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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 296x457, Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_Men-06165-1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2784822 No.2784822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Young magnate
>Erotic scenes with BDSM
>Based on a fucking Twilight fanfic
>Fastest selling shit ever or something
>This is our contemporary literature

What went wrong?

>> No.2784827

I blame the Internet.

>> No.2784829

>Erotic scenes with BDSM
brb, downloading

>> No.2784830

>Young faggot
>Thread that has been done many times
>Based on a fucking Twilight thread
>many posts incoming
>This is our literature board

What went wrong?

>> No.2784837

It's what the mewling masses want. These are people that vote for contestants on reality TV shows before stuffing their top holes with greasy fast food, what do you expect?

>> No.2784839

god damn you, I was gonna do something like that!!
anyway, this thread has been rehashed infinitely, so please redirect yourself to the nearest literature discussion thread OP

>> No.2784840

Twilight. It introduced idiotic (mentally) adolescent girls to reading.

>> No.2784842


>> No.2784843


Isn't it directed to men?

>> No.2784846

No. Only a women could stoop so low as to read that shit.

>> No.2784848

No, this isn't our contemporary. This is contemporary pop shit.

But now here's another thread of people complaining about some shit book being popular while never discussing or even reading worthwhile contemporary literature.

>> No.2784849

this is not our contemporary literature. this is our popular literature. popular media has always, through all time forever, been less sophisticated than art culture.

many bad movies come out every week. i dont here anyone complaining about the death of film. stop putting books on an imaginary order of maturity.

>> No.2784852
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>> No.2784854


Just out of curiosity, what do you enjoy of our contemporary literature?

>> No.2784855
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>> No.2784857

but have you read it

then why are you making claims about it

>> No.2784858

And again a thread about this piece of shit.
God damnit /lit/ can't we just ignore it and talk about GOOD books for once?
There is a new thread about that shit everyday.

Seriously there always have been and there always will be stupid people. Just ignore them as best as you can and go on with your life. They watch reality tv and read 50 Shades? Fucking let them do it, nothing changes if people talk about it. Go take that damn 1000 pages book that you have meant to read for the last year and start reading it! Right NOW! Instead of posting this shit.

>> No.2784860

>implying reading a three page excerpt isn't enough.

>> No.2784882
File: 7 KB, 747x39, supercool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP that sounds like a blast! I'm downloading it. Thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.2784888

>A young man
>but no – today I have to drive a hundred and sixty-five miles to downtown Seattle in order to meet the enigmatic CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. As an exceptional entrepreneur and major benefactor of our University, his time is extraordinarily precious – much more precious than mine – but he has granted Kate an interview.
>plausible characters, plausible characters everywhere

>> No.2784896

no, it's not. if you read 3 pages of War and Peace and came up with a definitive conclusion about the entirety of it and its connotations for modern culture, everyone would be calling you out. Jumping on a popular "intellectual" anti-populist trend for poorly informed reasons is
much less respectable than what people reading the book are doing.

>> No.2784898

I commend your attempt... but, no.

>> No.2784899

great argument bro

>> No.2784908

Sjon, Olga Tokarczuk, Amelia Gray, Andrzej Stasiuk, Atiq Rahimi, Liliana Ursu.

>> No.2784911

>Based on a fucking Twilight fanfic


can somebody explain this to me?

>> No.2784916


Slavs don't count.

>> No.2784917


There's the threat of a lawsuit due the fact that this fucking book had it's first versions as a god-damned Twilight fanfic. Now the writer is a millionaire. Can you believe it?

>> No.2784920

I just read another two pages; the prose is actually getting worse, the impression I have of the characters is making me nauseous, and the sentences are written as if they are aimed at a ten year old. I flicked forward three chapters to see if this was some kind of deliberate device, but it seems just as horrendous. How much more do I have to read?

>> No.2784921


This was originally Twilight fanfiction published at some fanfiction site. Someone liked it enough to get it published, so all they did was change the name of the characters and locations so that they wouldn't get into trouble.

>> No.2784922

Those are just some I enjoy, like you/that anon asked for. If you were looking for general recommendations, we have a chart for contemporary stuff.

>> No.2784926

Delillo, Pynchon, Houellebecq, Updike, Roth, Foster Wallace, Lessing, Eco, Ishiguro, Murakami, Rushdie, Auster

>> No.2784929

>“But if you work so hard, what do you do to chill out?”
“Chill out?” He smiles, revealing perfect white teeth. I stop breathing. He really is beautiful. No one should be this good-looking.
“Well, to ‘chill out’ as you put it – I sail, I fly, I indulge in various physical pursuits.” He shifts in his chair.

Ok, I'm done, it's definitely crap. I'll prepare some coffee and I'll watch some film.

>> No.2784958

not only that, but poorly written, just plain WRONG BDSM at that.

>> No.2784968

>“But if you work so hard, what do you do to chill out?”

The "author" expects us to believe the interviewer ("Kate" is supposed to be an interviewer, right?) would be this casual in such a formal meeting. LEL.

Christ, women really are vapid cunts.

>> No.2784978

Really, now:

The problem with this kind of book is that the characters are always the same. Always.

The main character - as the public the book's intended to - is a clumsy girl who believes she's nothing like every other girl. The male love interest is a perfect, flawless human being, young, despite his maturity way beyond his age, his great success and his attractive stoicism.

It's like there's been a thousand of boring books with different stories but with the same fucking jejune characters.

If you want to write a successful book (economically speaking), there's your fucking formula.

You don't even need a good prose.

Hell, fuck my dignity, I'll start one right now and soon I'll be swimming in a pool of cash.

>> No.2784989

Nothing more than a glorified Pahlaniuk/Easton Ellis.

>> No.2784993

Even Ellis and Palahniuk are glorified versions of something even shittier.

>> No.2784996
File: 42 KB, 693x133, acknowledged lesson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq > Palahniuk > Ellis

>> No.2784998

The three of 'em are just as terrible as Shades of Grey.

>> No.2785002

Houellebecq is way better than Ellis. And Palahniuk is on a different level, he's just YA for "edgy" kids after they read the Beat writers

>> No.2785003


Come on. Just Twilight is as terrible as Shades of Grey.

>> No.2785006

Houellebecq > Palahniuk > Ellis > . > . > . > . > . > 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.2785008

so wait -- somethign that isn't of enduring literary merit has become a bestseller?? when has this ever happened before

>> No.2785013

It's erotica involving "taboo" themes that has become acceptable enough that you can talk with friends about it.

>> No.2785020

Maybe so, but I think I'd better stomach BSDM mommy porn than I would some more self-indulgent douche canoes brought to me courtesy of Ellis.

Somehow the content matters more than the prose when all the prose being compared sucks.

>> No.2785023
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.2785035



>irrelevant writer making light of a deathly serious real life situation

What a fucking cunt.

>> No.2785037

Is it real BDSM or what the average person thinks BDSM is?

>> No.2785039
File: 40 KB, 330x415, Bret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a related note, how does /lit/ feel about Bret Easton Ellis doing the screenplay for this thing?


>> No.2785053
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Depending on who's cast (or really, maybe not), he'll treat it like his personal celebrity slashfiction.

>> No.2785057

A news article based solely off of a "tweet" by the faggot himself.

Jesus, there's no such thing as journalistic integrity anymore.

>> No.2785063

It could very well be the Twilight cast.

>> No.2785082
File: 34 KB, 374x446, 1336113260966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenage girls reading saucy erotic fiction and getting ideas from it
>a bad thing

Pick one.

>> No.2785105


The bad thing is that the girls in question are fat and full of acne.

>> No.2785113

You'd think that...but I happen to work at a bookstore that sells this piece of trash. Some of the women that buy it are actually quite good looking; but, again, are just vapid cunts.

>> No.2785125

There was crappy "contemporary" literature back in the days when our favorite classics came out, also.

Also: The only thing more plebe than reading trashy books is bitching about them.

>> No.2785147

Nobody can answer this?

>> No.2785152


You are in /lit/, son. What makes you think that people here read the books they all talk about?

>> No.2785154

"light" BDSM

>> No.2785161

Well, they read fantasy and sci-fi, hardly any better than this. There's a slim chance one of them has read it.

>> No.2785171
File: 6 KB, 315x290, 1252683786197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2785176

i bet 10 dollars someone will blame feminism/women for it

>> No.2785179


somebody has already unironically used the phrase "vapid cunts" itt so you're not really taking a huge risk here

>> No.2785185

Define "it".

>> No.2785210

Our contemporary literature going wrong

>> No.2785218


Nah, feminism/women aren't to blame for that. That's just LCD people's fault.

>> No.2785221

I read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi. I've dabbled in some light literature before (Hamsun, Kafka, Camus), but it never really captivated me.

A few weeks ago, I sought refuge on this board (fleeing the seasonal awfulness affecting /fit/). Intrigued (over time) by certain non-shit posts, I picked up Nabokov's Lolita this Thursday, too see what the "fuzz" was with this Lit thing.

I finished it now. I never thought I (being a man traditionally concerned with matters such as lifting heavy objects up and down) would be so completely enthralled with a tale of a European pedophiliac.

Maybe it's the dimethylamylamine talking, but I found it absolutely beautiful. I cannot wait to continue onto the next work of literature, and I have this forum to thank for cluing me in.

I am not sure what this has to do with your post. Perhaps it is an assurance that, though it is summer, /lit/ is still miles ahead of the other boards. And it still inspires at least some of us fantasy plebeians to pick up works of art. Thank you for this gift.

>> No.2785222

it seems so random which of the thousands of these shitty books takes off and becomes a mega bestseller. i wish i knew that magic formula.

>> No.2785232

Here's your magic formula: luck + timing = success.

By the way, that's the formula for all of life.

>> No.2785236

Read more Nabokov. His prose are beautiful.
I'll recommend the Luzhin Defense (or just The Defense in some publishers). It's a little more on the light-side. Then, try Invitation to a Beheading. And if you can make it through that pick up Pale Fire; which, I will warn you in advance, is not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination but is well worth it overall!
Mix in Speak, Memory for some autobiographical notes as well.

Also, to get the full extent and depth of Lolita I'd recommend picking up an annotated version. First time I read it I honestly missed 3/4 of the references/word-plays/jokes.

>> No.2785243

The formula is easy, you just need a little bit of luck.
Write shit you'd never read but you know everyone would. Don't care for cliches. Give the mass what they like and they will give you money.

>> No.2785245

The twilight fanbase were teenagers when the first book was released. They "grew up" with that shit, just like the Harry Potter dumbfucks. So, they seek their emotional education on books, and the books they consumed provided them a very simplistic but somehow effective vision of what love/friendship/all that shizzle is "supposed to be" for "normal" people. So, after the series is finished they are adults, manipulated and manage by concepts of masculinity (in the other) and femininity (on themselves) built by Twilight. What's the next step in their process to "maturity"? To continue experiencing sexuality until they find a husband and have a child and shit. So, you keep the Twilight formula in terms of characters but offer a new "gimmick", that of BDSM, which continues to enforce masculine domination under a façade of sexual liberation: the sexual liberation is for men, who can perform those acts, while women are submitted to it and have to hide it or make it a clandestine act. In any case its popularity is "the private space made public", further alienating women from the public space (which has been culturally managed to be a "masculine space") but also taking the private space (culturally managed as a "feminine space") away from them, leaving their existence in accordance to men and the satisfaction of their fantasies which are now imposed as a standard of "feminine" fantasies.

>> No.2785258

Thank you. I will pick up The Defense on Monday, then go to a specialist book store and try and sniff out the annotated version of Lolita. I am not sure why the prospect of this excites me, but it does.

What have you done to me, /lit/?

>> No.2785265

Anytime sir. I'll also suggest Journey To The End Of The Night by Celine. It, like Lolita, is both tragic and comedic at the same time.
On the matter of Nabokov there is incredible subtly to his references. I've had a new appreciation for prose ever since reading Lolita. Unfortunately, because of that I have not been the biggest fan of Ray Bradbury.

>> No.2785274
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>further alienating women from the public space (which has been culturally managed to be a "masculine space")

You are so full of shit, but especially that is shit-plated shit.

>> No.2785283

>well-reasoned response

>y-y-you're just m-makin' dat shit up!

>> No.2785291

>you will never have sex without a dom/sub dyanmic

>> No.2785295


Hey, look, none of us here likes Fifty Shades but don't compare Harry Potter to Twilight, that's cheap

>> No.2785300

There's really no point in responding with anything of more substance, because feminists always come up with the most bizarre bullshit to justify their hungry cunts, regardless of how many statistics, numbers and facts you throw at them.

saging for bullshit

>> No.2785314


your parents splitting up wasn't your fault

>> No.2785371

pure math major here

>lol statistics

>> No.2785611

cultural marxism is where we went wrong

>> No.2785646
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>implying that's not a truth that can be traced back to greek tragedies and cave paintings

>> No.2785653

>implying that cultural change hasn't accelerated ever since and that women haven't had 100 years in which to completely change this and that they haven't done exactly that
>it's 2012
>the public space is a hostile space for men
>it's not women that are constantly surveilled for signs of paedophilia and rape tendencies

>> No.2785655

People not shutting the fuck up about this bullshit.

>> No.2785661

But women are responsible for the recent increase in pedophilia. Women and their silly "inner strength" Those power hungry little monsters

>> No.2785686

>it's not women that are constantly surveilled for signs of
paedophilia and rape tendencies

>implying that's not another way to drive women away from the public space, using mechanisms such as the perception that it's their fault if they get raped (which is rarely truth, but it's effective enough to induce fear) or concept of "consent" (which effectively eliminates the guilt from the perpetrator when it's not a simple matter of saying "yes" or "no" but also the conditions surrounding the event

>> No.2785702

>oh no someone made a porn book and it is selling well
>clearly all of literature has fallen because of such a feat

No. Shut up.

>> No.2785707

Has got to be a trawler.

>> No.2785709

ASOIAF. Stuff by Neil Gaiman. There's plenty more, but I can't think of it right now

>> No.2785715
File: 25 KB, 315x395, hugh-hefner-surrounded-by-his-playmates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no someone made a porn book and it is selling well

Nobody minds porn being popular, tard.

We object to having people we know (in my case sister, work colleague and unfortunately grandmother) reading this badly written shit and singing it's praises as the best book to be written in a long time.

>> No.2785721

Smut has been a very popular form of literature. Of the surviving roman texts...most of it is pornographic.
I am sure there were roman grandmas secretly reading it and talking with other women about how amazing it was.

>> No.2785719
File: 66 KB, 299x249, 7d14ab27b5313e909b825a4521b6022af55f0645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you read
>implying it wasnt made with the sole purpose of being appealing to pre teen-teen girls-sheltered housewives
>implying there is any other reason for publishing in this day and age other than to get fuckin loaded in cash

>> No.2785722

Feminism has made women suppress their natural desire to be submissive. Books like this are a godsend for the average woman. Gina tingles galore.

>> No.2785727

>>implying there is any other reason for publishing in this day and age other than to get fuckin loaded in cash
You are very cynical. Don't you think that some people just want to give other people something to enjoy?

>> No.2785737

It's not a natural desire to be submissive, it's a natural desire to have offspring and nurture them. Men have the natural desire to protect them, the offspring and the mothers by extension.

>> No.2785748
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>> No.2785752

>implying we luv dem hoez

>> No.2785758
File: 51 KB, 753x583, misogyny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom still does my laundry, ergo women are naturally submissive

i will be presenting my findings at bronycon 2013

>> No.2785759

>>2785715 Obtain the game, "NetHack" (free of charge.)
Play until you encounter an Arch-Litch.
Use the "Name (a monster)" feature to name the
Arch-Litch as Hugh Hefner.
Funny Justice it has been, Funny Justice it can be.

>> No.2785770

I was actually implying the opposite

>> No.2785798

It's like nethack is your first game.

>> No.2785807

All popular movies, books, bands, etc. have good names.

Unpopular shit has bad names.

A title is more important than your output... To a certain extent. I think there has to be a modicum of "talent" as in a band needs to know a power chord or two an have a decent drummer or a writer needs to write a little bit okay. But popular shit has names that make it popular.

>> No.2785813

You have a lot to learn.


>> No.2785822

Why wouldn't the little sluts read "the story of O" instead.

>> No.2785831


yes, a lot of thought went into this trip name..

>> No.2785840

Too old. They need to be able to project themselves into it.
So you should know this isn't just misogyny. Women love being dominated by assholes/sadistic men.

>> No.2785841

It's all over the book shelves. Has anyone read it? How was it?

>> No.2785845
File: 86 KB, 400x1379, sleeveandfilm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I cannot escape this book series. I am in nursing school right now and it is all I ever hear about from the other students (even some of the dudes). In class, at clinical, on facebook, in the book store, in the grocery store, in restaurants, in the hospital cafeteria, in the fucking OPERATING ROOM with a patient's carotid artery on display. At least those surgical nurses admit that its shit literature and that they read it for the poor quality smut.

I have no real issue with this being popular, other than these women claiming to be into it for the "great love story". For fuck's sake, I would have more respect for them if they just admitted to flickin' their bean. I don't want their lies about how great the story is.

>> No.2785855


"i feel comfortable making untenable generalizations about how over half the world's population feels about sex, but i'm smarter than teh writer of fifty shades of gray because"

>> No.2785861
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>tfw I wouldn't even know about Fifty Shades of Grey if it weren't for /lit/

>> No.2785863

It's no more a generalization than stating men are more aggressive. It's cute how desperately feminists try to deny biological truths.

>> No.2785881


its cute how you don't see that you're on teh same rarefied intellectual plane as tim allen

>> No.2785882

But the story of O is pretty good.

I mean I thought that maybe, just maybe this type of stuff would lead them into reading better stuff.

>> No.2785884

What about Snuff from Palahniuk. Would /lit/ be okay with that? Or do women not like it because it "JUST MEN BEING PIGS AND STUFF, YEAH."

>> No.2785886

Literally everything you say is shit. And when I say 'literally everything', I mean really every single post you've ever created is complete and utter crap. I've looked at your contributions on /sci/ and /lit/:



Fucking brillant, man. Seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Were your born a shitposter or did you have to work to become one?

>> No.2785896
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>story of o

>mfw none of the bookstores/sites in my country stock or even import it

>> No.2785902

>tfw Amazon

>> No.2785906
File: 14 KB, 213x245, babbyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rarefied intellectual plane
typical feminist using gaudy language to sound smart

>b-but I learned this in school! men and women are exactly the same!
>genitals are a social construct!

>> No.2785911


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME WITH YOU BASTARDS. FUCK, it's like anything that a lot of people read, you freak the fuck out, every fucking time. Get over it or get used to it or something. At least stop acting fucking shocked every FUCKING time something you dislike becomes popular, like OMG this has never happened before. "Holy shit Twilight is popular. I'm SHOCKED! Nothing like this has happened before. Holy shit Hunger Games is popular. I'm SHOCKED! Holy shit Fifty Shades of Grey! I'm shocked, because I'm an idiot with the memory of a fucking fish. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" How do you people even maintain the capability to be endlessly outraged by the same fucking thing happening over and fucking over again, jesus, fucking retarded aren't we.

>> No.2785913

At least it would start with the orgasm and then go to the guy remembering some of the sex and then the guy remembering the foreplay and then it ends with him realizing he's been blowing himself in a hot tub and his neck breaks as his asshole gets sucked into a jet.

>> No.2785916


>> No.2785920
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>> No.2785921



my fav is where you give "men and women are exactly the same" as an example of a ridiculous statement when like two posts ago you were talking about how all men are aggressive and all women like the same thing

like with all due respect you might want to take a little time off to read before coming back to /lit/, not everyone is as polite as me and i wouldn't want you to embarrass yourselfe

>> No.2785941

We are all extremely calm. We're catatonic. We just enjoy gossiping about these things like old women.

>> No.2785942


>> No.2785955

People from other boards come and post the threads.

>> No.2785967

I think you gave me that explanation the last time I bitched about this (someone did anyway) and it holds up but not when we have a hundred and fucking twenty posts in this fucking thread. I mean, you know, Jesus. I guess the question ultimately is what your definition of "regular" is - who 'counts' as a /lit/ native - but it seems to me that at least some portion of our regular posting population has some kind of these issues.

>> No.2785983

Yeah, no, I got it, it just confused me, because I was still thinking in SNUFF and then suddenly jets and asshole and hot tub. Sometimes I just need a minute.

And you kind of phrased it weird, were you answering my question?

>> No.2785997

>mfw I just read an excerpt


>> No.2786013



ahahaha is dis nignog serious

>> No.2786022

That's what that nignog Harold Bloom said.

>> No.2786041


>> No.2786066 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 488x352, redneck_mentor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget /lit/ the masses are asses.This is most true now in our current culture when almost everybody is losing every ounce brain cells in there body .


>> No.2786075
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1339437982906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if you become a sufficient author you'll never shift those numbers

It's only when stupid people read books do I realise the gravity of their problems.

>> No.2786069


so many people on here with the opinions of an 80 year old

/lit/ is ilke the progeria of message boards

>> No.2786079

>modern culture doesn't recognize bullshit and wastes all of its time indulging in whingeing about pleb garbage

>> No.2786158


>> No.2786197

the only reason you guys dislike this book so much is because it is popular among young women, you sexist elitist bastards

>> No.2786362

realize* You should download Google Chrome because it has an in browser spell check and you can call people stupid without actually being stupid yourself.

>> No.2786364

>speaks patois
>claims he's right

>> No.2786368

In England, you spell "Realise" with an "s" instead of a "z" like you do in America.

Now fuck off

>> No.2786373

Here is a link to the Oxford online dictionary. Let me remind you the OXford is in the UK.


>> No.2786445

>also: realise
You: I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.2786456

Nothing went wrong. History will forget about this book as quickly as it appeared and only the gems will be remembered by future generations.

Case in point: How many contemporary authors of Goethe or Schiller can you name?

>> No.2786749

You are now aware that E.L. James is 50 years old.

How could a 50 year old write such a huge piece of shit?

>> No.2786756

>born in the 60s
>reached sexual maturity in the mid-70s.

Consider that her adolescence was influenced primarily by pop artists of the day like Pink Floyd and David Bowie, it's surprising that not all fifty year olds are fornicating like wild rabbits.

>> No.2786774

It's fucking genius. There was a hole left in the market after the readers finished Twilight, and those readers are now older. So she placed the character starting as older and gave every delusional woman what they want. Take out the vampires and put in a billionaire, where as everyone else had it wrong and were trying to write more vampire books. She plays on women's heard mentality and she uses fucking. Women are taking up ebooks fast and they can hide this book away their reader. Like it or hate it, she cracked the market and is fucking rich. It is a piece of shit, but she is separating people from their money, and in the end, that is all that counts. The book business is there to sell books, girls can wank over this book, and everyone else can wank over the books they never sold.

>> No.2786804
File: 9 KB, 270x400, The Sexual Life of Catherine M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm guessing nobody ever read this...

>> No.2786807

>heard mentality

oh, you.

>> No.2789064

>ask woman if she wants to have sex
this is what men actually believe
not only that, you fucks end up making it into a whole fucking "science".

>> No.2789095

they aren't fornicating, they are fat ugly worthless degenerates who are FANTASIZING

>> No.2789329

>This is our contemporary literature

No one is calling this literature.

>> No.2789333

I don't think you understand the definition of the word. Nobody is saying it's good though.

>> No.2789344

I don't know what you expect. It's a casual reader's book. Do you expect people to read on the same level that /lit/ claims to be on?
>Judging a book that you haven't read.

>> No.2789536

Okay, I read the books on the assurances that reading excerpts wouldn't give me the real gist of the book.

Holy fuck. There are even more retarded things than what you see in the excerpts. Seriously. If you judged it based on just those, consider yourself being generous in your review.

>> No.2789537

stop bumping this thread or i'll fucking kill you

>> No.2789556

bitches love this book.. quit being asspie and read it with a female...

>> No.2789651

At least they're reading something eh?

>> No.2791320

am female. am utterly disgusted by how terrible the prose is in this pile of shit.

could never be remotely aroused by anything described because it is pathetically written.

this book is for idiots.

>> No.2793383

The woman I'm sleeping with talked me into reading it. I just read the first two chapers. It's not as bad as I thought it would be but there hasn't been any sex yet. From the quotes I read online I thought to prose would be unbareable but the prose is a lot better than The Hunger Games.

>> No.2793426
File: 262 KB, 494x597, charlesthegreat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to read this whole trilogy. Then I'm gonna write smut under a female name myself. Then I'm gonna make that money.

Then I'm gonna write good books under another name at my leisure.

Thereby involuntarily making the plebs fund the most glorious of high culture.