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2809499 No.2809499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many books have you read this year, /lit/?

>> No.2809500


>> No.2809507

About 10 so far.

>> No.2809509
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10 here

>> No.2809519


>> No.2809522


Favorites were Siddhartha, 1984, and The Name of The Wind/The Wise Man's Fear

Currently reading The Stand

>> No.2809523

27, but many were novellas/plays

>> No.2809526

Eighty-seven so far. About the same as last year.

>> No.2809537

105. Should be higher but I started watching lots of films, have more work and have been giving up on lots of books.

>> No.2809542

Do you happen to have a Goodreads? Which were your favorites out of that?

>> No.2809558

around six hundred

>> No.2809566

Ah...probably like 60. Maybe more, if I can count one-act plays, or short stories.

I didn't read much for the first couple months of the year.

>> No.2809571

Yes and be warned, I added 10 or so Dr Seuss books I read this year and some would say they shouldn't be included.

My favorites so far would be The Famished Road, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Wild:An Elemental Journey, The Summer Book(damn it's a nice book), The adventures of Tom Sawyer, All quite on the western front, 1984, of mice and men and I'm torn between loving some of Gravity's Rainbow but overall i didn't enjoy it. If it were a painting, I'd like a tiny little piece of beauty in the corner and the rest would make me feel nothing.

>> No.2809576

Oops, I didn't mean to link my favorites section.

>> No.2809584

>Implying Dr Seuss is not the pinnacle of Western literature.

>> No.2809587
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Hardly any -- I always get caught up reading trash. Fucking fantsy. Fucking David Sedaris.

>> No.2809590

Fuck, I hope not. Many of his lesser known works are trash.

>> No.2809593

Finished 7, in the middle of 12, "took a look" at 10 more

>> No.2809596

I love David Sedaris, but I know what you mean.

I don't know if he's telling the truth or not.

>> No.2809598

20, including plays, not including poetry.

>> No.2809605

on my 40th

>> No.2810106


>> No.2810115

I had planned to keep a list of all of the books I read this year.
I did not, though.
Maybe next year.
Probably not, though..

>> No.2810118

>implying I read

>> No.2810134

24, my goal is to read a total of 50 for the whole year since I am just really getting my momentum

>> No.2810135

You can always use goodreads

>> No.2810137


>> No.2810172

17, totaling a bit over 5000 pages. Man I love the stats section on Goodreads.

>> No.2810194

What books have been reading? I only have 24 and I am just now at 5313

>> No.2810213

Just started this today... already don't want it to ever finish.

I have gone through around 60

>> No.2810217

and by this I mean 'the famished road'

>> No.2810218

7 but I only started reading 2 weeks a go :(

>> No.2810221

I know that feel man. I didn't want The Famished Road to finish either, I got the same feeling the Electric Kool-Aid and Shantaram.

I'm reading another Okri book called Starbook, I'm actually around 60 pages into it and liking it quite a lot.

The famished road has two sequels, I can't wait to read them when they come in to the library.

>> No.2810227

26. 30 was my goal, but I may extend it to 40 or 50.

>> No.2810234

I'm on my 28th

>> No.2810249

this was >>2810221 in response to you.

>> No.2810251

32 if you don't count non fiction, short stories or poetry

>> No.2810256

46, still going steady.

>> No.2810263

The longest I've read this year has been 836 pages (love Goodreads stats), but that's the only long book I've read besides Sometimes a Great Notion, which is excellent by the way, and Crime and Punishment.

The rest have been average novel length, with 4 or 5 under 200 page novels/non-fictions.

Though I'll definitely break my record for the longest book I've ever read this year, as I'm currently a little under half-way through war and peace.

>> No.2810268

13 according to good reads.

>tfw about 6 were 'alt-lit' novels.

>> No.2810267

I have no idea. 20-something, probably. My reading goes in phases, I sometimes go months without reading more than a few books, other times I read several books per week.

>> No.2810275

15, thus far. All were over 300 pages long. Longest was ~800 pages.

>> No.2810277

Less than five. I'm picky about my self-indoctrination.

>> No.2810283

I'm on my 10th book now, but 6 of them were in the same series.

>> No.2810286

23. I'm doing one of those Goodreads challenges for 50 books this year. I'm 3 behind at the moment, but summer's giving me time to get ahead.

>> No.2810290

Probably 20 or so. I had to read all of J.R.R. Tolkien's work for an English class AND at least five books for my ancient mythology class.

On top of that I read a whole bunch of fiction and non-fiction on my own time.

>> No.2810291

>not having lost the count months ago
>actually counting them


>> No.2810292

Not many. I spend most of my time on 4chan instead. More seriously ... I've been bent over by my studies and am going to be their bitch for a while longer, so I don't have much time for pleasure reading. Study material included, I've finished about 12 books this year. Study material excluded, I've read maybe five. I fully intend to remedy this over the Christmas holidays, however. I have almost three months off, then.

>> No.2810294

>not using goodreads to keep track

>> No.2810299
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>using goodreads to keep track

>> No.2810304

>Implying librarything doesn't cost money and shelfari isn't just plain shite

>> No.2810307
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>using any site to keep track
>keeping track

>> No.2810309

>being a self-righteous luddite

>> No.2810312


Please stop this green text, implying, reaction image shit. We're not on /b/.

>> No.2810320
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>> No.2810372

20, with a total of 8168 pages.

>> No.2810813
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>> No.2810827

I'm aiming for 50 by January

>> No.2810933

28, including a few long ones (2666, Infinite Jest, A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, The Brothers Karamazov). I've slowed down a lot recently because I'm back at my parent's for the summer and there are too many distractions here. Aiming for ~52 by the end of the year.

>> No.2810948

About 15 or so. I have an excuse though; one of those was Infinite Jest.

>> No.2810972

Only 10 so far ;_; Damn summer classes.

Oblivion, The Subtle Knife, Deliverance, On Heroes and Tombs, The Tenant, Teatro Grotesco, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, The Prophet, The Man In High Castle, and The Short Stories of Dostoevsky. Only 2813 pages. Currently reading The Pale King.

It's been a good year so far though. I've enjoyed pretty much everything I've read. I'd rather be picky and read slowly rather than force my way through books and not savor them or read the best ones.

>> No.2811010

OP you are a gentleman for posting with brother Malcolm. 4 of my books in the past 12 months were about him. My count for 2012 is probably 15 but in the last 2 weeks I've been lucky and read 4 books.
Mah scholar

>> No.2811015
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... I had a 20 book deficit when this holiday started. When I go back to college I will be behind schedule again, so I probably won't read the 100 books.

>> No.2811042

17 so far

>> No.2811061

Short stories and textbooks aside probably 25-30. I don't count but I've been reading much more than I used to.

>> No.2811080
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how many does it look like, biotch?

>> No.2811104

Close to 20.

>> No.2811108

o-one... I haven't been reading much because of awful attention span and lack of knowledge of what I want to read at all..

>> No.2811122

Between ten and twenty, probably closer to twenty, though.

>> No.2811557

I errr finished about 3 books this year. I have started about 10 or so and I am planning to finish them after my exams. Probably won't though but instead start 10 new ones...

>> No.2811570


Its just SO HARD TO CHOOSE /lit/!

>> No.2811579
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>think I'm not going to get accepted
>assume I'll have to reapply for January semester
>accepted 20 days before final application deadline and 15 days before semester actually starts
>admitted to Spec. Hons. when I applied for Hons.
>dat courseload


>> No.2811586

About a dozen. Smallest being later Discworld length, largest being Gone With the Wind.

>> No.2811596

A Scanner Darkly is a shit book

>> No.2811634


Actually I haven't read that book but this sounds blasphemous. Have you encountered any other PKD?