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2788522 No.2788522 [Reply] [Original]

There are six pages to this article. I'm going to post all of them no matter how little interest this thread receives.

>> No.2788533
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>> No.2788540
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>> No.2788551


Still waiting for 4, 5, and 6/6.

>> No.2788553

>I'm going to post all of them no matter how little interest this thread receives

Then you're a dick

L2 gauge your audience

>> No.2788554
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>> No.2788560


Whenever I read that word I think it's spelled incorrectly.

>> No.2788563
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>> No.2788567
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>> No.2788572
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>Whenever I read that word I think it's spelled incorrectly.

I spent to much time typing 'gauge' into porn sites when I was 15 to think that.

>> No.2788578

Why would you do that?

>> No.2788592

What was the point of this?

>> No.2788595

Some lovely excerpts forthcoming:

1. "If atheism is going to attract something more than 2 percent of the American public it currently has convinced, it will do so by moving beyond simply dismantling faith to offer some picture of what comes next."

>I moorican, can't think for self. Pleez tell me how to live.

>> No.2788596


Because I had already fapped to most of the really well known pornstars, and she was quite hot when she was younger.

>> No.2788599

her name is 'gauge'? is that even name?

>> No.2788604

Please give a rest, OP. This article is not insightful. it's a review of some books that are at least 5 years old.

Atheism isn't in the business of winning support and offering a lifestyle. These men have tried and that is their failure.

>> No.2788611
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I doubt that's what her parents named her, but it's no worse than 'belladonna'.

>> No.2788616


of course it is, dumbass. have you never seen Pet Sematary?

>> No.2788620
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Apparently her real name is Elizabeth.

>> No.2788621

it is worse. 'belladonna' is at least a conventional name, if a rather hideous one. 'gauge is a random word. it's like calling your son 'extract' or 'operate'.

>> No.2788622


2. "In exchange for giving up our reasons for living, Rosenberg offers us medication. If meaninglessness 'makes it impossible to get out of bed in the morning,' he writes, you should try Prozac. This isn't a passing suggestion; it appears repeatedly throughout his book[.]"

>never mind that one study found that children who are on Prozac are 30% more likely to get cancer

>> No.2788625

>Pet Sematary

>> No.2788626

gage is a different word.

>> No.2788632


>> No.2788635

god this gauge bitch is hideous

>> No.2788637
File: 132 KB, 265x400, bella_emberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>belladonna' is at least a conventional name

Maybe if you live in some kind of a goth colony.

Donna is a name. Bella is a name. Belladonna is a plant that kills you.

>> No.2788640

>popular books by the philosophically illiterate aren't good
>truth isn't pleasant

>> No.2788643

But she's a pornstar, she doesn't need a convential name. Pinky, mandingo, shyla stylez, Malibu, Sunshine, Friday are all porn stars. It's better than a godawful celebrity pun like Faye Runaway.

>> No.2788645

tangential to the point.

>> No.2788646
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>> No.2788649

The easily refutable atheists are silly, therefore atheism is silly.

>> No.2788653

3. "Religious thinkers routinely make use of science when coming to conclusions about birth control or euthanasia."

>never mind that pesky teen pregnacy overwhelming Textus, where abstinence is exclusively taught, even though statistics show us that this is the least effective sex education

>> No.2788657


Find me someone who's called Belladonna whose job doesn't involve two dicks in her arsehole while somebody chokes her then I'll believe you that my point was tangential.

Belladonna is not a real name. No more than gauge. And I doubt very much that Long Dong Silver had tha on his driver's license. What the fuck are you arguing about anyway?

>> No.2788670

Maybe I should have been clearer. It's okay to name your kids after nouns (belladonna) but naming them after verbs (gauge) is stupid

>> No.2788676

Nobody is naming their kids Belladonna or Gauge. These are names they have given themselves so you can put a name to the particular butthole.

and gauge is a noun too

>> No.2788695

at least the former sounds feminine, beautiful and flowery.

why would you call yourself after a measuring device?

I'm the new porn star Thermometer.

>> No.2788715

The guy quoting stuff from the article is not the OP. I thought I'd be reading something insightful or interesting, but it's not. All it is, is some dude that's still hung up on his Christian values and his Christian life and his Christian world, trying to articulate why he disagrees with atheism, and going about it in the most milquetoasty of ways. Sure, the first two authors mentioned are stupid, but Alain de Botton is not, and the author of the article has no real refutation of anything Botton says. He leaves us at square one, without having taken us on a journey of any real significance at all.


>> No.2788737

the last page is clearly in need of a conclusion. I know because I didnt read the article and skipped to the hoping for a conclusion.

>> No.2788741


Chance used to be a reasonably common name, and that's a verb and a noun.

I'm more interested in why your panties are creeping so far up your vagina about this. Do you go through porn checking the cast lists and going "oh no, I can't fap to this transexual piss-orgy, one of the actors is called Jimmy Rustles and how dare that slut call herself Mangosteen?".

Apropos of nothing, I've just decided that my porn-star name is going to be Johnny Cockring. I'm going to do it blackface. Watch out for me on Fapdu.

>> No.2788759

I had a problem with that exact same sentence myself, although for a different reason.

>If atheism is going to attract something more than 2 percent of the American public it currently has convinced...

What? Convinced? You don't "convince" people into atheism. It's not like anyone has ever said "What's this? Atheism? There is no God? Well, that sounds mighty convincing to me!"

You convince people into cults not out of them.

Also, Scientism? What happened to Humanism? Hasn't that shit been around since the renaissance?

>> No.2788812


The whole thing's a mess, and has a definite slant toward theism. I thought Harper was supposed to be better than that ...?

>> No.2788823

haha oh wow delusional atheists think that objective morals can possibly exist without a heaven/hell/god.

The worst part of atheism is their belief in evil humanism and marxism.

>> No.2788840

>Chance used to be a reasonably common name, and that's a verb and a noun.

I changed the subject from verbs and nouns as names a while ago. we're onto connotations.

bella - literally 'beautiful', also female name.
donna - from 'mistress', also female name

gauge - measuring device, to measure etc

>> No.2788868

Sure, and "There is an omniscient and omnipotent magical man living in the sky, and he, in all his glory, gives a shit about me!" is perfectly rational and reasonable.

>> No.2788871

I'm an agnostic atheist, I'm not a marxist nor a humanist. AND I've got morals.
What now?

>> No.2788878

"i have to be a good person because the invisible boogeyman in the sky will punish me after i'm dead if i don't"
"this is the only life that anyone gets, and it'd be a real dick move to fuck that up for someone"

i don't know why you'd think the former is in any way more moral

>> No.2788879


Chance = Fucking Rhythm Method, I wish they'd let us use condoms.

If we're talking connotations, there's a lot of people out there called Dick and Willy.

I still fail to understand your asspain over this, in a medium where people with names like Girth Brooks and Lolly Badcock make movies with names like Ass Ventura - Butt Detective.

>> No.2788885

>responding to trolls

never respond to anyone who speaks avidly of marx, dawkins, or rand

>> No.2788894

oh wow these edgy atheists


>> No.2788897

fuck you

>> No.2788899

the penis connotations came after the abbreviation from richard and william.

>>I still fail to understand
that i am very bored

>> No.2788901

>ok, mom.
I'll take it as a life lesson.

>> No.2788903

>that i am in desperate need of social engagement


>> No.2788904

>Oh shit I got no way to respond to that without sounding like an idiot!
>Better send them to Reddit!

>> No.2788921

I guess we will just ignore the fact that objective investigation of the world was invented by christians.... I'm sure the world would be better off if we were godless hedonistic atheists who drive ourselves out of existance.

>> No.2788927
File: 15 KB, 220x294, 220px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.2788934

aristotle thought you could "logic" your way to understanding the world, aka he was fucking completely and utterly wrong about everything.

>> No.2788942

Aristotle wasn't Plato, aka you are fucking completely and utterly wrong about everything.

>> No.2788943

>title: "the good life"
>first couple of paragraphs: "philosophizing with a hammer"


>> No.2788953

>There are six pages to this article. I'm going to post all of them no matter how little interest this article receives in my own thread.

>> No.2788960

>2. "In exchange for giving up our reasons for living, Rosenberg offers us medication. If meaninglessness 'makes it impossible to get out of bed in the morning,' he writes, you should try Prozac. This isn't a passing suggestion; it appears repeatedly throughout his book[.]"

lol that is just pathetic.
Really, Christianity is far, far more convincing than that.

>> No.2788966


>Plato: Maths or GTFO
>Aristotle: Let's take a look at the World, just in case.
>Plato: lol no

>> No.2788972

Plato confirmed for King of Kings.

>> No.2788977

>I guess we will just ignore the fact that objective investigation of the world was invented by christians...
I'll just ignore the fact that you're completely disregarding ancient Greek, Roman, Egypt, middle eastern and Asian civilizations.
It's human nature to fear the unknown and to find the untouchable to be annoying. In Europe, monks and the like just happened to be the ones with enough time on their hands to do investigations driven by that curiosity.

>> No.2788979

what that fag means is that if you feel like shit for no reason you should go to the doctor bcause most of the atheists can get over God's inexistenceit without developing depressive disorders.

>> No.2788982

>call yourself an atheist and a "happy nihilist"
>propose "Scientism" as having answers pertaining to morals, values, and how we should live a life without God
>fool stupid atheists, pseudo-nihilists, and pop-science fans into buying your book and changing their facebook profile to "practicing Scientism-ist."

It sounds to me like this guy is trying to be the new L Ron Hubbard.

>> No.2788986
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Posting Kierkegaard quotes, don't care if anybody sees.

you're both bullshitting because I'm pretty sure none of the guys you're talking about, Christians, Egyptians, Greeks, Roman, were ever using the term "objective investigation".

>> No.2788994
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>> No.2788998
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>> No.2789000
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>> No.2789003
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>> No.2789005

No, they called it investigations about nature.

>> No.2789010
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>> No.2789015
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it's completely different then

>> No.2789019
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>> No.2789020

I would add:
>and when you try to prove his existence you just make a fool of yourself.

>> No.2789022
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>> No.2789028

Yeah, because "nature" and "objectivity" have totally different referents.

>> No.2789029
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Wittgenstein said that Kierkegaard was 2deep4him

>> No.2789033
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>> No.2789036
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>> No.2789042

religious thought in general

>> No.2789053
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>> No.2789057 [DELETED] 


So, he's basically saying 'believe it because it's true'. I don't find that very convincing, to be honest.

>> No.2789071
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more that would you call truth involving doubt, skepticism and reason is all a bit of silly game to distract us from our duties

>> No.2789072
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>That feel when you realize that the whole enterprise of atheism is basically just talking past monotheism

>> No.2789082
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>> No.2789084

and vice versa

>> No.2789085
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>> No.2789090
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>> No.2789093

It's all really a trick to promote marxism.

Part of their war on civilization and christian society.

God i would fucking hate to live in a society run by leftists... oh wait we already are.

>> No.2789098
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>> No.2789101


>that feel when leftist
>that feel when no idea what you're on about, but enjoy your reactionary nationalism

>> No.2789103
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I think this one is the sum of all of Kierkegaard's philosophy.

>> No.2789108

What is your rebuttle to the fact that every single leftist society has failed and that your ideology is pretty much a blatant rejection of human nature?

>> No.2789123
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there is no leftist society, but leftism is present in every society.
Leftism means to oppose existing power, leftism can't exist if there isn't anything for it to react to in the first place.

>> No.2789137

I don't think you have any idea what leftism is.

>> No.2789147

>Leftism means to oppose existing power, leftism can't exist if there isn't anything for it to react to in the first place.

Rick Santorum is a leftist according to this idiot

>> No.2789172
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I don't know who that man is, but simply stating that you oppose power does not mean that you oppose. The thing about power is that it is crafty and it likes to let you think you oppose it when in fact you do nothing to threaten it. Buying Che Guevera shirts and making cynical remarks about the state is not an opposition to existing power. The first thing that is necessary is to identify the enemy and see where it can be attacked.

>> No.2789176

the enemy is retarded communists like yourself.

>> No.2789180
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>> No.2789189
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>> No.2789193


You're incoherent with rage, rightist. This is how you ideology survives, blind rage. I suggest you look into your heart and search your feelings.

>> No.2789211

>Not being a Determinist

>> No.2789227
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I don't usually visit /lit/ but when I do, I debate about pornstars