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File: 55 KB, 578x293, modernity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2781166 No.2781166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's no fucking future for anyone but the privileged anymore, education needs to be for everyone, we need jobs, houses, and all they want us to do is pay our taxes, shut the fuck up and gratefully eat X-Factor. It makes me sick to my gut. Banker bonuses and politicians claiming thousands for their fucking duck ponds while they sweep the homeless off the streets and hose down where they're sleeping, taking away benefits while two and a half million people are unemployed, leaving empty houses to rot and trying to outlaw squatting during a homeless crisis. There's a battle going on and we're part of it whether we like it or not. Cameron says, 'in this together', easy to say if you're sitting on £30,000,000! He has no idea what life is like for the people he condemns, for the people he makes it most difficult for. He's a fucking scumbag and I've had enough of it, I know I ain't the only one either. I look around and I see resistance on every level. Call us what you like, striking workers, protesting students, rioting kids, the 99%, we are who we are, a product of a broken Britain being torn apart and yes, we are fucking angry - is anybody gonna fight back?

>> No.2781168

>education needs to be for everyone

internet and local library

>> No.2781169


That's education that doesn't socially signify. It's worthless.

>> No.2781171

> Cameron says, 'in this together', easy to say if you're sitting on £30,000,000!

He made that money, faggot. He is very good at what he does and he is paid accordingly.

Also, as the other poster noted, you can VERY VERY easily acquire education and a job.

Also, don't post propaganda here please.

>> No.2781172

>Implying I give a shit about poor people

>> No.2781173


Oh look it's a delusional meritocrat. How much do you drink a day in order to keep believing that?

>> No.2781175

Do you imply that you are entitled to a higher social status? Because thats bullshit.

You are free to pursue higher education, and why should we all pay for it? As long as you are not segregated, as long as you pay as much as everyone else, why do you complain?

>> No.2781176

If I'm looking at the way people are accepting formats like Coursera and not accepting the way US-unis milk the young for money, I think that's significance of "offline" education is going to go down.

>> No.2781177

"Hardly education. All them books I didn't. They just sat there on my shelf. Looking much smarter than me."

If the homeless were worth anything they wouldn't be homeless. I don't feel bad for the uneducated, since education isn't handed to you, you either educate yourself or don't. Making the system a bigger meatgrinder that forces more people through hardly seems like a good way to educate people who would pick up a book if they gave a damn in the first place.

>> No.2781179

>why should we all pay for it?
Do you mean to imply you're entitled to wealth?

>> No.2781181

It's not worthless i you use the things you learn to help yourself and those you care about.

>> No.2781186


Yeah it is.

If it doesn't get me a job, if it doesn't get me money, if it doesn't get me status, it is not worth one single thing.

Tell an employer you spent your childhood reading shit in a library 13 hours a day. You'll still be worth less than a high school graduate.

>> No.2781189

I earned my fucking money. Of course I am.

Once again: why the fuck should I pay for YOUR education, when you aren't even interested in educating yourself and regard it as a way to get wasted every day for four years and get a slightly better job?

Anyway, this belongs to /pol/ move it there.

>> No.2781190

>if it doesn't get me money,

That's exactly what I meant by "helping yourself".

>> No.2781192


How does wasting time in a library get me money?

How does watching free Yale lectures get me money?

>> No.2781198


Nah, you were probably born to upper middle class misers and worked a part time job while they paid for most of your expenses, but you want to have a victim complex because it's fashionable.

>> No.2781203

see, you say that, but you have a picture of a woman being used as a coffee table with her tits hanging out for your amusement and viewing pleasure. It kinda undermines your message, don't you think?

>> No.2781205

Accumulation of wealth has a practically nil relationship. To say you or Cameron "earned" your money is absurd considering the amount of work involved in getting it compared to what a blue-collar worker on minimum wage does. You just have historical precedent.
I'm not asking you to pay for my education, I'm asking you to put in as much effort and as many resources as I do to give equal opportunities in education and everything else to everyone.

>> No.2781211

>Accumulation of wealth has a practically nil relationship to the effort involved in doing so

>> No.2781223

Stop being a pussy, get a job, and quite thinking that blaming those inhuman evil bankers are the source of all of your problems you douchenozzle.

Bro, do you understand that education doesn't create jobs, education is used to FILL EXISTING JOB MARKET NEEDS. If everyone in the entire world were able to study for bullshit white-collar jobs then we would be absolutely inundated with under-employed jackasses that spent four years wasting taxpayer money that could have been left in the *real* economy (real means not fucking academia).

>> No.2781229


Did someone link this on /pol/ or something? Where are all these libertarian retards coming from?

>> No.2781231
File: 28 KB, 460x276, Frank-Zappa-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, quit bitching about education, and how it's useless without money. If you're educated you'll find a way to make money. Education is self improvement, while all youre describing is wishing somebody else would give you material benefits for nothing.

“If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.” ~ Frank Zappa

>> No.2781234


You're dumb as fuck, because you've defined education as "knowing how to make money" when it's never meant that.

Also you quoting Zappa is fucking disgusting. Zappa would cold cock you for that shit.

>> No.2781239

>(crying uncontrollably) I don't wanna get a job! I want to be handed everything, fuck you guise gimme money!
Why don't you get a job and stop blaming other people for your problems, that's what everybody else does when they want money or status.


>> No.2781237

Yeah, a whacky 1960's musician who died almost 20 years ago knows best.

>> No.2781241

>the 99%

And that's where I stopped reading.

Seriously are you that deluded to think that it's only "the 1%" who create this system? You're not part of the 1%. You're part of the 100%. Because 100% of people are greedy and whiny and shitty.

>> No.2781246
File: 56 KB, 410x648, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become garbage man or something like that
>work 3 days a week
>move into one room apartment in a cheap neighbourhood
>acquire bed, table, chair, laptop, e-reader
>live frugally
>spend four days a week emerging yourself in beautiful books and other media, enjoying the company of friends, cooking fresh and simple dinners, drinking wine, sitting in parks, taking naps, courting ladies, writing stuff, living the simple, contended life

>> No.2781247


It's easy to preach climbing when you're born on top of the mountain, asshole.

>> No.2781248

I am kind of with Zizek and the other contemporary philosophers when they say that capitalism has been running on fumes for a while now and is teetering on the edge of something huge. Perhaps not collapse, but a big shakeup. Then it will reset itself in time and a century from now we will be upset again.

And I will sit back and watch from my moderately affordable front lawn. Feels good being middle class, man. My class does not exist indeed.

>> No.2781250


>become garbage man or something like that

Wow you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>lol get some high paying part time job bro then do awesome shit

Fuck off, man.

>> No.2781252

You are aware that the whole reason modern countries have the kind of education systems that they do is because the job market has to have skilled workers right?

It's not for a bunch of whiny leftist faggots to study postmodern socialist literature and African-American women's studies, you want to do that do it on your own dime. And if you want to study so that you can get a real job and contribute to your economy's well-being, then drop the holier-than-thou act and just admit that COLLEGE IS FOR LEARNING HOW TO MAKE MONEY.

>> No.2781255

People who live on dustbinmen's salaries do not generally drink wine, cook fresh or balanced diets, or "court" women with anything other than orange skin.
What you're suggesting is counter to culture and impossible.

>> No.2781256

Zappa should have shut the fuck up if he didnt want to be quoted for truth. Education is self betterment. The fact that society wants to give better people money is a side-effect. I could give a shit about money, nigga. I take cigarettes I find on the ground and reroll the tobacco into 99cent Tops rolling papers. The bit about money is included for bawwing OP

>> No.2781258

>Get shitty job
>Pay a hundred bucks rent on a share house with other art students with shitty jobs
>Have no money, ever
>Buy a bottle of wine and a ten pack of ramen every week
>Always reading
>Always partying
>Always mildly content

Feels pretty all right. Stop letting society and aspiration-based marketing make you feel entitled to something above your station.

>> No.2781259


If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't provide that.

>> No.2781263

I wasn't born at the top of the mountain you dipshit, I was born trailer trash and I live in my small towns mini-ghetto at the moment. I'm also currently on the job search so that I can pay my own way through college.

No, I'm just not a whiny faggot and I understand that if I want something that I'm going to have to work for it, and it's not the 1%'s fault that I have troubles every now and then.

>> No.2781262


Oh wow, you're a pretty disgusting capitalist fetishist. You actually equate income to how good a person is. Jesus christ.

>> No.2781266

There needs to be a balance between cost of living and welfare. In Australia, the only place I can speak for, we do not have such a balance.

This is a place where I can get educated for free, and then have no jobs anywhere in the country so I move overseas taking my taxpayer-funded skills with me, resulting in a critical skills shortage. Any affluent country has a responsibility to provide welfare to its people, but this is ridiculous.

>> No.2781267

Its like you read half of what's written every time. lrn2attentionlongerthan2seconds

>> No.2781269

Society isn't just workers, you know. Without things like art, society would be a pretty shitty fucking place.

>> No.2781271


>I wasn't born at the top of the mountain you dipshit, I was born trailer trash and I live in my small towns mini-ghetto at the moment.

Yeah, that's what they all say.

>I'm also currently on the job search so that I can pay my own way through college.
>No, I'm just not a whiny faggot and I understand that if I want something that I'm going to have to work for it

Oh I see, you don't want to take help so you can call people who did assholes or faggots or whiny. You're just trying to foster a feeling of superiority. That's way disgusting, man.

>> No.2781274
File: 36 KB, 500x492, 125year-old-man-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is anybody gonna fight back?

With what?

All those rifles in English hands?

You're powerless, your government will do whatever they want with you and you can't stop it now. Too late for that.

>> No.2781275


I responded to what I thought was interesting and worth responding to.

Or were you expecting a long Socratic investigation of your rolling techniques?

>> No.2781277

Then what is it for, you intellectual troglodyte? Don't give me some half-assed definition of what it used to be, tell me genius, what is college for today? What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in?

You have to work for what you want. It's not handed to you.
You're probably going to have to study a legitimate field if you want to get a good job with which to work for what you want.
You can't just cop out and call everybody else privileged every time you encounter someone who is doing better than you.
Not every wealthy person killed ten thousand babies to get to where they are, most of them earned it.

>> No.2781279

Isn't there something about a bi-century armed uprising in the states to keep the government in check? I guess Hoover fucked that up.

>> No.2781280


Were you expected to read two sentences on the /lit/ board? Things taken out of context (of two sentences, no less) lose their meaning. Yeah. I know, it's wild.

>> No.2781283
File: 20 KB, 475x475, 1330419785551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what they all say
Confirmed for troll, or some degree of legal idiot.

>> No.2781281

lol, its a "glass ceiling"! Long way to go for a shitty pun, though. Also, tits undermine your message.

>> No.2781287

Because sage goes in all fields, le newfag.

>> No.2781285

Why do some people write "sage" in the subject and comment fields (not just the e-mail field) when saging threads? Is it a command? Or are they just trying to be clear?

>> No.2781288


>You have to work for what you want. It's not handed to you.

That's demonstrably untrue. I go to college right now without having worked for dick.

>You're probably going to have to study a legitimate field if you want to get a good job with which to work for what you want.

Probably? Why are you wavering now?

>You can't just cop out and call everybody else privileged every time you encounter someone who is doing better than you.

Sure I can. Why can't I?

>Not every wealthy person killed ten thousand babies to get to where they are, most of them earned it.

Most of them were born into a situation that made earning lots of money incredibly easy, because they were a part of a culture that had money and knew how to get it.

Trailer trash tends to stay trailer trash. Think about why. inb4 well they're obviously shitty people because if they weren't shitty people they'd be rich.

This delusional libertarian shit is so destructive, because all it does it give people superiority complexes.

>> No.2781290


You're just dicking around in semantics now. If you didn't mean what you said, please say it again in a different way. Or respond to people directly.

What the fuck was I supposed to get out of your other shit, anyway? You rambled about Zappa, said some bullshit about education which I responded to, and then said you steal tobacco.


>> No.2781292

Art doesn't require subsidization by the state. Stop asking for people's money so that you can't paint shitty pictures and write boring books you assholes.

The only are that requires formal education is for the very worst kind of self-styled "artists" anyway.

>> No.2781299
File: 18 KB, 225x300, 4170964_s1_i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Intellectual Troglodyte?

>> No.2781298

I'm asking why it goes in all fields, if that's not obvious.

>> No.2781295


Show me a privileged rich asshole who doesn't have a "pulled myself up from my bootstraps" story.

>> No.2781302


>Art doesn't require subsidization by the state.

Yeah, it does, actually. In the current economic mindset, it's very unlikely that individual patronage is going to make a comeback. The state is a fine replacement for that.

>> No.2781303


I'm sorry two sentences looks like a ramble to you. It must be hard living with such a horrible mental defect. Also not knowing what semantics means.

>> No.2781306
File: 24 KB, 461x403, Ancient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, people are mixing up their 'isms' again.

You see, capitalism is where a man has some turkeys, and then another man with more turkeys says, 'give me three turkeys for this turkey shirt' and the man with the less turkeys gives him the turkeys and gets his turkey shirt, but then has less turkeys and the other man has more turkeys. He also has more money.

Socialism is essentially the same thing, except it can be used to annoy fat people in tv interviews and at parties, and the two men with turkeys alternate wearing the turkey shirt on Fridays.

>> No.2781308

I'm just . . . you're not even able to be argued with, it's like trying to reason with a five year old that doesn't even know how stupid they sound.

I'm sorry bro, why the hell did you come here, were you planning on being such a stubborn, self-centered asshole when you woke up this morning, or are you just that way every day?

>> No.2781309


Okay, I'm done responding. You've done enough diverting from your actual post. Just know that you never addressed what I actually said, therefore you've conceded that fact that you believe that a person's income is representative of how good a person they are.

>> No.2781311


This is what I mean about superiority complex.

I'm not like you, therefore I'm a stubborn selfish asshole.

>> No.2781313

Hey OP, why don't you just move?

>> No.2781315


Reading comp is on the SAT's. Better get ready for that one, dawg.

>> No.2781318

No dude, the problem here is that you don't want to work so you are trying to use the state to take indiscriminately take money from the legitimately wealthy majority just because you've dishonestly managed to talk yourself into believing that wealth = bad person.

If you were making legitimate arguments rather than "rich people are bad, let's take their money and give it to me" ramblings then I wouldn't be getting so damn frustrated.

>> No.2781322


Why should I have to work in order to get an education?

>> No.2781325

>has a front lawn

confirmed for 1%

>> No.2781328

>he made that money

haha oh wow

I'm guessing he earned his place at Eton by being a great student too

>> No.2781329
File: 31 KB, 393x257, 1328564752446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2781337

I have no money

>> No.2781345


thank god I'm rich

>> No.2781354
File: 482 KB, 990x664, friar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not against your indignation and your call for societal change, I'm just saying that it is possible to live a pleasant life in this day and age regardless of other factors.

A lot of peoples problems stem from their overly ambitious prospects and decadent way of living. There's people who claim poverty while watching shit on their big screen TV. Most of peoples problems stem from them being greedy, decadent bastards themselves who think they're entitled to a whole lot of stuff, not unlike the upper class which they despise. Someone who has access to medical care, sufficient hygiene, some shelter and a proper diet has no real reason to complain. Being a bit of a Cynic is the most powerful tool at your command in times of economic hardships.

It is very much possible. Why would humble financial means make it impossible to take care of yourself? Even on the dole it's perfectly possible to live a balanced and healthy life.

Living frugally is a skill. Once you master it, it becomes easy to achieve a relatively stable and pleasant way of living. People don't need as much as they think.

>> No.2781355


>Someone who has access to medical care

I've never had that my entire life. Check your privilege, man.

>> No.2781360

Well, I suppose that is a difference in country perhaps. I'm decently covered for the serious shit at €130 a month.

>> No.2781366


The fact that you can afford that is indicative of your class. Again, check your privilege.

>> No.2781371

>Even on the dole it's perfectly possible to live a balanced and healthy life.
Spoken like someone who has never been on the dole.

>> No.2781377
File: 207 KB, 959x639, friar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work minimum wage manual labour. You pay rent in the cheapest place you can find, then you pay for some vegetables, meat, bread and potatoes. Then you get some thrift store clothes. Then you pay your insurance.

After that you can spend money on anything else. If you have furniture but no health insurance, you're doing it wrong. If you drink anything other than water and don't have health insurance, you're doing it wrong. If you shower longer than two minutes a day and have no health insurance, you're doing it wrong. If you have paid internet access and no health insurance, you're doing it wrong.

Get your priorities straight.

>> No.2781380

I haven't, but I have lived on less money than that. At last as far as my country goes.

If you can afford food you can afford healthy food. If you can go outside you can have sufficient exercise. If yo u have access to a shower and a roof over your head then you are fine.

>> No.2781390


>You pay rent in the cheapest place you can find

The cheapest place here in about 99% black and they'd probably murder me within a week.

Privilege, check, etc.

>> No.2781392


I guess I had shitty parents because they bought me a bed.

Fuck you, man.

>> No.2781394

I think it's about time that you check your privilege now.

>pls don't let me live among the scary black people i have the right to live next to anglo-saxon lawyers and doctors in a nice neighbourhood with a driveway and a white picket fence

>> No.2781396

Don't act like you don't get the point. Next time ask your parents for money instead of a decadent mattress holder.

>> No.2781398


I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said they'd murder me. It's an area of incredible racial tension. White have been murdered there in the past, and generally avoid it because when they don't, they're at least mugged.

Trying to stay alive is not privilege. I live in St. Petersburg, Florida. Check the stats on the south side, it's the cheapest area by far. I'm not making this stuff up.

>> No.2781400


I was 10, you asshole. You think my parents can afford to buy me shit now?

>> No.2781404

Apologies then, I know nothing of where you live. Still, it surely must be possible for you to have food, clothes, shelter and insurance in your country in some way? Assuming you live absolutely frugal otherwise. I'm not trying to be an asshole for nothing, but most people think they live a simple life while they're not even close to it.

I'm not saying the system is okay, I'm saying that one can still live under manageable conditions if one tries.

Then again, it's not completely fair to call me privileged because I'm not at the acute risk of getting shot at the moment.