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2776655 No.2776655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have fallen in love with my shrink.
Whats come over me?

>> No.2776657


>> No.2776660
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>> No.2776678

Booosh and or ka-kow!

>> No.2776684


Every psychoanalysis course deals with patients falling in love with their therapists. It's pretty common.

>> No.2776703

That's absolutely normal. We always transfer to the psychologist, either romantically or as a father figure or even as the enemy. Understand that it is a normal reaction and deal with it. The moment you manifest your love, you might find it tougher to continue the work. Struggle, because that's a reaction to the progress you two are having. Some sort of conflict between the two is needed for the theraphy to work.

>> No.2776706

It is not helping the progress. Progress has stalled.

Help me disenchant myself.

>> No.2776717

Talk to her about it.

>> No.2776750


>> No.2776753

I've had a few shrinks I've wanted to bone. But I guess that's not the same thing.

>> No.2776772

I'm having this experience. I fap thinking at her, then I go see her and talk all about my problems. I don't suffer from this though, because as I fap I release my anxiety and I don't feel I have to bone her even though I'd like to. Let's keep it this way. I'm not counting with her signals, if something is going to happen, I'll wait for her showing her interest explicitly.

>> No.2776774

OP, what's her line of work?

>> No.2776806 [DELETED] 


>> No.2776841

op is a sad little man

>> No.2776870

Wow, a lot of people here have had shrinks before...I'm beginning to think I may need one. Though if I say I may need one, I probably don't need one.

>> No.2776877

You're mixing it up.
You're not crazy if you think you are.
If you think you need a shrink, then you should probably see one.

>> No.2776882

>You're not crazy if you think you are.
Settle the fuck down now, Yossarian.

>> No.2776886


>> No.2776890

I've passed through 5 of them. From the very freudian extreme to the most neurogically inclined. I've been lucky though, the ony one I had that belonged to the opposite sex was batshit ugly.

By the way, I am one of the tripfags that lurk /lit/

>> No.2776901

People often confuse going to one as going to a councellor or going because you are either insane or too weak or because you can't decide things on your own. Though all of that can be true, it doesn't mean it has to. The shrink is not there to tell your daddy fucked you in the ass and that's why you have problems. He is also not there to simply listen to you, though it may seem so on the first sessions. Eventually, he (or she, of course) will stitch the things you say and loose some tight knots we were once tightening even more as we pulled the strings, so that you can see your problem more clearly and get around with it. It's not something fast, it's not something with a clear beggining and end, but a process in which not only you gather the mindset to fix what bugs you, but that gives you strenght to deal with future problems, because they are going to be there.

>> No.2776914

Tell her. They know what to do. I'm serious.

>> No.2777007

This thread is now about shrink stories.

>Be nine years old
>I don't respond when called by my name
>I wasn't angry nor was I playing. I didn't recognize that as my name
>Get sent to psychoogist specialized in children
>No apparent progress for about a month (sessions twice a week)
>A bunch of psychometric tests
>One of them involves looking at pictures and inventing quick stories
>I rememeber the images being mostly aabout neutral interactions among two people
>I go on to tell lenghty complex stories with some disturbing subtext
>As I glance up I see in the face of my psychologyts a touch of terror
>I get sent to another one
>I don't even remember the details of what I told her

>> No.2777014

You'd make for a shitty dog.

>> No.2777024

hahahah oh fuck that was a good one

>> No.2777028

I'm intrigued. Was something wrong after all?

>> No.2777034

I really wish you could tell me the story.

I have no interesting stories. Except that onetime, I went to a clinic that ended in day long binges and almost a threesome. Some petty theft sprinkled on top. My god. Crazy people are my favorite people.

>> No.2777047

>be 14
>deathly afraid of sleeping
>we find out it's because parents told me i'd burn for eternity if i didn't worship god enough
>that night i slept fine

>> No.2777046

At first they were worried that I might have been abused but it does not seem probable since I spend very little time out of my parents or brothers' supervision. I was a very private person anyways (and still am in many senses) and I didn't like to be around people a lot and talked mostly in monosyllabics. I think I was, you know, just not heavily involved in the reality. I didn't talked much to the second psychologyst either so there was never enough interaction for an official diagnosis. And then there was just not enough money to keep the treatment going (I felt very good about that because I remember how uncomfortable it felt to be scrutinized in one way or another for two hours straight and I felt very guilty that my parents were spending that much money. The problem three months and a half, aproximately, after it started. The last two weeks the problem intensified a little. I didn't recognized one of my brothers' name either but then everything went back to normal.

>> No.2777049

I want to hear that story

>> No.2777060

Well, that problem, as I said just after this message of yours, ended soon enough. But I have been in and out of treatments for different reasons. Fortunately I can pay most of them now (though I am not currently in treatment).

When I was experimenting that dissaciociation I heard the voices of my parents or brothers calling me at night quite clearly and then I went up and they were sleeping. Quite frightening but my parents thought (reasonably) that it was just a child's imagination. But around my 14's, 15's, I had seemingly random hallucinations. For example, an electric elliptical portal that opened on my room's wall (my room was the basement back then)

>> No.2777066

Oh. I went to a clinic after well, some self destructive behavior. No alcohol allowed, I bond with some fellows, they influence me badly. What follows is basically your average everybody drunk making out with everybody. Ten people suffering from intense abandonment issues plus alcohol? Basically instant orgy. I fell in love there. With a meth-head named Moe.
It was the most intense two weeks of sexual activity, alcohol and social bonding that I have ever experienced.
I wish I still had contact with them.

>> No.2777088

I bet this could make an interesting short story/novella if you went about it right.

>> No.2777092

I put a name to identify myself. I am the guy that forgot his name and the one with sporadic hallucinations.
Generally I don't care about social interaction. I work from home and only have to go about once every two weeks to meet my boss (and of course groceries and stuff). What I want to say is that I generally have very little contact with people and I love it since I feel somehow lost when I do have contact with someone else. But at times I wish I had something like you had in my recent past but it seems quite unatteinable to me. The only relationship I had ended, mostly, because I had no interest in sex at all. It felt good, really good at times but then I started to have it only as a commitment, so as not to hurt my partner back then. But she picked up the clues and well... she felt hurt. Actually when I wa with her I pretended that I didn't realized that she cheated on me just so that she could have a satisfying sex life.

Sorry for the long text. I guess I am just venting. I don't talk about this things with my close ones...

>> No.2777095

Christ almighty. Schizophrenia?

>> No.2777110

It's just transference it's actually really normal, you should tell him/her about it.

I ain't even kidding, you're getting empathy from your shrink that you think you've never experienced, so you fall in love. It happens.

Depending on how strong the infatuation is you might just want to see someone else.

Also does he have you on any meds? Meds fucking suck.

>> No.2777115

I think so too. I've been trying actually but it is very hard to organize the experience and since it is something really intimate I don't want to feel that I am lying.
Right now I am working in a novel about a guy that wants to kill the pope (it is set in the last visit he just did to México). The trick, I guess, is that he wants to kill him for reasons that steam out of a failed relationship. Since he doesn't want to kill said person he makes big acrobatics to justify his intentions of murdering the pope. I am giving it a humorous tone that I think it deserves

>> No.2777124


Been there, I had a psychotic break when I was 19 about to turn 20. But with medication and therapy my symptoms have gone completely away, and I'm getting tapered off the antipsychotics soon.

>> No.2777128


Like my psychotic break was the kind where you go to the ER because you haven't slept for 5 days and they give you haldol, it was insane. So don't feel so bad cause we're all crazy. In the psych ward I couldn't distinguish staff from patients. Because everybody is nuts.

>> No.2777129

I like it, that is a pretty funny premise. Also, you got this song in my head:

Can anyone recommend books with mental illness case studies? Preferably ones that will chill me to the bone with mad schizophrenic things?

>> No.2777131

It is a possibility since I have close family (not parent nor brothers though) that suffer from it. But most probably not, thankfully. If that was the case it is probable that it would come out full force a few years ago and it didn't. Plus, even if I share some common traits with those that suffer schizofrenia (hallucinations, some level of disregard for social interactions, and such), other traits are completely opposed (I take good care of my appearence in my opinion, my hallucinations or dellusions are not nearly as constant as they seem in schizophrenic cases, I am not religious even if some of my hallucinations have been of religious nature, etc)

TL;DR: It just seems highly improbable

>> No.2777136


Yeah you're not schizophrenic, you have Insight, schizophrenics don't have that.

Just like I'm not Bipolar I just because I had a manic-psychotic break. If that happens again when I get off the antipsychotics, I will accept that diagnosis. But as long as I stop using drugs, stop drinking, exercise, and sleep every night, I do not think I will have another break.

Lots of mental illness in my family too, there's a history of psychotic breaks on both sides. Only one full-blown schizophrenic and he's my great uncle (drank himself to death).

>> No.2777141


Oh by the way I am curious, do you smoke cigarettes? When I was having my break cigarettes had very powerful antipsychotic properties. In fact I think nicotine is a more effective antipsychotic than atypical antipsychotics (I hate them shits, though I need them for now, they just feel so "restrictive", like even physically they give you all this muscle tightness and restless legs)

>> No.2777143

What I had wasn't really satisfying. It's a good story, but not much else. I'm pretty sure I'm going to die alone and miserable.

>> No.2777157

In my family there's just too chilling cases. One was a very depressive uncle of mine. He worked as a rural doctor. He said he was going to visit his family and they sent a replacement for the clinic hours. He never came back and they found him starved to death in an abandoned building were his grandmother used to live, in the city.

The one with schizophrenia had his first burst of full-blown paranoia-hallucinations mid medical career. He tought he was being followed all the time and that the goverment wanted to kill him (he didn't even had any conflict with the government). Anyways, after a week his father went to pick him up and found him in his apartment, the floor full of piss and shit. Thankfully they did give him medication and he went back to career. He actually got first of the generation even after that, the smart bastard... He just died recently, complications due to long treatment.

>> No.2777165

Yes, I smoke, a lot. Recently I've been trying not to smoke at night though. I feel as if they don't let me sleep.

>> No.2777174

>In my family there's just too chilling cases.
Two, not too

>> No.2777181


Be careful with just up and stopping smoking you might want to use a patch. One of my friends was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and he was leading a pretty normal life until he tried to cold turkey from cigs, he ended up institutionalized two weeks later.

And as for me I tried to quit and started getting random panic attacks. I do want to quit but I'm gonna use the patch.

>> No.2777190

tl;dr - /lit/ is full of mentally ill people

Can't say I'm not surprised it explains a lot actually.

>> No.2777189

Thanks for the heads up. I am not about to cold turkey though I just restricted my smoking to morning and afternoon and then I'll try to reduce the dosage little by little. Very, very, oh so very slowly hahah.

This thread is strangely civilized by the way. No insults on sight.

>> No.2777199


Cool man :)

Yeah I know we can all be pretty civilized when we're talking about our deep-seated emotional traumas.

Have you ever been institutionalized? NEVER go to an ER for mental health treatment if you can possibly help it, they'll flip out and put you on so many drugs that you don't know who you are and want to kill yourself.

The only way I got over being on such a high dose of antipsychotics was tapering down to a quarter the dose when I got out. And even then I needed cogentin to ease my muscles. And I still pace a lot, I've started running to help with that.

>> No.2777227

>Can't say I'm not surprised it explains a lot actually.
I think you wanted to say "Can't say I'm surprised"

On one of my outbursts I started to cut myself... I didn't want to kill myself I just felt a fucking unbearable noise just beneath my skin. They wanted me to "pass the night" in a psyhiatric ward, in reality it was three weeks but it wasn't that bad, I wa just afraid that one of the other patients might hurt me, there were two that were violent on occasion. The first antipsychotic they gave me was Olanzapine, maybe? I don't remember well but it caused me stiffness and then loss of facial muscular control (I forget the technical name right now). Not the doctor's fault though, it seems such a reaction is not that common.

>> No.2777256


Nah it is pretty common, they had me on haloperidol and I developed dyskinesia and dystonia and facial grimacing and all that stuff.

I know what you mean about the other patients. My roommate was this sociopathic pillhead junkie and he threatened to murder me for taking too many showers. So I followed him around shouting at him, because I knew he knew he couldn't hurt me or he'd end up in the "quiet room".

That earned me a trip to the "quiet room" and another haldol injection.

It was the most traumatic thing I've ever been through, being in that psych ward. I had auditory hallucinations, like the insane people would talk to me and mumble a lot and I'd hear them saying things relevant to my life.

And to this day I will maintain that me and this Kevin guy were reading each other's minds even though we never spoke a word.

>> No.2777288

Hahahahh oh man, I know what you mean. When I see all this things in retrospective I just can't avoid laughing a little. Dyskinesia was the word I looked for I think. I broke one of my front, upper teeth because of that and I looked like a total idiot . My roomate was a guy with acute depression, very serene, sad looking and interesting conversation. You know, the rummiating type. Anyways, I could swear he screeched his teeth at night really loud, almost like if it was a nail against a chalkboard.

>> No.2777333

yfw this thread is actually the same anon having a conversation with himself

>> No.2777386
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>> No.2777398
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mfw this whole thread

>> No.2777814
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Good show /lit/

>> No.2777824


>> No.2779470


>> No.2779583

holy shit
You just described early last november for me. They labelled me with psychotic depression because I'd told some friends I was depressed. I was pissed at being institutionalized during finals, which I'd spent 5 days straight studying for.

>> No.2779611

Well, I just realized that I've entered another depressive episode, so I got me vodka out. I have a tower twenty deep of books I have yet to read. My anti-depressants are shit and my ADHD medication just makes me vibrate and hate myself more. I'm officially fucked.

Ooh. Jefferson Airplane.

>> No.2779647

I fucking hate my cycles.
I fucking hate that people don't understand what it feels like and think I'm being a pussy.
I fucking hate waking up in the morning and having just five lousy seconds of normality before my entire being is anally raped by overwhelming despair.
I fucking hate the urge to end it.
I fucking hate that no matter how much I exercise, socialize, attend lectures, see shrinks, earn money, take medication, or be productive, there is an inevitable cycle of depression waiting for me.
I fucking hate days when I have to pretend to be sick because I couldn't actually get out of bed to face the world.
I fucking hate myself for feeling like this.

>> No.2779660
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You are not alone.

>> No.2779683

A real introspective person conquers depression.

Your problem is that you think you know absolute objective fear, that you in no way have blown out of proportion (the fear of being forever depressed).

>> No.2779711

>I fucking hate that people don't understand what it feels like and think I'm being a pussy
It's normal to feel that no one else feels the same way we do. To a certain extent, that's true to everybody, as we are all different, all feelings are somewhat unique. Though comprehension, tolerance and other reactions don't necessarily ask for one to feel like the other. It's something we do despite understanding it. Some people can't do it though and need to believe they feel the same in order to emphatize. That's not something to worry about though, that's their problem, so it's up to you in understanding the reaction of others to your reaction to your problems, dig more or less what I'm saying?

>I fucking hate the urge to end it.
That's part of the problem as well. Our desperation for ending it gets in the way of really ending it. If one thinks the problem is like a bug that clings to us, the more we shake, the worse it will become. If one accepts that is not really a problem like that, but that it is part of who we are, if we call the problem "I", you make it enter the realm of what you can change over time.

>no matter how much I [...]
To look for a method to end it can only go so far. Who cares for how much a book or a person says how to fix the problem, if none of it works? It's always personal, it's always without a method. No-method as method.

>I fucking hate myself for feeling like this.
What came first, the egg or the chicken? That's the cycle you mentioned.

Not that you asked, but I felt like saying this.

>> No.2779718

I hated myself once, but now I don't. Feels good to accept your own shitty depressed self and call in sick without a shred of guilt.

Just ask yourself, what would Stirner do?

>> No.2779732


As someone who got out of a psych ward not a month and a half ago, I think that's great advice.

For me the only positive to having a manic episode is that I don't take my depression seriously anymore. I'm just so grateful to have my sanity that my bad moods just don't really bother me like they used to.

But I used to be seriously suicidal and had the same shit as the "depressive psychotic" guy.

Just hang in there man, this is a rough age to be.

>> No.2779738


Yeah man I know I can look back on it now and laugh too. It was just so absurd! Nauseatingly absurd!

Having a sense of humor about yourself is essential to recovering from shit like this

>> No.2779776


You're wrong, believe it or not there are actually at LEAST 2, if not 3 or 4, crazy people posting in this thread, and I can safely say that because I am one of them.

>> No.2779870

I'm curious; what is /lit/s opinion on the general consensus, in both the medical community and in mainstream society, that depression/autism/bipolar disorder are all 'diseases' of the brain that should be approached like any other illness of the body? I started questioning this when I discovered the neurodiversity movement. While I'm definitely not against therapy or meds either (I take 40mg celexa daily), I believe it's up to a person whether or not they want use these 'tools' without pressure from the outside world.

You may wonder why someone wouldn't want to pursue treatment, but as someone who is technically diagnosed with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, I sometime feel I have to make a choice between happiness and greatness.

Your thoughts?

>> No.2779885

I think it's a two way thing. It is an illness, but at the same time it's not like you have absolutely no control of it. It's your mind you are talking about, it's sui generis. I don't think the problem is in the medication or on the lack of it, I don't think the methods for making people getting over it are wrong in themselves. I think the problem is how the media treat those issues, it's how people are satisfied with giving names to problems, it's people reading the shit out of lists on wikipedia and self-diagnosing, it's people getting addicted to strong meds but being frighten of smoking marijuana. Denying and accepting things without realizing one own tendencies to deny and accept certain things.

>> No.2779886

I stopped taking my medication of my own conviction. Not because, MEDS ARE BAD, but because I felt more miserable taking them. Medication is complicated.

>> No.2779909


One of the psych ward guys here, I think medication has a role to play but that mental illnesses should be treated more holistically. I think mental health crises should be treated with a MAXIMUM of talk-therapy, exercise, and breathing techniques (the hindus called it pranayama, cognitive-behaviorists call it mindfulness) and a MINIMUM of medication.

The problem with the mental health social field is that it is too often exactly the opposite. You have people threatening suicide to get given pills because our culture is SO fucking drug-obsessed and drug-addicted that people are convinced only a powerful psychotropic agent can get them through the trauma of daily life.

And I'm on meds myself, antipsychotic meds, so it's not like I don't believe in them. But the dose should be as low as possible. I'm on 5mg of aripiprazole, my prescription when I was in the hospital was 20mg and I weened myself down.

>> No.2779925
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"I made practice runs down to skid row to get ready for my future. I didn't like what I saw down
there. Those men and women had no special daring or brilliance. They wanted what everybody else
wanted. There were also some obvious mental cases down there who were allowed to walk the
streets undisturbed. I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the
mad were often allowed to mingle freely. I knew that I wasn't entirely sane. I still knew, as I had as a
child, that there was something strange about myself. I felt as if I were destined to be a murderer, a
bank robber, a saint, a rapist, a monk, a hermit. I needed an isolated place to hide. Skid row was
disgusting. The life of the sane, average man was dull, worse than death. There seemed to be no
possible alternative. Education also seemed to be a trap. The little education I had allowed myself
had made me more suspicious. What were doctors, lawyers, scientists? They were just men who
allowed themselves to be deprived of their freedom to think and act as individuals. I went back to
my shack and drank . . .
Sitting there drinking, I considered suicide, but I felt a strange fondness for my body, my life.
Scarred as they were, they were mine. I would look into the dresser mirror and grin: if you're going
to go, you might as well take eight, or ten or twenty of them with you . . .
It was a Saturday night in December. I was in my room and I drank much more than usual,
lighting cigarette after cigarette, thinking of girls and the city and jobs, and of the years ahead.
Looking ahead I liked very little of what I saw. I wasn't a misanthrope and I wasn't a misogynist but I
liked being alone. It felt good to sit alone in a small space and smoke and drink. I had always been
good company for myself."

>> No.2779927


Me again. Like for example I have a friend who had a VERY SERIOUS, DANGEROUS psychotic break without using any mind-altering substances. He's on lithium and zoloft and while he might not need the zoloft he should probably keep taking lithium his entire life.

I know a girl who had sex in public and generally acted impulsively in high school and she got a diagnosis of Bipolar I and is on all these meds and just uses her diagnosis as an excuse to be an impulsive slut.

I had a VERY SERIOUS, DANGEROUS psychotic break (danger to myself), but I was smoking lots of marijuana and tripping every weekend, and my diagnosis is "drug induced psychosis." And when I tried to tell that girl that I'd literally psychoanalyzed myself out of the psychotic state down to a state of mania (that happened may 13), she tried to convince me I didn't have Bipolar I because "real bipolar people can't control themselves" and for months prior to this she'd been trying to convince me that I DID have Bipolar I LMAO

So yeah tl;dr - there is something seriously wrong with psychiatric diagnostics. They're improving a lot with the DSM-V though.

>> No.2779931


YUP, I used to live in skid row too, downtown Buffalo NY, and the stress of living there and being around some seriously mentally ill people etc. etc. I don't want to talk too much about the specifics of my story what's fascinating is how similar we all are.

>> No.2779941

>had sex in public
>and generally acted impulsively in high school
> got a diagnosis of Bipolar I
>and is on all these meds
>and just uses diagnosis as an excuse
>be an impulsive slut.

>> No.2779942


Awesome :D

Honestly this thread is getting me worked up and making my heart beat faster and that feels like a heart attack and I'm basically on the verge of a panic attack because it's so fucking weird how similar our posts are, but we all have different diagnoses and different stories. All we have in common is contact with the mental health social field.

>> No.2779945

Isn't a shrink like a prostitute?

I would probably feel dirty telling all my problems to a random person for money.

>> No.2779949

I was quoting actually (Bukowski), but I do know some of those feels. The passage just really came to mind reading this thread.

I've always felt that I would be institutionalised at one point, although it hasn't happened yet. I'm not a working kind of man. I'd be better suited for crime or welfare or the monastic life or something. Anything else but the grind.

>> No.2779955


Don't worry about it, I've never been able to hold down a job either. If you act crazy enough and live in New York State you might be able to get disability. Though that's not the path for me, the stigma would make me suicidal. But my downstairs puerto rican neighbor was on disability for "Depression" and I fucking believe him, because for a puerto rican to live like that he had to go through some serious shit. There's another Bukowski poem that really describes my experience. Honestly I respect Bukowski much less as a poet now because it seems like he was just putting a mouthpiece in front of his manic episodes. But I need to remind myself that he was the first poet to do that, and I might not experience my manias the way I do if he had not written the way he did.

>> No.2779956

they say that hell is crowded, yet,
when you’re in hell,
you always seem to be alone.
& you can’t tell anyone when you’re in hell
or they’ll think you’re crazy
& being crazy is being in hell
& being sane is hellish too.

those who escape hell, however,
never talk about it
& nothing much bothers them after that.
I mean, things like missing a meal,
going to jail, wrecking your car,
or even the idea of death itself.

when you ask them,
“how are things?”
they’ll always answer, “fine, just fine…”

once you’ve been to hell and back,
that’s enough
it’s the greatest satisfaction known to man.

once you’ve been to hell and back,
you don’t look behind you when the floor creaks
and the sun is always up at midnight
and things like the eyes of mice
or an abandoned tire in a vancant lot
can make you smile
once you’ve been to hell and back.

>> No.2779961


In fact, you know what? Give me your phone number I will text you my email, I have a good idea that you would like. But it's all good I know it's scary to post phone numbers on 4chan. But you might like what I have to say and I don't want to say it here.

>> No.2779965

You all seem to be buying into the psychiatric paradigm that being "mentally ill" is bad, and in response to mainstream consensus you are following your biological imperative to fit in.

>> No.2779966
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I love my shrink because she's also my cute, smart, funny Chinese drug dealer :3

>> No.2779968


Yup pretty much exactly what's happening.


When I first got out of the hospital I had panic attacks so severe that I thought I would need benzodiazepines to function as a normal human being. As in lying down to go to sleep would induce a full-fledged panic attack. And by relentlessly confronting the things that scare me my anxiety is much more under control.

Just sayn'

>> No.2779969

You're an idiot xanax doesn't do shit to help psychiatric issues, it just numbs you up emotionally to the point where you don't give a fuck. If that's what you're looking for fine but don't expect any deep, lasting treatment

>> No.2779973

I don't actually have panic attacks holmes, I just really like benzos and with good insurance, getting them prescribed is a lot cheaper.

>> No.2779974

I'm intrigued. 4chan email in the email field.

>> No.2779977


For real for real, I have a close friend who was on xanax for anxiety. He got tapered off. It's like he has NO control over his anxiety now, he self-medicates with alcohol and marijuana and has not left his house in 6 months. I don't even know where he lives anymore, he dropped off the face of the earth. He couldn't work a job. He couldn't even manage the welfare system. He just became completely non-functioning, and that's because that's what fucking benzodiazepines can do to a person's psychology.

Enjoy your xanax though, I feel like I could use one myself :)

>> No.2779982



>> No.2779998

You should fuck her brains out, and cum in her. That will make it all better.