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2782433 No.2782433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else almost paralysed by the daunting prospect of philosophy? There is so much to learn that I almost do not wish to try as there will always be entire sections or sub-sections of various school of thought that I will never understand or even have the time to TRY and understand them. You know?

>> No.2782443

I'm familiar with this problem have fallen into a bad habit of learning succinct summaries of big ideas from things like Wikipedia because I just don't have the motivation or desire to read 15,000 pages on the inability of language to convey meaning or something similar

>> No.2782445
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>> No.2782446

i've got it through so far so little to go
just more thinking
dont even argue with me
this thread dead now

>> No.2782455

If you're really "into" philosophy you've already been interfacing with philosophical ideas your entire life whether you realize it or not. No, you're never going to read all of Kant and all of Heidegger and all of Marx etc. But you can make a start somewhere.

I recommend Plato. He was a huge troll and samefagged his own books constantly so it's hard to figure out exactly what he's arguing at time, but it will inspire you if nothing else like nothing else possibly can.

Read the Euthyphro, the Apology, the Crito and the Meno. Then move onto the Symposium and Gorgias. Then read his Republic. If that doesn't help you understand philosophy and make you a better philosopher (wisdom-lover) yourself, I don't think anything will.

>> No.2782461


Just because there was one schizo guy posting like that for a few days there doesn't mean it's cool for you to do it, gb2/b/ etc.

>> No.2782472

>samefagged his own books

This statement is more insightful than one could wish it to be.

>> No.2782476


Oh shit I forgot my favorite of all: you MUST read the Phaedo. Even though the arguments are logically shite.

Also an important thing to remember with Plato is that he is a mystic as well as a philosopher. He practiced contemplation, which he and Socrates probably picked up from Pythagoreans, who probably picked up on it from Brahmins, or something. The question of HOW Plato became a contemplative is controversial, but the fact that he WAS a contemplative is about as well-established as any hypothesis about the Classics can be.

>> No.2782478

lover of wisdom
or what
obviously we see that plato disgoirens disogense etc socrates same plato guy

no ive went to legit psychoiss rage as people on another chan (cough cough 420) sent me into a psyhcois rage due to how sociopathic the ywere and didnt care about animals
this is how i type my thoguhts out quickly and perfeclty super non linear

>> No.2782479

Go specific. Don't read Hegel or Kant or Wittgenstein at first; read something recent. Identify a particular concept or problem. Look it up in journal databases. They do a good job of setting up the concepts in rigorous ways while summarizing and responding to other contemporary research.

Unless you want to do continental philosophy, in which case I recommend a bottle of scotch and a revolver.

>> No.2782485


>> No.2782517


Ah I gotcha man, I've been there. Are you on abilify or another antipsychotic? When I was on that shit my hands would shake a lot and I was constantly pacing and it'd make me make a lot of typoes.

Hope you get better! Psychosis is scary but I bet if you stop doing drugs it won't happen again.

>> No.2782522


I mean it felt like my skeleton was going to jump out of my skin, it was PROFOUNDLY uncomfortable and only marginally preferable to psychosis.

An anticholinergic helped some but not entirely.

>> No.2782541

u dont got me i know how thats works in the movies

no i dont do drugs this is natural state of mind that i hide but i dicied noe to this time

>> No.2782545

If it's not for you then it's not for you. Don't get in over your head. Stick to something better suited for you, such as watching television or gardening.

I'm not schizo, it just flowed more naturally like that. I was usually high as well

>> No.2782553


No, I was legit on antipsychotic medication, is that so hard to believe? I was in a psych ward for 11 days and even given haldol you are not the only one, seriously now I think you're just acting crazy because you crave attention.