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/lit/ - Literature

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2792312 No.2792312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>all the dead /lit/izens who will never know how ASOIAF ends
>they will never know who Azor Ahai reborn is
>they will never know who Jon's mom is
>they will never know what happened to Benjen

Can we say a prayer for the dead /lit/?

Of course this can go for any book series they never finished.

Inb4 jon is azor ahai and the son of rhaegar and lyanna

>> No.2792321

Not a chance Jon is Azor Ahai, its definitely Dany

>> No.2792339

I hope not.

I don't even want her back in Westeros.

>> No.2792372

Shes going to come to westeros, and then bran will take control of one of her dragons and do some crazy shit.

It only makes sense

>> No.2792379

>they will never see Joffrey die

>> No.2792381

they wasted their lives reading crap fiction. at least i still have time to make up for my failures

>> No.2792385


>> No.2792387

Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them.

>> No.2792388
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>that feel when I will quite probably die before salinger's unpublished works are released

>> No.2792391

>18 to 25 demographic
> dead

pick one

>> No.2792397

Are these books really even that good?

I've read some of GRRM's work before (the first volume of his short story compilation "Dreamsongs") and I thought it was pretty decent, but I've gotten a lot of mixed messages about ASOIAF.

>> No.2793928

Fuck you, Berric Dondarrion was Azor Ahai. Now it's Cat.

>> No.2793934

That's retarded,

>> No.2793941

It's competently written. Most of the hate stems from the three following issues:

>It's popular.
>The last two entries in the series have been meandering and somewhat masturbatory.
>Gurm enjoys repeating certain phrases ad nauseum.

Not a bad way to kill a few hours, though. Keep in mind it is written purely as entertainment fiction.

>> No.2793960

Originally, it wasn't daunting. The whole "nipples on a breastplate" was originally funny because of the sheer absurdity of it, but he beat it to death. Once a book was okay with me.
All of the "half a hundred" and "nuncle" made Feast For Crows and Dance of Dragons two of the worst book I've read in the past three years.

>> No.2793966

don't forget how we heard much and more of where whores go

also, Azor Ahai is Aegon the Reconquerer

>> No.2795640

Don't forget the leal serjeants.

>> No.2795658

the dragons will destroy the others. dany will marry jon and together they will rule middle earth.

>> No.2795661

Dysentery for everyone!