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/lit/ - Literature

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2799826 No.2799826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys realize that every other board considers /lit/ to be the worst board on this site?

because it is you elitist rabble rousers

>> No.2799830


What about /v/?

>> No.2799833

tell me it's not true if /mlp/ hates us i'll just die

>> No.2799835

Well ignoring /mlp/, most people think /mu/ is the worst board. They have a higher percentage of hipsters.

>> No.2799836

perennial thread that adds absolutely nothing to anything. sage, guys. just let it die. stop. stop replying. stop it.

>> No.2799837

lies, most people never even come to /lit/ probably 95% of 4chan doesn't even know /lit/ exists.

>> No.2799838
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wow opinions from subhuman naive teenagers. we're so worried.

be gone with you, idiotic creature.

>> No.2799843

Pretty sure it's /mu/.
I was a regular. I stopped going for a few weeks and when I went back I realised how ridiculously shit it is.

>> No.2799844

/v/ only cares about /a/.
Sometimes they bitch about other boards, but not much.
Trust me, I'm from there.

>> No.2799849

>I'm an idiot
>therefore everyone smarter than me is an elitist

lol, stay mad

>> No.2799853
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Fucking Gamefaqs has a better literature board than this piece of shit.

This place is a fucking containment zone for scarf wearing, horn-rimmed glasses loving hipster faggots.

>> No.2799854

>he's never been to /mu/

stay top40, pleb

>> No.2799856

I'm sorry nobody here discusses your Halo novels anon

>> No.2799857

I used to think /lit/ was the worst board of the ones I read, but then I spent half a year or so not reading it, and I cam back and at least the tripfag situation looks like it's gotten better.

There seems to be a lot more >>>/otherboard/-tier trolling and off topic bullshit than there used to be, though.

>> No.2799858
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/soc/ /lit/ /mu/
equally shit tier

/soc/ is pathetic
/mu/ is just hipsters
/lit/ is the worst because of the quasi-intellectuals who read literature and turn their nose up at others to feel better, yet probably read as much as /v/ plays video games.

at least /sci/ can debate with tangible theories and concepts, while you guys just
>opinions everywhere
>I'm the smartest

The fact that this thread got 15 replies in under 10 minutes one of the slowest boards shows it all.

>> No.2799859

I love Rachel Maddow.

>> No.2799869

>doesn't know what tangible means
>complains others don't read enough

I'm a regular on every board and /lit/, whilst by no means intelligent, at least isn't an intellectual bonfire like every other cesspool of retardation on this site

>> No.2799870

fucking comedy goldmine
why do you try SO hard /lit/?

>> No.2799874

I browse /v/, /lit/, /g/ and /int/ and they are all full of elitist, obnoxious pricks.

>> No.2799875

Can we all be honest with ourselves, here? /lit/ never talks about themes, symbolism, or anything "deeper" than the words they read. It's just shitty circlejerks about their favorite books and how "deep" they are without actually explaining why they're deep.
Yes, I'm generalizing a whole board, but it's true. There are no intelligent discussions on this board, just people who trick themselves into believing they're having intelligent conversations.

>> No.2799876

>implying it takes any effort to dismiss your inferiors

back to /sci/, dumbass

>> No.2799877

She doesn't love you back, unless you're a girl, btw

>> No.2799891

>at least /sci/ can debate with tangible theories and concepts
Yeah... no. I do go to /sci/ every now and then (frequented it some time ago), and it's full of trolls and/or retards. Sure, there is the occasional good discussion, with intelligent people that actually know about science. But it's not the most common thing.
The bad thing about /lit/, I think, are the tripfags. They are much worse than the ones in other boards.

>> No.2799894

I dunno, I think it's pretty alright here. As far as places to go for reasonably stimulating internet conversation /lit/ does pretty well. /mu/ is theoretically in a similar vein, but it's too overrun with feelfests and indie/trill hop/electro jackoff marathons to generate anything other than the occasionally decent sharethread. The only board I like better than /lit/ is /ck/. /ck/ fucking rules.

>> No.2799895
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You can't honestly expect anyone to take your post seriously when you're dropping buzzwords like deep.

>> No.2799898

simplysara was god tier

thank you based sara for showing us the way to diabetes

>> No.2799910

>back to /sci/, dumbass

lol, remember when we came over yesterday and gave you a thrashing in a philosophy thread.


>> No.2799915

>The bad thing about /lit/, I think, are the tripfags.

There are only a handful, and most of them are quite chill.

>> No.2799916
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/mu/ has sharethreads, and their recommendations is a perfect way to introduced non mainstream music. Otherwise, it's horrible.

/lit/ can be fine from time to time, the sad thing is that general recommendations are quite useless in this field, but I'm seeing everyday people asking for reading advice and there are lots of nice answers. The writing part is horrible though and it's the most ego ridden board. And sometimes the " It's an American Literature board " is exhausting.

I come from /fit/ the obviously best board in the universe, but I like /lit/ too.

>> No.2799917

yeah we're intellectuals

>> No.2799918

Nope. I'll grab the archive so you can have a look at your pathetic attempts to engage your superiors in conversation, though.

>> No.2799919

I think I've filtered every single tripfag I've come across in /int/ and I'm a pretty tolerable person.

>> No.2799930

Threads still active


God, /lit/ was wounded quite badly. Are you guys OK? Every single aspect of philosophy was whittle down until you were left desperately crying "b-b-ut reality might not exist" Which would just render philosophy just as non existant as science.

It really was quite a painful asskicking you guys got.

>> No.2799937

The abundance of buzzwords doesn't make it any less true, dude.
And I don't know why you would defend this board, because defending would imply you are a part of this board, which means you're a part of the problem

>> No.2799940

I miss Quentin ;_;
Some of them are fine, yes. Some are terrible faggots.

>> No.2799942

/v/ /pol/ /mu/ /int/ /fa/ /lit/ /sci/ /fit/ here. I can without a doubt tell you that /mu/ is the worst board of 4chan, it's also a well-established opinion on all boards. However /lit/ as of lately has been walking the same path. /fit/ used to be good pre-Zyzz.

/lit/ used to be good. I still frequent here but 420chan's board is just so much better than this.

>> No.2799948

>yeah we're intellectuals
Psudo, sure. Great minds do not flock to 4chan to discuss fine literature. Just like /tv/ isn't the place to go to discuss the latest french film sweeping the festival circuit.

So either somebody made a wrong turn at Albuquerque, or you come here to repeat something you heard somebody else said to attempt to sound smart in a room full of people who would rather just talked about 50 Shades of Whatever.

>> No.2799951
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Literally laughed out loud at that post. You're so cute when you try and be intelligent!

High-light of that thread for me was:

"So, what are the flaws in the scientific method exactly, /lit/? No irrelevant shit like the problem of induction, actual problems that have an affect on people, the observable universe, etc."

You can't make this stuff up.

>> No.2799954

So fucking stupid. Hurry up and leave you dumb cunt

>> No.2799960


uh, people like the image board/anonymous format? it's much easier than signing up on some literature forum.

>> No.2799966

tao lin posts here.

your turn.

>> No.2799967

And there are more "intellectual" focused communities out there, where you can discuss the great works. And I'm sure you could find one with an anonymous system. But you don't, because you don't want to discuss literature. You want to wield your knowledge of the classics like a blunt instrument to insult others, and make yourself feel superior.

Which is fine, this site welcomes all kinds. Just understand that about yourself. You are not an intellectual, you are first year Classic Lit student

>> No.2799976

I hated that thread, retards on both sides.

>> No.2799977


>> No.2799982

actually we try to mislead idiots like yourself into thinking that to keep the teenage naivety off of our board.

>> No.2799986

>haha joke's on you I was only PRETENDING to be an elitist douchebag

>> No.2799991


Post some of your prose plz!

>> No.2800003

you're pretty original. i like that. i can tell you're not an idiot.

i'm still pretending btw.

>> No.2800015

>Mad because I disagree with you.
>Made because of the Internet.
Wow, you are such a fucking child.

>> No.2800017
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>associates with this board
my sides. Thank you sir, you've made my fucking day.

>> No.2800030

I always hear /tv/ is the worst board. I'm not sure why. I've been there twice and once it was full of retards screaming and the other it had a pulls good threads and retards screaming.

That covers most boards, even you /lit/.

But /mu/ is the pretentious cunts, even if quite a few of them have taste, there is no reason to behave like that.

/co/ is pretty bad if you don't want to talk about mainstream super hero comics, even Sandman is shit on.

/v/ has one good thread in about 700.

>> No.2800034

I browse /k/ /ic/ /mu/ /pol/ /lit/ and I can tell that /lit/ is definitely not the worst board. In fact, I'm not sure that there even is a worst board because you can find annoying assholes pretty much everywhere. /lit/ is not even popular, I mean, if you go to the 15th page, you can find threads a week old or even older. Less people in total = less stupid people, does that work ?

>> No.2800043

how come everytime someone questions /lit/'s intelligence or superiority the board suddenly triples in members?

where's the literature talk?

>> No.2800044

You haven' met /v/'s tripfags apparently.

They all hold the most retarded opinions imaginable and pick fights with people and then shit post when they're ignored.

>> No.2800049


God, I hate that board. I'm not artistic at all, but sometimes go there to admire other peoples work. The whole board consists of people telling each other how shit their work is, and how it's essential to spend another ten years practising 'realism' before attempting the picture again. It's a truly dreadful place. If I was a talented artist I would avoid it like the plague.

>> No.2800073

I always put fuckcunt as the second word in captcha.

>> No.2800084

/v/ - apparently it's bad, but I've never been
/b/ - the internet's shithole
/pol/ - trolls and same threads everyday
/r9k/ - whinny faggots

meanwhile I've never heard a single complain about /lit/

>> No.2800086

I use nigger, but fuckcunt is much better thanks

>> No.2800100

/lit/ is shit, sure, but let's not exaggerate. /b/, /r9k/, /soc/, /mlp/, /vp/ ensure that we're not in the bottom five, at the very least. i'd also say we're better than /mu/ and /tv/. /mu/ is just everything bad about /lit/ magnified by ten, and fa/tv/irgins, bless their cotton socks, just have a pretty shitty taste in cinema.

>> No.2800102

>meanwhile I've never heard a single complain about /lit/

Confirmed for never having browsed /lit/ before.

>> No.2800104
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The only board that cares about /lit/ is /lit/.

>> No.2800107


I'm okay with this.jpg

>> No.2800108
File: 20 KB, 569x578, theend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't realize that, since the worst boards are clearly /soc/, /b/, /x/ and /v/.
Everyone knows that.
Even those boards know that they are bad.
Just go to /v/ and ask them about theirselves.

>> No.2800117
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>Implying you cane even go on /v/ or /b/ in the summer

>> No.2800140

from the other boards, they are always people complaining from the inside but I've never heard a complain from other boards as for those I mentioned I heard plenty of complains coming from outside.

>> No.2800148

Yeah this board could be better.

>> No.2800153

Doesn't every board have someone telling them they're the worst board?

In every /vg/ thread, there's someone telling them they're a shitstain. /cgl/ is just "female /r9k/."

Two weeks ago I saw a thread in both /co/ and /v/ that claimed that both boards respectively were the worst and disliked by all.

So yeah I don't believe this for a second.

>> No.2800159

/mu/ is the worst
/lit/ is right after /mu/
then it's /soc/

>> No.2800164

What ever happened to that fellow who would admonish every post containing the word 'faggot' and urge you to avoid using hurtful slurs?

>> No.2800165

All but /X/
/X/ is amazing

>> No.2800170

/x/ was amazing in like '07. now it's just a bunch of goth kids pretending to be psychic.

>> No.2800175

but these boards are so popular that you will get a decent thread now and then. Well, that's the case for /v/, I don't know about /b/, but I assume it works on the same principle.

>/r9k/ - whinny faggots

They can be self-deprecating some times to the point where it's funny. /lit/ is never self-deprecating, it's always uptight and humourless.

>> No.2800180

what do you like about it? what kind of threads are you into?

>> No.2800187

Is that a recurrent type of user on this forum? I rarely see anyone paying any attention to the commonplace usage of the word "faggot" to be honest.

And if you're tacitly referring to me, I don't sound like that at all.

>> No.2800189

The ones I read the most are about AP personally
I also enjoy reading the Nope! threads for a laugh.
Occult threads arent terribad either

I dislike the roleplaying ones, those are just annoying

>> No.2800191

Someone on a board for literature advocates censorship?

That's ironic as hell.

>> No.2800192

That's because we're mysterious and obscure and hostile as fuck. This shit is The Wanderers and we're the Ducky Boys.

>> No.2800205
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oh god we have to do something about it!
omg i want them to love us!
we are not elitists, we are really nice and open people!

>> No.2800216

A. Board quality is proportional to the degree of knowledge each of the board members has on the board topic, as this facilitates good discussion.
B. Board quality is inversely proportional to degree that each board member feels the need to "prove himself", as the need to prove oneself contributes to a hostile atmosphere and discussions being reduced to bickering.

/b/ is good for B but bad for A.
/mu/ is alright for A but extremely bad for B.
/tg/ is fairly good for both.
/lit/ is generally awful for both.

>> No.2800228
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A lot of /mu/ consider /lit/ to be their brethren.

These comments hurt

>> No.2800253

Lol, I'm not even advocating lingual censorship. It's just so fucking old and played out and uninteresting to strain my eyes on.

Try writing a book or an article with the word "faggot" in it 7 times and hope for it to be moderately successful.

>> No.2800264

they're both teeming with the same calibre of conceited idiots who dabble in a subject by taking the easiest route to elitism as possible. Like listening to ITAOTS, Loveless, Kid A and a few other P4K endorsed shit and claiming yourself an arbiter of musical taste, as though real musical appreciation doesn't take decades of listening and digesting the best examples of music from multiple genres and not just jumping on the hipster albums of the day. The same goes for /lit/, who think that by reading Ulysses they've reached the peak of English /lit/ as though everything after and including Chaucer and before Joyce is irrelevant/

>> No.2800279

The day sage realizes that just because he posts all the time he is not so much a 'regular' as a sad thickheaded git everyone else tries to tolerate we'll all be better off.

>> No.2800296

I'm not referring to you. It was one Anon who used to frequent /lit/ last year and politely request that people refrain from using bigoted language whenever terms like "faggot" or "nigger" cropped up. It was just quite amusing, and I had forgot all about it until I just saw your post.

>> No.2800301

/mu/ is the dumb /lit/. Nothing more fun than to go over to /mu/ and kick someone's ass about subjectivity or authorial intent because they don't actually study their views.

>> No.2800302

I suppose. I always assumed that at least most people on /mu/ used the terms pleb and patrician in jest. I certainly do, but I don't attach any real meaning to it.

Patrician = music commonly accepted as good on /mu/
Pleb = music commonly accepted as bad on /mu/

i.e. "My friends are pretty pleb", or "they have pretty patrician taste"

I certainly don't act so arrogant in real social situations. I like /mu/ because they share the same taste in music.

>> No.2800323

yeah, there was always an element of self-awareness and irony about /mu/'s elitism, which unfortunately i don't think is the case for /lit/.

>> No.2800329

Yeah that guy sounds like a faggot.

>> No.2800604

not on my watch

>> No.2800674

/g/ is by far the worst board.

>> No.2800691

False. Everything thinks /fa/ is the worst board. Granted, /lit/ is the actual worst.

>> No.2800702

Thread should have ended after this post. As a regular of /v/ I can say that it is pure shit. /b/ has better video game threads that than place.

It may be a shit-hole, but it's our shit-hole. ;_;

>> No.2800709


Yeah, /g/ is pretty bad but /lit/ is way more elitist.

>> No.2800867

While we're playing favorites, I've always been informed that the worst board was /tv/. It's pretty bad, but if you ever admit to being vegetarian, /ck/ is worse. /fit/ also seems chronically and egregiously devoted to breathing through their gaping mouths.

I like /mu/ though, so what the fuck does my opinion mean.

>> No.2800872

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.2800903

I can't believe no one has mentioned /jp/.

>> No.2800907

I will admit to purposefully shitting up /lit/ for no other reason than it is hot as fuck where I live right now and everyone else is doing it.
At least I'm not out on the streets blasting fools or beating motherfuckers up on the freeways.

>> No.2800908

Maybe because it either isn't the worst or is the most forgettable.

>> No.2800919


But it is the worst. Nothing of merit is posted there anymore, besides VN status threads and other such utilitarian topics. Aside from that, it's just underage kids "shitposting".

>> No.2800934
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Funny how that is. Yesterday morning I posted a call for intelligent conversation about whatever anon might be writing, hoping to bounce ideas around. I received zero replies. Yet almost every day, I see "post a picture of your bookshelf" threads so people can size each other up on how intelligent their collections make them appear.

>> No.2800961
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Dear anon, that's not just how /lit/ works unfortunately.
If i had a penny for every asshole with a stuffed bookshelf and an empty mind...
/lit/ is a bunch of Don Abbondio.

>> No.2800962
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at least we're all not out on the streets blasting fools

>> No.2800974

Shit, didn't see this post.
/lit/ is bad but it's nowhere near /v/ level of bad.
Anyone telling you otherwise is fucking insane/doesn't know /v/ intimately.
Holy fuck that board is bad, holy SHIT if every single person on /v/ died tomorrow of ball cancer the planet would massively benefit from it.
Absolutely nothing of value lurks there, it's just pure horrid shit made of the worst scum on earth.
You guys are awesome compared to them.
/b/ is awesome compared to them.

>> No.2800993
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>tfw u roll with tha baddest krew on 4chan

>> No.2801064

good show /lit/

>> No.2801077

Do you guys realize that every other board considers every other board to be the worst board on this site?

because it is you elitist rabble rousers!

>> No.2801085

/lit/ is pretty awful

you fuckers could at least PRETEND to have read a book other than Harry Potter or assigned high school reading

>> No.2801093

I hate how you find the word 'cunt' in /lit/ so often. It must be a European thing, not really sure. I hate that word though. From /v/ and you don't see that word there

>> No.2801107

Reading this is terribly sad-people talking about boards as if they're physical places. "I've never been to ___".
"Back in 07 when traffic wasn't so bad..."
I do it too but it makes me depressed

>> No.2801155
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4chan some day was good? No, in my opinion.

But 4chan generated a significative percentage of internet shit, 4chan caused a great number of polemics (which worked as magnet of cancer), and still yes is a good place for discussions and here I was enlightened of absurd topics. 4chan is bad, but still is good.

>> No.2801516

ya failed me lit

>> No.2801529

I like how the thread complaining about /lit/ being the most horrible board is actively making making the board worse.

>> No.2801531
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If everyone who thought /lit/ was a bad place left permanently it would be great. Search your feeble hearts, you know it to be true.

>> No.2801532

This x50000. The most shit-posting done on the board is by people complaining about how much shit-posting there is. I'm not sure if they realise what they're doing and don't care of if they're just really stupid.

>> No.2801535

all of 4chan is bad and dumb
are you aspies fucking kidding me
how pathetic must you be to subscribe to some 4chan hierarchy

lit doesn't count, that's why it's the best. /lit/, /o/, /sci/, and maybe /mu/ are the only boards with an actual interest/degree of knowledge in their subject matter, and therefore the best. every other board is 4chan-tier.

>> No.2801546

they were complaining about the try hard elitist shit heads

>> No.2801556

/lit/ is awful because no one talks about literature. You see recommendation threads and obnoxious wannabe philosopher threads, but no serious discussion of anything. Even /a/ manages to have more in-depth discussion than /lit/.

>> No.2801562

this. if you want intellectual discussion on any subject area 4chan is not the right fucking place to go. there are a shitload of forums better suited to that kind of stuff, 4chan is purely for procrastination.

>> No.2801564
File: 1.98 MB, 431x306, de Sade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literature is boring as fuck, our off-topic discussions are infinitely more entertaining. which is what it's meant to be on 4chan. you can't come here genuinely expecting intelligent, in-depth discussion you fucking dumbass. please leave, and anyone like him follow suit.

>> No.2801568

It's not like /lit/ has good porn or jokes, either. Frankly the entire board is worthless and should be deleted.

>> No.2801572

There's the door.

>> No.2801575

But this is the easiest board on 4chan to troll. I could never leave.

>> No.2801599

Plus those are the only with topics that aren't completely retarded. But /mu/ is a horrible board, look at any page