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2774197 No.2774197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when all of the social recluses in the entire history of mankind has had these feels before...but because they had no internet, they had to bear these feels all alone in their in their room, sitting in their big red cushioned chair and reading hundreds from an oak bookshelf while smoking a fine tobacco pipe. Years from now, archived 4chan posts will let historians of the future know about our feels. But all those pre-internet feels will never be known. Ever.

My captcha was "ventcge ascendens". Even the spirits of the social recluses of the past guided me as muses in making this post happen.

>> No.2774207

What if the internet gets broken and everything gets deleted?

>> No.2774211

> But all those pre-internet feels will never be known. Ever.


>> No.2774217

Well, surely some bits of information will remain. And then in year 2400, some conspiracy nuts will take those bits of information and say "these are predictions of the real apocalypse". Thats what happened when 99.9% of Mayan texts got burned and some "scholars" decided to try to decipher the Mayan language...using only three texts themselves as they key to deciphering the three texts...

Writers are people that actually accomplished something. We will NEVER know about the failures of the past, the isolated, social recluses, the hermits who did nothing but read books like we do nothing but browse 4chan and pretend to read books.

>> No.2774232

>We will NEVER know about the failures of the past, the isolated, social recluses, the hermits who did nothing but read books like we do nothing but browse 4chan and pretend to read books.

So they just whined about not having a girlfriend over and over again in solitude?

>> No.2774241
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>tfw no gf

>> No.2774248
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How would you know that those people you describe really existed before the internet, if there's no evidence of them whatsoever?

>> No.2774257

I actually started thinking about them because Kierkegaard referenced such "failures" in The Sickness Unto Death, who make few if no friends at all, and amount to nothing. He doesn't say hermit, but hermit is probably the oldest term for such people. They have always been around anon.


>> No.2774271

Someone give that feelguy some old fashioned hair.

>> No.2774273


>> No.2774279

Editor's on wikipedia nowadays simply suck dick. Their style is simply annoying and stupid. No idea how to write an encyclopedia and actually makes thing all the more worse than it already was. Jesus christ.

>> No.2774285

Could one associate anons hermits? Considering that, by definition, they are part of the 4Chan community. To be clearer, while we might consider these anons rather anti-social, is this behaviour far enough to make them count as eremitic, or simply just reclusive?

>> No.2774298

4chan is a "community", but like all internet communities, something about it feels cold. Unlike communicating in real life, its as if we are all throwing wads of paint at a bleak wall from a far, far distance. Paint splatters just appear, but you see no painters. Its a sign that something human made the mark, but nonetheless, it is cold and distant.

We are hermits. The internet is just the latest trend for the hermits of tomorrow. Well, its a half-way between being a recluse and being social, since we ARE communicating with people. Perhaps a new term should be given to such internet dwellers.

>> No.2774300

Maybe not, but their accomplishments (whatever they may be) are no doubt still affecting the world.

>> No.2774302

well done. I don't think he needs a hat, but maybe some old hair style.

>> No.2774305

We're social hermits.

>> No.2774306

>We are hermits. The internet is just the latest trend for the hermits of tomorrow.
99,99% of internet users really are just looking to have fun and talk to their friends and loved ones. That is, of course, when they are not working.

>> No.2774310

Back at /b/ we used to call each other "faggots" with the suffix -fag indicating an internet dweller of a certain characteristic. i.e. newfag

>> No.2774341

It's Stirner.