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/lit/ - Literature

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2776424 No.2776424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at noon
>settle in with a cup of coffee and my kindle
>mom comes in
>hear this


>> No.2776433
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that feel

>> No.2776437

>wake up at noon

How's that neckbeard coming along?

>> No.2776449

not well. I can't grow facial hair

i'm a girl just so you know[/spoiler

>> No.2776456


0/10 lol

>> No.2776487

I woke up at 4pm today

>> No.2776494

All i wanted was a pepsi

>> No.2776495

>wake up late for work
>dress damn fast
>open the door to go to work
>here this


>> No.2776499


>that feel when you go to sleep at 10am and wake up at 6pm

>> No.2776500

these generation Y feels

>> No.2776512

That video reminded me of high school. Great parenting, you bitch.


Fuckin'-A, man.

>> No.2776514

>wake up at 8am
>go for a run
>come home, put bagel in toaster oven while I shower
>relaxed as fuck
>fall asleep on bed after drying
>wake up
>hear this

>> No.2776523


>> No.2776534

Oh god that feel

>> No.2776536

I know it's true, Benny is an American and I'm a Britfag. I have actually seen him posting until the morning (US time). Which is actually rather welcome - Benny is one of the only Tripfags I like.

>> No.2776545

Damn, my mom doesn't even give a fuck.

>> No.2776550

I can see a lot of literature actually coming out about this soon, a large part of the current generation are effectively becoming abandoned shut ins and it's not entirely their fault, respectful employment and property are becoming harder and harder to obtain

>> No.2776554

What's the audio on that? Did someone really record their mum? (was it really OP?)

>> No.2776556

Some guy playing guitar on youtube.
He recored himself and his mom entered room and gave this little rant while the camera was still recording

>> No.2776561


you autistic motherfucker



>> No.2776564

Also a lot of us live in the suburbs and gas is expensive.

>> No.2776569

I said literature not toilet paper

>> No.2776575

Yea, but he's no D&E.

>> No.2776578

>wake up at noon
>massive hangover from the party last night
>one message in the answering machine
>hear this:


>> No.2776581


His mom took all his stuff and threw it away when he was out, then he moved out and his dad helped him get new gear.

They're both kinda pieces of shit, his mom took everything he paid for and his dad wouldn't help him get his old stuff because he didn't want trouble at home, the coward.

>> No.2776582

it's more painful now I know it's not scripted for a show or something

>> No.2776590


Rich white kid problems: self-pitying edition.

>> No.2776593

At least he was playing guitar

>> No.2776595

At least inner-city minorities have colorful characters and peers to play with.

>> No.2776598

If they can't afford gas I wouldn't define them as 'rich', the whole "first world problems" putdown is popular enough for everyone to recognize it's validity without pointless tools like you spouting it every time someone has a concern which amounts to something less than "I'm starving to death".

>> No.2776599

go knock on some doors

make friends with other white people

>> No.2776601
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the worst part is that the mom has a point

>> No.2776605
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>> No.2776606

And immerse myself in monoculture? No thank you. At least on the internet I can try to be exposed to other ways of life and thinking.

>> No.2776608
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>white people too good for other white people because "monoculture"

>> No.2776612

>white people
>sociable and accommodating

pick one

>> No.2776621

I'm not even one of the guys complaining but where the fuck do you live where knocking on doors is an acceptable way of meeting people?

>> No.2776624

so uhhhh are you saying that minorities in america are easier to get along with?


is this mirror universe day on /pol/

>> No.2776639

Call them non-whites or shitskins, they are not minorities.

>And immerse myself in monoculture?
liberals are literally mentally ill, hurr i'm only going to associate with non-whites because "diversity"

>> No.2776645

No I think he said monoculture is boring.

>> No.2776647

Most Mexicans are pretty nice here, Somalis too.

>> No.2776652

Why does everyone here idolize such a shitbag as draper?

>> No.2776653

>whites at 72%

>hur dur the coloured people are the majority

seriously what?

>> No.2776659

Whites are closer to 60% you stupid fuck, with the average white population over 40, versus the average shitskin population of around 20.

Ethnic cleansing is a reality, soon enough there will be no where whites can live among whites, and soon after that, there will be no whites at all.

Of course I'm sure your sort view that as a desirable goal.

>> No.2776668

Guess what? there is nothing you can do about it and logical whites like me don't give a shit.

>> No.2776672

>being genocided
>lol who cares we can't do anything about it right?

fuck off

>> No.2776675


You know what? I actually welcome whites vanishing. We've become too comfortable, and we've begun to fuck up the gains we made over centuries and eras. Feminism will vanish as soon as coloured people get into power, for one, and I definitely welcome that happening. White people have been too comfortable for too long. Someone else needs to step up.

>> No.2776683

>I actually welcome whites vanishing.
Like i said, your sort, bet you haven't thought it through how this will personally effect you, huh?

>> No.2776687
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>> No.2776690

>MFW Mexicans are the only people who will talk to me when I'm outside
>MFW I don't even mind getting called gringo/wheto anymore
>MFW Mexicans, negroes and senior citizens seem to be the only sociable people in my entire city

>> No.2776692
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did your parents touch you at night?

>> No.2776695

>Whites are closer to 60%

not according to wikipedia

>with the average white population over 40, versus the average shitskin population of around 20.


>there will be no whites at all.

Define the problem

>> No.2776700


I have, actually. I happen to live in a country that is predominantly non-white, and sure, it has its problems, but it has some good things going for it. People don't have much patience for feminism, they respect tradition because they understand that it's there for a reason and you shouldn't dismantle it without good reason, and society is generally more equitable. They haven't been indoctrinated yet with all the garbage that white elites have been trying to shove down everyone else's throat. They have an innate sense of rightness and fair play that hasn't been fucked up by the rationalisation of media and moguls.

>> No.2776701

>how this will personally effect you

let the conspiracy theories roll

>> No.2776704
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>be short
>no respect because short
respect is overrated kill everyone for fun and feel nothing it is stirner time

>> No.2776707

>Whites are closer to 60% you stupid fuck

so? that still leaves the nonwhites as minority which was the original point. (you said they were majority)

>> No.2776710
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>that feel when stormfront out of fucking nowhere

>> No.2776715

>People don't have much patience for feminism, they respect tradition because they understand that it's there for a reason and you shouldn't dismantle it without good reason

That's just going to make me an extreme misanthrope, fuck humans and their fucking tradition. No equal rights? hurr tradition good for society. other person is different colour? treat him like shit hurr tradition good for society.

And I'm not rooting for new feminism but feminism that gives women an equal chance in life and not them to be thought of as sub-human.

If it comes down to this then fuck society and tear it down and kill.

>women horrible
>still want to have relationship with them
people's lack of integrity, ethics, and virtue disgusts me

>> No.2776718
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>mfw white people felt threatened near me

>> No.2776719

>, for one, and I definitely welcome that happening

>> No.2776722

>Define the problem

libs gonna lib


Non-Hispanic White 196,817,552 63.7 %
which includes shit like arabs as white.

Go look at how whites live in south africa you fucking idiot, gated communities, armed guards, never going out at night, 10+ foot high electrified fences.

You really think you, your children(inbefore i dont want any), your family, and your race will be better when we are subjects to another race?

Its disgusting when the entire cancerous libtarded problem sits around and talks about how whites deserve to be genocided because they are liberals. Lower then the dogshit on my boots.

No i said the word "minority" itself is fucking retarded and should not be used to describe anything retard.

Especially since you use each individual shitskin population as its own "minority" yet clump all whites into a "majority", doesn't make any sense, only a liberal would use such classification.

>> No.2776726
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>tfw parents confront me with my idle ways
>we proceed to discuss the human condition for the rest of the afternoon over a bottle of wine
>all is understood and everyone understands each other
>they, like me, are now fully at peace with me being a bum
>I work a bit to earn enough money for some food, clothes and healthcare
>all is well
>I am now a positive factor in the lives of everyone I know, since I am financially neutral but provide people with company and entertainment
>everyone I know lives their busy lives
>only I remain in my simple ways, being the court jester of my social circles
>I have enough to eat till my hunger is stayed, to drink till my thirst is sated; to clothe myself as well; and out of doors not Callias there, with all his riches, is more safe than I from shivering; and when I find myself indoors, what warmer shirting do I need than my bare walls?

>> No.2776727

ok? But its THEIR country, you are just a guest living there. We are talking about OUR countries.

>> No.2776733

Are you fucking delusional enough to somehow think that white women and non-whites have common ground just because you both view yourselves as "discriminated" against?

Why don't you take a look at the role of women in these non-white societies, that's literally what you want for yourself by defending shitskins and promoting them.

>> No.2776737

>No equal rights? hurr tradition good for society. other person is different colour? treat him like shit hurr tradition good for society.

Lots of racist assumptions there. Actually, where I'm living, things are quite interesting. There's a Western system and an African system, and they interact and counterbalance each other well. By keeping the best from both, the society's somehow managed to meander to a more equal system than currently exists in the West, where women are more legally powerful than men, and companies and government more powerful than persons.

>> No.2776738

1. That's not defining the problem. That's just demographic stats. And you're lumping all coloured people together when they are all different cultures who would most likely be at war with each other as much as whites if your little conspiracy is fulfilled

2. Sorry but the idea that demographic shifts over extended periods of time replicating south african race relations on a global scale, or even in other countries is a conspiracy theory.

3. you say minority is a useless classification yet your concern is whites being the minority. make up your mind.
When I use the word white I'm referring specifically to angloamericans

>> No.2776739

>be afro-hispanic
>live in a working class hispanic neighborhood
>can't find a job because the local economy is shit, public transportation is terrible, and don't have money for car or insurance or gas
>no friends because the white people who are interested in film and literature and good music live far away and the latinos around here are wannabe gangsters who would (and have) accused me of being white-washed

i went to the store down the road from my house a few days ago and the chinese store owner accused me of stealing. he said my friends and i stole drinks and chips from the store. i didn't want to tell him that i didn't have friends so it couldn't have been me so i left all my stuff on the counter and went home.

>> No.2776742

Good on you for being polite to the store owner.

It must be tough being lumped in with the hoods and treated poorly for it. Don't let that get to you. Just keep working hard and smiling at strangers. You'll make a friend. I am your friend

>> No.2776743

if domination by foreign ethnic groups is inevitable, why are you compounding the issue with your hate, making it even more likely that they will treat you like dirt when they gain power? because see currently, you would deserve to be treated like shit based on your current discrimination.

>> No.2776745


Because it's an unreal paradigm. Women have always controlled the world with their vaginas. And the reason they are/were "subservient" (hah) is because they (as a collective) have chosen to be there.

This will save me a lot of time:


>> No.2776754


People of other races have different cultures, even if those cultures have undergone some degree of acculturation. And especially because those minorities are typically at the bottom and have the best vantage point of the foundational problems of society, they are better suited to fix that society than whites, who for the most part believe that things are just dandy, thank you (or are otherwise so tranquilised by comfort that they don't ever bother to ask whether there is anything that needs fixing; and even if they do ask, don't really bother to do anything about it).

>> No.2776755

>the idea that demographic shifts over extended periods of time replicating south african race relations on a global scale, or even in other countries is a conspiracy theory.

How so? None of the bantu now ruling South Africa were there when it was founded.

>1. That's not defining the problem. That's just demographic stats.

90% to 60% is not a problem?
How will this look in another 50 years with this demographics shift continuing?
Sometimes i have to wonder what sort of world liberals live in. Because it sure ain't this one.

How is it inevitable you tardo? Why do you think that they will like you more for being a traitor and a coward?

>you would deserve to be treated like shit based on your current discrimination.
Typical cultural marxist double think.

>> No.2776756

I feel more comfortable at a party full of afro-americans than a party full of whites.

Blacks know how to party and truly don't give a shit about anything other than having a good time. If you're funny or not uptight, they'll accept you with open arms.

>> No.2776762

I've never heard such a load of bullshit, if the non-whites don't like our country then they are free to leave. In fact for the most part, it is THEM who are the problem.

>a literal nigger lover

>> No.2776765

south africa represents specific historical and spatial circumstances. there just is no easy extrapolation.

Worry about this all you like, but it's no sound basis for policy decisions.

>> No.2776768

Numbers themselves are not a problem, mate.

>> No.2776769

>I'm a racist, but I don't know it.

>> No.2776771
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if whites don't like our country, they are free to leave

>> No.2776777

if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you. this is shown by present race relations.

you don't know what doublethink is

>> No.2776779

I'm convinced that this person is trolling. I'm half black and I know all about black parties, and most of it is just black dudes staring each other down.

>> No.2776780

>I've never heard such a load of bullshit, if the non-whites don't like our country then they are free to leave. In fact for the most part, it is THEM who are the problem.

What you don't realise is this: they're a "problem" because you've MADE them a problem. You've discriminated against them for centuries, in all kinds of ways, and yet you expect them to keep their heads above all that shit.


>> No.2776785
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>trying to reason with any sort of radicalist fringe racist
>the year of our lord 2012

>> No.2776786

Look at south america if you want. Look at whites living in gated communities today. Look at the state of crime in america or europe. Look at the treacherous liberal governments who are openly calling for ethnic cleansing and genocide of whites.

This is a reality, you can close your eyes to reality but it doesn't make it go away, eventually it will effect you, and it probably already does.

The cost of affirmative action on the average american is well over 2000$ a year for every white.

The founding race is being replaced by races who have proven themselves unable to build or maintain civilization. Further we live in democracies where each of those shitskins will be able to impose their will upon the government.

>if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you.
lel oh wow

Don't forget the spontaneous gunfights. That always spices it up.

>> No.2776788

>make a /r9k/ thread on /lit/
>/pol/, /pol/ everywhere

How does that make you feel, OP?

>> No.2776790

>Thinking you're part of a race, or that the concept of races within the homo sapien species even exists

>> No.2776792

I have no idea what you are talking about, almost all these non-whites have been here for less then 50 years.
The idea that they have been discriminated is pure nonsense as well.

Further: what you call "discrimination" is in reality freedom and free association.
There is no imperative upon us to accept them into our country, into our countries, or into our lives.

If there was such a thing as racism or discrimination, why do they move by the millions to our countries?

>> No.2776793

it all started because some white guy went "lel white people problems amirite?"

You white people fucking hate each other, man.

>> No.2776799


Ya, you're right. I keep forgetting it's 2012 and people should know this shit by now, and if they don't, well, they're just being deliberately obtuse, and nothing I can do will make any difference.

>> No.2776803

Not trolling at all. There are plenty of fights, sure, most of the parties are straight dancing.



They don't take kindly to the light-skinded blacks for whatever reason. And sometimes even the Akon-colored hues get a bad rap. I don't get it.

Get fucked.

>trying desperately to ignore the differences between black and white culture

>> No.2776804


>> No.2776805


Where do you live?

>> No.2776808

It's OK, bro. Don't worry about it. Just keep on keeping on. If it helps, you should know that radicalist fringe racists usually don't get to have any real effect on the world. They're relegated to camps in the woods and their basement suites.

>> No.2776809

>Get fucked.

Right ...

You don't realise that not all black people know how to dance and that not all their parties are friendly jive-togethers?

>> No.2776812

the problems of crime you mention are the result of wealth polarisation and class inequality. Money makes the world go round, mate. the economists have it right. No one really gives a shit about culture one way or the other.

We live in democracies but it's not majority rule, far from it. and if ethnic groups get into the position where they can run for office, get elected and make decisions then they won't be the dirty criminals you despise.

you need to consider these things holistically, not reducing them to individual components

>> No.2776818


Fucking dork.

>> No.2776819


>a literal nigger lover

No he's not, I am - I'm shagging a black chick at the moment. She's pretty fucking hot, actually.

but I'm not sure if I really love her. wat do?

>> No.2776834

>then they won't be the dirty criminals you despise.

yes because detroit, chicago, the south, eric holder, and so on are such law abiding lovely people?

When the blacks are in charge what they do IS BY DEFINITION LEGAL, when being white is criminalized then we are the criminals.

>you need to consider these things holistically
Whats this supposed to mean?

>the problems of crime you mention are the result of wealth polarisation and class inequality.
Biggest load of dogshit i ever heard. Look at that trayvon character, he's middle class yet he goes to viciously attack a poor hispanic neighborhood watch for no reason.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2776839

Don't see any scientific, falsifiable, no pop-psych or evopsych bullshit.
didn't even see evopsych, just opinions and shit pulled out of her ass

whatever kill people for being so evil, who cares being controlled by vagina lol what a faggot kill men too who cares stupid animals kill evolution destroy life its so pathetic and funny and sad at the same time your dead meat

>> No.2776844


>tfw that's exactly what I did today

what books do you like Benny Profane

>> No.2776847

>people actually choosing to follow their lower animal selves and even think of it as superior to higher selves

get fucked MRA
hurr programmed hurr biology

>> No.2776863
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>mfw kneejerk reactions

>> No.2776867

well exactly, when black people get into positions of power, they are bastards. Just like... yeah you guessed it.... white people.

I'm on the side of the good guys and they range across ethnicities.

>>Whats this supposed to mean?

as in, without reducing your arguments to single facets like race , time or place specificity.

>> No.2776873

I watched that, and them two fuckers you replied to don't seem to understand that all the woman's calling for is equity, and explaining past problems through evopsych/biology. Getting to a truly egalitarian society with respect to men will be much more difficult than it was with women, because men's problems aren't taken seriously - as illustrated perfectly by the replies your post got.

>> No.2776891

egalitarianism is not a good thing.

>Just like... yeah you guessed it.... white people.
Sure blacks are just like whites, oh wait... there is a huge difference...

>I'm on the side of the good guys and they range across ethnicities.
I was unaware we had a test for "good" and i suppose bad guys?
You are aware that noone else in the world besides delusional whites accepts your nonsense world views?

>> No.2776893
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>tfw I went to bed at 8am and woke up at 6pm
>tfw I'm forty years old this month
>tfw early retirement is proving a bit of a wrench

>> No.2776895

>egalitarianism is not a good thing.


>> No.2776899

>early retirement
all of my jelly

>> No.2776905

They blatantly reject the biological reality of differences between races, gender, and other peoples, and so are required to impose equal outcome through various discriminatory policies.

This egalitarianism has lead to the most evil tyrannies and mass murderers like the communists, french revolution, and other shit like that.

And anyways freedom and prosperity come from the ground up, must be seized and held and fought for.
It's not something you just have a government grant everyone.

>> No.2776919


That's what I thought till I found myself drifting around the apartment at 5am thinking "wtf should I do now, I've fapped like a teenager and I'm shooting mummy dust, I'm as drunk as I should reasonably be and I've nothing fixed to do all week except meet my friend for lunch on friday and get my hair cut".

It's proving a tough transition, but meh - better than the alternative, and I do get lots of vacations. I really need a break soon.

>> No.2776921

I'm going to guess you're familiar with fringeelements.

I watch his videos too. Not bad.

>> No.2776925

So why don't you do things then?

no i don't watch these people talking to a camera on youtube.

>> No.2776927

get a new job. something that'll get you in schedule. and/or take a course on something. setting different times of the day for different things is definitely useful to get you in schedule.

>> No.2776933

why would he get a job?

You are aware that you can work without having a job right?
He could buy machine tool stuff and learn how to use them, or whatever.

>> No.2776935


Sure, I agree with that, mostly. However, there can be equity without necessarily requiring that everyone have the same opportunities, outcomes, rights, responsibilities, etc.

For instance, while ugly people are generally less physically desirable, they make up for that with smarts. While attractive people are generally more physically desirable, they usually have little else going for them. It's difficult to say who is better off in this instance, and I think it can be accepted that, while both have different strengths and weaknesses, all else being equal, they'd have a similar quality of life, with each having to make commensurate sacrifice and have the opportunity for commensurate joy.

>> No.2776937

>while ugly people are generally less physically desirable, they make up for that with smarts. While attractive people are generally more physically desirable, they usually have little else going for them.

da fuq do you really think the lord balances the scales before someone is born to ensure "equality" ?

>> No.2776948


lol, you all sound like my wife. And my best friend, come to think of it.

I was kind of exaggerating for tragic effect - in theory I'm working on my writing, and painting etc. I've talked about doing some volunteer work, but can't find anything that appeals.

Truth is that I worked like a dog for a long time so I could get here, and it's conditioned me to certain patterns. Once I've acclimatised, I can decide what to do. There's no rush - I'm not that old yet.

>> No.2776952

volunteer work is retarded, and you would probably be helping shitskins invade our country and ethnically cleanse us too so its even worse.

>> No.2776953

You should learn to properly bum around again. It takes a bit of practice like everything else. Start with pointless walks and sitting on benches and stuff.

>> No.2776969


I doubt I live in your country, so you'll have to find someone else to help out with that.


Y'see - you should talk to my missus. SHE thinks that sitting around on park benches or fucking about with the dog in the woods is just "a waste of time". Me, I claim I'm re-inventing flaneurism. I tell her that it's a dérive, that I'm rediscovering the psycho-geography of the city, re-constructing myself in the process. And she says "are you high? did you hang the washing out? what's for dinner".

I tell you, the life of an intellectual is not all coffee bars and sensitive young women who dress in all black and wear berets while smoking exotic foreign cigarettes.

>> No.2776974

you sound like a faggot
do you even have kids?

>> No.2776975

Why don't you start a Cynic commune in your backyard or something? I've been looking for a place like that.

>> No.2776979


are you the same person?

>> No.2776980


>> No.2776991


>do you even have kids?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Dude - I told you, I'm retired. You don't get to do both. If I was putting a couple of anklebiters through school/university, I'd still be working like the proverbial redguard.

I was also wondering if you were the "shitskin" guy from earlier. There's a distinct waft of something around your style of writing.

Faggot's not a very nice word, by the way - your mother would be disappoint.

>> No.2776994


you're an insufferable person

>> No.2776998


you on the other hand, are a sweetheart

>> No.2777000

>being retired
>arguing with teeny bopper edgy kids

Stop, man. Stop. Don't reply don't quote let him rot

>> No.2777001

>retired at 40
>with no kids

I hope your wife divorces you and takes all your money.

>> No.2777009


Unlikely. She's got more pelf than I have. Her family's loaded.

Anyway, that other guy's right. I'm off for a nightcap, then I shall commence my idle meanderings around the apartment going wooooo-oooooooo like the ghost of careerism past.

Toodles, my young chums. Play nicely now.

>> No.2777011

Ugh, this thread deteriorated into self-congratulatory backslapping and first-world/retired-at-40 problems.

>> No.2777012

Just one faggot liberal, its not the whole thread.

>> No.2777038


Are you happy now, you self-centred retired-at-40 cunt? You ruined the thread.

>> No.2777054

freedom and prosperity must be seized

yeah thats what the french did. lol
also biological differences? like they matter at an individual level

nice try faggot

>> No.2777056

no no, a lot of black people do agree with. theres christians all over. its not exclusively a white trait.

>> No.2777057

>first world problems
You are the cancer that is killing /lit/.

>> No.2777061

blacks support leftist policies because it benefits them, not because they actually accept the nonsense.

You ever heard a black called racist when they make a song about killing whites?

>> No.2777062

i'm not on drugs! why don't you get me a pepsi? just one pepsi! AND SHE WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME!

>> No.2777063

you start with an baseless assumption and follow it up nonsequitor... which isnt true anyway. a black guy singing about killing whites may not be called racist but thats probably because he is being called a terrorist and quite rightly

>> No.2777070

>but thats probably because he is being called a terrorist and quite rightly

Or his album is being bought by the president and celebrated as the best singer ever... fucking idiot, do you read something other then leftist papers?

>> No.2777074

so youre argument is taking a trivial element of pop culture and blowing out of proportion.

nice try faggot

>> No.2777087


i'm not going to speak to a retard

>> No.2777103

im tired, mate. but whatever, if you need an excuse to duck out of the argument thats fine by me.

>> No.2777109

>implying i can argue with people who want to see their own race genocided

>> No.2777123

>1 race having more babies and migrating more than another

>implying i even need to argue with retards who conflate these two things

>> No.2777127

The Convention (in article 2) defines genocide:

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

>> No.2777132

where does it say f) having higher fertility levels than other groups or g) moving around more than other groups?

fucking spastic, make posts relevant next time

>> No.2777134

>committed with intent

issa conspirasee!

>> No.2777139

>implying it isn't


>> No.2777145

the very first sentence shold tell you that article is highly opinionated

also, relaxing migration rules isnt one of the intents described by that UN definition

>> No.2777149


you might as well have cited Xinhua or Pravda

>> No.2777151

So, do you think the indians are better or worse off now that they are a tiny minority in lands they used to own?

>> No.2777158

thinking its even a comparable scenario.
thats even worse than the south africa example.

>> No.2777160

It's exactly comparable, you aren't one of those idiots who believes in some sort of "disease epidemic" that we have no evidence for?

>> No.2777168

the path through history is paved with blood, my good friend, and oftentimes this blood is unavoidably shed

ask the same thing to the Normans, or the Anglo-Saxons, or the Persians, or the Greeks, or the Macedonians, or the Scythians, or the nameless prehistoric tribes who competed with one another for dominance.

>> No.2777170

funny you should mention such a highly-sourced Wikipedia article:

>> No.2777175

aside from anything else, host nations in western countries are not at war with migratory persons. you want us to be.

>> No.2777176
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>start a funny thread

>come back to this shitstorm

>> No.2777179

thats what happens when a conspiracy theorist enters your thread. as with any idelogist, they can help see all topics, no matter how irrelevant, as being under the scope of their theory.

>> No.2777180

Indeed i'm not disagreeing, its these liberals who want to ignore the entire historical narrative and all precedent, they think if only we just open our borders wide open and hand away everything we've built.... then suddenly a utopia will result or something.

>have no idea how disease works
>thinks its just spirits
>hurr they spread smallpox blankets

How does migration benefit us in any way? Why do you think we are required to accept the migrants?

>> No.2777182



..myself. ):

>> No.2777185

fuck off nigger lover

>> No.2777188

most western countries have aging populations as well as the fact that capitalism dictates that in order to keep competitive you need to keep innovating and for that you need workers and to open yoursefl up to markets both labour and consumer

>> No.2777193

>they think if only we just open our borders wide open and hand away everything we've built

thats the other attribute of ideologists. caricature your opponent. see, straw man

>> No.2777198

You don't know shit about economics if you really think this.

Since liberals refuse to speak in anything beyond rhetoric and emotional appeals, its difficult to logically argue with them.

>> No.2777204

>no argument presented in that post
> accuses other people of rhetoric

>> No.2777213

>implying i can argue with anyone who thinks capitalism dictates anything.
also he's so ignorant of the historical narrative to think that the aging population was the cause of immigration, rather then the result.

Further: aging population is not the death of a country, mass immigration IS.

>> No.2777214

why do you refuse to believe hat i am actually a social conservative? does it make it easier for you to dismiss me?

>> No.2777218

>dominant economic framework
>doesnt affect anything

this is what ideologists actually believe

no wait, thats not even characteristic of an ideology. its just retarded

>> No.2777230

aging population is caused by low fertility rates, not migration. the only way that would happen is if a significant proportion of the population left the country which isnt happening

>> No.2777234

capitalism is a description of the process that goes it. It does not compel anything.

Is a country universally better off because it has more people in it? If we need to innovate why are we accepting millions of immigrants from countries with much lower average IQ's?

Further the "country" itself is fucking meaningless, does a country have feelings, does a country care whether its GDP is higher or lower? Obviously not, so we need to talk about the PEOPLE in the country.

Do the PEOPLE benefit from immigration? clearly not in any way. Further you don't really seem to understand economics either.

In the USA when non-white immigration began in 1965, the fertility rate was 3.4

>> No.2777276


It's a shame that the petty quarrels in this thread over shadowed this brilliant post. I want you to know that I saw what you wrote and enjoyed it immensely.

>> No.2777294

I browse the web, play games or read until I have to get ready for work. When I get home around 4, I take dinner upstairs and sleep until around midnight. I get constant complaints about how I'm wasting my life and that seeing my local friends once every other week is not good enough, despite the majority of my friends being college friends on the other side of the country. That way she goes on about me she'd have you think that I'm a basement dwelling neckbeard whose never paid a penny of rent in my life.

>> No.2777296

she wants you to go see your friends more? Weird.

>> No.2777317

Holy tits that video destroyed my sides.

>> No.2777342

Browsing related videos, half of the people being bitched at are 18-20. Christ, they're still kids. If they reach 22 and aren't in education or any kind of job, then it's cause for concern.

>> No.2777362

Moms complain about everything. I'm 22, graduated college and am in employment, receiving further education. She's happy for me to pay my way with her and have enough left to spend frivolously every so often, and she's just started complaining about the fact that I haven't been in a relationship since I was 19.

>> No.2777730


>the path through history is paved with blood, my good friend, and oftentimes this blood is unavoidably shed

And in a hundred years, you can ask the white american.

Black power's coming for yo' momma, baby. Five generations from now there will not be a single person in the USA who can claim "pure white" blood.

It's the future, you just don't want to admit it.

>> No.2777742


Baby boomers gonna project.

>> No.2777748

>tfw my mom never does this to me
>tfw I do it to myself internally each moment of my existence, waking and asleep
>that feel

>> No.2778402

I support my mother on my own in a dingy little apartment. I'm only 21... I've stopped going to university, even though I was in the top 10% of my cohort and often topped my classes in terms of assessments, much to the adulation of my peers... (though, it is a /lit/ degree, so it wont get me anywhere anyway) I work only a few days a week, in a job that pays well enough for me to afford a few luxury items from time to time.

I rarely see my friends, and I can only truly say I have 2 friends - the rest are just people that I somewhat know.

I haven't spoken to another human in days.

On the nights I have work the next day, I'll drink half a bottle of some sort of spirit.
The nights I don't work, it'll be the whole bottle.

I've never been able to connect with another person, and I don't think I ever will be. Without that... i'm not really sure what I'm supposed to desire in this life.

My mother doesn't even care... not that I expect her to, but I can't help but feel that makes me think I'm ever the more worthless...

>> No.2778418


Truth. It's 5am right now, I like to stay up late to talk to the Europeans - they're generally more fun to be around than my fellow Americunts, but I'm probably going to sleep soon, I didn't sleep hardly at all last night (morning?) and I was prepping burritos all day.


Faulkner, Pynchon, Kafka, and Tennessee Williams are some of my favorites. There's plenty more. What about yourself?

>> No.2778445

I'm attracted exclusively to white girls so I would see it as a bad thing if white people were no longer around. A world of ugly skins is not something I want for future generations. Deal with it.

>> No.2779213
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Thank you.

>> No.2779260

The money-for-nothing generation are taking a hard look at their offspring following the example set for them and they aren't happy with what they're seeing.

>> No.2779280

Yeeeep. It's tough to have to look at what you've wrought and realise that you don't like what you see. Well, tough, fuck them cunts. I hope they die with their last thoughts being: I've failed the world; the future is shit because of me.

>> No.2779286

Just don't listen, OP. Or tell her you're not the one who caused an economic meltdown, racking up credit card debt and buying up houses you couldn't afford.

>> No.2779304
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>I don't like the way the majority is acting; might makes right.

da fuq?

>> No.2779305

what is dat ass from?

>> No.2779357


A woman in this highly recommendable film.