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/lit/ - Literature

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2783457 No.2783457 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s educational background

- last degree earned/ school/ major/ gpa(or latin honors designation)/ year
- degree in progress/ school/ department (or major)/ title of thesis (real or imagined)

>> No.2783462

Bachelor of Arts/ The fuck outta here nigga/English Lit and a minor in History/Top 5% of my graduating class/Finished degree a year ago

Currently about to begin JD at a major law school in September. Getting nervous. Will take advice from law graduates It's not in the US

>> No.2783464

B.A., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, English w/ concentrations in Technical Writing and IT, cum laude, 2012

no grad school yet but definitely going to earn a master's or two.

>> No.2783468

Just graduated from high school, highest honors, blah blah.

Will be studying Mechanical engineering next year at a top 10 program. It's gonna be boring coursework, but the party scene is good.

>> No.2783471

t5heis titled western culture imn peorspective
year 47
bachelor in arts and culture studies

>> No.2783474
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>thinking he will have a chance to party if he's serious about mech engineer

haah waaw

>> No.2783478

Highschool diploma, watsup?

>> No.2783483

I was in the I.B. program in high school, and am now in college for a degree that I haven't decided on yet.
I've been leaning further and further to English as a major and philosophy as a minor, and then going for a round to get the rest of the shit that I need to be a teacher.

>> No.2783490

high school 15 years ago

>> No.2783494

I gotta degree in political science a couple months ago. focusing on fucking political philosophy. big fuckin whop.

>> No.2783498

I dropped out of high school several years ago to pursue my dream of becoming a NEET and eventually a wizard.

>> No.2783505

dont be such a neet fagit

>> No.2783507


political philosophy is interesting as hell but generally useless and too open to misinterpretation. If a political philosophy is put into praxis, it will be dangerous and harmful.

sorry i've been reading zizek and it's messing with my mind.

>> No.2783511

Still in high-school

>> No.2783518

no its cool, i kind of agree with that impulse. i might question the way you're using "political philosophy" though. anyway even if i didn't kind of agree with you, any field of inquiry and thought that doesn't constantly question its own utility / possibility / importance is not one that i want to be a part of.

>> No.2783539
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>sorry i've been reading zizek and it's messing with my mind.

haah waaw

>> No.2783554

>last degree earned
High school diploma
Solid B student

>degree in progress
shitty CC
film production/English lit
>title of thesis (imagined)
Heresiology in Reeboks: Boyz 'n the Hood as Gnostic Tragedy.

>> No.2783574

Working on a bachelor's in political science.

I have credits from a few different state schools, one Ivy, and Boston College.

>> No.2783585

Working on BA of English at the University of Texas.

Thesis? uhh...

Mark Twain: The Epitomization of Continental Philosophy and Feminism in Absurdist Literature.

>> No.2783643

all those undecided/unsure of what they want to do should have a crack at psychology. there's generally a lot you can do with a psych degree - neuroscience & research, clinical/counselling, sports psychology, marketing/satan's work, forensic psychology, human resources, education & child psychology to name just a few

additional perks:
- content is usually pretty interesting
- the male:female student ratio is the opposite of 4chan's
- telling people at parties what you do/study = "wow that is so interesting" or "OMG so you can read minds?" (that is actually what was said, i swear)
- every trait/mood is gradually becoming a 'disorder', so there's plenty of money/work to be had

>> No.2783659

Med student, third year.

>> No.2783662
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>Last degree earned
High School Diploma, a high school, 4.4 weighted GPA, Class of 2011

>Degree in progress
Bachelors in Journalism, School of Communications & Theater, Temple University

hypothetical thesis: "On The Certain Porousness of the Modern Journalism Degree"

It's shit, but it's what I want to ultimately do.

>> No.2783685

>86% (approximately) average in highschool, would have been higher if not for a bunch of electives I foolishly thought I would enjoy (I think I had a 75% average total between the three electives I took, all the academics I did much better in)

I'm currently working through a first year calculus textbook and battling with whether or not I should just drop out of public school and pursue math full time while finishing up my other subjects through homeschool.

You guys have probably been here, any advice for me?

>> No.2783692

Don't drop out. Everything gets harder. Stay in school and apply yourself some more.

>> No.2783695

Dropping out kills your socialization skills. Also, it's really stupid.

>> No.2783706

It's good to hear that it gets harder, but do you have any advice for how to get more out of my classes? Looking back it feels like I haven't really learned anything that I couldn't have covered in a month at home, and I can't stand how passive the learning at school is.

>> No.2783712

It wouldn't be 'officially' dropping out, I'd be covering all the subjects at home and I live in glorious British Columbia where it's actually a recognized option by the province

>> No.2783717

Doing an Econ & Math degree

I come on /lit/ to get my BA that you folks paid for.

>> No.2783721


>> No.2783758

Are you getting 100% in all of your classes? If you're not, then you shouldn't drop out. You should be spending the free time you have socializing with your peers. Believe it or not, the ability to seduce a woman and to make a bro or two are vital life skills that will carry you far.

Also, while BC recognizes online schooling, it's well known by the universities to be a POS substitute where mostly cheaters abuse the system with personal tutors. Do you know how I know this? I'm a private tutor who abuses the online schooling system. And you know what? Half the students I helped to do this with did not get into the University they wanted to. They had great grades, but the online schooling mark on your transcript will burn you in the future.

tl;dr stay in school and get laid, son. If you can't get laid, you haven't beaten high school yet.

>> No.2783769

Ok, thanks. I guess I'll stay in then.

>> No.2783809

finished my BA in Econ a few years ago, I was a pretty shitty student at the time and not particularly proud of my work there (I'm european so no "GPA")

Now unemployed due to moving countries. I'll probably go back and do a masters at some point, but I'm not that sure, I enjoy working a lot more than I do studying.

>> No.2783811

Oh, I correct myself. I finished my BSc in economics.... barely.

>> No.2783815

bachelors in english w/ writing emphasis '92

>> No.2783843
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Did BA for a while, majoring in philosophy. Came to my senses, and now in my 3rd year of Bachelor of Psychological Science.
Literature is just a hobby, albeit a very rewarding one.

>> No.2783878

>Last degree earned

Bachelor of English, minor in marketing

If you read Woman's Day in Australia, like ten percent of the new Fiji bottled water ad is my copywriting. Feels good in increments, man.

Online TESOL course, joining a buddy in China to teach English to the celestials.

I also currently work in an adult learning center teaching illiterate folk how to read and write. We get a lot more middle class people than you'd think. Before that I was a hospital orderly doing the graveyard shift. Great pay, but boring as fuck. Wait four hours, move patient at 2am, wait four hours, go home at six.

>> No.2783914

I've got a high school diploma. Currently in my second year of Law School. Wooh. Fascinating Stuff. (Being serious. I get to study about history, and politics, and philosophy all day long. It's pretty awesome.)

>> No.2783934

Primary school - 'Homeschooled'

i should probably go back to school before it's too late, but this life of no commitment and freedom seems like it'd be impossible to give up for 9-3 in a classroom

>> No.2783955

I would have loved to be homeschooled. It would have given me so much more motivation to learn everything, because I wouldn't have been tied to the slowest donkey in each and every fucking class. You should really take opportunity of that good fortune and not waste yourself, buddy.

>> No.2783997



Kill yourself.

>> No.2784005


>> No.2784017

IB highschool, BSc economics, MSc finance

>> No.2784040

>98/100 score on graduating high school
>First year of BA in Psychology in eighth best university in the world
>Gonna try and work my way up to a PhD, practice clinical Psych and write

Feels good man.

>> No.2785242

Bachelor in Journalism at a London University. 2:1 degree so that's close to a 4.0 I guess. 2011.

Its been a year since I graduated but now I'm going to Japan to learn the language and we'll see what to do from there.

>> No.2785252

Both Philosophy and English majors make way more in the long-term than psychology majors. Every second person I meet seems to have a B.A. in psychology.

>> No.2785257

BA/BS in Lit and Psychology (GPAs 3.7/3.2), minor in Philosophy, minor in Mathematics

Going to get an MA in philosophy next year

>> No.2785310


youre still studying psychology


>> No.2785312

im a marin

>> No.2785320

>High school; graduated last May with honors

>Bachelors/mid-sized state university/Chemistry
>Full scholarship including room+board, but excluding books

>> No.2785426


What's wrong with psychology?

>> No.2785472

Note: If you want to impress people with the school that you're attending then you should list the school and not the bullshit ranking that you got from some publication.
I've never understood why people do this.

>> No.2786537

B.A. in creative writing from Hampshire College, graduated 2011. I liked the Pioneer Valley a lo. What about you?

>> No.2786542

All of that sounds like what I'm doing, except for the Mathematics part.

>> No.2786564

- B.A. (Honors degree in the Arts as well as a separate Honors diploma for the college) / univ. not worth mentioning/ Visual Art/ 3.9 - summa cum laude/ 2005

- M.A. / same as before / English/ don't have a title yet, but I'm probably writing a collection of short stories about people who lack homes (homeless or in another sense)

>> No.2786599

I have a Bachelors in Painting, a Minor in Philosophy. And a Masters in Philosophy (as does everyone in my family, I just am a part of a Philosophy family unfortunately)(don't ask me things about life, obviously I am sucking at it, despite having written a 60 page paper on existentialism.) (Don't read it, the understanding of 'the absurd' (Hurpa Durpa) is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.)

The worst part is that I am a black guy. Currently, I work as a caterer. . . .

The up side is that at least my dad was a doctor so I am not burdened with loans but . . .still, I don't have skills to enter into the capitalist paradigm.

To all you 'youngfags', DON'T GO TO COLLEGE! IF YOUR INTEREST LIES IN THE HUMANITIES, READ ABOUT IT! . . .Actually, Don't read about it, it has not practical application to real life.

If you want philosophical ideas to feel good, read the Republic and call it a day. .

Seriously, everything "new", is just a reiteration of the old ideas. But veiled under the hideous veil of obfuscation and pretention. Nobody likes the people who uses that language. So just read the old shit.

Crime and Punishment is the shit if you get the P&V version. . .

While you can!

Seriously, Do it!! Fuck College. Don't waste your youth!

>> No.2786602


theo huxtable itt

>> No.2786615

I've graduated from middle school

>> No.2788208

Did philosophy at Princeton.

>> No.2788329

Last degree : BSc. in mechanical engineering, university in Scandinavia.

Next degree : MSc. in mechanical engineering, probably central Europe.

>> No.2788361

How practical is a degree in linguistics?

>> No.2788369


On a scale from 1 to Chomsky? Chomsky.

Chomsky Chomsky Chomsky.



>> No.2788373 [DELETED] 

-MA Humanities and Social Thought, NYU, Thesis: "Nietzsche's Challenge: Construction and Contingency in the Philosophy of Science"
-Advanced Certificate, Museum Studies, NYU
Certificate Paper: "Towards a Pragmatic Museum of Natural History"
-Post Bacc Certificate: Pre Med. Georgetown
-MA Anthropology, Ball State: "A Model for Morphological Change in the Hominid Vestibular System"
-BA Anthropology, Purdue

-Currently Pursing PhD. History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. University of Toronto.

Do not list GPA on your CV if you are pursuing a graduate degree. That is what transcripts are for. If you are in grad school GPA should not be an issue in the first place.

>> No.2788379

High school dropout reporting in

>> No.2788384

Same, and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.2788389

Public education, graduate HS with a 3.2 or so, go to college for a year because it is expected of me, then drop out because I have no career goals. Currently working as a janitor.

I have 'above average' intelligence, but I've never had any ambition, and I have never seen a job I would enjoy. So I just takes ones here and there and hope some day I find something profitable or enjoyable. I am a bastion of wasted potential.

>> No.2788398


If you work as a janitor, you have below average intelligence. No exceptions.

>> No.2788399

This is going to sound like a crapload of justification for why I don't do much, but is anyone else just happy with cruising through life on their shitty job making enough money to pay rent, buy food and write stuff?

>> No.2788400
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>> No.2788401

I only do the job so I have no distractions when I come home to work on my particle accelerator.

>> No.2788404

I'm not a janitor because I can't do anything else. I just don't want to do anything, so I work the jobs I fall into.

But I stopped being embarrassed about my shitty jobs a while ago. I know what I can do, and so do the people who know me. They just don't quite get why I won't do anything of significance

>> No.2788402

B.A. political science, princeton, 3.95 summa cum laude, focus in political theory and methods; thesis: Knowledge and Society: Mapping Phenomenological Reproductions of Power

if that sounds broad and ambitious, it's because it is. got me into a phd program, though.

working on PhD in political theory (with a subfocus on methods) at another Ivy League; concentrating currently on an article on machiavelli, revisions of my thesis, and a project concerning the philosophical relations of history, power and social structures.

not that any of this matters in the least. princeton was bullshit, and the ivy league itself is overrated like all hell. the university itself--at least as far as the humanities is concerned--is more corpse than anything else; academia is really not what you think it is.

skip school and do something worthwhile. i recommend carpentry.

>> No.2788405


Filthy proselytizing copypasta.

>> No.2788408

> but is anyone else just happy with cruising through life on their shitty job making enough money to pay rent, buy food and write stuff?

Yes. I have a shitty (but fun) job that only just covers monthly expenses, but I have great friends and spend more than half the time joking around and really enjoying myself.

>> No.2788410

We're part of a larger generation of... well... underachieving cunts. And there's a hundred things that get blamed, but most of them are "shitty upbringing" and "being shitty people". But there it is. We'd rather just exist rather than achieve.

>> No.2788532

I'm working on a degree in Computer Science, but I enjoy reading.

>> No.2790257

Went to an excellent school but under an education system that is debatable in quality in an only-just-on-par country. Part way through an English/Languages degree with so far mediocre marks over all and depressed as hell about it. In other words, have an awful lot of catch up on!

>> No.2790264

though of course I am still a shitty person as well

>> No.2790293

Got my Bsc in Economics, halfway through a part time masters in Health Economics. But I don't give it the attention it needs as I work full time.

If I won the lottery I might go do a degree in english lit or history of art somewhere sunny with pretty boys. But until then I'm still just working for the man.

>> No.2790318

20 & still in high school

feels bad man

it was because I stopped going for long periods of time due to depression though, not because i'm a retard

>> No.2790352

Some of these thesis titles are making me giggle.

B.A (Hons) (Lond) History
MPhil (Cantab) Historical Studies

Working in a average-paid (but very rewarding) job in the third sector. I expected more Historians here on /lit/