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2769228 No.2769228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you supposed to deal with a crippling existential crisis?

>> No.2769235

You could try posting in one of the many other threads asking the same thing.

>> No.2769237


>> No.2769248

Find the inherent beauty of existence.

>> No.2769254

>Fighting a man-made concept of reality with another man-made concept of reality
constanza can't even care to show his face around here, anymore

>> No.2769257


Tell that to the wolf.

>> No.2769258

How about getting off your fat ass and get a job.

>> No.2769271

>implying man made concepts of reality aren't real and can be ignored easily

what you are requesting is of similar magnitude as breaking free of gravity.

>> No.2769278

The concept of gravity isn't gravity itself. You lack any intellectual capability.

>> No.2769283

my comment doesn't rely on the inverse of that statement being true

>> No.2769328

p: The concept of gravity isn't gravity itself.
~p: The concept of gravity is gravity itself.

~p is false.
p is true.

equivalent to p: A concept of reality isn't reality itself.
This is true.

>Fighting a man-made concept of reality with another man-made concept of reality.
If you fight a man-made concept of reality with another man-made concept of reality, you're replacing one concept with another.

Therefore, what I implied is that the way to fight an existential crisis is to see reality, not the concept.


>>implying man-made concepts of reality aren't real and can be ignored easily
The concept is real, but is not reality. (~p)
Since I never implied they should be ignored, I do not need to prove your statement false.

>What you are requesting is of similar magnitude as breaking free of gravity.
This is false, since the concept of reality is not reality itself (p), yet you treat it as such. I never requested that you break free form gravity. Therefore, your comment relies on the concept of reality being reality itself.

I don't even understand what you're saying. Frankly, you use a lot of women logic, in there. You're so eager and anxious to find "truth" that you believe anything that has potential for truth. I don't know why I still try to show you things, for you do not see.

>> No.2769335

equivalent to p: A concept of reality isn't reality itself.
This is true. (by definition)

>> No.2769336

All I want is wrist deep pockets. I'm tired of buying these shitty trousers with pockets that only come up to your second knuckle.

>> No.2769338

Oh yes, i forgot to add this: They do not have the same magnitude. Since they are not the same, and not even equivalent, and being the concept of reality being limited to a certain perspective upon reality, it is not of similar magnitude.

>> No.2769339

*Since reality is independent of perspective

>> No.2769347

This is me, again. I'm sorry by the lack of efficiency of thought and the grammatical and spelling mistakes, I'm on fasting, right now. I'm having a hard time concentrating on external things.

>> No.2769352
File: 45 KB, 317x480, Derrida+Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw logical positivism

>> No.2769359
File: 39 KB, 825x825, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frankly, you use a lot of women logic

0/10 get yr hands off my logos

>> No.2769364

Why don't you start saying useful things, actually?

The image you always send out to this board is that you're an angry neckbeard who still haven't come to terms with his homossexuality.

>> No.2769366

You seem upset today, friend. Is everything alright at home?

>> No.2769373

Yes, thank you for asking. It's just that you dismiss things by mere sarcasm. This is a very usual tool for defense of internally devised systems of thought.

>> No.2769382

stay off lit

>> No.2769384

To be honest, I was just being contrarian and injecting a little Derridean nonsense into the thread.

I actually agree with what you said. I just think it was silly that you felt the need to organize it into formal logic. The concept "horse" is not a horse, and all that.

You also seem prone to being offended, and that's always fun to play with.

>> No.2769393

I wasn't offended. I'm sorry if I appeared so.

>> No.2769397

No need to apologize. Sorry if I appeared to be an angry neckbeard who still haven't come to terms with his homossexuality.

>> No.2769532

You´re supposed to stop obsessing over yourself and start being active instead. Self-centeredness is the biggest part of these "existential crises". And as the Christians knew well, "idle hands are the devil´s workshop".

Seriously, what you need is some kind of productive or creative activity, something that
a) you can spend your time with and
b) will give you something to be proud of.

>> No.2769927

Try Camus.

>> No.2769938
File: 690 KB, 631x468, dead in a box looking like kurt cobain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, Varg, but I suggest getting back to your roots and making music like you made it in the early 90s, rather than dicking around with the woeful neofolk-inspired crap you sell to pay your rent these days.

>> No.2769959

Don't listen to him, Varg. Fallen was you best work so far. I like what you're doing with the mixing, very "classical".

>> No.2769979
File: 22 KB, 256x320, dead thinks u silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try, Varg, but you won't pull the wool over /lit/'s eyes so easily.

>> No.2769998
File: 7 KB, 269x215, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2770011

go to bed varg

>> No.2770012
File: 32 KB, 500x398, i guess you could say he's...dead YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2770036

Knife above shotgun, Euronymous did a shitty job.

>> No.2770049


Yeah, I always thought it was pretty lame of him to re-pose that shit. And make up the bullshit about skull fragment necklaces and cannibalism and all that. It would have been interesting in an unpleasant way if he actually did it, but to bullshit that is just silly.

>> No.2770064

>That filename.
>Not using the obvious "I guess he just blew it"
Oh anon...

>> No.2770100

realize /x/ is right when it comes to ghosts
also /sci/ logic is worst logic

>> No.2770103

>women logic
Oh yeah you sure are fucking logical.
fuck off back to /r9k/, "woman" logic does not exist you cunt.

>> No.2770104

I was just there, that place is fucking crazy.

>> No.2770109

>And as the Christians knew well, "idle hands are the devil´s workshop".

>mfw my dad told me that once
>i didn't listen


>> No.2770122
File: 50 KB, 350x463, 1340834145763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
