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File: 36 KB, 375x600, Ralph Waldo Emerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2796465 No.2796465 [Reply] [Original]

I read this waldo guy and re-read him, but I find it hard to hold my attention on his convoluted and laborious prose. Granted he has a few inspirational lines here and there, but as a whole it surmounts to verbal diarrhea and I find it hard to delineate a proper 'philosophy' from said diarrhea, at best I can extract some inspirational prattle here and there.

Should I try harder? or just give up and move on to henry david thoreau? Any essays in particular I should read?

>> No.2796522

h.d. thoreau was a filthy neckbeard and walden is probably his least attractive work. you can get as much philosophy from his essays (Civil Disobedience and Life Without Principle) as from Walden, and thus saving yourself the trouble of wading through pages of thoreau talking about his stupid surveying work or how lame he thinks his neighbors are because he's so cool and enlightened and takes walks through forests

>> No.2796526

Just because he had a neckbeard doesn't mean he was one.

>> No.2796555


lol i shouldn't lurk while working. i read waldo as walden. oh well

>> No.2796559

Walt Whitman is infinitely superior to both.

I feel the same about Emerson. Lots of incomprehensible stuff and then bam! Great phrase.

Whitman, for me, is flawless. Love the guy dearly.

>> No.2797085

waldo -> walden,

I wonder if this was purpesfully done?

damn, I should probably be reading less dan brown fiction.