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2795503 No.2795503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am i the only one who finds Martin verbose as fuck?

I'm reading a Storm of Sword and i feel the book could be half long.

>> No.2795508

No you're not the only one. I know some people who cannot even into his books because of how verbose he is. Certainly it could be much shorter, but then again there are some people who like that.

>> No.2795533

it's slightly verbose at times but hardly purple prose or anything. If you need leaner stuff than that I'd say you're pretty harsh about it.

>> No.2795542

No, you're not alone. It is a problem that plagues most of the genre. Fans expect it (hurr durr bigger=better) and authors oblige them. Joe Abercrombie is an exception.

>> No.2795546
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ITT everybody uncomfortably dances around the word verbose, not knowing how to apply its derivative, verbosity, in a more elegant fashion

I thought you were cool /lit/.

>> No.2795556

are you still using reaction faces?

oh boy

>> No.2795560
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>> No.2795571

Some of his scenes, as well done as they may be taken in and of themselves, could stand to be cut out, A Feast for Crows really suffered from it. How much time di we spend with Cersei only for to not change or reveal anything more about herself? A lot of her scenes should have been cut and the book would have been stronger.

>> No.2795577

The books would be much more interesting if they were shorter. I've read and enjoy them but they are way too long, most of the time nothing is even happening.

>> No.2795579

He could have made it half as long if he had just stuck with telling Tyrion's tale.

>> No.2795583


Wait till you get to Feast for Crows and Dance of Dragons. He split one book in two and it still went practically nowhere. Shit.

>> No.2795587


Samefagging but to add to that, Storm of Swords is the best book, so enjoy it while you can.

>> No.2795605

Storm of Swords is the best. Like Lovecraft, I prefer him in smaller doses, so I supplemented ASoIF with other books so I wouldn't be sick of his style.
And speaking of small doses of Martin, his short stories, particularly his ones in Wild Cards, are amazing. The Great and Powerful Turtle and Loherign chapters made those books great.
>Feast For Crows
>Strong in any alternate universe of yours.
God damn, you're an idiot.

>> No.2795697

I've only actually read through storm of swords so I can't comment on that. That said, that's not really verbose - verbosity is a characteristic of the prose/diction itself.

Though you can be more verbose in places than in others, entire sections (and their intent) needing to be cut out isn't a problem with verbosity, exactly.

>> No.2795708

SoS is probably the fastest paced of any of them, full of action and twists. Did you even read the first two or just watch the show?

>> No.2798259

Speaking of Wild Cards, I found Busted Flush at a secondhand store today. It's the first I've heard of the series, am I going to be entirely lost if I jump right in with a recent book?

>> No.2798277

Verbosity comes with the territory when you're reading fantasy with a world as rich as that of a asoiaf. I can accept it and see past it to the bigger ideas. But what really bothered me was the redundancy. He straight up repeats entire passages. Tyrion's story of how he got married was told twice in the same book using all the same metaphors and was basically copy+pasted. Does he think we forget stuff along the way or something?

The meticulous description of clothing is also weird. Why tell me what color doublet someone's wearing if it's not really going to have any meaning in the immediate future?

>> No.2798295

This is the only thread on /lit/ that contains any detailed analysis of a written work. Why is it a board as elitist as /lit/ can only produce actual discussion of plebshit?

>> No.2798297

because no one on /lit/ has ever actually read any of the classics they so strenuously recommend

>> No.2798314

>meticulous description of clothing
This isn't that strange, a lot of writers do it even though it's unnecessary. Helps some people visualize or something I guess.
>straight up repeats entire passages
I don't remember this but I've only read the first three books. But it might just be that I've been reading epic poetry at the same time, in which this is often done instead of finding a new way to fit in the meter, so I'm used to it right now.

>> No.2798319

I dunno why people are saying Storm is the best book. Too much time spend on traveling around, Arya and Jaime did nothing but walking.