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2798564 No.2798564 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite female author?

>> No.2798567
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Currently Susan Jacoby.
Good stuff.

>> No.2798576
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>dat image

>> No.2798592

>Objects to image
>Posts his vomit image
What tards these mortals be.

>> No.2798597

Holy shit, what the fuck is going on that persons's mind? I'm truly puzzled.

>> No.2798602

facebook screencaps? is it 2010?

>> No.2798613


And whats wrong with that?

>> No.2798615

Read her wall.


>> No.2798624
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>> No.2798625


So... Why does she do that?

>> No.2798630


this might blow your mind but occasionally there are crazy and/or ill informed people on social networking websites

>> No.2798645

On topic:

I read Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier a while ago. While it is by far not one of my favorite novels or anything, I actually enjoyed some parts of the novel. Sure it was chick lit and sometimes the main character was really annyoing, some things in the novel were done pretty well.

Since it is the only novel I read by a woman, as far as I can remember, I am gonna name her. Probably gonna read some Woolf soon though.

>> No.2798652
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Barbara Comyns, Tove Jansson, Leonora Carrington and Olga Tokarczuk are a few of my favorites.

>> No.2798655


reading house of fear by leonora carrington right now -- "the debutante" is maybe the best story ever about a face eating hyena

>> No.2798681

Jennifer Egan and Ayn Rand. Egan has been a revelation, I'd reccommend starting with A Visit From the Goon Squad and then reading Invisible Circus. She has an uncanny talent when conveying emotions, painting vivid pictures of moments from personal histories laced with melancholy and longing. Her prose can shake you through the foundations and make you think not only about what the book's about but also how's it written (she has a knack for weaving misplaced episodes in time and arranging them in seamless yet non-chronological order).

Ayn Rand I didn't read further than Fountainhead (yet), however I found that book very inspirational, with all its half-baked political/philosophical pamphletism and pervading masochism. It's full of spirit and that's not something you encounter often in literature that's also unflinchingly verbose.

Do read Egan, dear anons, I implore you.

>> No.2798689

>a question for anyone who has silicon implants/silicon injections or who knows someone who does...
>How much land do you own?


>> No.2798693
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Currently my favorite female author is Zadie Smith, without a doubt.

I just finished On Beauty and it was wonderful, on par with even her White Teeth, perhaps. Plus she's gorgeous, in my opinion. Looking forward to her novel coming out later this year.

>> No.2798697
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>> No.2798698
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I've been following Molly's LJ for a few years. She is flat out crazy. I think she's a paranoid schizophrenic. She hears voices talking about her. She's been off her meds for awhile now. It's too bad because she was an interesting artist. She created this piece "Mechanical Womb with Clockwork Fetus" right around the time she went off her meds. I don't see that she's done anything of this scope since.

Back on topic, Leslie Marmon Silko is my favorite female author. Ceremony was great and I'm 3/4ths of the way through Almanac for the Dead.

In poetry, I'm a fan of Sharon Olds.

Oh yes and Tove Jannson.

>> No.2798705
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>she doesn't genderfuck

Does Edith Stein count? Christian phenomenology lel

>> No.2798707

how would you describe her writing style and themes? i usually spot her books on the schlock shelves, with awful covers and cringeworthy blurbs so i'm prejudiced towards picking them up.

>> No.2798711

This. I just seen On Beauty at my local used bookstore ,but hesitated to similar reasons

>> No.2798716

White Teeth as I remember it (it's been about three years since I've read it) deals wonderfully with modern ideas concerning racial integration and the ways in which the past influences the present. No matter what one gets from it, it's wonderfully written and entertaining.

On Beauty concerns again the different sides of racial integration while taking things far enough to also examine interracial marriages and families. It also (perhaps more prominently) deals with the clash between the world of academia and the world of regular, middle class average Joes.

No matter how you approach her brief bibliography, her works are enjoyable and often hilarious, in my opinion. She's kind of like a modern female Dickens in a world where race and class and intellect are significant themes.

>> No.2798723
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Just confirming, Neil Gaiman is indeed one smokin' hot chick.

>> No.2798733
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Now I am kicking myself for not picking that up. Thanks anon

>> No.2798734

does anyone have that picture of gaiman in a cemetary

fucking hell man

I can't take this nigga seriously anymore

The Sandman was fun.

>> No.2798736
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>> No.2798738

Yeah man. I literally finished On Beauty last night and I laughed out loud at least 4 times while reading it.

There was one part that I literally laughed uncontrollably at. One of the main characters, Howard, who is married to a black woman who works a normal job at a hospital, is an art history professor at a leading liberal arts university. There's a part near the end where he's at some fancy faculty/student dinner with a student (who is significant in ways that I can't post lest I reveal spoilers), a dinner he only agreed to accompany her to under the condition that there would be no glee club performances. Well, turns out, there IS a glee club performance, and Howard Belsey is way too drunk to handle the pressure of such a situation. The way he handles it and his total outburst of absurdity is worth the several hundred pages leading up to it for sure.

>> No.2798742

E. L. James. That nigga can right. She is like Suzanne Collins for adults.

>> No.2798743


>> No.2798825


As much as I like Neil, he is pretty over-rated. He is best with things that have pictures.

>> No.2798848

Check your cis privilege.

>> No.2798901

>Zadie Smith

da fuq? White Teeth was waffling garbage

>> No.2798914
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>female author

>> No.2798915



>> No.2799017


Check your malformed vajayjay

>> No.2799023

The only female authors I can stand reading are Mary Shelley(very good) and Emily Bronte(okay).
I do owe a debt to Jane Austen though, three years ago I decided to read Sense and Sensibility, and the fact that I finished that book made me realise there is nothing in the world I can't do.

>> No.2799039

He, or in this thread she, I very hit-and-miss. I remember reading Smoke and Mirrors, which had a lot of shit stories, but also amazing ones like Murder Mysteries, Looking For the Girl and We can Get Them for You Wholesale

>> No.2799084

All of the Brontes

I can't pick one out of that bunch.

>> No.2799089

Have you tried Joan Didion?

>> No.2799093

Robin Hobb's pretty cool. She knows how to write a male, and there's nary unnecessary social drama or romance in her Fool's and Assassin's series.

>> No.2799095

Seriously, read 'Her'.

>> No.2799100

No but I'm reading a bit about her online now that you mentioned her, and I'm willing to give it a go. What's her best work? A novel preferably

>> No.2799104

Her novels are her worst works. Her earlier essays are her best works. Salvadore, Slouching Towards Bethlehem, etc.

>> No.2799487
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>Alice Munro
because I've never seen her mentioned here
>also Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welty, Toni >Morrison, Flannery O'Connor, and Joan Didion

>> No.2799492

Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Amy Levy.

>> No.2799495

I actually really like her novel Play It as It Lays.

>> No.2799498
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Shirley fucking Jackson

>> No.2799504
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>> No.2799506
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Ali Smith. Alice Munro is an honourable second.
I've only read some poetry and The Blind Assassin, but Atwood is pretty cool too.

>> No.2799507

>No Hannah Arendt