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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 300x400, fifty-shades-300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2800109 No.2800109 [Reply] [Original]

>see and hear about this book everywhere
>see it on front display shelf in bookstore
>open book at random page
>"You taste delicious, Anna"

Has anyone actually read this piece of shit all the way through?

>> No.2800122


>> No.2800131
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>tfw my mum just recently ordered this filth in the post

>> No.2800141
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And you just know that she's going to masturbate to it.

>> No.2800154

The prose in this book are so bad, its like Peter Griffin wrote them.

>> No.2800156

This is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.2800178

Almost makes me glad my mum's dead. But not really ;_;

>> No.2800181
File: 9 KB, 407x395, 128375663968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there is that one episode where Peter Griffin actually starts writing erotic novels and they sell like crazy because of his prose.

>> No.2800186
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>mfw reading excerpts of this book
People are stupid.

>> No.2800235
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I'm going to burn it as soon as it arrives

>> No.2800261
File: 86 KB, 200x219, 200px-A_Game_of_Thrones_Novel_Covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, people are also buying these pieces of shit yet I don't see you complaining about it.

>> No.2800262

Pics or it won't have happened.

>> No.2800269

gilbert godfried reads fifty shades of grey


>> No.2800310
File: 91 KB, 500x597, 1341739622889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, my sides

>> No.2800315

The thing that pisses me off is how people just jump on these book bandwagons

game of thrones
the hunger games
50 shades

With shades, women are acting as if this is the first time erotica has every been written.

"men have porn so we are entitled to ours" and shit like that is all that floods my facebook of late

>> No.2800324

> Getting more and more of an inclination all of /lit/ are libreal art majors and I should never come back.

>> No.2800337

It's because most are too dull to look up porn because they either think it objectifies women or because they're little girls who can't even look up decent fanon smut.

But there's a book now, so it's women's time to shine!

>> No.2801186

more accurately it's due to the popularity.
women practically have no sense of thinking for themselves.
almost every decision they make and every opinion they have is weighed against everyone else's.
So now that there is porn they can feel guiltless about reading, they're jumping all over it.
You can take my word for it, I took a psych class in college.

>> No.2801198

"i took a psych class in college"

>> No.2801206
File: 18 KB, 626x551, 1334032045582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't laughed this hard in months.

>> No.2801211

>open randomly to chapter 14
>"Suck," he commanded.

>> No.2801314

>Joke flew over head
>Can't greentext

You're a real winner, huh?

>> No.2801338
File: 14 KB, 329x329, 1301148866181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My female read all three in the series in about three days.

Mfw she's horny as shit and practically stays on my dick during that time. I'll take it. Definitely worth ordering if you're married.

>> No.2801349


>> No.2801362

What's worse? Book bandwagons or anti-book bandwagons?

>> No.2801371

This. A thousand times, this.

>> No.2801395
File: 95 KB, 256x327, The_Mystery_of_the_Druids_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my grandmother owns Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.2801412

>James initially wrote fanfiction under the pen name "Snowsqueen Icedragon", with her most notable work being a Twilight fanfiction that was eventually developed into Fifty Shades of Grey.[5][6]

That explains a lot.

>> No.2801413
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>> No.2801414


I stayed up till 3am last night reading one of those. How dare you dislike things that I like =(

>> No.2801431

I think you have autism. Even /v/ can post ironically and make your ironic post look retarded.

>> No.2801432

Why do you hate the books?

>> No.2801460

I'm reading it now actually. Little more than 1/3 way through and I had to stop because it's just not going anywhere. The prose is boring as fuck, ya'll know that, but the plot just feels mundane and isn't going anywhere. There's no peril or excitement whatsoever. It's just the sex which gets slightly more extreme at a snails pace, and yet it doesn't go so far out that it gets strange or interesting. I guess if you're a prudish, boring housewife 20 year old chastised girl who's never heard of S/M you'd find something that might get your juices flowing, but for anyone else it's just nothing.

I'd like to think that at least half of those billions and billions of sales were to people who were interested but thought it sucked as well. I bought it after all...

>> No.2801465

>Listed as one of Time's 100 most influential writers
I fucking hate reality.

>> No.2801470

So, it's like Gore Vidal's Myra.

But boring.

And for young women.

>> No.2801481


>Listed as one of Time's 100 most influential writers
>I fucking hate reality.

Technically it is correct, she has and will influence future publishing enormously.

You wouldn't hate reality so much if you ignored trash like Time. Afterall this site placed moot as number one.

>> No.2801492

So, how long until someone publishes 'My Immortal' and changes the names to avoid being sued by Rowling?

>> No.2801501

Oh, I do ignore Time. I fucking hate Joe Klein.

I don't even understand why I hate him, but I do.

>> No.2801527
File: 44 KB, 451x392, lauging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably hospitalized due to injuries caused by several days of laughing too hard.

>> No.2801530

The worst part is that us of the BDSM community hate it. It isn't an accurate representation of BDSM at all. Also, people are showing up at BDSM play nights with one pair of fuzzy handcuffs and saying that they're "experienced masters"..

>> No.2801533

Maybe Shades' success has to do with availability.

This piece of trash must have found a ridiculous amount of house wives and sexless girls that just didn't have any literary smut before it came along.

How it's 'socially acceptable' plays a role as well, I'm sure.

>> No.2801536

Do any of y'all know some better quality BDSM pr0n to recommend my female friends who like this garbage?

>> No.2801538


Actually, I bet that would be funny to watch.

See some poor, hapless woman struggling to cope with the reality of what BDSM actually is as black-clad slave-master combos do nasty things around her in the dark.

I hope this is happening somewhere in the world right now.

>> No.2801553

tell them to go to Kink and follow the brick road

>> No.2801554


kink.com is the best website for both straight and gay bdsm and kink porn.

>> No.2801912


>> No.2802221


>> No.2802253
File: 48 KB, 314x454, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So theoretically it's fine for me to dump Nana to Kaoru on my facebook wall now?

>> No.2802265

What boring vanilla people think BDSM is - The Book

>> No.2802568

Does it really feel good knowing you're reduced to a masturbatory toy, all the time she's thinking about some other man?

>> No.2802571

Depends on the book.

>> No.2802581

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K1RcKJVbHA Gilbert Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.2802615
File: 24 KB, 486x370, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nobody is interested in this shit (note: I haven't read it, but it probably is judging by the people who buy it) why are you fuckers posting threads about it ALL THE FUCKING TIME?

>> No.2802630

>That feeling when this got a movie deal but the Fahrenheit 451 movie Frank Darabont has had the script for since 2004 still isn't being made.