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/lit/ - Literature

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2777909 No.2777909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can just sit back here in my fold-out chair, waiting for something beautiful and at the same time paradoxical to fall upon my head, typing in my high-school English teacher’s favorite fonts, and reminiscing about times when things would hit me like comets during my lowest forms of human failure.

Every minute I hated my life as much as I hate it now, but looking back I’m so nostalgic, thinking that the one thing I had going for me was that constant and consistent flow of “good stuff” coming out of me at the time. The only thing ever coming out of me though was always angsty shit, which is why at the same moment I am missing those times, I’m also asking myself “The fuck are you talking about man? That shit was awful, and you know it, just go right over to that shelf, open up that shabby, wrinkled composition book and read for yourself. Your shit sucked.”

What is it about talking the self then, that is so important? Why should I even be wasting the digital space and energy within the minute muscles and electrodes that signal the movement inside my fingers to even construct these words that are sparking between the synapses of my brain; like a crude filmmaker, who can’t help but capture everything and anything, I have to sit here in the dustbin of our Great Nation and apparently construct the “words of the American writer.” Fuck words. Words fall like molten glass in the mouths of people, and the “great writers” are only experts in figuring and mastering the order and pattern in which the sand-lava splatters upon the earth. It’s a sloppy conglomerate of meaning and subjective negative space that is paradoxical of itself, and riddled with things that we’ve all seen/heard/experienced before, and don’t need reminded of.

>> No.2777916

what font are you using?

>> No.2777921

Pretty faggy writing brah, just kill ya self. Why is everyone on lit a gay DFW wannabe, herp derp synapses typing shit on mah keyboard

>> No.2777945
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courier new


I'm glad you like it here's some more:

I draw another tab to the useless updates of my life, another stroke upon the key, another second lost in the wastefulness of space, diverting the specks and motes of dust that travel beyond the distance of what I’m concocting. Typically half the time I write, it’s the “feeling” and “sounds” of the words that draw the creation of my sentences, to which I and others will read over and exclaim how ridiculous the meaning has, and how inconsistent it is, and they subject their own “sense” within the words in order to organize the meaning into a coherent depiction that I despise. For example, I might, through sheer catharsis construct:

>> No.2777955
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"A shade purple compiles the teering lights
Shifting a course through tiny typicals and iridescent compilers that cry a fleeting shriek before the fade,
Before the dark smile and creasing fold of a mountain pen,
Krill all about, shrill all surround."

“Nonsense!” they will exclaim. “Void of structure!” But no, the most common, the response I am always to recieve: “You should insert x instead of y because I think that would draw out more coherence and meaning from your piece.”

FOY! FIE TO YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS! Please explain to me in those “words” you are expert enough to call the thing in which all men and women choke upon, that actual fleeting ecstasy that encapsulates our consciousnesses into pithy and trite labels that are formed into streams? Stream of consciousness? Just another and more labels; labels upon labels, more Warhol and his tomato cans filling the gap in the floor of what you can and never will be able to speak or express.

Speak for me now. Just speak.

Just now finished that last part, just came out of me, thanks for being here.

>> No.2777958

One of my high-school English teacher's fonts was Comic Sans. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW

>> No.2777965
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>> No.2778068
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>not burning all your notebooks, your childhood pictures, deleting everyone out of your phone and taking back only those who contact you, deleting every e-mail adress and taking back only those who contact you, throwing away every superfluous possession, cutting off your hair yourself, dissolving your addictions and retreat into a solitude where you recreate yourself into a both physically and mentally strong new entity, unburdened by the past

>> No.2778076

at what age would i need to be to do this

>> No.2778087

sounds pretty teenage

>> No.2778089

I started at 18 and have a bit of a reboot every year of so.

Also, totally deleting email and text inboxes and erasing hard-disks works wonders as well. Just get rid of everything except practical items. Works wonders for the freshness of the mind. Sort of a mental minimalism.

>> No.2778405

Seriously your writing is just embarrassing, you sound like a 16 year old trying to make sense of life, strip the writing way back. It's not the 1920's dude. Srsly Luz

>> No.2778413

Fuck words. Words fall like molten glass in the mouths of people, and the “great writers” are only experts in figuring and mastering the order and pattern in which the sand-lava splatters upon the earth. So so gay.

>> No.2778803

not op but didn't wanna make a new thread.
I've written the opening chapter to a book I'm going to write.. here's an excerpt.
He knew that someone had to box up all of his brother’s belongings before the movers came, but the thought of stepping back into a world of sunlight and ecstasy was not something he thought himself capable of.
No, he quite liked his place in the shadows. No one ever expects anything from the boy they cannot see. But now that his intensely inspiring brother was no longer there to gently guide the spotlight that the world shone down upon magnified eyes out of his path, all eyes bore down on him.
Now this was something he had never felt before.


>> No.2778878

>But now that his intensely inspiring brother was no longer there to gently guide the spotlight that the world shone down upon magnified eyes out of his path, all eyes bore down on him.

This is a bit of a mess.

Overall it seems a bit dry, and writers these days always seem to try and introduce too much, too fast. How about you set the scene a little bit before introducing all of your thematic concepts in the first paragraph?

>> No.2778885

That's not the first paragraph, it's a few paragraphs in after the sort of prologue.
I'll try and fix up that bit though, does seem a bit congested.