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2786106 No.2786106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got an idea /lit/

Let's get a taste of everyone's unique, authorial voice.

Rewrite this (basic) sentence as you would in your own fiction:

We went into the bar and found what we were looking for.

>> No.2786109

We found it in the bar.

>> No.2786113

We went into that bar and actually found it in there.

>> No.2786114

It was in a bar.

>> No.2786110

Keith sidled up beside me, his wide predatory eyes scanned the nearest distance before he gave voice to the fact we were in fact, surrounded, engulfed, hopelessly adrift on a sea of available women.

>> No.2786111

found it in the bar

>> No.2786117

Garbage too many adverbs.

>> No.2786118

purple prose master race reporting in.

We stepped out of the world of rain and darkness and into the bar—a world of faint lights, whiskey breath and cigarette smoke. A mere glimpse into the relentless banality of the locale and its seedy, inconsequential inhabitants, we discovered we had indeed stepped into the right place: here it was, what we were looking for.

>> No.2786121

I guess it must have been in there all along, and I feel kind of dumb for not realizing it earlier, but there it was. In the local bar. The very same place we went to every friday. We just never thought of looking for it there.

>> No.2786122

We stumbled into the bar, frost still clinging to our eyebrows from the outside cold as we wrenched open our eyes to gaze outward at the scene in front of us, in a majestic search to find the long lost dragon dildo that was lost but we were looking for it in the bar and here we were.

>> No.2786123


That's cool.

>> No.2786124

I respect and enjoy purple prose, sir. Way to keep the tradition alive.

>> No.2786128

a bar, t'was in, saw er me self

>> No.2786129

We peepin that bar, and homies like, yo fool ya think dis shit in this mah-fuckin bah righ here? I'm all yeah blud, we be entering finna scope out the joint. We go in and would ya know, straight away we peep that shit we after. Like straight away ya mean?

>> No.2786131

We didn't go into the bar, because nothing we needed could be found in there.

/straightedge for life

>> No.2786134

The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking.

>> No.2786136

Inveniamo eam in caupona.

>> No.2786140

We, entering the bar, and having long ago mutually agreed we were the dearest and oldest of friends, I of him and he of me, who had known the other, known since the age of three, first becoming acquainted in nursery school as was law and custom in the Land of Eng in the latter half of the twentieth century, reign of Elizabeth II and ministry of Blair, to the least wrinkle on the other's foreskin, found what we were looking for.

>> No.2786141

t'was in a bar

>> No.2786146

Go to bed Quentin.

>> No.2786154

Nada más entrar en el bar encontramos aquello que habíamos venido a buscar. Pelea.

>> No.2786160

We approached a bar and we already knew we were getting closer. The sudden rush of excitement propelled us foward. Having no fears or other expectations than to find what we were looking for, we entered the building. And there it laid.

>> No.2786161

We go into the bar and find what we look for.

>> No.2786163

We entered into the bar and found what we had been searching for.

>> No.2786165

Until at last and without much thought of how or why we found ourselves entering the bar, a cavern all smoke and darkness where nobody, none of us breathed - not even once; for there it was or at least there it seemed to be and after all this time I couldn't see the difference and honestly didn't care to.

>> No.2786167

Menimme baariin, mistä löysimme juuri sen, mitä olimme kaiken aikaa etsineetkin. Kiihkeän persepanon ja hirvittävän pahanmakuista kiljua. Molemmat meille tarjosi karvainen rekkakuskisetä.

>> No.2786175

When they got to the bar they found it all right, still taped under the dusty corner table, as Jim could see at a floor angle when he pretended to fall nearby, and now they just had to wait for the family of Kodiak brown bears occupying it to depart.

>> No.2786180

Er rtnt into thr bat anr founr ehat er ertr looking got.

just kidding

We were all downtrodden and hopeless when someone suggested we take a trip to the bar--it didn't matter if we found anything there, because if not, we could all just get drinks. When we opened the door, our group heaved a sigh of relief. Every one of us saw it. It was right there, seemingly waiting for us.

>> No.2786182

In the bar. We search. We find. Great joy.

>> No.2786183

Despite the latent hate both of us had for bars and other locations dedicated to shallow hedonism and shallower minds, we found ourselves in such a place not long after setting foot outside.
"This is such a drag" each of us thought "but that's what normal people do so I better act like I'm all up for it."
But we needed a place to sit down and talk and pretend to be social, so it wasn't a pointless sacrifice.

I never write in English, this felt weird and is probably not similar to my usual style.

>> No.2786185

>disliking bars
Even if this was supposed to be a dislikeable character narrating I'd just stop reading there.

>> No.2786192

In the bar we had an archaeological dig.

>> No.2786205

The barkeep waved to me as I shook the rain off my jacket. I found Gwen waiting in the usual spot.

>> No.2786215
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>> No.2786216

My acquaintances and I saw a cat from the bar's doorway, his name was Fluffy and my niece lost him.

>> No.2786217

I held open the door for her and watched as she entered the bar. My feet grabbed at the doorstep's carpet of piss, vomit, and stale beer while my hand hung reluctantly on the handle. I watched as she halted amidst the carousers and the noises of drunken arguments and reveries faded into the night. It sat on an empty table we had seen many times before, the table in the darkest corner, yet which seemed to contain an aura of vague radiance. There it sat on our table, forsaken for the smell and memory of the woman who stood, and now strode before me. A suppressed cough, and the silence stifles. There it sat, on the table.

>> No.2786223

Through the dense tobacco smoke and musky odors, the idol of our seeking stood out like a beacon at the far end of the bar.

>> No.2786235

We entered the bear bar through the back door, through the stench of dumpsters into the smell of now-deceased cigarette smoke and stale semen, but the formerly helpful guide to this city had trolled us; it was full of twinks.

>> No.2786252

Crazy Doug and Greasy Steve (that's us, according to LeShawn's version of the story) went into the bar. Crazy Doug began discreetly questioning likely people in the crowd (correct), but Greasy Steve (as usual) appeared to be having some kind of hang up, and remained frozen and wide-eyed in the doorway. Evidently they'd found what they were looking for.

>> No.2786256

There it was. Walking in to the bar, we had found what had so eluded us: the pain that would bring us all out of our general miasma, the pain that told us we were still alive.

How none of us spotted the bar before we walked into, I'll never know.

>> No.2786257

After a late night call from that bastard, Paul MacKenna, I was finally persuaded into the pub. There was hardly a safe place in all Ulster, but at the very least, I trusted Murphy to keep out the riff-raff. Somehow, it all seemed safe from the black and tans. Shuffling into the bar, we knew we'd found it; finally, a respite from the mayhem.

>> No.2786263

We walked into the bar. It was clean and wide and I could hear the gambling machines singing in the corner, as they did most nights. The bartender looks at me and smiles, as she does most nights. I order beers for the both of us and sit on the tall chairs lined up against bar; this happens most nights.

I guess we found what we were looking for.

>> No.2786272

Yea, and so into the bar we go, and... alas! T'was twinkling as Brinkley and beautiful. We-- or rather, I-- found what we came to find: the grand MacGuffin.

>> No.2786294

Well, I could look through the cracks in any school, church or barracks, edging my switchblade in where needed, with the intent to get just a bit on the tip, which i'd drop in a glass vial labeled WHIMSY.That, or i could save some time at the bar.

>> No.2786307

Shelley and I were still holding hands as we got out of the car.

"Go ahead and get a table"

I looked her in the eyes. She looked at the pavement. We walked inside.

>> No.2786371

As we entered the bar I could hear the faint chattering of the drunkards that populated this wretched place. The smell of ale stung my nose and and the cackling of bar wenches my ears. Desperate to escape the wretched noise and wretched'r people I courteously told my dear fiance, that hideous buffalo of a women that had dragged me to this god-awful place, that I would be going to the little boys room to 'freshen up'. Outside I knocked three times on the door and, without waiting for any reply that might come from inside, pushed my way into the laboratory. To my great dismay I found that the pulsating pain I was experiencing from the loudness outside was replaced with an equally uncomfortable smell of urine and feces, the floor was coated in that all to recognizable sticky orange layer of a dozen men who stood to far away from the urinals, and-- oh god, is that a turd on the ceiling? Too frenzied to contemplate how-- or why-- someone would get a perfectly shaped log glued to the roof, I rushed out of the bathroom. In my desperate escape I failed to notice the drunken harlot in front of me, and ran into her. This gave me quite a fright and --instinctively I would like to point out, I've always considered myself a pacifist-- I punched her as hard as I could in the face.


>> No.2786375

i str8 roll up on da club and it fulla bad bitches, jus wa i lookin fo' nigga!

>> No.2786376

By now a large crowed of drunken brutes had started to crowed around me in an attempt to see what happened. The harlot, doubtlessly in an attempt to frame me, had bitten down on a fake blood capsule or some such concoction and was 'bleeding' (by which of course I mean, she was pretending to bleed, whatever was coming out of her mouth was clearly not blood to all but the most untrained eye) quite profusely from her mouth. Some tall ape of a man came up to me and asked, in his unintelligible drunken slur of words, started to make ridiculous assumptions about my so called 'assault' on this whore of a women who had, as I would like you to note, walked quite purposely into my path. Using my monotonous (that is to say, quite large for you uneducated plebeians reading this) wit, I unhinged my belt buckle and dropped my pants, creating enough confusion among the slow thinking crowd around me for me to make my escape. Of course, I wasn't one to merely run from a fight, and to make sure I got the last proverbial punch in I started defecating as I ran, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for these Hansels to attempt to follow. On the way out I grabbed my fiance, who quite stupidly asked why I had no pants. I slapped her on the wrists and told her there was no time for such stupid questions, then ran out into the beige summer street.

>> No.2786403

Dennis gripped the gun as blood ran from his arm, dripping to the rotten planks of the porch. The light from inside spilled out from the wide door jam, framing it, drawing him like a beacon.

He kicked the wooden entrance, throwing it from its hinges and sending it shattering to the floor.

Dennis entered raising the gun, aiming it at the patrons, cool as the grave.
"Where's my wife," he asked the now silent crowd, drawing whispers and fear. A man rose throwing his chair back and raced to the back entrance.

Dennis snaped the gun toward the target, endless years of training taking over. The glock's hammer struck, sending a whisper of thundering smoke in , its bullet striking the man in the man as his momentum carried him into another table. Falling to the floor he pulled the table with him, spilling drinks to the floor.

"Where is she?!" Dennis cried, moving forward and thrusting the weapon into the scared faces of the patrons.

>> No.2786408

We went into the bar and found child porn.

>> No.2787088

It was a bar, though the sign suggested that the owner rather preferred the establishment to be called a tavern. Despite the incongruity between expectations and reality, the bar clearly possessed the expected inebriated, unstable patrons shuffling around the door. A particularly lanky woman approached me and shamelessly asked if I would be interested in her “services” for a sum of money; I apologized and requested of her to leave our presence before my friend could overhear or, worse, become somewhat aroused by the offer.

What was I doing here, you ask? Normally, I would not have dared ventured into this part of the village, a seedy, run-down wooden establishment in what contemporary individuals called the “red light district.” Nothing but trouble awaited me in this hellhole, the atmosphere clogged with stale pipe smoke, the memories of shameful one-night stands, and an odd but persistent fish odor. However, the urgent request of my friend invoked my sense of honor, and soon after a hideous, twisted shame declared that not assisting my friend in this endeavor would mar my honor beyond repair.

>> No.2787089

Face slightly heating from both the biting chill of winter and the aforementioned thought, I gave a cursory glance at my partner’s face. His hardened face was grim - very grim. Had I not been privy to the details of our mission, he very well could have been a soldier returning from the hells of war, armor and weapons sacrificed for the liberty of dodging a dragon claw to the chest. He nodded silently, as if ascertaining that the following tasks would be of such gravity. His arm, all but his hand cloaked, extended towards the handle of the door rather hesitantly. He seemed to have found his courage, though, and gripped the iron with a strong, rugged hand.

The force with which the door opened made me expect that it would fly off the hinges towards me. However, it stopped short of banging against the wall outside and shattering a window. Looking up out of a cringe, my friend stood there mesmerized as if frozen by the snow gently falling around us.

>> No.2787092

I worked my way under his arm, now paying a little more attention to his expression. His gaze seemed transfixed on a certain item above the barkeep; naturally, my eyes followed, deaf to the irritable demand, “Close the door, you bloody trolls,” by the barkeep below the shelves.

It took me a while to register what exactly he was staring at. I never laid eyes the item he sought – I used to think dragon dildos were dildos shaped as a dragon, to be brutally honest.

Boy, was I wrong.

>> No.2787097

The object of our search made itself known to us in the local pub.

>> No.2787114
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I'll use an extract from the fantasy book I'm currently working on because it fulfills the requirement:

"Let's get a drink in that tavern," said Loxxy, her breasts tossing as excitedly as Janthor's heart. He was still holding his blade, which had become as comfortable in his hands as his own manhood, but he sheathed the sword at her request and joined his busty companion in the tavern.

"Eh, what do we have here?" said the barkeeper, as they entered the tavern and the stench of mead filled their nostrils. "A couple of shitfaced cockmunglers from the low country? Or is it–" He face dropped at the recognition. "Janthor?" he said, appalled. "Janthor the Brave?"

"I am here to avenge my father," said Janthor, "an oath I swore to the very balls of Zeus, by the hand of the three tittied priestess of Ashatar. But now is not the time for revenge. Now is the time for ale."

>> No.2787118

So we tried the bar down the road, and they had it.

>> No.2787119

what the fuck?

>> No.2787120

Lights flash, curtains drawn, doors are shut and swift along the alley. Young beat thicknecked niggerheaded strollers dowse they cigarettes with lukewarm beer and strut into their holes receding lithe beyond closed doors. The sirens scream. An outlet hushed of naked bellows spill from out from a line of glasscracked windows. The elders in they shirtsleeves stained and coffeebrown with lips a'drip with ancient chewed tobacco creak up solemn, stepping cross they rooms to look down under, past the throng of undered balconies that stretch out to the dimlit street. Pistols whiplash outcrack with a mighty sound just four blocks nether uptown. Children lie unwaking.

We had seen the heads of youngsters, scalps peeled out like rinds of melons, ripped from off they heads with silent 22s. We had seen the eyes of mothers spewing tearsalt for they innocent and young. The culprits rushed off swift and with a kick to shift came spooling round the corner toward ole' Oakley's, flushing in theyselves to hide out from the five-and-oh, gats in hand dug under belts and pockets, hidden safe and kept down low and absent sight, the driver rushing onward toward some hovel yet unseen on down the block.

>> No.2787123


We stolled and past us scrame the siren, yelling out that call to keep the ancient ruckus dim and frenzied not. Pigs with hopfed bellies popped they doors out open wide and huffed up sweating yelling screaming saying where'd they go them niggers with they gats for tearing scalps from suckling heads. We followed on and with us heads aflight and curious, straining then to see what had 'em pigs all rushed impatient.

The door swang open wide and then it was we saw it: two young niggers, nothing past a twenty-four or five, screaming begging help us we ain't know yet what it is we did and save us Lord now don't be quiet, they in armlock, man and woman, tucked between them hair acurl just an infant, suckling baby with the eyes of father, mother's cheeks and dowdy lips, bent back with lungs full up to scream but father with his hidden gat in beltlock hushing then the child with a bleeding palm and screaming why Lord keep the flood agate and spare us from that fury, we ain't know just what it is we did. And the hopfed all around them, gath'ring up they forces, keeping them from running, all the bearded and necrotic sludge in bar around make for the door out back and with a hush. The father screaming quiet, bell'wing, save us for we know not what it ever was we did.

>> No.2787128

We walked into the bar as we had many bars before and like all the bars before we found nothing, and we drank because we could find nothing and when we had drunk enough we found something.

>> No.2787131
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Taken straight from the textbook. You should find your own style, but I like it.

>> No.2787146

sounds like gertrude stein.
why do people like her this style is so dumb

>> No.2787148

Did you just reduce an entire author and stile to '[it] is so dumb'?

Good luck in life.

>> No.2787156

The bar was somewhere around, we were hearing muffled music and laughter, and we didn't really care because we were already drunk enough to transcend experience and stuff. It was a good night and for an instant our intoxicated consciousness knew that this was what we were looking for, not a thing, but the way

>> No.2787158


5th grade is a blast, man. You'll have so much fun when school starts, I promise.

>> No.2787161

We walked into the bar. It was dark and it was dimly lit and it smelled faintly of almonds and mothballs, but it was cozy, like you figure one to be in the stories your grandfather told. We didn't know what we were looking for, exactly, but we all came hoping we'd find it.

>> No.2787168


>> No.2787178
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>by the hand of the three tittied priestess of Ashatar


>> No.2787189

We found what we were after in the cool shade of the roadhouse two doors down.

>> No.2787201

Not since they had passed the city gates had either of them uttered a word, and now it was near midnight as they arrived at their destination. The old tavern seemed no more than a shack, yet from inside they could hear bawdy song and laughter, and it reeked of cheap ale and opium and faintly of semen. Amber light streamed from the muddy glass windows, and shadows danced and drank. It was here they would find it, if a dead man's word was to be believed.

>> No.2787209

We went to the bar. It was a dark and broken place. The spirit of the place wrapped itself around you as you entered. If you were here, it was because it was the only place you could be. If you were here, it was because you needed to be alone, unvarnished, and drunk. With the membership of thieves, murderers and vandals, that it entertained, other places would have been loud, dangerous whirlwinds of fighting and partying. But this bar was different, it was solemn, quiet, and calm. We found what we were looking for. It was Home, for the wretched.

>> No.2787218

I want more.

>> No.2787233

From outside we could hear Eric Clapton playing from a juke box. It seemed like the place. Webb hung back by the dumpsters while I jimmied the emergency exit open. The lock popped, and I smelled shit. Dig the lowlife hagiography. Dig the cokehead in the bathroom. Dig the drunk passed out at the end of the bar. The man in the yellow tie sat at a table near the front, surveying the foot traffic near the entrance.
He looked up from his beer and saw me. Conflagration of any last hopes of salvation. I watched as his hand floated towards the inside pocket of his jacket. I shook my head, his hand stopped.

>> No.2787241

I went into the bar and found what they were looking for.

>> No.2787248
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it's still a work in progress, but here is the start.

"I will avenge you father," said Janthor the Brave with vengeance in his voice, as he held the limp, dying body of the patriarch after their fight with the Marduk goblins. "I swear to you, swear by the three tittied priestess of Ashatar."

"My boy," said his father, leaning up to him, "my boy, listen... I have hid the–" But before he could finish his words, he collapsed, overcome with dying. Janthor the Brave released his grip and like some wild man-banshee, he cried to heavens, his voice reaching the very halls of Valhalla. And suddenly– Swoosh!

To his left! An arrow! It landed in the ground, nearly piercing the muscular leg of Janthor. "But I thought we had killed all the goblins," said Janthor, drawing his sword - Elixir, forged at the hilt to resemble his very manhood.

But before Janthor could slay the goblin, it fell seemingly of its own accord, only to show Loxxy standing behind it. Loxxy, Janthor's stepsister. Loxxy, enchantress and dark elf queen, guildmistress of the busty vixens - a damsel whose skill with a blade was matched only by the skill of her loins.

>> No.2787255

I already swore by god to buy this if it ever came out.

>> No.2787259

We had each looked for solace from our own worlds and found it in this bar. When we entered the air would envelope us and the smell of liquor and cigarettes create a barrier of the world outside. This small space was a haven, a heaven.

>> No.2787263

we weren't sure what we were looking for, but we found it in the bar, or something similar enough to serve as substitute

>> No.2787264

And so they hasteneth to the bar, and therein procured that sought prize.

>> No.2787268

After venturing into the decaying hive of bacchanalian truckers, we managed to procure our item of interest.

>> No.2787274

truckers aren't bacchanalian drunk, that's too festive of a drunk. They're disgruntled, gloomy drunk.

>> No.2787287

From the outside even the bar looks drunk. It is a building that should have taken better care of itself. Instead it has spent the past twenty years looking in a mirror through bloodshot eyes and noticed no change in its appearance. We enter. Unfortunately, we find what we are looking for.

>> No.2787288

Sebastian was the dive-bar, les Anglais stayed on barstools. The cloisters lining outside echoed of the songs of ale, all en Francais, all pumpernickel. That man wears a hat he, what can be drawn from that?

>> No.2787293



>> No.2787316


I second that other guy. This one is really nice, especially the first sentence.

>> No.2787322

Inside the bar were whores. I felt satisfied already.

>> No.2787333


Are you guys serious or just samefagging?

>Not since they had passed the city gates had either of them uttered a word, and now it was near midnight as they arrived at their destination.

They had not spoken since they passed the city gates at dusk, and it was nearing midnight when they finally arrived at the bar.

>> No.2787337

Isaac, an online poker addict nearing middle age, was long estranged from morning twilight. One Monday, at 5 a.m., when he arrived at the bar where he worked, he could not remember what had brought him. Mindlessly in the fog he felt at his pockets—his car keys weren’t there, he had probably walked.
A twenty-four hour drunk was sitting and waiting on the entrance stairs. He was also a bouncer. Isaac had needed a key to the bar so that he could open it early. For a small fee (free whiskey, every morning) the drunk had promised to procure it.
‘Fuck work,’ Isaac heard him say. ‘Sleep instead.’
‘My wife. I can’t sleep because of my wife.’

>> No.2787340

"so we go to this bar, okay" Jimmy could barely control his laughter, "okay bare with me guys"

The group at this point were in hysterics. The girls were barely holding themselves up with their elbows, and half of them collapsed as Vince blurted out "And you found it right!".

>> No.2787344

Don't write.

>> No.2787345

We returned to the bar where we had been plastered the night before, searching for Emily's virginity which she lost in the toilets. We found it in the cloakroom, slightly dirty, but we were otherwise happy just to have it back.

>> No.2787354

We entered le drinking establishment and located that which we had previously agreed to locate.

But as I was the only one who could legally drink, Chloe, in her short white dress and matching sandals, took a seat in one of the corner booths. I ordered my drink, cursing myself for resting my elbows on the unwashed bar. Two cold beers arrived, and I made my way to Chloe.
"Is the second one for me?" She asked half in hope and half in jest, holding down her skirt as she edged to the corner of the booth.
"No, you know I'll get in trouble for that" I replied, "anyways, it's too cold for you". I took the bottle and laid it softly on the inside her soft pale thigh, and ran it upwards until her hand clutched at my trouser leg and her mouth involuntarily inhaled.
"You're mean" she pouted while I returned the beer to the table and looked around to see what kind of people were drawn to this place.
"And why, my love, am I mean?" I laid a heavy arm around her neck and waited for answer as though it was an examination.
She poked out her tongue and giggled as I pulled her towards me, resting my hand in hers"

>> No.2787366


>> No.2787368
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did someone say chloe?

>> No.2787374

We did find it eventually although the cost was ten minutes of rooting around in booth seats which had probably not been cleaned of their millimeter coating of diffused vomit this side of 1950 - which was to say, eleven minutes too long.

>> No.2787420

Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit of that forbidden bar

>> No.2787428

hooked up with that bitch in the club

gave her some of that hard dick

>> No.2787440

We found it in the second bar we tried.


>> No.2787450

our good group, gone through gorge and glade plenty
redoubled our resolve, to reach our right reward
cold and consumed, came we at last convinced
to the bar which bore our boon, bringing bliss, our battle nearly beaten

>> No.2787459

We went into the bar and found what we were looking for.

>> No.2787505

We found what we were looking for in the bar.

>> No.2787513

We found what we were looking for in the bar.

>> No.2787514

We entered the bar and found the thing we were looking for.

I don't use English in everyday life though.

>> No.2787515

I don't have a "unique, authorial voice." The way I write depends on the context of the writing and the aim of the work.

This applies in and out of fiction.

>> No.2787561
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I kind of just made this up on the spot, since I wouldn't have changed the sentence anyway. I left it in as-is, in the second paragraph.

"Women around here are easy," Tony said through his cigarette. He turned from his position leaning on the lamppost to look at the street corner where a number of bright lights signaled restaurants, bars and clubs to passersby. "We could pick some up in half hour, take them back to the dorm, have our fun."

He smiled and put out his cigarette as he walked toward the street. I followed him, curious to see what would come of our night and lacking anything else to do as a new student in a strange town. He pointed lazily toward a more dimly-lit establishment that seemed to have been dropped—simply plopped down—next to an antique store that was charmingly anomalous in its surroundings. I followed.

We found what we were looking for inside the bar. Two women, a blonde and a girl of some East-Asian decent (they are everywhere in this town) welcomed us when we offered drinks. I took my place on a sticky, grimy bar stool next to the Asian, who was born to Japanese immigrants and whose name was Motoko. She and I hit it off fairly easy, and as we grew drunker and drunker I found myself speaking easier and easier until we were laughing and joking together like old friends. Tony and his partner had, by the third drink, become attached at the lips, and were groping each other with such vigor that the barman asked them to leave. They did not separate even as they stood and walked out the door of the bar with Motoko and I behind them.

Back at the dorm building Motoko kissed me and smiled coquettishly and then crushed me brutally by leaving. I didn't want to listen to Tony and his girl, so I took a walk around the park.

>> No.2787564

In the bar we found it, finally, what we've been searching for all these years.

>> No.2787806

They followed me into the bar, and we soon found what we'd been searching after.

>> No.2788054


>> No.2788065

ITT: look i m good write fancy descriptin prose look at me pls

>> No.2788071

a smile, as the chief juror rose. "in the case of People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson, we find the defendant...not guilty."

>> No.2788074


How very contrarian of you. Of course because we only have one sentence to work with, people are going to want to show off to give people an idea of their authorial voice. I prefer the ones that found a way between the two extremes of purple prose and long sentences and bluntness. Like. . .


>> No.2788082


> we we we we we we

4/10 try harder

>> No.2788087

> be in bar
> find what I'm looking for
> bitches don't know
> jimmies etc.

>> No.2788086

Fuck, would you believe it, it was in the fucking bar all along; fuck me.

>> No.2788092

You should submit that to The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest.

>> No.2788095

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.2788099

We went to the bar and found it.

>> No.2788102

We went into the B.A.R. (Badass Annihilation Robot) and found what we were looking for.

>> No.2788105


>> No.2788123

Verily mine companions doth dithered fort within through yon pub's portal to make ourselves known in the biblical sense to many a saucy wench. Hark, we didst procure many a wench.

>> No.2788129



>> No.2788131

We found the bar.

>> No.2788145

we bar found the looking for we did went

>> No.2788282

the only good one

>> No.2788299

For looking were we, what found, bar into went we.

>> No.2788315

Got an idea /lit/ [Where did you steal it from?]

Let's get a taste [taste? Incorrect choice of sense impression.] of everyone's unique [No such concept as "unique" exists in reality], authorial voice.

Rewrite this (basic) sentence as you would in your own fiction [Why does it have to be fiction?]:

We [Why do you assume that it is multiple?] went into the bar [Why a bar?] and found what we were looking for [Can we ever truly find what we are looking for?].

Would not respond seriously.

>> No.2788316

Through door we found it, among the tables full of men who lied to their wives about staying late at work, their gray suits tapering to tired faces.

>> No.2788333

The bar pulled us in. We merried for four hours.

>> No.2788338

We found what we were looking for in the bar.

>> No.2788352

It was already there when we arrived, waiting on the bar.

>> No.2788355


I went into the crowded thread and I found the lolling post I was looking for.

>> No.2788362

We went for beers.

>> No.2788365

2305 23051420 09142015 200805 020118 011404 0615211404 23080120 2305 23051805 12151511091407 061518

>> No.2788367


>> No.2788370

Upon the bar was that which we sought.

>> No.2788393

we went to planet namick and found the dragon balls

>> No.2788397

As we walked into the bar, none of us expected to find what we were expecting, except me. But there it was.

I'm a shit writer, but I just enjoy playing with alliteration.

>> No.2788409

It was twenty years after the fact and the only man to have stuck to his guns on String Theory walked through a bar and found what he was looking for, though by observing it caused it to transmogrify into something slightly less than he was looking for. 'Dammit,' the fourth version of him says, and he walks to the bathroom and accidentally pisses all over himselves.

Somewhere, some time, in another place, his old professor kicks himself for signing off on his dissertation.

>> No.2788413
File: 2.45 MB, 1625x1630, 1339005082407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we went into Roody's bar[1] and found what we were looking for.

1. Roody's bar was a local bar that the protagonist frequented every Friday, usually with friends.

>> No.2788427

So, we went into Roody's bar[1] and found what we were looking for.

1. Roody's bar was a local [2.1] bar that the protagonist [2.2] frequented every Friday, usually with friends [2.3]

2.1. By local I mean the bar was located within a ten mile radius of the protagonist's [2.2] house.

2.2. The protagonist in every sentence is a different character.

2.3. They are friends in so much they are people known [3.1] to the protagonist [2.2]

3. Yes, by known I mean they've all had sex [4] with each other.

4. Anal sex to be precise, because they are all homosexual males.

>> No.2788479

Later at the bar we realized it doesn't make much sense to do a writing exercise that essentially amounts to copy-pasting the prompt. I looked over to Chris. "Is this what we were looking for all along?" I asked.

>> No.2788499

dude fuck look what i just found in the bar!

>> No.2788501

Our leader kicked open the bar's door and walked in with pointless grandeur as the rest of us meekly yet vigilantly followed. Ignoring the cowering patrons, he shifted his gaze to the darkest corner of the lounge, making a maniacal grin appear on his face as he said 'Found ya.' in a tone fitting his expression.

>> No.2788516

We went into the bar and found what we were looking for.

I like basic sentences, I would only add flourish if necessary.

>> No.2788583

We threw the door open and stormed into the bar. The droids we were looking for sat in a corner booth, one beeping, one bitching.

>> No.2788589

Buddy just got dumped. Got him wasted.

>> No.2788597

Blinded by the evening twilight of neon lamps and street lights- we walked into our nearest bar. It was an awful bar. Well- not THAT awful if you enjoy your bartenders pregnant and covered in bruises I suppose. Inside, we found exactly what we were looking for. My heart stopped. Some awful song played on the jukebox. The sound of pointless conversation penetrated the silences of the guitar playing. We had finally found it.

>> No.2788666

Son of Rabelais, I salute you.

>> No.2788692

If we enter the bar, then we find what we are looking for.

The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.2788742

The brown-paper wrapped box was there, sat lonely on a bar stool. Jim and I passed the green glass windows and entered the pub.

>> No.2788873

We went into the bar and found what we were looking for. Cheeseburger.

>> No.2788890

bar. found it We in went into the and

>> No.2790273

Gazing into this decrepit cesspit, I would have given the world to have my eyes be deceived, but there it was.

>> No.2790306

I ate a living squirrel this morning. Things are not what they have used to be. Sven-Hakkerdink and I were about to castrate a childish zombie with a rusty spoon, and for some reason I didn't look forward to it: The bar in which our soon-to-be ragdoll was hiding smelled like fresh uranium and half-wet belly-buttons. We entered the bar like a pack of upthight deer hunters.

>> No.2790313

The best one.

>> No.2790320

It was in the bar that we found what we were looking for;

>> No.2790321

I don't know. It was raining. I said "I don't know". We went into the bar, and it was there.

>> No.2790323

Once within the bar, we found what we were looking for.

>> No.2790360

We walked into a bar. It hurt a little. Looking up we read the sign. It gave us directions to the bar we were looking for. Hurrah!

>> No.2790403

As we entered the bar a goat flew threw the room and hit Charles in his lower jaw with such fast that he collapsed.

In his state of pain he mumbled; "Fichnaly, wche fouaeugedambledasg."

>> No.2790420

i lol'd