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/lit/ - Literature

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2807098 No.2807098 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: ideas to fix /lit/ and stop it from becoming /mu/

I'll go first: we need conversations more interesting than "it rocks" or "it sucks."

>> No.2807108
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When people post their short stories or something they wrote; people shouldn't bash it like a bunch of pompous pretentious assholes, but instead offer viable constructive criticism that helps us grow as a community. It would be really nice to create a more open and sharing environment on /lit/ instead of having a bunch of faceless elitist assholes bashing everything they don't think is up to their standard. Just my opinion from what I've seen though.

>> No.2807120

discussing lit via lit is like discussing food by cooking food.

>> No.2807122

Idea number 1: get out of /lit/ and wait for summer to end

Idea number 2: hide bad threads and don't feed trolls for the rest of the summer

Idea number 3: stop meta-posting on how to fix /lit/ or which boards are better and things like that

>> No.2807123
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Can't deal with the water? Get out of the rain.

>> No.2807136

Agreed. I will try to do better anon.

>> No.2807184

I believe the core problem (in both boards) is this whole need to be in the loop. People who fake having read certain books for the sake of joining in on an interesting conversation or just to look like intellectuals kind of shit the place up, if you ask me. The issue they create is generally uninteresting discussion, the /mu/ syndrome.
I think what causes people to do this is this whole idea of "superior taste" which is shit and cancerous. So, to get rid of the /mu/ flavor we must stop acting like /mu/. Don't flame a thread just because it deals with something you don't like. Stop the trollsy Hunger Games threads, unless you actually think young adult fiction/ romance has any place on a literature board in which case please, discuss all you want. Just stop making people feel inadequate for the books they discuss unless you have actually read them and are prepared to give a retort as to why you think so.

My suggestion's a fucking long shot and has a snowball's chance in hell of working. But even if I can get one or two people to buy into it that'd be fine.

tl;dr OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.2807200

Get rid of postmodern shitbag and have people who embrace an actually meaningful philoshy

>> No.2807206

Wait for summer to end. Alternatively there is /book/ and 4-ch's Literature.

If you've been on 4chan for any amount of time, you should how how bad it gets this time of year.

>> No.2808025

bump because this board is slowly turning into shit and this needs to be adressed

1. All /lit/core, patrician core, god-tier lists must end.
2. Stop calling people plebs because they read certain books.
3.Appreciate that people have different taste than yours, celeberate diversity in culture.
4. DFW should be added to Ayn Rand rule.
5. Only reply to constructive posts.

>> No.2808045

How is reddit's book board(s?)?

Considering checking it out when things are particularly bad, but I dunno.

>> No.2808055

/r/literature, when combined with all the book-related smaller subreddits (/r/52book, /r/bookshelf, /r/bookhaul, etc) is slightly better than /lit/. Still extremely slow though. Your best bet is to continue visiting both.

>> No.2808056

>implying meta-threads aren't the staple of /mu/

1. stop responding to plebs
2. don't post in pleb threads
3. call out the plebs
4. don't be a pleb

>> No.2808060

I would rather die.

>> No.2808063

Grow the fuck up will you. They have some decent threads but a lot of shit.

>> No.2808068


Eh, I'm too old for that internet loyalism stuff. I'm sure there's good and bad on reddit just like anywhere else.

>> No.2808081

Nah, /lit/ OC is invariably shit. No one wants to read your arrhythmic navel gazing. Better solution: just stop posting it here.

>> No.2808083

/lit/ was shit before summer began. In fact, it started going downhill after 2011's summer ended.

Fuck you, DFW is a perfectly legitimate topic of discussion. The sad cunts who go ape-shit every time someone expresses admiration for him are the ones who need to be banned.

>> No.2808090

So why can't I express my appreciation for Ayn Rand? It's because of the same reason. It generates so much shitposting and trolling that the entire board gets damaged.

And this literature board can live on without discussing two books from one author that currently hyped.

>> No.2808093

I agree with all here except number 4.

Metathreads are futile though.

>> No.2808096

1. Go read a book

Btw threads like these only make the board worse

>> No.2808101

we aren't capable of those conversations, OP.
Polite sage for at least trying.
>C+F 'Summer'
>2 Results
Can everyone on all of 4chan just stop blaming the summer? It's just some excuse that newfags throw out when they're making their respective boards shittier. /lit/ has been shit for the past year and beyond.

>> No.2808109

Explain your reasoning. These statements are blatantly false and idiotic. Why is it wrong to adress that this board is free falling into the gutter and that something is done. It's really like you act like 16 year old kids who shun conflict and that adressing an issue "just makes it worse".

Keep hiding your head in the sand.

>> No.2808114

The difference is no one actually likes Ayn Rand. DFW has loads of fans on /lit/, and that's the reason his detractors are so vocal--they can't handle an author they don't get receiving praise.

>> No.2808115


I've seen both constructive criticism in addition to the feedback you've described. I think it's mostly luck whether you'll find an accommodating audience or the aforementioned elitist assholes.

>> No.2808117

>Why is it wrong to adress that this board is free falling into the gutter

confirmed for being on /lit/ for two days
this board is always bad
deal with it

>> No.2808118

Ayn Rand has a bigger following then DFW.
That's a fact.

Also, stop assuming that people who doesn't share your taste in books "Just don't get it" and are less smart than you. God damn it you people annoy me.

>> No.2808137

>this board is always bad

That's a real nice argument you got there. If it was always bad, why not make it better then?

I've been on /lit/ for two years now. And yes, it's becoming worse. It might not have ever been good, but it's getting worse.

Of course boards get worse and some get better over time. It's all about the people it attracts and the common behavior of those posters. Some people are creative and create genuine OC and funny conversations - others are a negative influence, remain in group-think, and want's a community to identify with.

I've seen this happen to several other boards. And if you honestly believe that "4chan was always shit" spouting you fucking deserve your plate served with a golden turd.

>> No.2808138

>And this literature board can live on without discussing two books from one author that currently hyped.

by "currently" do you mean for almost two decades? and by "hyped" do you mean roundly renowned by peers, critics and general readers alike? and by "two books" do you mean two seminal, epoch-defining novels, one good novel, and a surfeit of short stories and essays ranging from ground-breaking and challenging to just plain entertaining?

>> No.2808144

You don't get why other people like it; you don't get it.

>> No.2808148

>Ayn Rand has a bigger following then DFW.
>That's a fact.

Not on /lit/ (the board we're posting on, yeah?)

>> No.2808155

By one author do you mean the writer of the two critically acclaimed best-selling novels
A major influence of the libertarian and american conservative political movement that prevails the contemporary political landscape in USA.
Do you mean a world renowned philosopher who created her own school of thought
etc etc etc....

We can do this all day. Yes, this literature board would manage very well without DFW.

>> No.2808159

I've only been on /lit/ for a few days. I'm finding it alright, definitely enjoyable, and I'm going to stick around. The only thing that's a little irritating at the moment are the more "4chan"ish threads like the memes about 50 Shades. Other than that, I imagine if we clear out those and focus more on being nonjudgmental and considerate, we should be fine.

>> No.2808162

If you've been on /lit/ for two years then you know that it's never been good and that the 'shitty' fluctuates. It reached the apex of shit during this summer and is still shit.

Stop caring so much and calm down. Try reading something.

>> No.2808167

Again: no one likes Rand on /lit/. Many people like DFW on /lit/. We're discussing /lit/.

Anyway, I don't agree that Rand is banned either.

>> No.2808175

Stop thinking this board belongs to you, a certain group of like minded people, or an identity as smart, enlightened, liberal minded people. Do you actually think the Ayn Rand rule was created with some hive mind consensus?

Im not challenging it, I thinks it's wise. And a DFW rule would be wise as well.

Not because one thread about DFW would be wrong. It's that he's become a meme just like Ayn Rand was. And DFW threads can sometimes take up the entire first page, not with constructive debate but with constant meme spouting, pic postan, thread hi-jacking and derailing by people who've probably never read him,

I havn't even told you my opinion of DFW. And once again your arguments just amaze me with their brilliance.