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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 189x300, We Are Anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2796271 No.2796271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how does Anon feel about this. dont care if this was alreadt a thread . not everyone on the planet saw it. deal with that reality http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7375073/We_Are_Anonymous_Inside_the_Hacker_World_of_LulzSec__Anonymou

>> No.2796277

no-one even knows what im talking about.
its a book about all of you and you have no idea it exists. fucking shameful

>> No.2796281

the author was just on the daily show. its a popular book and none of you even know what it is. disgraceful.

>> No.2796283

We don't care, and this thread has happened before, why would we respond to it again?

>> No.2796291

ok so you didnt even read the op and you expect people to believe you read the book. i just got done saying not everyone saw the thread deal with that reality. ok so you 12? a virgin? be quiet and let the adults talk

>> No.2796293

It's uninformed garbage. Same as it was when we discussed it last week.

>> No.2796295


>> No.2796296


>> No.2796297

>>2796296 Soooo in other words none of you read it?

>> No.2796298

Anonymous is dead.

>> No.2796302

>>2796271 i see alot of people avoiding the subject matter of the book and just repeating things theyve heard about the book . but you dont really understand what your saying or why. much like a parrot

>> No.2796305

Being fed up of a badly researched, badly written book that gets posted every second day is to be expected, no?

>> No.2796307

i think the fact that people think anon is dead means it stronger than ever. im sure thats what thye want the ignorant to think

>> No.2796311

>>2796305 which part do you feel is inaccurate? hmm you cant tell me because youve never read it ? oh ok.

>> No.2796313

OP, are you new here? /lit/ is one of the boards that people come to when they're fed up with "Anonymous" (who don't exist here any more, at least, not the Anonymous of years ago) and all the shit that goes with it.

>> No.2796315

Silence is not proof of a lack of knowledge OP. What are you, 5? Go search for it in the archives. As was said, we had a thread a week ago, and don't want to stir the shit-pile again.

>> No.2796320

>>2796313 hes says this with the word
Anonymous above his post. ok folks scine you all have the book. what is the tittle of chapter 15?? oh what you dont know because youre commenting on a book youve never read? oh ok.

>> No.2796328

maybe i want to hear new opinions .maybe i want to give others who've actually read the book a chance to give their opinion. tittle of chapter 15 . what is it?......still waiting.

>> No.2796332

>equating the default username of 4chan users with a retarded carebear activist group that has had nothing to do with the site in years

Come on, guy. >>>/b/ is that way.

>> No.2796333

>implying not any faggot can look that up within 5 seconds

we internet now

>> No.2796334

Your inability to realise that a single word may mean many different things further outlines your stupidity. Breaking Away

>> No.2796337

>>2796332 this is where we talk about literature. or did you not know what /lit/ meant. i thought the people here would be a bit more mature . guess i was wrong.tittle of chapter 15. still waiting

>> No.2796340
File: 54 KB, 640x480, eajfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2796341

>>2796333 ok look it up...still waiting.

>> No.2796343

Excuse me, I'm new in this board (just in this board).
Are you the same guy who "sage's" in all threads or is this a common practice?
Do you do it because you're so humble you don't want to influence the world?

>> No.2796346

sooooo none of you have read it? and you continue to comment. wow just ...just wow.sad day for humanity. i feel like GlaDos. youre adopted . thats also funny. this cake is so delicious and most.. tastes like win

>> No.2796350

More people on /lit/ sage than on most boards because they know how the function works. If I haven't said much I sage, if I'm agreeing and not adding I sage, if a thread isn't /lit/ I sage, if what I'm posting isn't related to the thread I sage, and if talking with some ESL retard who wants to be a leet hacker I sage.

>> No.2796348

i just wanted to hear honest opinions about a book. looks like i came to the wrong place

>> No.2796352

I haven't read it, but isn't this a guess?

>> No.2796356

>>2796333 none will say the name of the chapter because they now ill ask for a page number.. ok so what is it ....still waiting.. ill just sit here enjoying my delicious win cake while you figure it out. have you all started reading this in GlaDos' voice yet. mmmm so delicious

>> No.2796359

ITT: Virulent raging autism

>> No.2796360

tittle of chapter 15 and page number......still waiting

>> No.2796363

..............still waiting..............................

>> No.2796366

i have lost all respect for/lit/. try reading something else besides the bible and mein kampf. then maybe people will care about you opinions

>> No.2796367

>this thread

>> No.2796368

You're trolling. No one can be this obliviously juvenile by accident.

>> No.2796370

Oh, our wounded pride. Some idiot who can't speak English has no respect for us. I haven't read this by the way OP. Why didn't you tell us your opinion on it? Wouldn't that have been easier? By the way, there are no page numbers on mobi files, so one would actually have to buy a physical copy of the book to give you the answer to your petty question.

>> No.2796372

and now /lit/ is trying to let the page die. because you all just critiqued a book youve never read? because you ll look dumb? or maybe youve all decided to actually read it. oh well. i guess if i were as ignorant as all of you id also want to hide my shame from the public. go lick you wounds /lit/. this win cake so delicious and moist

>> No.2796374

You do realise that everyone who posted in this thread claiming to have read the book probably just hid it when they told you to go away right? Everyone else has just been onlookers at a car crash.

>> No.2796375
File: 15 KB, 250x225, th6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2796376

>>2796370 so you havent read it and your commenting.....brilliant. the point as ive said before was to hear others opinions on the book. are you mad at me for being op or mad at yourself for not reading it

>> No.2796378

I read the book and as soon as I heard the snap of the last page turning under my moistened finger I booked an appointment with a plastic surgeon (i could no longer ignore my urge to become female)

>> No.2796379

right. asking peoples opinions about a book on /lit/ is trolling....nigga you just went full retard

>> No.2796381

There are countless books to read and not enough time. Why would I read a book about something that I already know quite a lot about when I don't want to know any more about it?

>> No.2796383

most intelligent reply yet. im sharing my cake with you

>> No.2796387

>>2796381 to gain awareness of an outside perception. to see how the layman perceives anon. but i guess that doesnt make sense to people.

>> No.2796395

>when I don't want to know any more about it
Kid, please leave us alone. We just want you to leave so we can talk about fiction.

>> No.2796409

i was simply asking for an opinion and got caught in a shit storm. i should leave you all alone? im the fucking op.if you dont have an honest informed opinion about the book then you leave me alone. i was trying to have an adult discussion and got shit-stormed by illiterate virgins.

>> No.2796417

true but there are questions i could ask to prove they got a hold of the book in any form and they know it which is why they cant answer.. shameful.ps thanks for calling me pretty i needed that

>> No.2796421

>I'm the OP
authorial intent is dead breh, didn't you hear?

>> No.2796425

OP is obviously a troll. Just let it die.

>> No.2796431

comment then hide? cowardice.

>> No.2796438

>>2796421 missed the point
>>2796425 like i just said . asking for an honest informed opinion is trolling? a sad day indeed

>> No.2796444

so no-ones going to talk about the book?

>> No.2796452

ok ill start how about the parts with the westboro baptist church? now this sounds like trolling but its a large part of the book. thoughts. ps op here yea i identified myself as the op deal with life

>> No.2796459

this thread is proof that people will shit storm over the most innocuous topics. i just wanted and honest informed opinion and i get accused of trolling. this is the saddest day of the internet.

>> No.2796475

this thread will now die . /lit/ has been defeated by a simple question which by the ways seems to be the most effective way to defeat them. this cake is so delicious and most.

>> No.2796477

>please respond

>> No.2796483

>>2796477 thanks for responding

>> No.2796486

No problem buddy.

>> No.2796489

OP is a master of shitstorm generation. In all honesty, the idiots on /b/ don't even come close. For that, OP, I applaud you, and I'm not even being sarcastic here. It was pretty amusing and at the same time rage-inducing at first, and it would still be, but it's been the same thing for an hour's worth of posts. You'd think something new would come up after such a long period of time, but it's been fifty posts of the same thing and now it's more of an eyesore and less of anger provocation. For example, instead of the mock retardation and feigned ignorance, try an insult that strikes into the very core of the human mind. Something that attacks the very thing we hold dearest to ourselves. Either way, OP - if you want to keep the shit flying, OP, I suggest you inject some creativity into your incendiary.

I also have the gut feeling that this entire thread is a mockery on the human condition. If so, OP, you got me. I'm not sure how the irony of this satire flew completely over my head long enough for me to type that, but I see it now. Subtle, but detectable. Carry on.

>> No.2796493

nice dubs. check my trips

>> No.2796499

>>2796489 yea got about halfway into that nonsense and lost interest. i wanted an honest informed opinion got shitstormed and tried my best to defend the right to ask for honest informed opinions. if that makes people mad. theyd completely lose their shit if i actually wanted to troll them.. thanks though

>> No.2796500
File: 10 KB, 719x750, 1330930303814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come you guys still get dubs yet we don't.


>> No.2796502


>> No.2796507

>implying I didn't post half the replies in this thread
I'm not OP either. If it gave you an insight into yourself I'm happy for you.

>> No.2796508

I know you're attempting to stay in character, but this has been going on for far too long. What is your actual agenda behind this?

>> No.2796512
File: 10 KB, 236x285, 1341170363555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2796516

i swear on my wifi that i just wanted an honest informed opinion. i am truly saddened by the outcome of this. ps look at all the fucking dubs holy shit

>> No.2796519


>> No.2796520

Even the dumbest of fools are unable to muster up the stupidity necessary to act like this, in an honest manner, without a secondary purpose. Perhaps I thought too highly of you, OP.

>> No.2796530

>>2796520 hey im not denying that im stupid i am however deying the accusation that i am a troll. and its sad when an effective troll gets gets more respect than someone who wants an honest informed opinion

>> No.2796539

Your standards are dropping. You were much more effective towards the start of the thread. I presume you are attempting some sort of advancement, but this isn't the right direction in which you should be heading.

>> No.2796551

dude at this point i am trying to be as innocuous as possible just so people wont get mad. how does a person convince these people that i just want an honest informed opinion?

>> No.2796556


This is reminescent of a twelve-year-old's rambling. Have you finally revealed your true self, OP?

>> No.2796568

>>2796556 ive been trying to reveal my self as someone that just wants and honest informed opinion the whole fucking time. at this point im the one getting trolled very effectively i am saddened and disappoint to the point of suicide contemplation to think that this has happened. i mean seriously look at the recponces to such an innocuous post.

>> No.2796572

this thread is the end of mankind

>> No.2796573

Alright OP, I'll settle for what I have.

>hey im not denying that im stupid

I'm going to collect my winnings at the coat check, thanks for playing.

>> No.2796575
File: 60 KB, 445x545, 1341107922511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2796578

>this entire thread

good job /lit/, really, I'm proud

>> No.2796597

lol fine but you cant have any cake. there is no cake it was a lie
thank fucking god

>> No.2796600

still waiting for chapter name and page number /lit/

>> No.2796608 [DELETED] 

Oh lol, OP's still here.

Shall we have another round?

>> No.2796618

>>2796600 <check ops dubs
another round of what making yourselves look uninformed?

>> No.2796628 [DELETED] 

Aha. That's the OP I once knew.

So, OP, where did you learn these master troll techniques?

>> No.2796631

btw the actual troll was talking about chapter tittle and page numbers after posting a link to an audio book....soooo yea delicious and moist

>> No.2796647

>>2796628 by going to /b/ and doing the exact opposite.

>> No.2796658

this was a triumph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRlrV8awo0&feature=related

>> No.2796664

good bye friends

>> No.2796669

haha, thanks man. i thought so too.

>> No.2796677

>>2796669< 6669 awesome

>> No.2796690

Le epic trolling guize