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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 220x331, 220px-50ShadesofGreyCoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2810610 No.2810610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reading this at the moment, it's quite good actually, anyone else reading it?

>> No.2810614


>> No.2810633

I've been off 4chan and /lit/ for half a year now and this is my first night back again. I've been sensing /lit/'s stigma against this book. Is the author the new Tao Lin?

>> No.2810641

this is kind of like the new worse twilight (for posting on /lit/ that is).

>> No.2810646

i started it but it hasn't gotten interesting yet and the people aren't believable. nobody can have grey eyes.
author is a woman so i think it might end up being like only women can find this book stimulating but i will continue reading because i hate myself

>> No.2810647

I'm reading it as well. Thought it was all right for a while, but it gets tiring after a while. The prose is super dull, the plot is boring and doesn't really go anywhere. Had to quit halfway through, but I'm probably gonna finish it some time.

How far are you?

>> No.2810656

The book is aged at middle age'd women for it's pornographic material, i also agree that the plot is dull, but it's still interesting to me.

>> No.2810657

I started it, got to about chapter 5 and gave up. (that's a rarity for me)

I don't know what people seem to like about it, it's sensual, I'll give it that, but the plot is dull and the characters are face-slappingly fictitious and not believable.

>> No.2810669

I can't believe we can actually have some civilized criticism of it. Threads like this usually turn into biased shit-flinging from people who haven't read the material instantly.

>> No.2810676

u want sensual check that shit out if that don't get your rocks off

then you should probably only get soft core porn

>> No.2810706

how are the sex scenes?

>> No.2810717

The writing is so bad I couldn't even fap to it.

>> No.2810723

Not the best porn material though.

>> No.2810743

>the people aren't believable. nobody can have grey eyes.


>> No.2810785

i am fucking sick and tired of the repeated successed of untalented, desperate writers. i would sooner cut my cock of with a piece of paper and pour vinegar on the wound than read this terrbile assortment of cum-laden, hackney-prose ridden pages. as for you, op, you fucking amish, cock-devouring, trans-progressive-pseudo intellectual, growth-stunted, basest-of-all-things, hoary-skinned, subjugated drudge of life: you are the unskilled labourer of the working class; the refuse of things hardly worthwhile; the foul-smelling scent that feces evicts from its pith like the aborted mistake-child of a harlot's womb. now take your repugnant post and fuck off so that your repellant image might sooner be cut away from my mind and my contentedness no longer marred by your very existence.

>> No.2810804

this book reminds me of that porno they claimed was art

>> No.2810816

Finished reading all three, terrible terrible books that are predictable and stupid. Ana is a tool and Christian is an asshole.
However first book I've read that introduced me to the world of BDSM, now reading more hardcore stuff which is definitely more thrilling.

>> No.2811003
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>> No.2811017

I'm on chapter 13. It's not very good but honestly I think it's better than The Hunger Games. Suzanne Collins' prose is unreadable. The book is pretty tiresome. I've had to take a break after each chapter and read something else. I'm not even turned on by the sex scenes yet when I read Norwegian Wood and Catch-22 my dick was so hard I had to stop and masturbate several times. My girlfriend told me that she can't read it for more than 20 minutes without having to stop because she is so turned on. She also told me it's the best book she has ever read but she reads shitty books. 50 Shades gives me something to talk about with women but I wouldn't recomend it to anyone.

>> No.2811084

what kind of whore would be turned on by that?
is she self-loathing or something?

fuck submissives
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.2811794

She does like it when I pull her hair and call her a slut while I fuck her from behind. I've only done it a few times though because I'm not that kind of guy. She is pretty psycho, I don't see our relationship going anywhere but she is my best friend and I love spending time with her.

>> No.2811800

(All women like that).

>> No.2811804

You and what army?

>> No.2811806

The French Army.

>> No.2811807
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We will have no mercy.

>> No.2811817

Some of those gentlemen have potential. All that is needed is a good year of army boot camp, followed by a date with a stylist and hair dresser. And fifty slaps to the face to ween them off the pony shit.

>> No.2811820

It's an ero book written by a virgin hambeast. It started out as a twilight fanfiction, which was then namescrubbed. It's supposed to be about kinky BDSM between a CEO and an intern, but the sex is all vanilla. I think the kinkiest thing they get to is a buttplug. He has an ENTIRE ROOM of kinky sex toys and furnature, and it doesn't get used.

That's all you need to know. There are a few good blogs out there posting reviews of it, either book by book or chapter by chapter, and tearing this shit up. On the bright side, if you want to read it, the material is so light that one could knock the series out in a week.

>> No.2811821

(All men like that).

>> No.2811822


spot /lit/

>> No.2811826
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>> No.2811829
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>> No.2811835

>girlfriend tells me she bought 50 Shades of Grey
>laugh it off like it's nothing
>when she's busy I take the book from her bag
>she finds me burning it on a bonfire
>"You fucking arsehole that was my bo-"
>silence her by throwing money at her
>every time she tries to complain I wave a fiery stick at her

>> No.2811841

I think the guy in his dads leather jacket and the kid behind the guy in a three piece suit could possibly be transformed into normal men, but the rest of them are doomed to a life of basements and cheeseburgers.

>> No.2811885
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>> No.2811910


>> No.2811925

Women don't like being dominated because it is hot; it's because they are fucked in the head and self-loathing.

A man may like dominating and being dominated because it is hot but a woman on other hand only wants only to be dominated every time you have sex and also even wants to dominated in the relationship.

what the fuck, those cavemen must of really raped all the cavewomen constantly

>> No.2811927

>ruining the minds of our ladies with such filth
feminazi liberal blabbering as usual

>> No.2811929

People have always known this is profitable. Mills and Boon ffs.

>> No.2811946

>oh jeez
>oh jeez
>I fuck...hard
>oh jeez
This book is objectively godawful and it's hilarious that some plebs rail on others for being 'biased' against it.

>> No.2811950
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but women only like smut written by retarded 16 yr old girls

they dum

herd mentality if there ever was one amirite guys

>> No.2812220

The lady who wrote the book is like 50.

>> No.2812339

I read all three of them today. Shit was so cash.

>> No.2812347

I'm reading it right now.

The characters are unbelievable. I think I'd enjoy the book more if the dominant man wasn't a billionaire 27 year old Adonis who can also fly helicopters

I mean, le fuck?

>> No.2812380

As a male I find it hard identifying with Christain Grey. He is so obiously created in a female mind and it doesn't feel like he is behaving the way most men really do. I wonder is this is how women feel when they read most books.

>> No.2812451

Most women can't write good male characters. They only write what they want males to be like. Most women want men to be a certain way, and when they discover males are nothing like what they read in books or see in movies, all sorts of mess follows.

>> No.2812458

Yeah, man, unlike that Dostoevsky guy.

>> No.2812651

I jerked off to his books too.

>> No.2812673

Do you think it works the same way with men writing about women?

>> No.2812682

Physical age and mental age two very different things.

>> No.2812691

Too bad we'll never know. No women use 4chan.

>> No.2812721



“How do you write women so well?”
“I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.”

>> No.2812733

totally. Us reading about the unattainable male model in female erotica must be like women seeing the unattainable female in regular pornography.

However, being a great user of pornography, I understand it. But you don't see me complaining to the media about poor body image.

>> No.2812742
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it's really telling what each gender is capable of by their fantasy other

All men want is a hot young bitch with big tits who is loyal and a huge whore but only to him.

All women want is a 6'8 body builder CEO who flies helicopters for fun and physically and emotionally abuses them

>> No.2812788

Yes. It loos like men can't stray away from the absolutes, women are either gentle, helpless feminine things, strong and aggressive and pretty much a men's shadow or incredibly bitchy and uptight. And men usually have a hard time with sex scenes, some like GRRM are especially bad at this.

>> No.2812790

I'm only now hearing about this book. Checked the wikipedia page and apparently it's the fastest selling paberback of all time. A **fan fiction** novel, fastest selling of all time.

Is this significant? I don't want to believe. We can't have seriously sunk that low.


>> No.2812821

Do you seriously think they haven't been churning out shitty books for hundreds of years?

>> No.2812845

Fan fiction, man.

Fan fiction...

>> No.2812909

Yes, I know it's fan fiction. I'm reading it. It is far from good but I've read worse shit that has been published. I've never read fan fiction before but if you think the reason 50 Shades of Grey is bad is because it's fan fiction you're dense.

>> No.2812925


>> No.2812933

Yes, that's right, it's not bad because it's fan fiction. It's bad because it utterly misrepresents sexuality, is sexist towards both genders, offends the very idea of BDSM, and does this all through a voice with the maturity of a 13-year-old.

>> No.2812968

This book probably wouldn't have taken off if it weren't fan fiction, and that is what's sad about this. Fan fiction is inherently worse than the worst original creation. The fact that this book is poorly written is not the shocking part.

So yes, it being fan fiction is part of what makes it bad.

>> No.2813013

>American Psycho writer Bret Easton Ellis publicly expressed his desire to write the screenplay for the film stating, "I'm putting myself out there to write the movie adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey..." (http://laist.com/2012/06/09/50_shades_of_patrick_bateman_bret_e.php))
Won't someone put this creature out of its misery?

>> No.2813320


>> No.2813325

Is this the shitty, unfunny Gilbert Gottfried skit? I am going to assume it is, and avoid opening it.

>> No.2813332

Have a little fun.

>> No.2813357

Have you ever seen the colour grey?

>> No.2813371


>> No.2813384


I read a few pages of the book and it was fucking horrid.

>> No.2813397

50 Shades of Grey
Read by Gilbert Gottfried

>> No.2813783

I think a lot of people are jumping on the bash 50 Shades of Grey bandwagon. I'm half way through it and it's not a great book but if you keep in mind that it's written for unintelligent women while you read it then it makes sense why it's popular.

>> No.2813968

Why would you even read that shit faggot?

>> No.2814064

Just deleted a thread about this, didn't see this one.

My ex girlfriend texted me out of the blue today, and told me she was reading it and it made her think of me.

Is this a bad thing?

>> No.2814074

if you like bdsm then no

>> No.2814076


>> No.2814078
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Now might be a right time to go back there and beat that pussy up.

>> No.2814092

Yeah, she wants to fuck.

>> No.2814110
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>> No.2814972

I'm reading it because it gives me an excuse to talk about sex with women. I just learned how to tie a handcuff knot with a tie. I'm going to use it next time I have sex with my ex girlfriend because she likes this book.

>> No.2815005

Oh lit

>> No.2815051

What is all this hipster garbage?

>> No.2815225

Does the book actually get you laid?

>> No.2815271

Sure is plebian in here.

>> No.2815467

Yeah I read the sample and I don't think I would be mentally capable of going any further. Like if someone offered me a hundred dollars to read the series I probably couldn't... a thousand maybe but I'll me hating life.

>> No.2815516

I'm reading it because my girlfriend is. It isn't good by any measure but it's not as horrible as people are making it sound on here. /lit/ is mostly high schoolers trying to sound smart. I read my college text books pretty much cover to cover so I'm used to reading things I don't necessarily want to. Honestly I would much rather read 50 shades of grey than a sociology text book.

>> No.2815539

Why did you bump the thread?

>> No.2815548

Never bump these threads.


>> No.2815555

Why are you bumping it then?

>> No.2815573
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I went on a lunch break with some cute girl from work today and we eventually managed to bring this godforsaken piece of shit up in conversation.
She asked me if I had read it, I blatantly lied and said yes. She went on for nearly 15 minutes on how well written Shades of Grey was; she said that EL James would go down in history as one of the best writers of the century.
I looked at her, flabbergasted.
After she had finished flapping her lips at me, she asked me my thoughts on the novel. I told her that I agreed wholeheartedly with her claims, another blatant lie, and that I could recommend her some other literature based on her very patrician tastes. She seemed really happy after I told her that. Before I even could think twice, she set the date: nine o'clock, after work, my apartment.
I'm currently typing this post out while she sleeps beside me in bed. I never thought such a shitty book would get me laid, but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.2815577

She wants to fuck.

>> No.2815579

I'd end both you and her.

the best woman is one who is as visual as a man
\fuck submissive whores no respect for subs at all

>> No.2815584

I'd tell her she isn't worth my time and I have standards.


>> No.2815609

If I wrote like that I'd use a pseudonym too.

>> No.2815610

I assure you that's already been done. Twice.
Beautiful. Almost as good as Fifty Shades of Grey.
Trust me, I have standards myself. But I've been trying to get into this dame's pants since high school, and this was way back when I didn't know she had shitty taste in /lit/.

>> No.2815612

She wouldn't talk to you in the first place.

>> No.2815619
File: 169 KB, 600x412, dsnc009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a navy seal, fucker.

she will cream her pants over seeing me

pic is me and my kids

>> No.2815652

So you sleep with sand niggers?

>> No.2815682

Oh good I thought I was the only one who got turned on by Catch-22

>> No.2815696

>I'm a navy seal, fucker.


Don't even get me started on the pic.

>> No.2815719

They do fuck italian prostitues every other chapter.

>> No.2815789


>> No.2816359
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Can someone who already read it spoil it for me?
Wikipedia gives the impression there's just fucking with some "secret" the guy has, so what's it? (Assuming it's not that he needs anti-sparkle-lotion when going out into sunlight)
What plot is there apart from BDSM? I would never pick it up before knowing there's more to it, so go ahead and tell me everything. How does it end?

>> No.2816364

>I don't know what people seem to like about it, it's sensual, I'll give it that

"Her nipples puckered"
>Her nipples puckered


>> No.2816366

Horrible writing, horrible porn, horrible representation of BDSM.

I *like* BDSM, and I've already had to deal with idiots thinking my relationship is like the (super unhealthy!) one in these books.

I get the whole 'oh look, women are admitting they like porn' BS but fuck, can't it at least be *good* porn?

>> No.2816367

if anyone wants to see how ungodly bad the writing is, look here: http://50shadesofwat.tumblr.com/tagged/50+shades+of+grey/page/2

and she's sold more books than Kurt Vonnegut. Dontcha just hate people?

>> No.2816375

"My inner goddess is draped in a pink feather boa and diamonds, strutting her stuff in fuck-me shoes."

>> No.2816377

"I flush, and my inner goddess grabs a rose between her teeth and starts to tango."

>> No.2816378
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No, /lit/, YOU are the plebians.

>> No.2816380


It's painfully obvious it was written by a middle-aged sex-deprived hag. Sigh...

>> No.2816381

"Go girl! My inner goddess has her pom poms in hand - she’s in cheerleading mode."

>> No.2816386

This one is too good (read: bad) to not link: http://50shadesofwat.tumblr.com/post/25872710354/i-am-in-awe-of-you-i-want-you-and-the-thought

>> No.2816387
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"His fingers circle my ear, and very softly, he tugs my earlobe, rhythmically. It’s so sexual."

>> No.2816388


I've always wanted to read this, but I'm not sure it's even a real book. Pure genius.

>> No.2816391

I love this sort of awful shit, what are you talking about.
Wait, hold up, let me post an excerpt from Rough and Ready, by Sandra Hill. Enjoy.

"… Her long hair, still wet from the shower, had been combed down her back in a wet swath. Hilda was sitting on the floor, her round, wet boobs still wet from the shower’s water. She dried off the water with a towel, which then became wet.
Hilda gasped when she saw a reflection in her bedroom mirror: through the slightly open door, she caught a glimpse of the chiseled abs and square jaw of the mysterious stranger who shared her cabin. She stood and spun around, her breasts swinging heavily with the momentum. She grabbed the door and flung it open, revealing shirtless Torolf (which was seriously his name) quivering with desire in the hallway.
Torolf was ashamed at being caught, but his shame made him even hotter – hotter for sex. He stepped into the room, and his bulging abs accidentally smushed into Hilda’s rich chest.
As Hilda’s buttermilk bosoms squished up against his granite abs, Torolf almost had a dick aneurysm.
“Hilda,” Torolf murmured thickly, his throbbing meat wand pressing against Hilda’s warm thighs. “There is a secret I need to not tell you: You are my forbidden desire.”
Hilda had been waiting to hear these words. Her heart was lifted on golden wings and soared toward a radiant sun of perfect joy. She saw herself and Torolf happy together, bathed in the golden light of love. Her snooch got all warm, too.
“Torolf,” Hilda moaned, her lush teats straining with desire. “I need you.”

>> No.2816395

"Torolf, coarse abs pulsing softly in the moonlight, stood silently.
Hilda looked at him expectantly.
“Oh, sorry,” she added. “Torolf, I need you – sexually.”
At hearing those beautiful words, Torolf flexed his rough-hewn abs and Hilda found herself being guided to her soft bed by the sheer force of Torolf’s undulating midsection. She parted her thighs in anticipation, exposing the soft pink petals of her clunge.
Torolf entered her like she was a lottery. His engorged pecker pushed inside her and she felt fulfilled with sexual fulfillment.
Hilda clutched at the bedsheets with lust and ecstasy and her hands. Her spongy love mountains hurled to and fro with each pounding. Her body was like a beautiful flower that was opening and somebody was pushing their dick inside it.
Then Torolf moaned, arched his back, and suffered from dick Parkinson’s. He pumped in all of his hot pearlescent sperms as Hilda spasmed with so many orgasms!
The two lay still for a moment as the stinky scent of lovemaking billowed around the room.
Hilda got out of bed, still shimmering with orgasm. She glowed with contentment, like a cat who ate the cream of the crop.
She walked across the room and picked up her towel, still wet with shower water. “Torolf,” she said softly, “there’s something I have to tell you…”
But her bed was empty.
Torolf was gone, escaped out the bedroom window. In the distance, Hilda heard the fading sound of galloping abs."

>> No.2816400

"He's got both of my hands in his viselike grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his lips."

>> No.2816402

I haven't yet masturbated to a book, but I couldn't get through the movie Persona without taking a quick break

>> No.2816403

All those itt who claim yo be reading the book, PLEASE tell me you pirated it and didn't contribute at all to that talent-hole of a cunt who wrote this. For the love of god! Give your money to authors with skill

>> No.2816405

No, that's something someone wrote in the comments on a reddit thread.


Honestly, that writing is too good for romance novels. "clutched at the bedsheets with lust and ecstasy and her hands" is not, I'm fairly sure, part of that repertoire.

>> No.2816406

well that's disappointing.

>> No.2816408

This gotta be a joke, I mean, why ... what ... no way this was published in earnest. Seems this is supposed to be the Terry Pratchett of "Viking Time Travel Romance" novels.

>> No.2816409

tell me about it.



>> No.2816413
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"He smiles his dazzling head-cocked-to-one-side smile, and my stomach pole vaults over my spleen."

>> No.2816417

"This is wrong, but holy hell is it erotic."

>> No.2816424


"... my inner goddess is doing the meringue ..."


>> No.2816428

"I do love rounded meals,” he purred seductively as he pressed his slab of man meat against my bearded clam. “Pass the potatoes.”

What the fuuuck?

>> No.2816432

Laughter'd so hard.
I came with lulz at "Gary, so stinky"

Where is this from?

>> No.2816444

Someone wrote it as a standalone piece, for the express purpose of being funny.

iirc she also wrote a bunch of other ones, but none caught on like peeny-scented soap did.

>> No.2816475

Morning, after sex, the thic cloud formed by genital friction sill lingered in the room. Under the sheets are two naked humans, one with an Offerer, the other with an Acceptor. Then, when a beam of warm sunlight shone on the sheets at just the right spot, a peepee teepee was erected. What's this? A tricky litle boner! Say what? Yes, lookit, under the sheets, the man's got a rude hardon! Lomboni I think is his name. Lets wake him up and see what happens.


>> No.2816485


Is there a plot? Does anyone, even the girls, actually rad it or just flip through the pages to the next steamy sex scene?

>> No.2816490




>> No.2816492
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>I could gaze at him all day, but I have needs -- bathroom needs.

>> No.2816496

XD he stops every sentence to whine in an effeminate voice XDXDXD

>> No.2816500
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>bathroom needs

>> No.2816530

bitches who complain dudes watch too much porn need to fuck the fuck off after this shit, women are shit

>> No.2816542

the gilbert gottfried advert is good too, but it lacks the glorious commentary

>> No.2816544

Rage thread?


Lasted about 10 seconds.
>american women and their fucking colloqualism

>> No.2816549

/v/ here
We have a stickied thread about this stupid book

>> No.2816551

The /v/ mod is appalling, almost as bad as whoever came on here and left a sticky for an author's death up for an entire month

>> No.2816577

Should this series ever be read in an English class?

>> No.2816589

To show how not to use the English language, yes.


>> No.2816595

>Character named José
>Who actually says ¡Ay, caramba!
>'Like whore's drawers!'
>'My inner goddess'
>Endless and consecutive uses of ellipses
>I CAN do this, I CAN fuck him with my MOUTH!

Fuck you.

>> No.2816597


>implying that isn't better or equal to anything posted by a /lit/ member.

>> No.2816604

Holy shit this is awful.

Is the entire book written like this? I'm kind of interested in reading this because its bad writing sounds hilarious.

>> No.2816611

>Implying that I'm implying people here can write well.

>> No.2816623

I'm still hoping this shit will turn out to be a gateway drug to libertinism.

>> No.2816665

'"I think Daddy wants to taste popsicle, too,” I whisper in Ted’s little ear. Ted frowns at me, then looks at his hand and holds it out to Christian. Christian smiles and puts Ted’s fingers in his mouth.

Okay, what the fuck. That bitch is a sick cunt and deserves to be strung up by her clit.

>> No.2816668

>I've got several more good ideas but how do you follow this? I’ve set the bar quite high in terms of storytelling.

EL James in USA Today. yesimserious.jpg


>> No.2816672

this belongs in the /s/ thread

..oh wait, /s/ doesn't link to a SHIT thread.

>> No.2816685

'"You’re one challenging woman,” He kisses me, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.'

>> No.2816689
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"And then his girth was in my hand and I was like ‘Oh my…holy crap’ and then he stuck his stick into my canal like a train full of cabaret dancing sperm and my vagina was Broadway."

>> No.2816693

Bitch never met Gary Oak.

>> No.2816694

Is that... her son? Is she sexualizing her son?

>> No.2816695

'His pointer finger circled my puckered love cave. “Are you ready for this?” he mewled, smirking at me like a mother hamster about to eat her three-legged young.'

Christ, this woman loves her "pucker". Puckered lips and puckered nipples ... Bitch be shit.

>> No.2816696

That's ... that's not even funny anymore.

>> No.2816698
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Just proves my and many other's point: If this was written by a man, it would've been disregarded as perverted old man's fantasy, IF published it'd ve been taken off the market after first complaints by women's rights/child advocate groups.

>> No.2816702

I am literally looking at it right now.

>> No.2816708
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>> No.2816709

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2816763
File: 44 KB, 786x600, libertinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'll pick up where Sade left off and will write the Sadean libertine tales of our times I'll make sure to use a female name, so that I appear liberated instead of rapist. Or I'll just pull a Robin Hobb and use something ambiguous. I don't quite know how it'll turn out, but I will at last have a young man comparing vaginal odours so that he can use the term "stenchmark". It will also include typical modern urban life and technology in some way.

>> No.2817025

They even threw him into jail, fucking society

>> No.2817028

So, what's going on in this book apart from the sex? What is the secret? SPOIL IT, PLEASE!

>> No.2817047

oh u

E. L. James isn't even worthy of being handcuffed and lightly violated by de Sade. Try reading some of that shit, they aren't even close to comparable.

>> No.2817056
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1342536798657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be jerked off by a fat woman whilst wearing your jim-jams

>> No.2817131
File: 51 KB, 814x500, anton reading newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817172

if you ever worry that you’re bad at something at least you didn’t write 50 shades of grey

>> No.2817187

That's not an achievement. Think of all that money. Also fame. Prior fame is an advantage when doing virtually any kind of creative work (and probably other kinds too, but I can't be bothered to think of other delimiting adjectives). As Sarah Silverman said, If you're famous, you get to write a book, and not the other way around (for example).

>> No.2817209


I'd use a pseudonym too if I wrote 50 shades of grey.

>> No.2817224

good god, "puckered love cave"? And then the hampster bit?
It seems to be real but how could someone write that in something that was not a parody?

So, who predicts this was a troll trilogy and she's going to pump out some fine literature next?

>> No.2817234

>anton reading newspaper.jpg

This really fluttered my pages.

>> No.2817263

What the fuck?

>> No.2817288

That would be hilariously awesome except woman don't literature.

>> No.2817290
File: 43 KB, 344x517, 1318361093514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mum bought the entire series of this
If dubs I sell them on eBay before she reads them
If trips I burn them in the garden

>> No.2817306

Don't you love your mother? Try again for dubs or trips! Save her!

>> No.2817330

okay, reroll (I'm doing it anyway)
And no, I don't love my mother anymore. This was the last straw.

captcha: rellenda man

>> No.2817335

Close enough.

>> No.2817337

It was listed before I even checked 'em

>> No.2817340
File: 46 KB, 726x474, grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2817353

Hahaha, one's sold already. They're like fucking vultures. I'm getting in so much shit for this

>> No.2817354

and the other. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.2817396


Fantastic. When your mother berates you, tell her, "You'll thank me for this some day."

>> No.2817425

I wish this would actually happen, I would listen to the shit out of it.

>> No.2817445

Fucking yes.

>> No.2817480

>remember that time when Christian put a butt plug up there and then Anastasia found out after that he usually had his maid clean all the used butt plugs of his subs so Anastasia decides to clean her own and she remarks at how clean her used butt plug is. Remember how that was written about in a book that we paid money to buy?

Oh god it hurts my sides.

>> No.2817498

I honestly cannot tell if these little excerpts are legit or just some anon trolling. They're so terrible.

>> No.2817504


The ones earlier in the thread? Those are all real. Yes, real, in a published book, et cetera ...

>> No.2817510

Those, and just all the ones in this thread. Can someone post more? Because a couple of my friends (that are girls btw) are reading this book, and these things are fascinating insights into their minds.

>> No.2817511

check out the link from earlier for real quotes from the book
some dude reads excerpts from the book

>> No.2817513
File: 43 KB, 697x190, vainismscalled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then he stuck his stick into my canal

>> No.2817540

>That was painful to listen to but the commentary was hilarious. Also the Communist Manifesto was made in Germany, not USSR, that dumb bitch. So no, you can['t] have your face be the color of it, unless your face is black, red, and yellow in stripes.

>> No.2817575

Maybe get your mother a copy of "Story of O" instead, so she won't be left without, uhm, "material"

>> No.2817958
File: 221 KB, 500x375, 1301881607994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her hooha was getting right slimy

>> No.2817964

>dick aneurysm
Jesus Christ.

>> No.2817966


Fucking turk.

>> No.2818241


>> No.2818250

At least now I can read whatever manner of VN I want to in public and can direct anyone who questions my tastes to this book.

>> No.2818280

I think I might just read through the whole thing even if I hate it just to see what's what.

>> No.2818303


>"... her 'perfect 7' body..."

That is arousing.

>> No.2818305

duke nukem reads 50 shades of grey:

>> No.2818319

>'perfect 7'

This was too funny.

>> No.2818366
File: 1.13 MB, 1293x1280, 1341416168828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's interesting to see how they're comparing this book to their hentai saying even crap like "Fuck my asspussy" has better writing than this novel.

And they're right.

>> No.2818379


>you won't be able to rape me after cumming in my mouth

Goddamn is that a good line.

>> No.2818383

>Quit having fun squeezing a guy's breasts
I actually may have yelled that to a bully or two during my childhood.

>> No.2818390
File: 120 KB, 960x1280, go batman! fuck his ass!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2818393
File: 5 KB, 226x166, 1310878206289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do it! Do it! Pour you cum all over my unborn fetus!
>Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?

>> No.2818395
File: 3 KB, 126x76, 1337464538865s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having the biggest version

>> No.2818402
File: 3.00 MB, 13x13, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2818406

Holy fuck, I've read internet fanfic with better written sex. Not even joking.

>> No.2818407

Ive seen this image so many times, yet never have i seen it in conjunction with source material.

>> No.2818415


Hahahaha this link is completely related:

In fact the "SATAN, GUIDE MY COCK" quote is from this.

>> No.2818433

Using e-hentai reverse image search, you can find the source for literally all of those quotes.

>> No.2818437

Why the fuck is this book so popular? What is so appealing of a poorly written sex novel?

>> No.2818439
File: 150 KB, 406x480, 1342463358649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2818449

Strong and aggressive women give me a boner.

>> No.2818453

At times I write random sex stories for threads on 4chan (involving video games, cartoon characters, inanimate objects or politicians) just for fun and they are mostly joke stories. After reading sections of this book I can say without a doubt mine are of a higher quality.

How the fuck are these numbers even possible? I'm hoping this person didn't go to school for writing, as I haven't even completed HS (kicked out at 17) and my writing is superior.

>> No.2818496
File: 10 KB, 236x176, 1296733774522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The women of the nation are reading an erotic novel

>> No.2818521

I need this book in my life.

>> No.2819219

50 Threads of Grey

>> No.2819410

But that's the reality. Women tend to play their roles extreme, the strong and aggressive one increasing, since they seem to think that equality means they have to act like macho men to be respected.

>> No.2819411

men ruined them in the first place

>> No.2819412

>"Women tend to"
>knows 3 women from high-school, plus his mum and sister

>> No.2819414
File: 21 KB, 412x420, pyzamgirlpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the men's fault!!!!!!!1
Some things never change.

>> No.2819416
File: 108 KB, 640x454, 1296430701292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes assumptions about other people's experiences with women
>knows 3 women from high-school, plus his mum and sister

>> No.2819417

>bumping a shit thread to make a point.
Why do people do this? Most people even after posting look if someone replied.

>> No.2819419

dude ... /lit/ is a very, very fast board, but even here a thread doesn't die within two minutes

>> No.2819423


Morning, guys, can someone answer that, please? Did anyone actually read it?

sage in order not to piss that sage guy off

btw i'm a girl
please respond

>> No.2819437

No it is a very slow board. If this community stopped making shitty unfunny troll post and bump troll threads like these then we could actually get some decent threads.

Majority of the threads on /lit/ are poorly disguised troll threads which stay on the first three pages for at least a week because no one understands how to end a joke.

>> No.2819442

It's because the board is slow that trolls flock to this place. If this was a faster moving board these stupid threads would fly off page 15 in a heartbeat.
What the troll that keeps bumping/samefagging this thread doesn't get is that most people here don't give a shit about this book anymore, it's old news. Even the GRRM, Fantasy/Sci-Fi threads are better trolling material.

>> No.2819447

>Majority of the threads on /lit/ are poorly disguised troll threads which stay on the first three pages for at least a week because no one understands how to end a joke.

If you have something to say to me, just say it. There's no need for implication and insinuation. Be a man, man.

(Teehee. Okay, that was the last bump. Let's let this thing die already.)

>> No.2819477


/lit/ would be a much faster board if people posted more often.

>> No.2819595

>this community

You identify with this shithole?

>> No.2819708


>> No.2819895


>> No.2819982

You could play a drinking game with how many times the bitch uses the word "languid"