it is the fault of the smart people that they haven't educated them.
It's everybody's fault.

>> No.2811527
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>> No.2811540

Yes, this is the outcome of second wave feminist thinking. But third wave feminism actually EMBRACES femininity. So you have something of an active critique if we were in say the 1970s

>> No.2811560
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>> No.2811563
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>tfw "misogynist" (radical feminist/masculist) and this articulates exactly how you feel

This is refreshing to read. Thanks OP!

>> No.2811991
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The thing is, if I were beautiful (male or female) why wouldn't I just jump on that easy pleasure? Is there any motivation for a 10/10 to gain any kind of spiritual depth? Why would I want to sit around reading Nietzsche instead of having people tell me I'm beautiful?

I consider myself a bit lucky to have been quite good looking, gone through a phase of looking like shit, growing emotionally in that period and retrieving my looks later on.Suffering will make you grow. It's made me a better person and now I've managed to have best of both worlds. But for a girl/woman, who's been beautiful from birth. Cradled in her parents arms since a child and then into adolescence, where is the need to learn about yourself?

I don't know and if I my daughter were attractive, would I not do the same kind of "anything for my little princess" pampering? I fucking hope not. That bitch is gonna be reading Shakespeare from an early age. Starting with the comedies.

Maybe if female beauty didn't peak at such an early age we'd find more maturity among the really beautiful. Men tend to have a way of aging slowly and well, but you still find the same vain narcissism in these people.


>> No.2812019

>Maybe if female beauty didn't peak at such an early age we'd find more maturity among the really beautiful. Men tend to have a way of aging slowly and well,

This. Girls usually peak towards late teens, then slowly decline into sneering jealousy and plastic surgery. Men can hold out till their 30's quite easily.

>> No.2812032

Patriarchy is a problem. Matriarchy would also be a problem. True equality cannot exist. and as for Objectification of women in the modern age get over it, western/capitalist society is ruled by megacorporations who promote gender stereotype and all kind of stereotype through all media and advertising, men are also objectified, sex sells and so it is part of our media and always will be, gender roles are profitable and it will not change. It is not the inherent evil of one gender. The newest example would be the film Magic Mike which is a complete objectification of the male gender and just as damaging as any sexual objectification of women.

Stop looking at me as the enemy. I am not responsible for the evils of other men, and I do not have to denounce my masculinity to prove that. Feminism plays the same role as any ism, to divide the people, the enemy is not each other.

>> No.2812041

All the ugly chicks carry on about feminism. They get angry if you don't agree what they say. It is because their brains are less developed because they are closer to the apes.

>> No.2812042

It's true but I think a big difference is men don't seem to peak in their teens. Maybe it's a cultural thing that makes us value young girls, I don't know. Personally I think a woman 25-37 is prime. But that's just me.

Anyway. There doesn't seem to be the same peak with men when they hit 16. Only weird fags and pedos are into that. Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian.

>> No.2812054

> Stop looking at me as the enemy. I am not responsible for the evils of other men, and I do not have to denounce my masculinity to prove that. Feminism plays the same role as any ism, to divide the people, the enemy is not each other.

My nigga.

If there is anything we should fight, it is late capitalism. The post modern condition won't change until capitalism changes. Whether we should fight or how we should fight this...my opinions change every week.

>> No.2812062

A lot of girls look best in late teens, but those girls are usually not that attractive. Those who look best around their 30s tend to look attractive throughout their lives.

>> No.2812134


i fucking love cooking, sewing cool patterns on to shit, and working on cars and shooting guns.

>> No.2812139


found the source

>> No.2812141

>sewing cool patterns on to shit


>> No.2812143

>tfw you are now a big intimidating bear but on the inside you're still a small girly little boy with long greasy emo hair who will cry at the slightest thing

>> No.2812145

Yeah taking a dick up your ass is how you obviously man the fuck up.

>> No.2812147

Nice. I haven't read The Kreutzer Sonata but I've heard good things. It's from his later period and basically in the story he comes to the conclusion that he shouldn't have married his wife, ever had sex, or ever fathered a dozen children or however many it was.

I love Tolstoy even when he verges on the insane.

>> No.2812158

aw ye

The key is to know when to be the bear and when the be the girl...in order to get the girl.

>> No.2812162


Look at me! I love so mediocrity so much that I can adapt to it. Look how much better I am than you.

Shoot me now.

>> No.2812223

In a nutshell, males and females are basically the same genetically, but are different in certain key areas because of our evolutionary past: males being stronger, larger, and physically superior in many ways, more tolerant of pain, more willingness to take risks, and having more intellectual variance to females being smaller and weaker, making high investment into offspring, having stronger immune systems as well as greater durability, and intellectually clustering around the mean. There have been tons of books on this very subject by competent researchers. Oh, and none of them ever get into discussions of "superior" and "inferior." Most researchers tend to see these differences between the sexes as complementary, not as those that can be pejoratively used to rank one sex above the other.

>> No.2812228

> lucid discussion on the subject of the sexes

Care to recommend some books?

>> No.2812229

>males more tolerant of pain

>> No.2812239

>There have been tons of books on this very subject by competent researchers.

male researchers?

>> No.2812242
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I am just a beginner in dealings with women, and have only had intercourse with women who sell sex. A man who has been further initiated into the mysteries could probably tell you more. Still, I'll speak on in defence of women, even though I have limited experience. A woman's body is moist in the clinch, and her lips are soft in response to kisses. On account of this she holds the man's body in her arms, with it completely joined to her flesh, and he is surrounded with pleasure when he has intercourse with her. She stamps her kisses on his lips like seals on wax, and when she has experience she can make her kisses sweeter, by not only wishing to use her lips, but also her teeth, grazing round her lover's mouth and biting his kisses. And her breast when it is caressed provides its own particular pleasure. At the height of orgasm she goes mad with pleasure, and opens her mouth in passion. At this time tongues keep company with each other, and so far as possible they also make love to one another; you can make your pleasures greater by opening your mouth to her kisses. Towards the end of the orgasm the woman begins to pant with hot pleasure.

>> No.2812247
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To me you sound less like a beginner in sex than an old pro, surrounding us with all these female complications. Now listen to what I have to say in defence of boys. Everything women do is false, both in words and actions. Even if a woman appears to be beautiful, it is the laborious contrivance of make-up. Her beauty is all perfume, or hair dye, or potions. And if you strip her of all these devices, she'll look like the jackdaw in the fable, stripped of all his feathers. A boy's beauty isn't fostered by the scent of myrrh or by other false odours; a boy's sweat smells sweeter than all women's perfumes...

>> No.2812250
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>> No.2812257


>> No.2812267

I just copied it off an amazon review because I cant really express how I think about this subject without sounding retarded.

at the bottom though she (yes she) recommends some books

>> No.2812271

what the fuck is wrong with you
you don't defend boys by going on a hate rant against women.

did screwtape go on a hate rant against men? no he didn't.

fuck off back to /r9k/, nerd

>> No.2812346
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>mfw I was samefagging

>> No.2812349

because they're from the same corpus